My head can't shake any harder.
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My head can't shake any harder.
Overall series was a deconstruction of what we though Mahou Shoujos were, and it was pretty much explained that Madoka's wishes became more powerful each time Homura went back in time to prevent everything from happening. This is even shown in episode 10 in regards to how long Madoka lasted in each time period, implicating that her wishes made her stronger and stronger each time. It's not really a DEM considering it builds up to it. The clean and idyllic ending is just to reconstruct it back into Mahou Shoujos as we know it.
I endorse this post.
My head can't tilt any further.
(Madoka Spoilers)
Given five additional minutes to process the ending, you're right, it does just devolve back into a normal Mahou Shoujo show. Brilliant. Bless you based SHAFT. I'm still of the opinion that harvesting Mahou Shoujo powers for...what...electricity? is borderline idiotic. I'm willing to forgive it on the basis that there have been far worse setups for far worse Mahou Shoujou shows before though. The show ending up as a standard Mahou Shoujo show is genius though.
What a steaming pile of also-ran crap Daybreak Illusion is.
Blood Lad 02
Beelzebub 01 (Rewatch)
It's about delusional high school delinquents in a school of delusional high school delinquents taking caring of a demon baby. So yeah...this is my kind of show. The first episode is a great introduction to the main cast as well as the show's sense of humor.
Can't wait for episode 2's review where I rephrase this review and embed a different gif.
Oh, I forgot to mention how incredible the OP is. Also this song is by the same group and is also totally awesome.fuck
Doesn't Madoka have the standard Mahou Shoujo setup?
Only that Urobuchi usesidea as setup. Not sure why people are complaining about it so much."heat death of the universe"
Monogatari S2 2:
Damn, Senjou with that rhetorical mindfuck. Talk about brutal in defending what's hers.
Beelzebub had to be one of the most disappointing adaptions I've ever watch.
I will admit though that I enjoyed watching the episodes with Aoi.
doki doki precure 24
digging kugaloli as a loli as a mentor figure.
Her henshin is probably the best out of the franchise as well lol.
Beelzebub had to be one of the most disappointing adaptions I've ever watch.
I will admit though that I enjoyed watching the episodes with Aoi.
Beelzebub had to be one of the most disappointing adaptions I've ever watch.
I will admit though that I enjoyed watching the episodes with Aoi.
I agree with this sentiment
So are you both telling me I'm going to love the manga because I did enjoy the anime.
I wouldn't say that an ultra serious tone and graphic violence are necessarily the staples of the Mahou Shoujo genre. It was pretty refreshing, and the art style was fantastic. All I'm saying is that if an (Madoka spoilers)advanced super race of beings needs to harvest Mahou Shoujo powers in order to sustain itself, something has gone horribly horribly wrong. I want to have been in the pitch meeting where someone stood there and said "Okay guys, you see this weird cat thing? Yeah, he collects Mahou Shoujo powers on behalf of an ancient and incredibly advanced space faring race. Why? Uhh.....because they need energy, that's why. I need your best animators, and all your money. Thanks."
What was wrong about it again? I haven't watched it but I always hear it was bad. Like it just stopped following the manga or something?
So are you both telling me I'm going to love the manga because I did enjoy the anime.
What was wrong about it again? I haven't watched it but I always hear it was bad. Like it just stopped following the manga or something?
So are you both telling me I'm going to love the manga because I did enjoy the anime.
That's what happens with nearly every adaptation.
Manga > Anime
If you have time you should check it out.
What does one have to do with the other?Endless tangents that aren't used for comedic purposes =/= good writing.
Betrayalthons are massive, etc.My head can't shake any harder.
I endorse this post.
Dresden is just finishing his slow conversion to Fake Anime Hipster tier
I'll start worrying when he renounces EoE.
"Evangelion? Pshh, I only watch good animes like ZAMBOT 3."I'll start worrying when he renounces EoE.
What does one have to do with the other?
Dresden is just finishing his slow conversion to Fake Anime Hipster tier
"Evangelion? Pshh, I only watch good animes like ZAMBOT 3."
Watch IDEON for the true Tomino experience."Evangelion? Pshh, I only watch good animes like ZAMBOT 3."
I donno man, the paper today gave Pacific Rim one star. I'm sure they'd give Evangelion at least three just because it is foreign media and thus high culture.Pacific Rim
100% better than Evangelion.
I donno man, the paper today gave Pacific Rim one star. I'm sure they'd give Evangelion at least three just because it is foreign media and thus high culture.
Psh, a real fan would be aghast at how shaft has handled that property.
This place is no longer welcome for me. Time to pack it up and go camp out in the BLOPS2 thread.
Pacific Rim doesn't have Shinji, so it's good. Plus Mako was moe~
This place is no longer welcome for me. Time to pack it up and go camp out in the BLOPS2 thread.
Pacific Rim
100% better than Evangelion.
Does anyone actually believe Nise, Nekomonogatari, or Bakemonogatari S2 is the best Shaft can do? Like...seriously?They do the best they can with what is essentially 30% wordplay, 30% inner monologue, 10% fanservice, 10% action, and 20% assorted nonsense.
They do the best they can with what is essentially 30% wordplay, 30% inner monologue, 10% fanservice, 10% action, and 20% assorted nonsense.
Edit: I accidentally a number.
Level 6 lewd.
.. :lol