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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Cardcaptor Sakura 34

Kero seems really worked up about the dream that Sakura had. This "Yue" person he brings up has to be Ms. Mizuki. And she warned Sakura to be careful since it was a full moon. They're really taking me for a ride here with this woman. What's her deal? I'm probably going to look like an idiot for not seeing what's coming when many others probably deduced that she's evil or something, but I just can't figure it out. I'm like Meilin trying to make a star out of the matches.

Shaoran's crush on Yukito is the most adorable thing ever. But this was a nice episode for Yukito and Sakura too.



Tamayura ~hitotose~ 3
This episode was so oishii, everything about it was oishii, it even made the food I'm eating right now very oishii.

Man that was some bullshit lessons in cooking. This grandma really doesn't want to give away her secrets for making sweets. Come to think of it, Fuu's family is running a cafe right? How come no one is there is there but her friends and they probably just leeching off free food.
Same thing afa this thread's concerned. If you have the time to pause a movie and write about it, then you have the time to watch it in full which is the way it's supposed to be viewed

The last thing this thread needs is even more anime liveblogging nonsense.

I don't know what afa means, but I tend to do as I please as I'm watching.
Cardcaptor Sakura 34


It was one thing for them to take out the "honana~" but they went too far. I miss it so much.

Also holy shit I've been slacking on CCS. I think I've watched two episodes the past week and a half putting me at ep 52.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Squid Girl S2 4

Oh man, the English. THE ENGLISH. Strange (but fitting I suppose) that they actually got a native speaker to do Cindy's English voice.

Also, random 32X/Virtua Fighter 2 cameo!



Still without luck
Blood Lad 1&2


This show is super fun. The similarities to Maou Sama are a little funny, but it's still a pretty different thing. Great so far, can't wait to see more!


Yami Shibai: Japanese Ghost Stories 1


A fairly creepy ~5 minute short animated with some decent looking flash puppets and copious amounts of grain slathered on top. Worth it alone for the weird dupsteb vocaloid ED.

I don't know what afa means, but I tend to do as I please as I'm watching.
Okay, start a blog or twitter account then.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 110 (FINALE): The End of The Dream

~ The legend ends, and history begins. ~

And so the book closes, in a matter most reminiscent of Greek tragedy. No fanfare, no long speeches filled with bravura, a sacrifice so dry and uncompassionate it barely registers as an event, merely the denouement of a tale that has unfolded over the military careers of two young men in which neither truly got what he desired. I could see some might find this kind of ending anticlimactic, maybe even boring, but I loved it. It truly gave the feeling of a giant passing away in slumber.
The only thing which would have made it better for me, was an epilogue, a look into the future that Reinhard and Yang had crafted. Hildegard's regency, the young Kaiser Alexander, the continued support of the High Admiralty, the new republic Heinessen, Attenborough in parliament, Julian's wedding and life... But those aren't tales part of this legend.
Lastly, von Oberstein's death saddens me. Von Oberstein was a character that grew on me tremendously. I didn't trust this traitor, and I disliked his meddling in Reinhard's affairs, especially concerning Kircheis' position in the Fleet. But throughout the series, he proved a loyal and highly skilled servant, who was willing to attract all negativity and hatred towards his position, in order to let the Kaiser shine more. And, he had a dog he clearly loved. That's a bonus point for me.

Thoughts on the series:

I'm not good at writing analytical paragraphs, so I'm just gonna write my simple thoughts on each element of the show.

- The story was of a grand scope, rich in imagination and mature in its execution. The slow pacing is often derided, but fitted me perfectly. At some point, around season 2, the pacing and the developments of the storyline became so well crafted, I nearly got addicted to the show. It just got better and better each episode. Although this crescendo wasn't maintained, overall watching one or two episodes LoGH was a highlight of the day. It felt like reading a good book, just before going to bed.

- I feel very confident putting this work of art (because this show definitely is art, irregardless for the contempt one might have for works of animation) in the small list of transcendent masterpieces. If I were to compare it to a similar work in other media, I am leaning towards Tolstoy's War and Peace (which, I wonder, might have formed some inspiration for the original author of LoGH?) and the Wagnerian opera's (which share the same grandiose cadre).

