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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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Sakura Trick 8
What is this magical console that only needs a HDMI cable for the sake of hooking it up to your TV? No power cable or cable to the Kinect appear to be necessary

But wireless power transfer is seeing more and more [URL="http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/04/140417124509.htm"]advances[/URL] each year.
Kill la Kill 23


Some tea before the final battle.

Everybody doing their best in battle. Fun stuff.

Link Man

Clannad 18

And now she's waking him up in an apron. Waifu wars part 2.

I imagine Tomoya and Tomoyo must have been uniquely frustrating pairing in Spanish-speaking countries (nouns ending in o are generally masculine, while those ending in a are generally feminine).

Okazaki's pranks are always top notch.

Battle of 3 Dinners. Has a nice ring to it.

Make that 4 Dinners. lol

More sports drama? Fuck.

Oh good, they turned it on its head (or Sunohara's).

Well, this just got really dark all of a sudden.

And the game is Love-40.
Not talking about tennis here.

Spoiled for me, though.


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Ep. 02: I thought this was supposed to be a serious anime, why is Motoko wearing this ludicrous outfit? Why was there a full-on ass shot as she exited out of a Tachikoma? Did the creators not believe in this series selling by its own merits but needed cheap sexual skits to enhance its marketability? How disgusting.

Enhance? The source material is far worse in that regard.


Isn't it just a sporty, biker's outfit? I'm not seeing the cause for alarm at this point in time. I can agree with some of the other stuff said here but it seems overly pessimistic coming off the first season no? (SD Gundam do suck though)
We're talking about Sunrise here.


Damn why are they censoring the show this much, like is there a reason why. I hope the BD don't have these censorings.

That is one of the reasons why they are censoring them!

The content may or may not be too gory to show on television. The main point is that, through censoring the footage, they're hoping you'll buy the disc release so that you can see the uncensored version, thus monetising the anime adaptation.


That is one of the reasons why they are censoring them!

The content may or may not be too gory to show on television. The main point is that, through censoring the footage, they're hoping you'll buy the disc release so that you can see the uncensored version, thus monetising the anime adaptation.

Exactly! It's just like all that steam you see in bath house scenes! There'd be no point in censoring the BD, that would be crazy.

Unless we're talking about Macross: Do You Remember Love? of course....
That is one of the reasons why they are censoring them!

The content may or may not be too gory to show on television. The main point is that, through censoring the footage, they're hoping you'll buy the disc release so that you can see the uncensored version, thus monetising the anime adaptation.

Always finding a way to make money. This is the world we live in.


I mean if you look at Akame Ga Kill it isn't censored, but Tokyo Ghoul is. What is the meaning of this.
Torture porn is one thing (although some will have to be censored/altered later on... There is no way they'll show some of them), but a human consuming human flesh is different altogether.
Torture porn is one thing, but a human consuming human flesh is different altogether.

You know I actually wonder if there gonna censor later scenes in Akame Ga Kill. Since people say it gets a lot more edgier.

Oh damn you already wrote what I said, but yeah they probably will censor it.


You know I actually wonder if there gonna censor later scenes in Akame Ga Kill. Since people say it gets a lot more edgier.

Hehe, yeah it does get a whole lot worse. Although I don't remember how long it takes to get that bad, so it may not end up in the animu.

Edit: well just check, and apparently it's a 2 cour show. So yeah It just may reach that far.
I saw people having sex both with consent and without in the berserk movies, and that's as awkward as it can get for anime. I'm a big boy anime don't make the whole screen black just air that shit on anime hbo.
Damn why are they censoring the show this much, like is there a reason why. I hope the BD don't have these censorings.

The image in particular feels oh so stupid. I know they meat is supposed to be from a human, but censoring a plate with a normal-looking meat (you could never guess it isn't cow or whatever) isn't exactly graphical violence.


Argevollen 3
Looks like it's going somewhere as far as story is concerned, maybe next week.

world's ugliest computer


almost like first level of Shovel Knight? nah it's worse

it's still so damn ugly. Their CG actually isn't so bad everything else not characters is. people that hated Aldnoah's CG probably should be ok with this I think.

Now getting to the world, after 3 episodes, this is so damn weird. I still don't know shit really. We have two countries divided by a natural wall of some sort. Excuse me, you have all this mecha and stuff but no air force? there is zilch flying in the sky and it has this weird purple tint to it. Maybe it's explained later it makes no sense why a wall matters this much. Characters aren't letting out much but not off putting either, the MC is a shit pilot but when things are getting bad he suddenly becomes badass, that seems to be the quirk they're going with. Everyone else so far is just a talking head but I'm not worried about that, it's obvious that will come.


ass humor(tm) returns intact from yamato 2199


sense of scale insert here

The battles themselves are actually way too militaristic and far less like mecha anime, there is infantry, tanks and trucks and everything besides the mechas. I dig that but the direction is shit, there is no weight to the battles and mech combat, the talent isn't behind this, that much has been clear from the start.

well, I can find so many issues with this whole thing if I want to but I kinda dig it despite all that, I can never recommend this show to any body though.



I've read through what's been translated of the manga and there's a lot of scenes that'll be really nice seeing animated but my lord the main girl is soooooooo damn obnoxious. Like I understand that the main dude needs to get his act together because plot reasons but she really comes off as unpleasant person to me. Maybe the adaption will show her in a better light (or worse! who knows).

Preview looks really pretty though.
I've read through what's been translated of the manga and there's a lot of scenes that'll be really nice seeing animated but my lord the main girl is soooooooo damn obnoxious. Like I understand that the main dude needs to get his act together because plot reasons but she really comes off as unpleasant person to me. Maybe the adaption will show her in a better light (or worse! who knows).

