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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Poet Centuriate
The Count of Monte Cristo 14

"Everything is your fault, Albert!" "uh-duh...who? Me? Well, gorsh!"

Come on Albert don't give up so easy. Though, being you, you take everyone's word at face value and ignore all the other shit going on, failing to connect the dots cause you're a putz of the highest order.

Yes Albert you're not gonna change. You're gonna be this dumb forever.
Kinmoza! 01

The Engrish was messing with me because it actually was some of the best engrish I've ever heard, but the accent was still very obvious, so I really couldn't get into it. But the series is super cute and adorable and:



Persona 4 comes back next year for sure after that Leifa waifu pillow, Sao is the truth

I don't even really watch it but that after hours p4a stream with like 30 people jammed into a hotel room and with whispered commentary was one of the best things I'd ever seen.


Tamayura ~hitotose~ 5
Who knew the mom would be the best character of the show. Please give me a backstory episode about her instead of just a picture and one line explaining what she did in the past.

I liked whole thing they did with Chihiro showing how she was uncomfortable with Fuu's new friends and not part of their own inside jokes and quirks. But then of course, everyone ends up being friends at the end. I did like that flashback with Fuu and Chihiro first meeting, needs more stuff like it.



The Eleventh Episode

Finding out that you have been trapped in an endless time loop, doomed to watch the one person you can call your friend die again and again and again as it slowly kills you sucks. Finding out that all of your efforts to escape this cycle and the cycle itself are in fact the very reason why the Devil wants your friend's soul and causes you to suffer so much, or in other words discovering that the cycle itself is the reason for the cycle is twisting a salted knife in a mortal wound. Being praised by the Devil for doing him so great a favor is the salted knife being attached to a knee and driven into your groin.

I mean, damn. Just, damn.

I get that what Kyube is saying about treating mankind better than cattle has its point in that the contracts are made in respect of mankind's sentience, however it falls apart not simply because Kyube deceives people until they make them and actively pressures them into doing so, but also because Kyube apparently cannot turn someone into a Magical Girl against their will. Otherwise he'd have done it to Madoka by now. In other words, Kyube isn't offering the contract out of respect for mankind's sentience, but because he cannot accomplish his goal any other way. And all of this is without getting into the point that mankind would never elect to slaughter all the world's livestock wholesale just because he was plenty full today.

I think Kyube just implied that Cleopatra was a Magical Girl? And Joan of Arc? Who's next, Eve? Just come out and say that the seduction of Eve was Kyube offering her a Magical Girl contract, and that the Forbidden Fruit was a Soul Gem. Do it. Oh, and there's "Don't blame us, blame yourself or God."

Kyube makes a good point about wishing for things that are outside of the bounds of reason being inevitably bound for bad things. And while I reject that because it is wholly pessimistic, I can't help but ask: why doesn't Kyube see the irony in what he is saying? The girls all wish for something unreal and contrary to the natural flow of the world. Isn't his alleged quest to save the universe from dying out also wishing for something against the natural course of things?

Also on the list of things Kyube lied about: He told Madoka that one day mankind would leave the Earth for the stars and that it would be a shame if there was no universe there for mankind to see. Yet he tells Homura that Madoka will destroy the world. So basically he made that whole "Mankind leaving the earth" thing up.

Kyube hails from a planet where emotion is considered a mental disorder. His people were surprised to find humanity full of emotions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't surprise an emotion? What kind of bar has a painting of the Sistine Chapel hanging above the bar?

Come to think of it, if Madoka wins, she becomes the new Witch King. If Homura wins, won't she do the same? Meaning that Madoka will still have to become the Witch King? This is kind of a scary "no way out" situation.

Well so much for going to bed without seeing the end of the series.

Oh hey, welcome back Corvo. I personally didn't mind the Capsshiftlock impressions but new Corvo is gonna new Corvo and that's cool too.

I'll probably wind up doing it once in a while, but I don't wanna do it every episode of the rage shows. I dunno. I'm going to try.



The Eleventh Episode

Finding out that you have been trapped in an endless time loop, doomed to watch the one person you can call your friend die again and again and again as it slowly kills you sucks. Finding out that all of your efforts to escape this cycle and the cycle itself are in fact the very reason why the Devil wants your friend's soul and causes you to suffer so much, or in other words discovering that the cycle itself is the reason for the cycle is twisting a salted knife in a mortal wound. Being praised by the Devil for doing him so great a favor is the salted knife being attached to a knee and driven into your groin.