- LoGH's combination of starfleet battles (sometimes incredibly tense), diplomatic maneuvering and political one-upmanship proved infectious. As someone who is in love with grand strategy games (unfortunately without much skill), LoGH suited my interests in that regard completely. What is most surprising is the amount of humor it contains, mostly of the cynical variety. Yang's crew especially had these in large amounts, with the constant bickering between Poplan, Attenborough and Schenkopf taking most of the stage. There were some funny moments too, like von Eisenach speaking and Reinhard's enormeous flower bouquet and even larger blushes.

- The characters were incredible. Not everyone got to share the same amount of attention, but throughout the show you really start to like and get familiar with these men and women of war. Mittermeyer, von Oberstein, Bucock, von Bittenfeld, von Reuental, Poplan, Cazellnu, etcetera, etcetera, these are names I don't think I will ever forget. I personally am partial towards the Imperial High Admiralty, who functioned as some kind of legendary Crown Council filled with the most competent men available, a pool of resources any monarch would dream. On the other hand, the trio of Poplan-Attenborough-von Schenkopf gave this show much of its spirit and light-hearted tones. But both crews will stay with me for a long time.

- The music, well, what's to say about the music? An amazing collection of classical music, and it all fitted the show beautifully. Not to be elitist, but classical music has this grace other genres find hard to approximate, and it was an excellent cadre for this show. The opening bars of Mahler's Third Symphony specifically will always be connected with LoGH for me.

- The artwork is harsh and uninviting, and probably is its toughest component for modern viewers. Luckily, I have no eye for the graphical arts, and I felt it was at least very functional. I did enjoy the lavish Renaissance themes for the Empire. Neo-Prussia? A weird thing about the art is how it manages to embed its own charm. I'm sure others can explain this better, but to me, it clicked and 'felt' right once I got over the age it showed.

- Lastly, the dialogue was amazing. Each episode I tried to pick one line that best represented the matter and insights at hand, and sometimes it was difficult choosing between several quips. Yang Wenli, specifically, was the leader in this department. Great writing there.

And that's the end of an amazing, months-long journey. It's not always easy for me to write down my thoughts on art work, mostly because I am more emotive than thoughtful while enjoying it, but it was fun to write this little logbook. I hope everyone enjoyed reading them. I was very wary to avoid spoilers in the quotes and the images (I think), so I hope others might feel inspired to pick this show up.

I specifically forbade myself from marathoning portions of this show, just so I could absorb the emotional tension more, and I'm glad I did so. I would advise everyone to watch this show at their leisure.

This show gets, what else, a rating of 10/10. It joins a couple of other anime, but in honesty surpasses those. It's really quite unique.


And now I feel the hole one gets after finishing a marvelous novel.

Gah, this post will be responded to in depth once I get back from work today. Not missing out on my chance for some LoGH discussion.
But was it as weird as
delicious and nutritious orange tang

I got words now.

WHAT THE FUCK WITH THE SEA OF TANG? (That would be pretty tasty.)

And finally?

cuz that was gross.
Girls und Panzer 4

Nishizumi put da team on her back doe! That was some awesome maneuvering and on-the-fly game-making. It's a shame they lost more or less because the other tank had more armor. The scrubs who abandoned the tank should just never show their face again. The war buffs and volleyball girls were actually making things happen, whereas the student council team had no game whatsoever. I like how nobody had a problem with these hulking death machines duking it out in their town. There was even a point when the tanks were only a few feet from the spectators. I dunno, it's a crazy town. And dat dance. I was not prepared for that. I'm still trying to process what I was witnessing.
Patlabor stuff maybe?
Been wanting to get around to that.
Code Geass
If you're looking for a comedy mech show with some romance: Vandread
Martian Successor Nadesico is similar in that it also has the romantic comedy and serious bidness times going on in a real robot show.
Thanks, I will check them out.

Pacific Rim has me feeling like doing another mech binge, though this summer I don't have 90% of the Gundams or Evangelion to watch for the first time.
Never liked a mech series much besides Gundam Wing till I went on that binge last summer.
already marathoned the Second Raid yesterday.
Ah. The raven has risen.

