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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Anime Sols crowdfunding for the first third of Oniisama e (Dear Brother) is already 20% of the way to its $13,000 goal after less than a day, and there's still a whole three months to go.


this thread is weird, i did get a screen print from the artist alley. I had come to a realization that artist alley is 99% hot asian girls selling deskjet printed Yaoi. Yeah and people spend way to much money on bad art at the artist auction.

Hmm. Well it varies by convention cause the ones here have quite a lot of talent and variety. One was even doing Muramasa art which I primptly bought.

I've been told Wolfrun is the only reason to watch Smile and I'm apt to believe it!

Apparently so according to Kirbyguy.

According to MadP, he's the only Smile character with a daki, so I guess he's really popular.

Unrelated question: if I go into NFL-GAF and profess my Bucs love, will I be accused of being an alt of this snes guy?

No worries. I would clear that up for you lol. Be prepared for lots of freeman is a fat fuck tacobell jokes though.
Sailor Moon SuperSilly 143


Not two seconds in, and I'm already going FUCK YES for multiple reasons. Yes, they're weak as hell! YES THEY'RE POWERING UP! EAT IT SEXY/SPINNING! And someone asks out Chibiusa, but apparently when she was asking Pedogasus on what to do, he looked sad and lonely, and she actually rejects him at the end, looking into the sky, I think she's also into Pedogasus.

Speaking of which, Dammit Fish Eye, you might not be into Lolis, but you're into Shota. I don't think Tiger Eye and Hawk Eye have the right to question her range of age considering they also went for the extremes. But fuck yeah! SUPER SENSHIS!


Just because you don't see it, it doesn't mean it isn't there.

also for the last time style is substance

A point with which I do not agree. The movie looks great, but that's about it. That it relies so heavily on having seen the show is its greatest weakness.


Mad Bull 34
This was a real masterpiece. First you have a predator, using sound lightsaber sound effects from Star Wars. Then you have sleepy being sleepy. Eventually
the episode becomes a drama about another one of Sleepy's dead partners which ends up with him having sex with her athlete serial killer imouto having sex with him while she calls him onii-chan. They also get married and attempt group suicide while being chased by the army.
Basically this episode:
Episode 03 is still the pinnacle of this show's entertainment value though.


4 days away and 20 pages to read through.I may have missed it in one of Arti's posts but no mention of Broken Blade getting a second anime adaptation?

It'd be nice if this community could, one day, collectively recommend something genuinely worth watching like Mad Bull 34.
I've recommended Mushishi a few times but stopped short of doing a ridiculous in-depth analysis of it because I'll probably be pretty inept at it. The other problem being that people find it hard to post impressions about it.

Genshiken 6
What the fuck happened to this show? I'm sure there are people who like this sort of thing, but it's way different from the original and really not my cup of tea.
I felt there were kind of hints of it in season 2. I had absolutely no problem with the yaoi subplot in the manga but felt the anime pushed it too far at times for comedic effect. Then that became more popular I guess which is how we end up with this revived second season.

"Hey everyone, lets add a brand new mascot character in this anime adaption that is completely annoying and doesn't add anything productive to the series in it self."
It seems to be the idea that mascot characters are a way to attract female viewers to a program because they're "cute" even though said mascot may not be cute in a traditional sense. They are mostly all fucking useless though and I wish they didn't exist.

There are a few people on AnimeGAF who enjoyed RahXephon, last I checked.
Jexihus commented on this far better than I did but the elements to like from the series aren't necessarily the storyline but more it's method of execution with it's music and animation. I still highly rate episode 19 though - although I wonder if that's because of it's lack of Haruka?

Also Happy (late in GMT land) Birthday DTL and Happy (early in GMT land) Birthday Grzi.


And that doesn't make you any less wrong.

Nor does simply stating it again and again really make you any less wrong. Particularly because if style equated to substance, there would be no need to point it out, let alone repeatedly. You can insist it does and that there is substance there all you want, but that alone won't prove your point, or make you somehow correct.


Watamote 6

Wow, Tomoko spent almost this entire episode looking extra cute (read: no unsightly shadows under her eyes). A pity her looks are far from being her biggest problem. And oh GOD

So yeah. I guess that's one way to make "summer memories".