I mean, damn. Just, damn.



Revolutionary Girl Utena 19-20

Holy crap. So good. It's really nice to see a show take a fun side character like Wakaba and really develop them like this. Such a great pair of episodes. Wakaba's backstory is so interesting and well thought out. It really explains a ton about her character. The whole
situation was perfectly executed as well. I have to admit, though, my favorite part was in episode 19 when The Black Rose Group actually
rejects Wakaba's friend because he's too good a person.
Really interesting stuff going on.

Man, the Black Rose saga has just kept up the amazing. I can't believe that it just keeps getting better. Utena is quickly rising up to the levels of Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion and Turn A Gundam and becoming one of my all time favorites. So much good.
Fairy Tail finally getting good, I was starting to be a little disappointed because of how quickly the battles ended (Erigor, Lullaby, Natsus vs Erza) and felt like the plot was going nowhere (Natsu + Erza + Gray actually not the strongest team, Erza getting arrested was itsfuckingnothing.gif) But then they introduced Mysterion and Lexus. Finally it seems that the story is starting to go somewhere with the Cursed Island thing. Hope I'm not let down.


Golden Boy 5-6


That is a classic "I dun fucked up" look.

Well overall this was really enjoyable. The later half was probably better than the first half but it's all good. So many great lines. Holy shit at the animation. Good god, some people went all out. The comedy really was on point and some of the visual gags were amazing. The facial stuff is godtier.


One of these three is best girl but it's kinda hard to pick.
Golden Boy 5-6


That is a classic "I dun fucked up" look.

Well overall this was really enjoyable. The later half was probably better than the first half but it's all good. So many great lines. Holy shit at the animation. Good god, some people went all out. The comedy really was on point and some of the visual gags were amazing. The facial stuff is godtier.


One of these three is best girl but it's kinda hard to pick.

One of the best animes I've ever seen.

Girl on the left is horny, girl in the middle is rich, girl on the right is dominant.

My mind says middle but Imma go with the biker girl.


One of the best animes I've ever seen.

Girl on the left is horny, girl in the middle is rich, girl on the right is dominant.

My mind says middle but Imma go with the biker girl.

But the body on the swimmer is almost certainly the best. She also has a tan/dark skin which automatic bonus points.


Poet Centuriate
Le Chevalier D'Eon 15

D'Eon is still like the most worthless and the densest member of the team. smh

Any ways, crew is on the run for running into issues with their doc swap and now they gotta move

A secret poem, even to the viewers? Invisible ink or magic? Well, this shall be interesting. The Ambassador is still a shaky ally. Just when are we gonna hit that point where he breaks his allegiance to them? The Madam de Pompadour is supposed to be paying him off, but we haven't seen just what he's done for her so far.

Isn't this alchemist supposed to be German? Why is he cursing in French? lol

uh-oh, shit is about to the hit the fan! this is gonna be fun.

So it was invisible ink. But I can't read French! Durand doesn't seem happy though, so it must not be good news. But what could send him off like that so quickly?

WOW that was a shitty fucking facial transition of emotion on Robin. WTF I.G., you're better than that!

shit something is definitely no right with Durand.

Oh...wow. wtf. Was not expecting that.


wow what is even going on right now

Golden Boy 5-6


That is a classic "I dun fucked up" look.

Well overall this was really enjoyable. The later half was probably better than the first half but it's all good. So many great lines. Holy shit at the animation. Good god, some people went all out. The comedy really was on point and some of the visual gags were amazing. The facial stuff is godtier.


One of these three is best girl but it's kinda hard to pick.

Kentaro's face make the fucking show for me.


And yeah, those three are the best three but which one to pick?!?! Chief Instructor is probs the hottest though


Revolutionary Girl Utena 19-20

Holy crap. So good. It's really nice to see a show take a fun side character like Wakaba and really develop them like this. Such a great pair of episodes. Wakaba's backstory is so interesting and well thought out. It really explains a ton about her character. The whole
situation was perfectly executed as well. I have to admit, though, my favorite part was in episode 19 when The Black Rose Group actually
rejects Wakaba's friend because he's too good a person.
Really interesting stuff going on.

