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Suikoden IV is (somewhat surprisingly) really really fun!


I'm only about 3 hours into Suikoden IV, but I'm having a heck of a lot of fun with it so I thought I'd give some impressions.

First I'll get the few negatives out of the way:
--Loading is a problem. Slow loading into battle, slow loading out of battle, slow loading between cutscenes (Character A: Hey look out the window! -> 4-6 sec black load screen -> look outside window for 2 secs -> 4-6 sec black load screen -> Character A: wow!).
--The game has the longest beginning ever in a rpg. I didn't hit the first plot cutscene until 1:30 mins into the game, and IMO Suikoden games don't even start until your character gets his rune and that's not until near post 2 hours into this game.

Ok so despite a slow start, once the plot cutscenes start up you start really liking the game. The story is really great so far and has this big 'tons of characters in the world, tons of sides, tons of conflicts, and the powerful and deadly runes". It really feels like the first 2 games in the way that the plot is unfolding. Next the cutscenes are short but great and include TONS of branching. Because there are so many party variations with the 108 characters, I was wondering how they would pull off group dialogues. Well during a cutscenes if your party members decide to have some lines, the camera cuts to a real-time scene of the camera at some angle and then all your current say their lines FULLY-VOICED! This means that you can play through story parts with all kinds of different characters in your group and get fully voiced cutscenes which just add a ton of personality to the side characters IMO. Especially since the voice acting in this game is great so far, it's like they hired every Japanese voice acter/actress out there. Anyhow I like the character writing so far. A few of the characters might be pretty standard, but the character designs and their dialogue make them really enjoyable to watch and interesting. Couple that with 108 of them on your side + all the NPC important characters and you have a game that is just filled with great characters.

Visually is the opposite of S3. The game runs at almost 60fps all the time unlike the sub 15fps in the previous game. To do this they basically made everything low poly. The environments are about PS1 level of complexity...but you can have like 10+ characters on screen walking around or doing things while still moving around at 60fps. The cutscene graphics are also smooth and utilize this bizzare filter that makes everything in the background focus extremely pixalated. Like beyond PS1 pixelation, think NES or even Atari 2600. I think this is supposed to give the game a 'retro' look and feel a little closer to the old games. I think it actually works pretty well and gives it a unique feel to it's cutscenes.

The general animation in the game is quite good IMO. What was really cool to see was that in battle all 108 characters have their own unique (and often cool) attack animation. Even the enemies get nice animation and it's great seeing them crumple to the ground when they die Also the camera swoops around during battles and kinda follows the action, it's a pretty neat little effect that just adds to the game. When the camera is the best is the Duels...

The Duels rock in this game. They are the exact same as S1&2 but when the 2 characters attack/defend/deathblow the camera swings around as they dance around fighting almost with great choreography. For instance if both of you defend you'll get a cutscene of both characters slowly circling with their sword raised to defend, keeping a stern eye on each other. Also all the duel quotes are voice acted which works great hearing the opponent shout his lines.

The regular battle system is also pretty fun. It's basically the S1&2 battle system but with 4 people instead of 6. You input all the commands and then hit go and everyone does their thing. The team attacks are visually nice and it'll be fun trying to find them all. They seem to level up by the amount you use them.

So Duels rock, battle system is sold, next is the ship battles! The ship battles so far are actually quite fun. They're a mix of the old land strategy battles, the rock/paper/scissors chain of what cannon beats what, and actually real battles where you jump onto the enemies ship and fight their leaders vs. yours. It really seems like a fun system and it'll be interesting to see if you can upgrade your ship by buying parts or even other ships throughout the game.

Speaking of ships, the whole sea based story is actually being used very well so far. You see all different varieties of ships on the sea and everything from 1 on 1 ship fights to armadas intent on destruction. Also you use your ship to go everywhere in a Wind Waker sort of thing. I guess it was the solution to having a full world map, yet still maintaining realistic proportions. Anyways you can open the map, point at your next location, and set the ship on auto-sail in that direction which is pretty convinent. Also the world doesn't seem that huge so I don't think we'll have WW length trips.

The music is back! Despite music being such a major part of S1&2, in S3 it kinda disappeared to the background. Well there seems to be a ton of music and while I haven't really heard enough to judge it, it's just nice to have full loud music everywhere you go.

Anyhow it just seems, like what was mentioned here a while ago, that the team was well aware of all the issues with Suikoden III and went out to make a game that felt NOTHING like it (sorry S3 fans) :p The game really does feel like it was made using Suikoden II as a base and I can't think of a single thing that was carried from S3 into this game. So in other words it's like we can just forget S3 happened and go back to liking the series :)

Though given how early in I am, the game could fall apart. But the feeling it's giving is a very good one at this point!


I hate that I have to wait until January to play this. Suikoden II is one of my top five games of all time.

Ranger X

screen walking around or doing things while still moving around at 60fps. The cutscene graphics are also smooth and utilize this bizzare filter that makes everything in the background focus extremely pixalated. Like beyond PS1 pixelation, think NES or even Atari 2600. I think this is supposed to give the game a 'retro' look and feel a little closer to the old games. I think it actually works pretty well and gives it a unique feel to it's cutscenes.

