Can someone tell me if K-On picks up after episode 3?
Im trying to decide if I should start it back or start on Natsu no Arashi.
It picks up in season 2. lol
And watch both at the same time!
Precure never observes Valentine's Day/White Day. They're supposed to be as pure as the driven snow, y'know, and we can't very well have the affections of boys mucking that up, now can we? I think we can agree that obligatory holiday episodes suck regardless of series or culture.
And honestly, personal growth can go out the window for all I care as long as there's fun to be had. I know that they have to have episodes that are just straight-up moralizing and instilling values because of the target age group, but stuff like the relay race episode just fell so flat because the message was played so straight. The school trip to Osaka might have been the best pair of episodes because it just ditched the gimmicks entirely and focused on fun character interaction and interesting animation instead, and more like this would be more than enough to sustain me to the end of the series if necessary.
Toei are masters of barely repackaging episodes from previous seasons of Precure, so they have hundreds of gimmicks to fall back on if need be. I don't think we'll be seeing those go away any time soon.
Aria did okay fake-Italian holiday episodes at least!
Come to think of it, Sora no Woto did fake-holiday episodes too!
Didn't they learn something on the school trip? I don't really remember much about it, other than the group getting split up, but I'm sure they learned to work hard or some such.

Even that gimmicky episode with the comedy duo had a lesson about trying your best!
What plot/SF-lite gimmicks are left? One of them wishes they were never born and everyone forgets her for an episode? One of them gets hit by an aging gun and becomes an adult? Another one of them becomes a little girl?
You know, I guess the possibilities really are endless.
route is best route.
She doesn't exist for feMC!
I've told many people that P3's ending is quite possibly my favorite ending in any videogame I've played.
Part of me is kinda hoping the new movie dwells on the aftermath of the game.
It does have a very :firehawk ending, when all is said and done. Better than just riding away on a train.