Man, the Black Rose saga has just kept up the amazing. I can't believe that it just keeps getting better. Utena is quickly rising up to the levels of Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion and Turn A Gundam and becoming one of my all time favorites. So much good.

My only problem with Wakaba's position in that arc is that they didn't save her for last. I mean, c'mon. It's definitely the best moment in that arc, the next episode just feels so bland compared to it.

The Devil Works At McDonald's 2

I loved the Lodoss reference in this episode. Also, Emi >>>>>>>>>> Chi. End of line.




An uplifting tale of love blossoming in the ring between a sadistic Dominatrix and an altruistic Masochist financing an orphanage. A bond so unbreakable that not even the incredibly rigged and manufactured nature of wrestling can stop it (even if that very same thing did kinda push it on.)

The animation is fantastic as it has that really abstract & sketchy look to it which is pretty evident throughout most of his series (and even stuff he was AD & Storyboarder for, like the fantastic Cat Soup OVA!) The backgrounds also stand out and really do add to the overall charm.

This entire thing pretty much does beat you over the head with its message (like most Yuasa works) but it was far more bearable than usual thanks to the fact that it was only ~13 minutes long and not say, a full-length movie or a 13 episode TV series. I really do think Yuasa's at his best when he's working on something shorter and far more focused like this so I hope he starts making more of these kinda short little things in the future instead.

4/5 goku dopplers
Sailor Mars 10

I didn't expect Rei to show up this soon considering how long it took for Ami to appear.

Dammit Usagi, you're not fit to be a main. Anywho, it appears that Rei is capable of sensing evil spirits considering she's a shrine maiden, so she might have this as her advantage, much like how Ami is smart, and Usagi.... is Usagi I guess.

Luckily for us, Mars is also capable of killing Youmas, so it won't be a complete Moon fest after all :D

Is Rei DTF Tuxedo Mask? Ooooh snap.


So this must be why Funimation said to keep an eye on Amazon today. A couple of their series are on sale, including all of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood on Blu-ray, equating just under $50 for the whole series.

Wonder if I should bother to upgrade my old Black Lagoon set to BD this time...
Where's Peaceiscloser when you need him? A head tilt version of Jexhius' avatar is exactly what the world needs right now. Also count me in for vigorous head tilting/shaking at Dresden.

Sorry, I've been gone all day, but getting to work on this now. hehe.

Except for this. I thought we were bros, Peaceiscloser! Cajun didn't replace me in the space of a night! Hahaha.

I am so ashamed. Forgive me.

Just so everyone knows, IRL Corvo is a piece of hot ass. bow chicka wow wow

now I'm just pandering

Maji de Otaku na English! Ribbon-chan 01-02


This is awesome. And amazing. And excellent.

I love this show, even if I've only seen the two episodes you listed. So wonderfully meta and teaches you nothing about English hehe

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon SuperS] 151
Some great layouts in this one. Ami episodes don't all have to be budget-restricted! I'm still disappointed that they were hinting at a whole new transformation for Ami only to fall back on the old one, but at least Aqua Rhapsody was great.
:ikuhara (nsfwish?)
That's so nineties. *laugh track*

Fake Edit: Looking at Kirbyguy's impressions it's actually kind of amazing how much better the art has gotten.


Someone brought this up on another forum but F/SN being done again means more Taiga Dojo! I wonder if they're going to do that as a preview or part of the BD special stuff.


Maturity, bitches.
SAO brings the FGC together, divides animegaf. We're the real monsters here.
Nintendo also brought the FGC together, so I guess Nintendo is like SAO. Of course now I'm going to have to write off 20 years worth of my life.

Golden Boy 5-6


That is a classic "I dun fucked up" look.

Well overall this was really enjoyable. The later half was probably better than the first half but it's all good. So many great lines. Holy shit at the animation. Good god, some people went all out. The comedy really was on point and some of the visual gags were amazing. The facial stuff is godtier.


One of these three is best girl but it's kinda hard to pick.

Study study study study.



The Final Episode

I'm just gonna say if
Madoka doesn't use her wish
to do something big like
wish away all the evil and Kyube and this whole nightmare
I'm probably gonna be disappointed in her.

And. Here. We. GO!

