Surely they meant 2020, right? Rocksteady hasn't released anything of note since 2015. What have they been doing for the past 5 years?
Same, could have come out with a superman game, a daredevil game, hell even batman beyond and this is what we get after what 7-8 years of nothing?Not going to lie but that didn't do it for me. We waited years for RockSteady's new game and its this. A big meh from me.
Surely they meant 2020, right? Rocksteady hasn't released anything of note since 2015. What have they been doing for the past 5 years?
If MS buys them i think it will only get worse to be honest.Trash. I have changed my mind and hope MS buys them after all. Can’t get any worse than this.
Why does superman look like john cena...da fuq
Honestly who asked for this? I don't even know these characters besides Harley Quinn
They should have made a bad ass Wonderwoman game if they wanted woke points
I'll wait to see gameplay but there's just something about suicide squad I find unappealing. The entire IP always comes across as some failed edgy cartoon from the 90's.
I'm not into comics and I think even I could name like 10 DC characters I'd prefer to see in game form.
The fact they are describing it as a Coop shooter is probably the most disappointing part. Don't we have enough of those ?
This could go two ways:
It could be a Sunset Overdrive like game with an interesting fun open world, fast gameplay, agile traversal, stylish moves and entertaining enemies..... Or it could be an boring gaas Avengers like game....
Curious about the gameplay and if it will have leveling, customization and loot...
- Playable characters are Harley Quinn, King Shark, Deadshot and Captain Boomerang
- Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is a direct continuation of the Arkhamverse
- Rocksteady, 2022, PS5, XSX, PC
- 1-4 Player Co-op or Single Player with Bots
I think so.It's confirmed to be a shooter isnt it?
I'm not into comics and I think even I could name like 10 DC characters I'd prefer to see in game form.
Dude I came here to say the same thing, literally blackwashed a character in their own universe just because? They should have just used any other black character like Bronze Tiger. This honestly doesn't look too hot. Character selection is meh, and since when can Captain Boomerang teleport like Noctis? I'll reserve full judgment for the trailer, but with all the fuckery they did to the Arkhamverse in Arkham Knight, I'm reluctant. I'm actually happier to see Arkham Knights is doing a new canon.Confirmed to be Arkhamverse. I guess Deadshot just decided to switch races.
Confirmed to be Arkhamverse. I guess Deadshot just decided to switch races.
They probably acknowledge that at this point way more people are familiar with the film and Will Smith's role than the previous incarnation or the comic versions.Dude I came here to say the same thing, literally blackwashed a character in their own universe just because? They should have just used any other black character like Bronze Tiger.
Here come the whining...
It is sad. If you go any where else but here , people are happy about the trailer and the game. What has Neogaf become?
Apparently, it has become a place where people who don't actually play games bitch constantly about them.
I am literally shocked at the negative response in this thread? Did GAF hate the Arkham games? This looks more fun than the knights game if we are just comparing cg trailers.
Did they say only online co-op? I hope they have 2 player local
For all those whining about the way the characters look, you know they are going to have alternative costumes right? I would be exceptionally surprised if they didn't at least.
Honestly this looks so similar to the knights game. Will be interesting to see which is better when the dust settles.
Love me some rocksteady.
Even more reason to try and distance the character!They probably acknowledge that at this point way more people are familiar with the film and Will Smith's role than the previous incarnation or the comic versions.
Comics have reimaged characters many times over the decades.
A wonder woman game would be amazing. This i dunnoHonestly who asked for this? I don't even know these characters besides Harley Quinn
They should have made a bad ass Wonderwoman game if they wanted woke points
I would love to hear what has been going on there behind the scenes these last 5 or so years.
Its even set in Metropolis. You can tell Rocksteady wanted to make Superman.
I think people might wonder WTF has Rocksteady been doing for the past 5 years when a CGI trailer is all they have to show for it. And it's still two years out.All the flavors in the world and you had to pick salty, GAF? Looks like a fine introduction to a project years away from completion.
Oddly enough, Superman was the only character that looked off to me.![]()
lol thats john cena in a superman suit
Oh noes, white man is evil (again), Diversity Squad to the rescue!
I’m good. Reset Era isn’t a gaming forum. It’s a repository for SJW horseshit.You know guys, resetera is right there. Complain about people whining while whining. What a paradox.