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Stupid Things You Were Scared Of...

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...As a Kid

This thread stems from a discussion I recently had with my older sister after seeing Episode III. Throughout the entire movie, she would wince and cringe whenever a wookie was on screen or made noise. She changes the channel whenever she sees Star Wars commercials featuring wookies. Turns out she used to be scared of any sort of movie puppets, including gremlins, ewoks and that alien thing from Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey.

I wasn't really scared of puppets but parts of my house--all these fears stemmed from my stupid sister:

The Toilet-

She made up a story when I was about 5 years old that you could get sucked down the toilet --not because of flushing it, but because 50 years ago, back when they didn't know how to make toilets, a boy named Billy Hucksaw was sucked down the drain into the sewers and now lived there to pull other children down the drain as soon as they flushed. And at the time, I was a huge Ninja Turtles Fan, so this seemed possible.

The Closet-

My evil sister hid in their one night just as I was falling asleep and scratched the doors from the inside to scare the hell out of me.

Others: the vacuum cleaner, the furnace, the toaster...
who is in your avatar? I fear him

I fear water getting in my ears.

edit: Oh as a kid... I feared Micheal Jackson (Thriller fucked me up)


On a related note, when I was little, I convinced my friends that an Indian burn would cause their arm to fall off in the middle of the night :lol

This was of course AFTER I gave them all Indian burns. :)


The showerhead once turned on because I or my mother hit the wrong thing on accident. It really surprised me, being a year old or so, and I was afraid of the showerhead until I was two or three.

Then, for a good amount of time (4-5 or 5-6, I can't remember), I saw this ghostly figure ascending our staircase late at night after everyone had gone to bed (usually after I woke up from a nightmare). My room was at the top of the staircase and I always shut the door when it was about two steps away.

evil ways

When I was a child, the sliding doors to my closet were mirrors, and I was afraid when I went to sleep thinking that I would see something like the devil or a ghost in them.


there's an entrance to the attic in my closet, which is right next to my bed, and to this day i'm still slightly afraid of it.

actually it had worn off but then i saw the grudge, and that opening scene rekindled the fear

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Jack in the Box. When I was like 7 or so, my next door neighbor told me that somebody had died while eating a burger from there. I don't know whether it was true or not, but to this day, I've never been to that chain in my life. =O


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Parts of the basement. I don't really know why. There weren't any specific weird things down there that freaked me out, but if I had to go down there alone I'd make sure it was a quick trip.

Spiders. They still freak the shit out of me. I'm the definition of arachnophobic.
I wasn't scared of them when I was little but for some reason I'm scared of birds now. Small ones. Like this:

and this:

(It scares me just looking at those pictures.) ;_;
I think the little kids that run and chase after those flocks are really brave (yes, I know that sounds pathetic) :( My friends have a field day when we go out to the city or to a park....Bastards...


^Pigeons make me sick. One flew in my face downtown and I passed out.

Smiles and Cries said:
who is in your avatar? I fear him

That's my brother--and yeah, I'm kinda scared of him too.... He has better than perfect vision, I've only seen him really sick with a cold maybe 5 times in his life and this one time at a garden party, a cinder block fell off a shelf onto his arm, and it broke--he didn't even have a bruise. I think he might be UNBREAKABLE....


Haha crazy, Arwen.

Not much scares me anymore, but when I was a kid I read this book on ghosts in kindergarten. Looking back, it was full of BS. It basically took ordinary anythings and made up ghost forms of them with illustrations, like ghost squirrels, or ghost rabbits! :eek:

Regardless, I was scared of ghosts/the dark etc. from when I was 5 to probably when I was...12 to 13?

Aliens still freak me out, well just reading about them on GAF sometimes late at night :S But it's only if I let it get to me...

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Absolutely crapped my pants when I saw Ghostbusters as a kid. Also...
gillesbalmet thriller 200203.jpg
I had to tear my sticker of MJ off my bedroom door because of the fear Thriller injected in me.
There was an episode of Dungeons and Dragons where a kid was sleeping in his bed in the 'real' world then there was a glow under his bed which sucked him into the D&D world screaming. I had many sleepless nights after that! Boy was I a pussy child


Still Tagged Accordingly
not to be all macho but i'm not afraid of anything now. as a kid there were plenty, but now... nothing comes to mind.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
What might be lurking beyond the end of my bed when lying there awake at night.

Didn't help that I'd seen an Outer Limits episode about some devil teddy bear under a kid's bed that could talk.

Hey I found it, "Under The Bed":

"When a little boy is abducted the only witness, his sister, claims that someone or something under the bed took him."

Musashi Wins!

SnowWolf said:
Jack in the Box. When I was like 7 or so, my next door neighbor told me that somebody had died while eating a burger from there. I don't know whether it was true or not, but to this day, I've never been to that chain in my life. =O

It's true. Credit a brilliant ad campaign in basically rebirthing their brand.


gooey gus from ghostwriter.
who sort of looks like brian pepper

"are you laughing at me"

[insert brian pepper image here]

[insert gooey gus image here]


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Dogs. I've had a grip of strays chase me quite a few times growing up.

and the Thriller video


the stairway leading up out of my basement was very long. When i would go up the stairs, the sound of my footsteps would echo back off the wall at the bottom and it would sound like i was being followed. I went faster, it got louder. My rate of ascent was always exponential.


Scrow said:
not to be all macho but i'm not afraid of anything now. as a kid there were plenty, but now... nothing comes to mind.

