Not yet, definitely will.
I saw screenshots with tentacle rape... yeah.
Swe~ wait,
isn't Saya the monster
Not yet, definitely will.
I saw screenshots with tentacle rape... yeah.
PGSM is truly, truly outrageous. Incredibly awful yet utterly amazing at the same time. Only a crazy man would recommend it though.
It's uh not exactly impossible or unprecedented for a product aimed at women to be sexist towards them.
You can't resist Plushie Luna.
Sword Art Online 1
Revealing the players' real identities was a nice touch, but I'm not sure how realisticis.2000 players dying in the first month without clearing the first floor
Only a monster could.
I think the first timewas when I began to realize the true brilliance of PGSM.they gave plushy Luna a different expression by cutting her eyes in half
Hogger, man.
Za beasto.
No, it does not disqualify it. I haven't seen Borat, so I don't really feel comfortable commenting on that. Though, I don't feel comfortable talking about anti-Semitism in general.What about something written by a woman? Does that not disqualify it from being sexist? Is Borat an anti-Semitic film despite Sacha Baron Cohen being Jewish?
Exactly, look at self-hating gay men. Minorities and those in weaker positions can often act against their own interests.No way Jose. I'm surprised you've never met a self-loathing female who has internalized sexism. They're not exactly uncommon.
*faints*UY's not so bad.
Being in such a good mood about anime & life as I am right now, I'm going to try both at the same time!
SAO - 01
That bromance is beautiful, and also reminds me of how I am with my MMO peeps too. I'm looking forward to this.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
I like it! Ghost dude is pretty annoying, though. Just move on already and let the MC get his waifu.![]()
MMO Kotetsu is the best.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
I like it! Ghost dude is pretty annoying, though. Just move on already and let the MC get his waifu.![]()
Man we get two Kotetsus this season; one in looks and one in voice. We're so lucky.
Just a few days to more HAREM NIGHT.
So what, they just finished the quarter finals in Saki? It's going to take years for them to do the semi-finals then. lolThat's why it was going to end here, originally, probably, to have it end with Teru... but it would be annoying to not have the remaining four matches get any time, so I think it's great that it'll continue. Will it be dramatic? We'll see, but given that they have only three episodes for four rounds, it certainly can't match this epic four episode match.
... On the note of long matches, if you want to know what's happening in the main Saki manga, the very, very long quarterfinal match just ended... yes, really. To understand why this is such a big deal, the first round of Kiyosumi B-side quarterfinal started in chapter 69, and the match just ended in chapter 99. Yes, it took up almost a third of the entire series, in terms of number of chapters. For a long time I thought it would never end, but it just did. If you want to spoil yourself, find my post about it in the manga thread. Otherwise, don't read it. But yes, the ending was a bit surprising.
... I wonder how many episodes it'd take for a TV series to cover that whole match... sure, some of those chapters are short (we're talking about 8-16 page chapters here, usually, not 35-65 page Achiga chapters), but still, that's a lot to cover. It'd be at least 6-8 episodes, I'd think. ... Gah, I'm making myself want to see this animated now... but I know it'll be so far off. Frustrating.![]()
Yep, if they spent all that time on baseball or football or something, I'd be eternally bored. Unless, of course, it was some wacky sport that no one cares about like curling or high-jump or something.Arcana Famiglia 1
Why would it be worse if it was about a real sport? Do you mean that it's because you don't like any real sports, so you wouldn't care? I guess so, but I didn't care about mahjong before I started watching Saki, so you don't have to come in liking the sport to like the franchise.
Eternal backlog.Seriously, you should watch the original series, soon. Sure, it may not have much in the way of yuri, but it's a far, far better anime series than its sequel is. Last Exile is a great series.
Kokoro Connect 01
And they said there was nothing good this season...
Kokoro Connect 01
And they said there was nothing good this season...
*scratches Kokoro Connect off the list*Kokoro Connect 01
And they said there was nothing good this season...
Also, this show understands gamers:
All dudes, all female avatars, lol. Kirito will do well to avoid the nerds in his quest for survival.
Not going to lie, I used a female avatar in PSN Home, until it became apparent that the general populace doesn't seem to get that most female avatars belong to male players (either eye candy or the blatant preference that gamers give to "females"). So bitter about running into white knights whenever a female showed up in a game of Culdcept Saga.
Sword Art Online 1
Why do I get the feeling that despite being directly told that most of the people playing this game are guys that Kirito is just going to be hanging out with a bunch of chicks the entire way through? I hope I'm wrong (sort of).
Other than that, I like so far. Gotta see if the story will hold up at all but it was solid.
Kokoro Connect
I guess this is out of date because he shaved his head or something?
good luck with that
(just look at the OP)
One of the guys is a Smark and loves wrestling.Whats the context of this? A show I had no interest in is a show I am now suddenly interested in.
Sword Art Online: Hope those guys arent on a PVP server. lol
One of the guys is a Smark and loves wrestling.