Preview looks really pretty though.

Is it the blonde girl that's obnoxious.


Quite the big task tamerlane is up to with this anthology:

anime year by year

Lets take a stroll down memory lane (although I still don't know how frequently these articles will be published).

Thanks for bringing this content to the threads attention, /XX/. The blog, for those who haven't clicked the link is:

...[A] history of anime, year by year, combining historical background and aesthetic interpretation. There will be a post for each year discussing the merits of specific anime as well as general trends of the industry in depth.

That's a rather ambitious task to be undertaking but I wish him the best of luck with his endeavour. There's certainly a number of writers who have attempted similar projects but what makes tamerlane's work here is that he's actually done the research. In other words, it's not "here's wot I thought about Evangelion" but "here's my opinion on the work and here's some information on the creation of it, the cerators, etc etc". It's also clear that the writer is drawing on a larger set of personal experiences than just 'watching anime' which is always great to see.

As someone who has written somewhat similar (but far less ambitious) pieces about anime I can attest that it genuinely takes a great deal of time and effort to produce even a handful of paragraphs about a title, yet alone a whole post about an entire year of anime that mixes 'reviews' of individual shows into the larger backdrop of the industry as a whole. It's certainly a great deal more work than taking a million screen shots of some popular show and dumping it on a blog somewhere.

As such I would recommend that anyone who reads AnimeGAF and is interested in reading more about anime check it out. I know that I will be keeping up with this blog which is more than I can say about 99.98% of all blogs written about anime.

For Hitokage and other Ojamho Doremi warriors here's a superbly concise piece about why you need to watch the show (seriously go watch it now!):

As well-wrought as Cardcaptor Sakura was, it’s hard not to see it as a product of its time. The sensuous, allegorical monster-of-the-week magical girl subgenre was overplayed by this point, and it’s clear that the next vanguard of magical girl shows would have to do something different. Enter Ojamajo Doremi, a mahou shoujo produced by Toei set to fill the void left by Sailor Moon. Much of the Sailor Moon staff transferred over for Doremi, including directors Junichi Sato and Takuya Igarashi. The show concerns a group of three friends who become witch apprentices after accidentally discovering the identity of a neighborhood witch Majo Rika (subsequently turning her into a talking frog). The tone of the series is far removed from the dark sexual politics of a Sakura or an Utena; instead, Doremi is a ‘magical girl slice of life’, more in line with older 1980’s magical girl shows in which our protagonists use their powers to help others rather than to fend off monsters. By jettisoning the MOTW structure, Doremi has a refreshing liberalness of form: though it tends to cycle between witch apprentice test episodes and episodes where Doremi tries to solve her peers’ problems via magic, the show isn’t afraid to mix things up and go for more dynamic stand-alone stories, like in the multi-episode arc where the girls have to recover the lost deed to Majo Rika’s shop. There’s a careful balance between the larger topics of the season and the individual character stories, and how the writers manage to keep every minor character relevant and tie everything up in the finale is remarkable. Kudos to head writer Takashi Yamada, who wasn’t a Sailor Moon vet and thus is partly responsible for the show’s divergent tone, as well as Reiko Yoshida who wrote some of the better episodes including the aforementioned lost deed arc.

The writing isn’t the only thing that recommends Doremi. There’s the character designs, for one. Yoshihiko Umakoshi is a prolific and talented character designer, but his work in Doremi might be among his best. His characters are simply drawn, but emotive, a perfect fit for a long-running magical girl show where budget and scheduling are both tight and thus complex designs are a hindrance. With Umakoshi’s designs, the characters of Doremi come alive in a way that makes fluid animation unimportant, and the art never gives off the feeling of being cheap or commercial. Also like Sailor Moon, Doremi was a showcase for Toei’s best directorial talent at the time as testified by the many episodes storyboarded by Junichi Sato, Shigeyasu Yamauchi, and especially Takuya Igarashi. Igarashi’s theatrical, stagey and spatially ‘flat’ storyboards mesh perfectly with Umakoshi’s designs, conveying emotion immediately and effectively. The whole production has a lot more care put into it than the average long-running Toei series; the backgrounds are done in a painterly watercolor style, facial animation is lively and creative, the OST isn’t grating, unlike those of a good number of magical girl shows, and the writing is more personal and affecting than anything else in the genre. Doremi is also something of a trendsetter in that the use of digital techniques, like sliding characters against static backgrounds instead of animating walking, is deftly exploited, becoming just another component in the show’s comic visual language. It’s hard to succinctly sum up Doremi’s appeal but that’s only because it does nearly everything well. It’s not only a great magical girl show, but one of the best long-running anime to ever air and despite being ‘cheap’ it shows up the expensive Sakura at nearly every turn.

Unfortunately, the quality of this content actually saddens me somewhat. For those who aren't aware tamerlane was a junior on GAF who got banned a while back. This is where GAF's strict perma-ban's for juniors policy displays itself as far from perfect because writing of this quality would surely help raise the level of discourse about anime both in AnimeGAF and in GAF in general.

I wish I had the time to produce this kind of writing. Well, perhaps I'm just trying to excuse the fact that I haven't invested the time or the effort necessary.


Is that like the mature version of a channel? And still all this censoring?
It's basically anime HBO. So if something were to be aired there, it would be the uncensored version. I think it airs later than the normal TV versions, which is why the version we see are the censored ones. It comes down to waiting for the uncensored version, or seeing it as it releases.
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