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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast

When I watched the Red trailer, I was intrigued.
When I watched the White trailer, I was hyped.
When I watched the Black trailer, I was crushed.
When I watched the Yellow trailer, I was indifferent.

Now that I've watched the real thing... I have to say, I actually largely enjoyed it, despite the glaring flaws. It reminded me of the Saturday morning cartoons I used to watch when I was a kid. Will continue to follow, at least for now.

Exactly how I felt!



Thats pretty cool!

...Actually, this could be kind of spoilerish to people who haven't seen all the series involved, huh >.>


This statement is nice because it works regardless of which of the black-haired girls the original post was talking about!

I agree though its really spoilerish :/

Saw this on pixiv, immediately knew I had to share it.


Thanks buddy!

Seems like it!



When I watched the Red trailer, I was intrigued.
When I watched the White trailer, I was hyped.
When I watched the Black trailer, I was crushed.
When I watched the Yellow trailer, I was indifferent.

This sums up pretty much my feelings, heck I still haven't watched Yellow trailer.


Guh, don't even need to watch Casshern Sins to feel bad this morning. I went and buried the parakeet, got everything nice and solemn and spiritual and all, came inside and another one was dead. Kinda wondering if I should wait and see if the last living one dies before digging the grave for this one. Also if I should wait for my mother to see that this one has died before burying it. They're not really my parakeets and I find parakeets hard to relate to, and my mother sort of adopted them from my sister and always complains about them, but she's spent a lot of her time caring for these birds, and I just buried one without her say in where it should be buried, (but saved her the possible pain of having to think about it more/decide), and so I don't know what to do, especially because someone I do love did die recently and the birds dying in such rapid succession afterward is acting as something of a reminder of that and also making me draw terrible parallels of when my grandmother died six years ago and then the bird died right after and then the dog so now I'm like, kinda in a sort of weird, stomach in knots mode where I'm super worried about my dog (he seems perfectly fine and healthy and I don't think he's even ten yet) and also just sort of stressed and stuff about this.

TL;DR I buried a bird this morning and when I'd finished another one had just up and died, too.

We left our pet canary with my uncle. He left Sunny outside in the heat and he died :(
Im going to miss his singing when we get home ;_;
Well, even though the first anime aired before the PSP game, the franchise was always planned as a media-mix project, with the anime and games being developed simultaneously, and the games are officially considered the "original work" and the standard around which the series is based. So if anything, it's the first two anime series that are taking liberties in terms of tone. It's not really comparable to things like Saki where the games are basically just spinoffs.
Why would the game be the "original work"? Is there proof of that somewhere that you have?

I mean, it started out with a radio drama, apparently, in '09, then the anime in '10, then the game at the end of '10. Why would the game be the "original work"? I don't know anything about the content in the radio drama, though, haven't seen anything about it.

It was meant as a mix-media project though, sure. On that note, another mix-media project (much bigger one) was .hack, and there too supposedly the game series was the first thing they worked on, but it's not that great, while the original anime (Sign) is fantastic, and turned out to be better than everything else in the entire franchise... so yeah, what really matters is what worked best, not whatever they were thinking of as the "original work". And especially in a case where the anime came first (as happened in both of these examples, I believe), whatever they were thinking during development, when it came time for release, the anime released first!

But they did such a good job with the madcap comedy tone (especially in the first season) that a lot of people, myself included, prefer the anime. I think there's room for both styles, and anything that gives us more of the four (not six, and DEFINITELY not two) adorable Milky Holmes girls is great, but if I had to pick one I'd take the anime every time.
I don't agree that both styles are needed; the Alternative version should not exist. I would also say that if new characters are actually done well, I wouldn't mind them. The problem is that these two new girls aren't done well, so far anyway. And they should be sub-characters, not main characters.


Eureka Seven 12
Some really nice mechanical animation this episode too. The ship battle was pretty awesome. Rest of the episode was pretty weird, looked like some sort of mental link phenomenon of sorts.
We also finally got the
hand holding scene from the OP.
I really hope ExR works out in the end!


After watching Amagami SS and The World God Only Knows i'm not sure I will have the patience for a 25 episode romcom anime anymore. Both shows have really spoiled me in terms of how quick the relationships develop (though I would have liked maybe an episode or two more for the Amagami SS arcs). I think I have just grown sick of romance anime that seem to take their sweet time with characters too dense to understand obvious love interests.


