Few more bonding episodes, then plotplotplotplotplotplot for the rest of the way.
stop lying. precure don't have boobs.
Few more bonding episodes, then plotplotplotplotplotplot for the rest of the way.
Devils and Realist 3
I'm starting to get worried that William's constant denial about all the magic and demons he sees around him is going to eventually hurt this show. The fights are good enough to keep me watching though.
stop lying. precure don't have boobs.
I went from episodes 1 to 3 and then skipped to 12. I'll probably stay for the episodes with the mostI hope you stuck around for 14.
10,11,14,15 are the good episodes so far. The show is generally shit but if you stick around you might enjoy it.
Iirc all the PopTV jokes you'll see are because MTV fucked over the shows creators in one way or another and all of the gags are their "fuck you"
I have no idea. Did Corvo also catch thein at episode 22? lol. Also he knows that we had to wait for months after the end of episode 22, right?movie-tie
So i just read about the manga ending of Usagi Drop after watching the anime, why did i do that?
Go watch fresh.
And this is why there aren't good Vs-based Vns
Speaking of Fresh Precure, it's technically next up on my list right now. I watched Heartcatch first overall, and I'll probably just do a writeup of my impressions before I start Fresh, but in my mind, I'm thinking, should I rewatch Heartcatch for completionary sakes? Although, with my pace, it'd be October before I got to Fresh if I did that....
Usagi drop up to ep 6:
This is so heart warming. Gotten teary eyed in every episode... I also no longer wonder why Japan has so low birth rate. It has been made so hard to combine parenting and work life.
Speaking of Fresh Precure, it's technically next up on my list right now. I watched Heartcatch first overall, and I'll probably just do a writeup of my impressions before I start Fresh, but in my mind, I'm thinking, should I rewatch Heartcatch for completionary sakes? Although, with my pace, it'd be October before I got to Fresh if I did that....
I've fallen behind on the manga, but from memory Frey > Yaya.If they match even 1/5 of the style of the manga, you will not be prepared for Yaya. Or Frey/Flay. Mostly Yaya.
I kind of feel like combining parenting and working is hard no matter where you live, though.
Time to decide on what to watch next, I guess.
Dai-Guard or Turn A Gundam?
I've fallen behind on the manga, but from memory Frey > Yaya.
Aren't kids shows great?
Makes sense, since the PopTV ads tend to get blown up.
Not off the top of my head I didn't. I didn't get the VA thing because I didn't watch E7 in Japanese. And waiting months for that finale is . . . unthinkable.
Basically the best way to ruin your day, right?
Turn A
Well, now you know. It's the same voice actor. Imagine our anguish when we found out.
Can I watch Turn A before I've seen Victory, though?
Yes! Precure 5 - 09
Bahahahahahahahahaha. So there's this reporter girl who's become rather suspicious of why the Cures are so friendly with each other all of a sudden, and starts snooping around trying to find out their secret. She manages to deduce that it has something to do with the rumours of ghosts appearing around school, follows the girls to Nuts' shop and sees the mascots moving. Then she gets herself kidnapped by Arachnia, who tries to hold her as a hostage.
She averts her eyes in fear for a few seconds (pretty out of character, but understandable considering the ordeal she's going through), and the Cures take the opportunity to transform while she's not looking. But here's the beautiful part: despite the fact that reporter-girl witnesses their entire battle with a Kowaina (and hears Arachnia demand that they hand over the Dream Collet both before and after transforming!), not only does she not recognise the transformed Cures, she does not even consider the possibility that they might be one and the same as the five girls who mysteriously disappeared during the few seconds it took for the Cures to mysteriously appear.
I can only conclude that there must be some POWERFUL magic at work preventing anyone from recognising the Cures when transformed. That or the most outrageous "plot armour" ever.
Oh, and after the Cures have left the scene, our roving reporter runs into human-form Nuts, who promptly drives everything else completely out of her mind by sheer force of HOT MANNITUDE. That's some powerful "magic" right there too!
Well it's not like Sailor Moon where all they do is just throw on an accessory and BAM.
We have different hair styles to boot, so that helps.
We have different hair styles to boot, so that helps.
Is the dub any good?
It worked both ways in Sailor Moon, though, didn't it? I mean between Moonlight Knight and Tuxedo Mask, they still didn't know it was the Meatball eater hisself, right?
Yes, because the idea of magically-transforming hair should definitely not occur to you when you've just witnessed them battle a CAMERA THAT TRANSFORMED INTO A GIANT MONSTER. Especially not when you've already associated these five girls with supernatural occurrences and witnessed them hanging out with "moving stuffed toys" (the same stuffed toys that the transformed Cures were holding in their arms at the end of the battle, to be precise!)
In the anime where their appearance is pretty much the same, secret identities are incredibly important. In the live action where their appearance isn't at all the same, nobody cares about keeping their identity secret. This was pretty much the same with Precure, too.Well it's not like Sailor Moon where all they do is just throw on an accessory and BAM.
We have different hair styles to boot, so that helps.
Sakura Trick anime announcement confirmed again:
In the anime where their appearance is pretty much the same, secret identities are incredibly important. In the live action where their appearance isn't at all the same, nobody cares about keeping their identity secret. This was pretty much the same with Precure, too.
Go figure.
Watamote 3
Good episode. Especially like the part ofTomoka taking care of her brother. Even if she does it in a sloppy way it was the thought that counts.
But did she ultimately have proof to establish their identities though? Because I know she didn't by the end of the episode.
Oh no, she never had any proof. The silly part is that she never even thought of the possibility.
A work of piercing insight, staggering stylistic bravery, skillful narrative manipulation, and superbly nuanced characterization—all turned towards endlessly upsetting, disturbingly seductive ends.
Overall (sub) : A+
Story : A
Animation : A+
Art : A+
Music : A
+ A stone-cold masterpiece of psychological sadism and diseased romance; stunningly unconventional visuals and mature direction from an increasingly important director.
I know people generally dislike ANN reviews -- but god damn at this absolutely glowing Aku no Hana anime review:
Animation : A+
Art : A+:
Don't complain. At least Chiho got stuff. man this merch sucks!