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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Some of you are 18? Goddamn, are we old.
Next we'll find out Jexhius is a 14 year old Magical girl.



92 here, don't know what anime came out that year. As for alcohol, I hate beer but I enjoy a nice caipirinha, Corvo knows what I'm talkin about. Unfortunately I barely ever get a chance to drink since I always have to drive after, and I refuse to drive if I have had alcohol.
I'mmmmmmm BACK

2 days without #animegaf

I can't multiquote 600+ posts ( i'm not cajun :p ) so i'll just say:

- Sdburton , your "date a live" ranking is not good.

- I'm not sure If kamina glasses on avatars is still the right thing to do now that TTGL is so old.

- cnet, you' in the best place in splash star , enjoy it.

- I have 3 day worth of anime to watch and no time to watch them..!!!

I ...need to sleep.


Guys, have you seen There Will Be Blood? It's really good!

Its a terrible movie.

My sources tell me that 8,712 of those sales were due to Kurumi. With a +/-5 margin of error.

Great result. Definitely better than I was expecting given the reactions to the initial episode(s).

This man knows what's up. There needs to be more fanart of her in formal waifu wear.

Why is Kurumi so perfect??
She is just straight up PERFECT.

I was born December 1994. I'm probably the youngest.

Goodness! You young little whippersnappers!
Well at least you have great taste in best girls.
I'm not surprised we have a lot younger people, there are obviously a ton of people that post here still that are in school. Though it does feel a bit odd when I'm on the older side of those poll results.


One cour left!

Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 96: Living by the Sword...

~ Grillpalzer, when will we change over? ~

Starfleet battles of the highest rank and order! I've heard some people find these episodes boring because of all the technical movements and war strategies, but as someone who plays grand strategy games a lot of times I recognise certain situations from my own games. Flanking, retreating, timing counter-attacks, bringing in reinforcements...
Pretty funny to see the servant apologising for the coffee. A bit of a 'silly' reaction from von Reuental, which we don't get to see often.
And RIP Knapfstein, although I wonder what treatment he would have gotten anyway as a military traitor, something Reinhard despises.
Flowers of Evil 13 (end)

Baffling decision that this is how the anime ends. Its just all messy, all over the place, and way too difficult to follow. Oh well congrats to whoever subs for Crunchyroll doing all of that this episode, seemed mighty difficult.

Flowers of Evil was just the worst anime of this season and never picked up. Even something like The Severing Crime Edge had some aspect of enjoyable moments in it while this had...well good op songs and thats it.
Kasuga was atrocious, impossible to relate too, and never developed in an interesting and logical way. Staying the same and never undergoing any sort of personality change to become better, abandoning Saeki for the sake of Nakamura's acceptance, was just not good to do. Wouldn't a real person have definitely tried to please both or made them friends, not just focus on one and not the other?

One of the other issues is that most of the episodes were just boring. Way too much time spent watching characters go through questionably empty (can a town really be that empty when kids are out of school?) landscapes, or just lots of silence. If I wanted that wouldn't I go for an artbook or manga instead? Music, when present felt out of placed and built up mundane events as if something grande would happen
which nothing ever did...
. 2/10, at the end of the day I was just wondering why this was ever animated and wondered if other manga authors felt like they were slapped in the face when this work was chosen to be animated instead of theirs.


I wonder if anyone beats out Cajun...

Im sure somebody does. I plan to be here a looooooong time though no worries.

Alright, now I'm curious, so...poll time!

AnimeGAF: How old are you?


Australians are bottle-fed Bundy Rum. True fact.

Actually, some cajun kids really do get bottlefed beer. In small amounts.

1994 gave us Plastic Little so not all bad.

His ass is way too old as well.

Plastic little brings me back!

Jupiler was my first alcoholic drink (if you discount wine at parties). Good stuff, but Stella's better.


I've never drank alcohol in my life and I have no plans to. I have no clue how this relates to anime. I don't particularly care.

Umm... Misato drinks beer in Evangelion?

This. Ive tasted an alcoholic drink before but its not my thing. Ive never even drank enough to buzz or even taken more than the tiniest sip at a time.
Karneval OPUS 13 (end)

Was my favorite anime of the season for its plot, drama, friendship themes, and just growth of the many characters. The final episode was a great conclusion to the arc and got me excited enough to want to check out the manga to see what further things, Gareki, Nai, Yogi, and Circus goes into, as well as my favorite bumbling antagonists in Kafka. Really impressed with Gareki in this
crying was the weakest moment for me for him as it was an emotion we hadnt seen before and he admitted weakness to both Yogi and then to Hirato. Im glad he found a place to belong and will return to someday.
. Favorite scene was
Yogi and Nai holding the stuffed animals on Tsukumo's bed and crying over Gareki leaving

I hope Funimation pursues disc rights for this anime and that additionally someone in JPN decides to give it a second season. 10/10, will buy.


92 here, don't know what anime came out that year. As for alcohol, I hate beer but I enjoy a nice caipirinha, Corvo knows what I'm talkin about. Unfortunately I barely ever get a chance to drink since I always have to drive after, and I refuse to drive if I have had alcohol.

Probably a very wise decision, if the roads in Parana are anything like the roads in Goias and Minas. I mean you crash into one moto and you've killed a mom, dad, son, daughter, baby, grampa, the family dog, three uncles and a neighbor.

Also, I can't believe I'm older than you.

Someone here was born before 88, I know it. Also, 88 here, did they even make anime back then? No. No they did not.
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