And then that ED! First I was surprised to hear that they were using a Hatsune Miku song. Then it took me a while to figure out where I'd heard the actual song before (it was Taiko no Tatsujin). It certainly worked really nicely, though.
Sailor Moon SuperSilly 144

IN this episode, Shingo reminds me of Nagisa's little brother who had the hots for her friend Honoka... except Shingo got further than he did, not to mention he's the first one for Ami to put her mouth on, ain't he lucky (even if it was to save his life.)

This episode made me think, how in the hell do they not realize who the enemy is already?! I mean shit, they don't change their civilian appearances much. Minako didn't even flipping realize who he was despite two timing him not too long ago! Oh well, at least Ami wasn't grabbing for his cock.


Watamote 6

Wow, Tomoko spent almost this entire episode looking extra cute (read: no unsightly shadows under her eyes). A pity her looks are far from being her biggest problem. And oh GOD

So yeah. I guess that's one way to make "summer memories".

And then that ED! First I was surprised to hear that they were using a Hatsune Miku song. Then it took me a while to figure out where I'd heard the actual song before (it was Taiko no Tatsujin). It certainly worked really nicely, though.

Wait...here tired eyes are gone? DOWNGRADE.


and I don't know still

Oh...you know :)

if ya cant beat em join em <3


Nor does simply stating it again and again really make you any less wrong. Particularly because if style equated to substance, there would be no need to point it out, let alone repeatedly.
The fact that something as obvious and basic as "visuals are just as substantive as anything else, if not more so in a visual medium" needs to be pointed out over and over again is a problem in and of itself.

e: also thanks icarus


A point with which I do not agree. The movie looks great, but that's about it. That it relies so heavily on having seen the show is its greatest weakness.

I watched the Utena movie first without knowing anything about Utena or even knowing there was a series. It worked perfectly well, and I watched the series later on.


Nor does simply stating it again and again really make you any less wrong. Particularly because if style equated to substance, there would be no need to point it out, let alone repeatedly. You can insist it does and that there is substance there all you want, but that alone won't prove your point, or make you somehow correct.

I've a friend who can't stand the TV series (i.e. never watched more than few eps) that positively adores the movie.


Full Metal Panic!: Fumoffu - 11


I wish we had seen more of the arrogant keion-bu. And god DAMN at Chidori. I don't care if it was fake, but I need more older women in my anime.
The Utena movie doesn't lack substance. It just doesn't have the same level of character development or emotional punch that made the show special.
Overweight Moon SuperSize-me 145

So she wants to be a PrimaDonna, but sadly she's fat, which makes it difficult to do things. Fisheye is cuckholding our Gizelle, but our victim knows better. Usagi's fatness actually manages to save her from an enemy attack... but...

Yep, even Tuxedo Mask thinks you're fat... and this is the second time this season he said it too!


Full Metal Panic!: Fumoffu - 11


I wish we had seen more of the arrogant keion-bu. And god DAMN at Chidori. I don't care if it was fake, but I need more older women in my anime.

She even changed her voice so it was deeper and more sultry.


The fact that something as obvious and basic as "visuals are just as substantive as anything else, if not more so in a visual medium" needs to be pointed out over and over again is a problem in and of itself.

e: also thanks icarus

You could try saying these things, instead of making short, barbed statements, though. If someone isn't getting your point, explanation never hurts. And I dare say that "visuals are just as substantive as anything else, if not more so in a visual medium" clarifies the much less straightforward "style= substance" a great deal for me.

Lacking substance and relying heavily on prior source material for understanding are two different issues, though the former would seem to me to be the more severe of the two and in any case is less supportable. The film is not so much a condensed adaptation of the television series as it is a hypercharged alternate take which maximizes the show's Socratic & heavily allegorical approach to storytelling while stripping away any sense of caring whether the audience can keep up or not. Sure, tidbits like Nanami-as-cow are thrown in as basically extended & weird in-jokes towards those who've seen the show, but many of the most cryptic scenes - like Touga & Shiori communing in a room covered in white sheets, or the Shiori-as-a-butterfly moment, or Touga & Utena in the elevator, or really almost anything involving Touga &/or Shiori at all - have no series corollary & do not reference characters as they existed on the show at all, but rather must have their purpose teased out by thoughtful consideration.
e.g. knowing that Touga is dead the entire time lends some explanation to Shiori's odd manner of communicating with him as well as Utena's general attitude towards him, which is obviously completely different & much more positive/mournful than in the television series.

So basically you could level that the whole thing's a pretentious bag of horseshit, or confused, muddled, etc, but to say it has no substance or meaning or what-have-you is incorrect. The visual stylism is not there just to be pretty, but is rather the entire method of storytelling.