So Madoka uses her wish to become Jesus and stops the devil's plan, changes the entire name of the game, and saves the souls of all Magical Girls and all of mankind and the entire universe in the process. It's a fair enough ending, but I guess I just REEEEEEEEALLY wanted to see Kyube get beaten up one more time. I get that Madoka's victory over him was an ideological one, that her plan was fundamentally kinder and better than his, even though it required that one sacrificial lamb's suffering for all.

In fact, I think that that is what I did enjoy most about the ending. Kyube taunts Madoka in the previous episode that humanity is only slightly better than cattle, and that all of its civilizations are built upon the backs of the suffering of many, and so what great loss are the souls of a few girls along the way? Madoka takes Kyube's taunt and uses it to utterly usurp him. She shows the worth of even just one girl by making her own sacrifice to save them all and end his designs once and for all.

Permitting me to wax religious for a moment, Kyube really does function as Satan. He claims that mankind would still be in the cave if not for him. Which would be true, from a certain point of view. The cave of ignorance that the Garden of Eden was would have held man forever if not for the devil's interference. And so intertwined was the cycle of sin and grief in man's history that it would not be unfair of Satan to suggest that, from a certain point of view, he was man's guide, who had inspired him to do great things and without whom much of history would be different.

Madoka, then, fills in as Jesus by making the sacrifice of herself to put an end to Kyube's plan. Just as Christianity considers the devil present post crucifixion, there's Kyube as well. He's even there to taunt Madoka as she begins to suffer for what she's done. Madoka, in turn, promises her best friend (Peter or James or Homura) that it is too early to give up hope of her eventual return.

I'm not saying that this parallel was fully intended by the people who made the show, but it certainly can be drawn. That said, I still would've liked to see someone smear the floor with that cat rabbit cretin one last time.

It's certainly been a wild, wild ride. The only question now is what to watch next? Do I try and take another crack at Glass Fleet? Or do I just go ahead and watch Casshern Sins?
Uchouten Kazoku - 2
Yeah, I really like this. A continued introduction of the family, except this episode had a bigger focus on getting to know more about the mother and the oldest brother, Yaichirou. I loved the mother's introduction and her overly dramatic, boyish personality. Also, I find it interesting how as tanuki, Yasaburo and his mother enjoy role-playing as different genders yet the other brothers seem to not want to bother with that at all. In Yajirou's case, he's become so comfortable with not turning into a human
that he's lost his ability to do it
. The dynamic between each of the family members felt natural and well done, and their personalities shined in their own quirky ways.

I almost didn't want this episode to end because I'm so eager to see more. It's been very enjoyable and mostly pleasing on the eyes all around.


Yes? The one where
Homura has like magic angel wings and is surrounded by giant white demons before receiving encouragement from Madoka?
Oh okay. It's just I thought you were talking about the first time
Madoka says she'll be by her side
, not the second time, because you mention Kyubey being present. Also... I don't think those were
angel wings in that post-apocalyptic scene at the end. Homuhomu was about to go witch with her despair.

Also, you should totally check out the movies and get hyped with the rest of us for the third one :D

It's gonna be a wiiiiiiiilllldddd ride.


Oh okay. It's just I thought you were talking about the first time
Madoka says she'll be by her side
, not the second time, because you mention Kyubey being present.

Also, you should totally check out the movies and get hyped with the rest of us for the third one :D

It's gonna be a wiiiiiiiilllldddd ride.

Still have to watch Lagann Hen.

Also 3rd movie hype? Did we learn nothing from Evangelion 3.33?
I never really bothered watching the Madoka movies, and I'm not even sure if I it's something I should bother with. How long are both of them?
  • Madoka by Corvo 12 END
This has been a wild ride. When the studio closed down briefly for one night I thought it was all over. But it was so nice seeing this show come back.

I just can't believe how Corvo
turned into a resurrection figure himself. I mean, coming back from the dead? DEUS EX MACHINA.


I'm going to miss seeing this banner.

Looking forward to the next production of Studio CorvoImpression.
Madoka by Corvo receives a score of
5 Sword Art Online by Corvos
3 Count of Monte Cristo by Corvos

Where's Peaceiscloser when you need him? A head tilt version of Jexhius' avatar is exactly what the world needs right now. Also count me in for vigorous head tilting/shaking at Dresden.

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