Madoka 10

Oh. Oh my. This isn’t the first time Homura went back in time to save Madoka? How many times has she done this? Has this poor girl been caught in a loop? For how long? Teehee, threw a grenade up a skirt. A lot of times, apparently. That’s horrible.

It's unclear how long she's
been going back in time, for all we know she could have been reliving the same month for a century or something.

OOOOOOOKAY. I know I said I wouldn’t use capslock, but this is something that bears discussion. As I mentioned like, last episode, Kyube’s plan inherently puts the world to waste. What bothers me is that, confronted with that truth, Kyube shrugs it off and says “that’s not my problem.” I mean, hello? Didn’t you give a speech earlier about how the various civilizations in the universe were wasting energy at a hilarious pace and rapidly consuming and destroying the universe? In what way, then, are you not doing the same by wiping out a planet for that sake? Especially when this planet houses a species which can produce the emotional energy your race is using to “save” the universe.
I can’t actually accept that Kyube would be so incompetent as to throw away a world which produces a species which produces the very energy he will need. Quota or not, Earth serves as a treasure trove of energy, and at the very worst, you’d be wise to keep it around in case you needed more. The only possibility, then, is that Kyube isn’t actually doing this to save the universe. Even removing Domon Kasshu’s point that destroying a part of nature is not the way to save nature, Kyube is wasting something he could continue to harvest. I can only conclude that he is either a terrible employee who never cared about his job (in the which case what was his motive at all) or he is still a satanic force, and destroying the world was always his objective, and everything else was part of his plan to create the strongest witch. After all, if Kyube eats the Grief Seeds, then does it not follow that he could hope to eat her?

It's hard to respond to this without spoiling anything. The least I can say, there's even an explanation for why
Kyubey doesn't care
. You're in the home stretch. And oh boy what a magnificent home stretch it is.


I got words now.

WHAT THE FUCK WITH THE SEA OF TANG? (That would be pretty tasty.)

And finally?

cuz that was gross.

Someone better than me will give better answers, but

I kinda thought that EVA 01 eats Gendo because Shinji and the unit are out of control, and Shinji's rage and the system's berserker stuff goes and makes it kill Gendo.
Shinji chokes Asuka for more or less the same reason. Part of him hates her.
The Tang is the same fluid that fills the entry plugs, LCL. It's an ocean of liquid humans.

I don't remember the reason why the MP units are eating 02, but they look like birds gathering to a carcass, which is sort of a reference to Christ's comment about eagles/vultures gathering at a carcass in connection with His return.

EDIT: Kinda want to marathon to the end of Madoka tonight, but I don't know. I got like, five other things to watch, too. I'm hoping the positive tone of people's reviews of Maou-Sama are right, 'cuz I'm out of Bunny Drop to wash away the rest of Astral Seven.


Pacific Rim has me feeling like doing another mech binge, though this summer I don't have 90% of the Gundams or Evangelion to watch for the first time.
Never liked a mech series much besides Gundam Wing till I went on that binge last summer.
already marathoned the Second Raid yesterday.

If you're going to binge, you still have Macross and VOTOMS stuff barring you haven't seen them already.
Hakkenden Touhou Hakken Ibun 15


I did like how this arc ended. It kinda ended differently from what I expected to happen and that's always a treat. I guess the whatever clue into the main overarching story was nice too but I'm not really invested in trying to remember what it's even about anymore.


Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 12

What if I was a woman who worked for Generation Blue and I didn't have a nice butt. How would I cope with the grope pants these girls have to wear?


Tamayura ~hitotose~ 4

How many episodes until Norie kidnaps Kou?

Anyway, finally some episode with some good backstory about one of the characters. Although knowing what sort of anime this is ruins the main event. Obviously there won't be any conflicts with the parents about Maon's future cause everyone is so accepting of everything in this show.
If you're going to binge, you still have Macross and VOTOMS stuff barring you haven't seen them already.
Oh yeah, I put Frontier on hold at the second episode last summer. need to get back around to it.
Have only completed the original, Do You Remember Love and Zero.
added VOTOMS thanks.


You wouldn't have been hired in the first place.

So true. Discrimination against the ugly butts of the world.