Nor me, as the years have passed my fears have become less and less and now i'm scared of just about nothing. God bless a protected childhood.


When I was a kid, I used to be scared of the Lock and Chase boxart. I even avoid looking at the shelf where my father stored all his games. Same thing for the Mazes of Tron boxart

edit: :|
As a kid, I was afraid of Ronald Mcdonald, elephants, and my Uncle Steve.
Now there is nothing to fear.....well, except for the super-AIDS.



Ronald mcDonalds and friends.

I remember people were dressed up as them at a local McDonalds and Grimace was chasing me around.

My cousin told me Ronald McDonald cuts your wrists.
I used to be scared of the voice on the answering machien. The one that said "end...of...messages" after it finished playing messages. I was horribly afraid of it.

I also used to have this sesame street game on the NES. I don't even remember what you were supposed to do, spell I think, but if you messed up there was this moon that would frown and shake it's head and make some noise. That thing scared the crap out of me.

I used to be scared that if I scratched my back too much, another arm would grow out of it. This came from a dream I had about my dad (who would always, when he was home, walk around scratching his back...I dreamed another arm grew out of it because of that).

I used to be scared of walking on the little metal grates in the street. The ones that water is supposed to drain into to keep the roads relatively dry. I always felt like they'd fall through. I still am a little worried today, but nothing bad.

Bees. I was deathly afraid of bees. Wasps too, anything that stung/bit.

Rental cars. I had this strange fear that my parents didn't know how to drive any cars other than their own. Odd...yes.

I was a scared little child.


I had the dumbest fear ever...as a small kid for whatever reason, I was afraid of loose tape(film, like VHS film) blowing in the wind...I dunno, for some reason its shiny, dark colored appearance flailing about in the wind used to just freak me out.


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
Have any of you guys seen "Ernest:Scared Stupid"? I saw that movie with my brothers when I was about 6, and I have been afraid of that troll from the movie ever since. I used to go to sleep with milk, because if you remember, that's how u killed it. The one scene that truly scared me was when this girl was looking all around her room because she heard a noise, she gets up the courage to look under the bed but finds nothing.....then she rolls over and the troll is lying next to her in the bed. He used to turn children into little wooden statues. Scared the SHIT out of me.

Also I am the textbook definition of an arachniphobiac(sp?). College buddies think it's hilarious, especially when we're outdoors. The dark still creeps me out. Funny story to go with that.

When I was younger my brothers used to beat on me and lock me in our basement. One time my one brother locked me down there, while my other brother crept around the back of the house to the other basement entrance, switched off the circuit breaker, and ran at me dressed up in this wolfman costume that he had custom made. This happened to me when I was about 5 years old...and ever since then I've been afraid of the Wolfman and the dark.

BTW, I've since grown bigger than both of my brothers and have given them their fair share of beatings and scares.
I kinda still don't like spiders (not truly scared, just really dislike). My one big fear that'll probably never go away is my fear of hieghts, it's not bad if it's an enclosed area, but once I'm on a balcony looking down (like on the eiffel tower), the anxiety kicks in, sweaty palms and all that (hands getting swaety just thinking about it right now) :(


These (as a young'un of course) :(


^ The eel. I would run away (me myself, not mario) when my brother would try to force me to get the star from it.


and my sisters had chased me screaming into a corner with one of these at the age of 4 or 5


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
These (as a young'un of course) :(

That made me feel old, you bastard. Even tho I was like 12-13 when I got my N64...it feels so recent.
mariohat said:
These (as a young'un of course) :(


^ The eel. I would run away (me myself, not mario) when my brother would try to force me to get the star from it.

Is that from Mario 64? Why do I not remember that?


morbidaza said:
Is that from Mario 64? Why do I not remember that?

It's one of the stars in Dire, Dire Docks, where you had to wait until Unagi came out and grab the star from his tail

Btw, I used to fucking hate this one puppet I had on my wall because I swear to god that thing would talk to me at night sometimes


Tagged as I see fit
One word:


I saw it when I was 8, I remember it clearly. I didn't get a good night's rest for month :(

I'm over it now and can watch any scary movie I want, but that one left scars for a while. You know how when you start a scary movie you *have* to finish...well, yeah. I don't know how I got away with watching this one at such a young age. Must have been at one of my stupid friends' houses.
Beezy said:
I was afraid of Chuckie........go ahead and laugh. <_>

Actually I was too until that hilarious scene where he tries to choke a guy with a plastic bag. That guy could have easily just tore a hole into the bag to breathe. Dumbass.
t-rex from jurrassic park i was convinced it was looking in my window.

and mars attacks scared the crap outta me. Something to do with the skeletons


TheOMan said:
One word:


I saw it when I was 8, I remember it clearly. I didn't get a good night's rest for month :(

I'm over it now and can watch any scary movie I want, but that one left scars for a while. You know how when you start a scary movie you *have* to finish...well, yeah. I don't know how I got away with watching this one at such a young age. Must have been at one of my stupid friends' houses.

Two Words:

Freddy Cougar--to this day I have never watched a Nightmare on Elm Street movie and I never will.


Kruger.. +1 for me too: The Depp death played in my mind again and again... Really shouldnt have watched that shit when I was 10 :/
+1 for Werewolf Micheal as well


I used to be afraid to shut my door at night; I thought if something was inside my room no-one would hear me scream.

I also used to think if I went into the furnace room alone, the furnace would eat me, it always makes noises and I thought it was its stomach growling.
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