What is that supposed to mean??? You talk about the focus effect that is shitty like in FF10 or something? If it's shitty as FF10 or worse, it's definetely NOT cool must not give any unique feeling except maybe the feeling to sit on a toilet.


too bad about the character artwork. kawano-san is very, very nice, and she seems to have done the right thing with the game itself, but the character artwork blows compared to 2 & 3. fumi ishikawa 4-evah


About 1/2 way through the game now and I take back a lot of what my early impressions were.

This game is a mess and is as messed up as Suikoden III. But this time it's mainly stupid little problems (loading, encounter rate, SHIP DOCKING PROCEDURE) that really kill the game, rather than a terrible battle system, framerate and mess of a story like SIII (although the story here is a mess too, but at least it's fast paced and not filled with tons of repetition).

Right now the game is riding the bottom of the 8/10 line and while I'm enjoying it because it is 'Suikoden' and it somewhat feels like the PS1 games, the game is definitely nowhere near the quality of Suikoden II or probably even Suikoden I.

I guess when the creator left the series midway through Suikoden III they should've just canned it completely or released a book. Other people just don't have the ability to work with the creator's story.

Still not a terrible game, rather a fun game that's a techinical mess. I do not suggest anyone import it unless they are really dry for an rpg at the moment.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Is your complaint about the encounter rate that it is too high? I love high encounter rates, what fun can I have if I can't overpower my characters to ridiculous levels? ;)


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
DarienA said:
Is your complaint about the encounter rate that it is too high? I love high encounter rates, what fun can I have if I can't overpower my characters to ridiculous levels? ;)

I've always liked that one spot in some RPGs with monsters you really shouldn't be fighting at the moment, but if you actually manage to beat them, you'll gain a shitload of EXP... You know, like the peninsula northeast of Pravoka in FF1.


DarienA said:
Is your complaint about the encounter rate that it is too high? I love high encounter rates, what fun can I have if I can't overpower my characters to ridiculous levels? ;)

I don't mind high encounter rates. Atlus games have pretty high encounter rates.

In Suikoden IV you SAIL from location to location just like Zelda WW. During this sailing time you get into a random battle about every 2-3 secs -> 5 secs of loading -> 20 secs of tapping O -> 5 secs of loading -> advance 2 secs -> battle, repeat. Going from one island to another can easily take you 30 mins. I just hold foward with 1 hand and keep tapping O when I hear the battle starting sound. Meanwhile I do other more productive things. Seriously this will be the game to end all games when it comes to people bitching about encounter rates.
Bebpo said:
Seriously this will be the game to end all games when it comes to people bitching about encounter rates.
Shit. I was really excited about this one (ships!), and I had been wondering about the encounter rate. I'm oversensitive to random encounters, so it looks like it won't be for me. :(


Bebpo said:
I don't mind high encounter rates. Atlus games have pretty high encounter rates.

In Suikoden IV you SAIL from location to location just like Zelda WW. During this sailing time you get into a random battle about every 2-3 secs -> 5 secs of loading -> 20 secs of tapping O -> 5 secs of loading -> advance 2 secs -> battle, repeat. Going from one island to another can easily take you 30 mins. I just hold foward with 1 hand and keep tapping O when I hear the battle starting sound. Meanwhile I do other more productive things. Seriously this will be the game to end all games when it comes to people bitching about encounter rates.

Sounds like Skies of Arcadia.
Bebpo said:
During this sailing time you get into a random battle about every 2-3 secs -> 5 secs of loading -> 20 secs of tapping O -> 5 secs of loading -> advance 2 secs -> battle, repeat. Going from one island to another can easily take you 30 mins. I just hold foward with 1 hand and keep tapping O when I hear the battle starting sound.



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Can anyone say Skies of Arcadia?

Edit: Damn!!! beat to the punch!!!


Loading times and high encounter rate is a minor complaint for me.

So I think I'll still be happy about the game.


I'm still getting the game, as the series is one of my faves. Maybe the NA version will have tweaked loading and a more balanced encounter rate? Hopefully it'll work with HDLoader, so the loading time becomes a non-issue.


It would be nice if they did something about both the encounter rate and loading, but fixing just one would greatly impact the other. I too hope the localization doesn't suck, but I more than likely won't get this until March.


I haven't been reading up on this too much since I really didn't care for III at all, but does it have HDD support? That should ease up on the loading time for random battles. Pretty inexcusable if it doesnt' have it IMO.


Zaptruder said:
Poor Suikoden :(

There'll always be Suikoden II.

I actually enjoyed I and III a bit more than II. II's story was damn weak, I was disappointed. Maybe I missed something, but I didn't much care for it.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I think I might enjoy III... but the first time I got in to a battle... I was like WTF? Is there a FAQ anywhere that goes in depth in to how the battle system works?
I will forgive just about anything if the game has good story and characters, like the rest of the series. Part 1 was simplistic, part 2 was too similar to 1, and part 3 was too repetitive, but Suikoden is my favorite game series due to the strong story connecting them all and the rich world that has developed around them.

I particularly love the complex history that the series has developed and the twisted international intrigue. I hope 4 has more references to the Water Margin than 2 and 3 did, although I don't expect entire scenes almost entirely lifted, like the armored cavalry from part 1.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
DarienA said:
I think I might enjoy III... but the first time I got in to a battle... I was like WTF? Is there a FAQ anywhere that goes in depth in to how the battle system works?

sure just line the guys up and sometimes they work together... ummm and well it is not an exact science
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