Let's Play! Suite Precure: 18

A little fanservice for some of you here...

Anyway, for some odd reason a bunch of notes appear so both sides of the story try to collect as many as they can. Then, of course, they battle and the Precure get caught in a bind and Cure Muse saves them and everything is fine and dandy.
Then Cure Muse releases most of the notes.
What a sore winner.


Patlabor The Early Days 04 - The Tragedy of L

Hey now, a double
red herring
? That's some next level shit.


Gotoh laying down the (robot cartoon) law

So Ohta's itchy trigger finger finally lands him and the crew in trouble and we get a wild ride of a "re-training" punishment. I'm guessing that the criminals and hostage survived that incident else the team got off lightly!

Funny how Asuma goes from Giant Monster fanboy to ghost
story debunker
so quickly. Nobody likes biased fantasy-nuts! Still, seeing him try to get to the bottom of things is fun as I do like his character. Seeing him try to piece the puzzle together was interesting.


Don't know the technical term for these kind of shots but I'm a sucker for them when done right

Kanuka also continues to prove she is one of the best parts of this show and clearly lightyears ahead of the rest of the team. Gotoh
fabricating the whole charade to try and teach a lesson
is helping to move him into best character trajectory. I honestly didn't see that one coming. I do like that the entire incident did bring the team together so
Kanuka spoiling Gotoh's party may not have been in vain
. In the end, I take this as being an Asuma episode, although some may disagree. This and the previous episode weren't particularly character-centric but he did stand out the most to me, next to Kanuka.

I would like Izumi to drive an episode soon though. She's fun. :(

A great episode either way because of a really good twist. Wasn't expecting to be tested like that in this show.


Eureka Seven 13

That pizza. Code Geass spinning in its grave.
You know, for an intelligence officer Dominic is REALLY bad at reading maps. I mean damn.
His name also still reminds me of Diana Soreil from Turn A Gundam. He has an ace side cap too.
This was a fun little episode. Also featured some :wonzun (trademark don't steal)


Eureka 7-Eleven

This episode started slow but OMG at that end. Also Anemone is pretty awesome. Definitely waifu material.
Some fantastic sakuga this episode too.
Also I've been meaning to comment on this for a while but the OP is pretty great and so is the ED. Dat 3D sakuga.

Hair down Eureka is best Eureka.

All these time travel pics and not one has Bill and Ted


But I already brought up TARDISes!

We left our pet canary with my uncle. He left Sunny outside in the heat and he died :(
Im going to miss his singing when we get home ;_;

I dunno exactly why they're dying. Since two died in close succession, I assume it was just their time. One died a good while ago, like, over a year, and at this point I think the fourth is still alive.

Guys, today is the last day of work for me here at NASA. Felix am cry. :'(

And just like Mega Man, FelixOrion got stranded on the moon. The downside is little to no air, the upside is they apparently have unexpectedly great internet.


Gatchaman Crowds Episode 2: A much better episode then last time now that we have the basic premise explained to us via 15 minutes of tedious exposition. Anyway, this episode certainly took a turn into slice of life town as we get a much more organic feel for the characters via their interactions, personalities and day jobs. I will say it is rather interesting to have Hadji the Genki Girl as the protagonist, who in spite of appearances is far saner then she appears to be, which is allowing the deeper conspiracies angle to be played out rather nicely. One thing is for certain this is not ust a mindless action show.


Amachan 3-4

Still really good. It's a shame the episodes are so short (well, since it's daily it's not really a problem)...


LTTP: Zero No Tsukaima F - 5

I hate, HATE harem animes, but this is one of the few I'm completly ok with and enjoy every second of it, a main character that's not a freaking useless guy and knows what the hell he wants but things can get out of hand so who can blame Saito for having that much swag.
<3 how the relationship grows stronger and they are more and more honest with themselves.
RIP Noboru Yamaguchi ._. what a great person we lost.


Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East

Season 1: Ep. 1-8

I mean I'm not bored by it, but it doesn't seem like the plot is going anywhere. Maybe it's just me though. I'll continue watching some more after work, but it's okay. I probably wouldn't have followed this if I had to wait a week between episodes. I'm thinking I should have waited until season 2 finished to pick this up. I thought it'd be a lot more actiony with the whole demon sword thing going on.
School Days - 8

Seeing Katsura like that in front of Sekai really tugs at a man's heartstrings. I just wish she blamed Makoto instead of her, then she would have left him and everything would have been sweet happy candies.

But NOPE! Now Katsura is starting to get really desperate and is going to go so far as to show Makoto her bare boobs to get him to switch over to him. What happened to the shy, cute girl from the first three episodes? I mean, the change in her character was gradual, but I could never see her going the desperate slutty route.

Uh-oh. Small stern green-haired girl is leaving. The bad news here, she was the only one who tried to set things straight in love triangle. The last support has fallen.


Okay, the last support has not only fallen, but is assisting in toppling this already broken, unstable Jenga tower of a relationship. At least it wasn't Makoto's fault that time, but dammit Katsura saw her.

The volcano is getting closer to erupting. I can already smell the smoke.


Gatchaman Crowds ep.2

I'm glad they seem to be moving the plot along fairly quickly with a bunch of interesting stuff happening, because Maaya Uchida's voice for Hajime makes her one of the single most annoying main characters I've ever seen and that would otherwise drag the show down.

I've been following the RvB series for a while (through the first season of Project Freelancer) so I'm familiar with the scope of Rooster Teeth's productions, and I guess that contributed to my enjoyment of this first episode. The production values and voice acting were par for the course (blonde huntress teacher lady shares same VA as Tex), and I'm fan of Monty's fight choreography. It took me back to when I was a kid watching cartoons. I left my cynicism at the door and just enjoyed to ride. Though, forget SDBurton. #TeamRuby, yo.


Kinda want to know at least the name.

It's from Robotics;Notes, a show with an interesting premise and terribly dull execution. You might feel obliged to watch it given that its initial premise is about a robotics club building a giant robot, so you might enjoy it in some respects.

I still don't quite see why people think Steins;Gate is vastly superior to it. To me they suffer from similar problems - over-reliance on geek-targeted characters and jokes, insufferable leads and agonisingly slow build up. If anything, Robo;Notes has an advantage in that it doesn't have the same terribly washed out look that Steins;Gate has.


Silver Spoon - Episode 2

That was much better than the first episode. One thing I'm a little disappointed about is how cheap some of the scenes are. This is noticeable in both episodes, where there are some scenes which are clearly cost saving measures. Otherwise I like the way the adaptation is going. It doesn't follow the manga events strictly 1:1 but it's pretty faithful in keeping most of the content in even if the order is rearranged a little. I like how the focus of the more detailed animation is on the food and the animals, which is really the heart of the story. They really nailed the principal and Nakajima too. Great voices and well done scenes. :D


It's from Robotics;Notes, a show with an interesting premise and terribly dull execution. You might feel obliged to watch it given that its initial premise is about a robotics club building a giant robot, so you might enjoy it in some respects.

I actually had planned on watching this at some point, yeah.


Eureka Seven 14
Pretty boring episode. Mostly uninformative info dumps and recap. I'm guessing this was a split-cour show or this is pretty bad. Oh well. New OP and ED are nice though I don't think I like them as much as the first set. (second OP has some fantastic visuals however)


Eureka Seven 14

Pretty boring episode. Mostly uninformative info dumps and recap. I'm guessing this was a split-cour show or this is pretty bad. Oh well. New OP and ED are nice though I don't think I like them as much as the first set.

Split cour is very rare (or none at all) back then, its just annoying long-running series habit,


Subete no aware
Symphogear 3

Yet another example of my pet peeve. I don't think anime will ever be able to do recorded footage right. Anime studios are just too cheap to "redraw" a scene from the proper camera angles.


This is what passes for subtle in this show.

But yeah, I'm out. Even scrubbing this show, I couldn't stand it. I think I found the first season an interesting novelty, even if it was put up against the (perhaps at the time) better Rinne no Lagrange, but this is just idiotic. Recycling the same story, having a comical villain, shallow attempts to make the characters more than just anime figures to be sold... it all just feels so manufactured.

Someone tell me if they do something interesting, like make all the Fine members actually evil instead of magical girls in waiting. I kind of doubt that it'll happen though.
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