I understand what is being said here, but as I said above, I don't think it can be boiled down as simply as "style=substance," and I maintain that that is something with which I do not agree. Visual symbolism, sure, but style alone, no, and perhaps the root of my disagreement is, for the sake of clarity, that I am operating with a different definition of style here.

That said, I reiterate that the film is muddled, and that it does require having seen the show in order to parse out these things of importance. Because without having seen the show, sifting out what is an important visual symbol (Utena and Anthy's escape, for instance) and what is just more nonsense (Nanami's cow scene) is a task of great difficulty. There are cues, no doubt, such as Utena being a named and important character in the film, and her transformation consuming more screen time and being part of the more straightforward segments of the film, but the problem with Utena in general is that there is simply so much going on on-screen that it is entirely possible for a viewer to get lost in it and stay that way. Without having seen the show, it can be difficult for anyone seeing the film to immediately grasp the motivations of characters, the importance of symbols in scenes, and so on.

That said, I won't say the film has no substance, but whatever substance it does have remains completely strangled by its reliance on the viewer having seen the show in order to grasp or at the very least sift the myriad things going on on-screen.

I'd also like to submit that where in a book a reader has time to pause and consider a passage and its symbols, visual media does not offer this same luxury. I suppose I could pause a movie and stare at a screen to put together the significance of its imagery, but such an act is not entirely commonplace, and brings with it associated problems which do not need enumeration here. A symbol in something animated and viewed need not be watered down to the point of overt simplicity, but there mustn't be an overbearance of them either, lest the viewer be distracted and miss the main point, an argument I have made concerning Utena in the past, and which I do in particular the film.

That said, the film's largest issue for me, really, is its length. Or rather, I feel that because it is a film, and it has a film's run-time, much of what could be clearer is instead condensed to the point of making an attractive, messy, confusing product.

I watched the Utena movie first without knowing anything about Utena or even knowing there was a series. It worked perfectly well, and I watched the series later on.

Same here.

Well fine. I'm dead wrong and should have peer reviewed what I was sayin'. Now I'm never going to be a certified Anime Scientist.


Full Metal Panic!: Fumoffu - 11


I wish we had seen more of the arrogant keion-bu. And god DAMN at Chidori. I don't care if it was fake, but I need more older women in my anime.

You'll accept that all there is is Mao and you'll like it. Well, actually a second older woman does get introduced, but not until The Second Raid.


Smile Precure 2

Really, you're gonna give the fire magical girl the last name "Hino"? That's a bit shameless, I must say. Also, it's probably not a good idea to give her the name "Cure Sunny" when your franchise already has "Cure Sunshine". Shit can be confusing.

Anyway, I think I like her better than Cure Happy for now. But I get it, you don't understand. She must've said that at least four times.


Yes! Precure 5 - 14

Karen focus episode. All the school clubs are short on funds, and Karen as Student Council President is feeling the pressure of the requests for more funds from every direction. Though it seems hopeless, she does her best to find a solution that will help everyone. First she goes to the vice-principal to request an increase in the overall club funds allocation, and then, with a little inspiration from Nozomi (who is super adorable throughout this episode, by the way), she helps the different clubs to save on funds by working together and providing each other with the resources they need.

Meanwhile, evil bee-boss-dude is also under pressure to make better use of the resources allocated to him, so he attacks the Cures with an extra-powerful Kowaina. Which also gets taken down through the power of WORKINGU TOGETHAR. Poor boss dude, it's such a tough job being a villain.

the lady at the cafe is secretly the chairwoman of the school board.
That's quite a bizarre case of concealed identity.

Which song?

Natsu Matsuri.
Smile Precure 2

Really, you're gonna give the fire magical girl the last name "Hino"? That's a bit shameless, I must say. Also, it's probably not a good idea to give her the name "Cure Sunny" when your franchise already has "Cure Sunshine". Shit can be confusing.

Anyway, I think I like her better than Cure Happy for now. But I get it, you don't understand. She must've said that at least four times.

Your feelings on Akane might stay that way. Although I do agree that it's weird that she's called Cure Sunny.

Her last name is Hino because she's a cousin of Rei Hino.


You could try saying these things, instead of making short, barbed statements, though. If someone isn't getting your point, explanation never hurts. And I dare say that "visuals are just as substantive as anything else, if not more so in a visual medium" clarifies the much less straightforward "style= substance" a great deal for me.
"Less is more." (hint: dictionaries own)
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