Body parts everywhere according to the news, terrible way to die, daesh are fucking cowards preying on the innocent.Horrible..that's a lot of dead.
Body parts everywhere according to the news, terrible way to die, daesh are fucking cowards preying on the innocent.Horrible..that's a lot of dead.
Body parts everywhere according to the news, terrible way to die, daesh are fucking cowards preying on the innocent.
The attacks on Shia are believed to be funded and encouraged by Saudi nationals, and very senior members of the house of Saud. Who are our friends. It's a disgusting hot mess.
That's a grave and brave position that not many take.
sooo is ISIS trying to restart the Caliphate like...700AD or the middle ages ottoman...cause they are ...acting just like that..have they come out with the same old story , they are the true true TRUE islam not sunni or shia or do they claim to be one of the two main branches of Islam.
Tell me about it, muslims attacking muslims is the absolute polar opposite of what the religion transcribed originally.
Everything is inherently wrong about ISIS so called vision for Islam. They've managed to warp, twist and completely change what it represents. Slave markets, outright execution of minority groups, rampant murder to name a few.
It's like what they do is intentionally supposed to generate hatred on a global scale for muslims. Something that will have huge ramifications if pulled off successfully, which it is thus far unfortunately.
You don't attain representation and security through killing innocent people, Isis has to be stopped first before any of the underlying shit can be addressed. And then you have Iran-sponsored shia militias running around, they need to be dealt with as well. There are probably 40-60k Isis combatants out there, we take that number down to zero, it'll be awhile before anything starts again, and it's going to send a message.It seems that the house of saud, while also wahhabi, is politically inclined not to support isis. However isis, as models of wahhabism, garners significant support among the saudi populace. It is not outrage to think that isis could enjoy unrestricted travel through saudi arabia at the hand of sympathetic members of the saudi military (who might have tipped off isis regarding the general they killed) Complex as always:
Isis is a symptom. There is a real need for both representation and security among large sunni populations across the region that are either not being supplied or are directly threatened by the shia led goverments and institutions. This doesn't downplay the enormity of what isis is and does, however eliminating them will not solve the problem.
There were at least 128 religious people there. Roughly 126 of them were peaceful. Two were violent. But yeah, let's lump religious people in there with terrorists.
While you're at it, you should add "men," "middle easterners," "brown-skinned people," "humans," "bipeds," and "obligate aerobes" to your post.
Sunni-brand Islamic caliphate, they're blowing up Shia mosques.Yes. Spread the caliphate by killing Muslims and blowing up mosques. That makes sense.
Hope your family is safe.This is so fucking awful.
Anyone know if a list of names of the dead are somewhere? Basically my whole family lives in Sanaa
I'm surprised ISIS hasn't been wiped off the face of the earth yet. They've pissed off pretty much all the major superpowers. You would think the combined intelligence+firepower of a dozen of the worlds most powerful nations would be enough to destroy a bunch of guerilla fighters in no time...
Sunni-brand Islamic caliphate, they're blowing up Shia mosques.
According to this they were chanting "Death to America, Death to Israel" when the bomb went off:
I'm kind of conflicted over this.
According to this they were chanting "Death to America, Death to Israel" when the bomb went off:
I'm kind of conflicted over this.
Sure. All middle east countries are a hotbed of war and violence right now. Every single one...The Middle East is in shambles.
According to this they were chanting "Death to America, Death to Israel" when the bomb went off:
I'm kind of conflicted over this.
You mean this :
Obviously no one deserves to be killed for his or her opinions. A horrible tragedy especially when it happens in a place of worship, where people are supposed to find peace.
13 children among the deceasedFuck these lunatics.
I can't muster any sympathy for them when they are chanting for death in that place of worship. I don't think the death of their children at the hands of IS will even make them to pause to think their propagation of hatred against the US and Israel in a mosque is wrong and misguided.
Unfortunately a good chunk of the "peaceful" ones there were chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO ISRAEL" seconds before they were blown up.There were at least 128 religious people there. Roughly 126 of them were peaceful. Two were violent. But yeah, let's lump religious people in there with terrorists.
While you're at it, you should add "men," "middle easterners," "brown-skinned people," "humans," "bipeds," and "obligate aerobes" to your post.
I can't muster any sympathy for them when they are chanting for death in that place of worship. I don't think the death of their children at the hands of IS will even make them to pause to think their propagation of hatred against the US and Israel in a mosque is wrong and misguided.
Regardless of Suadi Arabia's relationship with isis, the idea that isis would have free passage through Iran is ludicrous.
Regardless of Suadi Arabia's relationship with isis, the idea that isis would have free passage through Iran is ludicrous.
Unfortunately a good chunk of the "peaceful" ones there were chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA, DEATH TO ISRAEL" seconds before they were blown up.
And I don't think we should so quickly ignore the role religion plays in all of this.
Fucking wow.I can't muster any sympathy for them when they are chanting for death in that place of worship. I don't think the death of their children at the hands of IS will even make them to pause to think their propagation of hatred against the US and Israel in a mosque is wrong and misguided.