When dolls or dummies would come to life in scary movies. Remember the ventriloquist's dummy from the film "Magic"? I couldn't even LOOK at a picture of it. I still have never seen that film (it probably isn't even scary as an adult). The clown in Poltergeist added to my fear of dummies/clowns/dolls coming to life.
I used to watch Chiller Theater & Shock Theater as a kid, late Saturday nights. It's funny when I think of how my active mind would invent stuff as I went to my bedroom and tried to fall asleep under the covers, where (as Bill Cosby always said) the monsters can't get you. I swear I heard Dracula breathing in my ear one night, I could feel his very presence and was so scared I could not find a voice to scream for mom to come & stick a stake in him. It wasn't dumb old modern-day Oldman dracula either, it was Christopher Lee dracula!
I used to be afraid of being tied down, or locked in a tight enclosed area too. That's got to be a somewhat common fear though.