Rest of the episode was okay. Got genuinely hyped at the arrival of
Eureka and the real Nirvash and the Gekko.
Except the nonsense about Truth being kind made me roll my eyes. And I thought I liked Naru.


Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya 01


I have learned that the answer to this question is NOOOOOOOO.

Well besides Ilya's face being a little weird and that she was basically naked for half the episode, it wasn't bad. Decent amount of energy mostly from the stick and I am looking forward to seeing how the cards work. This could be a fun magical girl show drowning in Fate references.

Seems decent enough. Not artistically but otherwise.

So when is Golden Boy going to be released on blu-ray?



Someone on reddit is mad.


This is the beginning of beautiful things and he can't even see it :(


So true. Discrimination against the ugly butts of the world.

Rest of the episode was okay. Got genuinely hyped at the arrival of
Eureka and the real Nirvash and the Gekko.
Except the nonsense about Truth being kind made me roll my eyes. And I thought I liked Naru.

He only slaughtered dozens of innocent people because he cares.
Oh hey, welcome back Corvo. I personally didn't mind the Capsshiftlock impressions but new Corvo is gonna new Corvo and that's cool too.

Jewelpets Kiradeco 3

All these other people starting this show are putting me to shame. I actually like it so I have no idea why I put it on the backburner for so long. Anyway the quest for bling bling continues and somehow even coal gets a fangirl. How does ruby make any money at her jewelshop if the stuff literally grows on trees? Ain't nobody farming that stuff it's just there! public property! I'd say it's a depressing contrast to the current economy except that
poor sheep butler got laid off and villains can't even afford their magic attacks. I can totally sympathize with a group that has to live in the winrar trial ghetto, hopefully someday a free open source 7zip style savior will come along for all their depression cloud needs.


Only thing better than pimped out CG bus is a blushing pimped out CG bus.

Enjoying the show like usual so hopefully I can keep up the motivation to actually watch it. Laziness towards watching shows with high episode counts is a terrible curse :/


Azumanga Daioh - 01
The :cajun is strong with this one. Helps that it's genuinely funny, too. Let's see how the rest of the series fares. c:
One Piece Film Z Part 2 END

Leading off this section with FIGHTAN, I guess there's a sufficient amount of fighting in the movie at least, with each fight acting as a different round of one overarching battle to end the movie.

The development of Z
In regards to how he was part of the Marines to several breaking points of his life to bring him to where he is... is rather reasonable to be honest. Along with how he was effectively the master of everyone in the Navy.

In the end it has to be this waaaay!

Yeah, the camera work isn't something I see normally, so it was rather odd for me. I'm not sure whether I like how it was, since on one hand, it makes the fights more dynamic, but at the same time, it's kinda hard to follow.

The animation was pretty top notch, but it's a movie, so you know, that's expected at least right? Well yes, it delivered on that.

In regards to the fist fighting at the end, well.... honestly this is a cliche I love. I don't know why, it just feels like a way to make a fight even more manly in the long run, to see the fighting spirit of two fighters go at it until the end for their goals and ideals is something I really adore.

Also going to give it the nod in how Pirates are not Heroes, even if in some way, the Straw Hats are portrayed to us like that (even though they're not).

Post fight, the feelings reached each other, enough to make Z stop what he did. And then the Navy appeared to kill everyone, which Z decided to shoulder alone. Aokiji sealed him in with the navy to keep everyone else out to let them escape. Seeing Z's students feel rather discontent at what has to be done was really nice to see, and doesn't really leave us on a completely happy ending. Z's name was based on the fact that he called himself Z at the end.

Anyway, I enjoyed watching this film, and obviously one of the top tier movies for One Piece. Although at the same time, it's a reminder on how the core group, Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro do most of the fighting, and sometimes leave others out in the cold. Robin especially.

Robin sort of sticks out like a sore thumb because even in the manga, she just feels like she's there for being there. Oh well. Not sure when the day they'll be more useful will see the day. It seems like Enies Lobby was one of the last major arcs where everyone feels rather important, but upon Robin's permanant stay in the Straw Hats, the roles pretty much started shifting away from them.

Anyway, Good movie, I recommend it.
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