Spoilers: Toei is ridiculously lazy with everything that's not Precure
Spoilers: Toei is ridiculously lazy with everything that's not Precure
not necessarily. There have been some bad remakes and some that were good, just different. Its too early to say what this show is yet.
Clannad 19
The drama club is official! Although it seems like this whole plot has been in the background the whole time, and is only brought up to transition into the next arc.
Oh, are we going to focus on Okazaki's problems now? Would be a nice topic for a final arc.
Calling his son a companion. This is quite the rift.
lol Akio.
Cohabitation time!If I had known this would happen, I would have screencapped Magimoji Rurumo episode 2.
I guess Big Dango Family is an accurate music choice for this scene.
Is it just me, or has the visual quality improved since the beginning of the series?
Odd logic there, Kyou.
Lol, that sound effects scene.
Oh great, little kids. This will improve the show, said no one ever.
lol, Sunohara's jealousy.
And now we're back to the robot. What does it all mean?
Looks like things are gonna be happening next episode.
This movie has so far been the only Transformers by Michael Bay that I actually enjoyed. Absolutely despised the other ones. This one was great.
Girls und Panzar Episode 1-2
Starting off, I never picked up on this show before for some reason, but thanks to Phoenix I'm a bit glad I did now. This whole show is adorable lol. It really is about girls driving tanks in school and using them for a battle as a sort of a sport. I'm gonna keep watching it through since I made a watch bet (though we both picked good anime) Can't wait to see some of a tank battles and watch as the girls fumble around adorably while learning about tanks :3. Also the show stays like this later on with just more action correct? I'm glad about their not being much fanservice still here. (I don't mind fan service, just don't like when it's overdone). Still thought the end of the first episode was hilarious when they do that zoom out at the end on the aircraft carrier and I'm was just all "WTF?"
Moe tanks ahoy!
Sailor Moon Crystal 02
God this show is so gross looking, the character models all look awkward, ugly cgi and still frames everywhere, it's pretty embarrassing especially since both Illya and Happiness Charge are airing right now. At least Best Girl Mercury made it a bit better, hopefully Second Best Girl Jupiter and Third Best Girl Mars can keep it up.
SAO 2 - Ep3
It only took 3 episodes to become 100% complete shit. Almost like SAO1.
this show makes me want to punch my own fucking head in
There's no Shia in this movie right? That would make me more receptive to it (Nothing against the actor really, but the cast of human characters were painful).
Also the show stays like this later on with just more action correct?
its ugly but passable. Ive only seen one episode though. So Ami showed up in the second episode? Wow this show is blazing through chapters.
I know it looks bad sometimes but it still consistently has better animation than everything else they do
...It's two chapters in two episodes.
Girls und Panzar Episode 1-2
My brother told me this movie was good the other day and I totally didn't believe him. Didn't help that he said it was the only Transformers movie he saw, so there was no point of comparison lol
There's no Shia in this movie right? That would make me more receptive to it (Nothing against the actor really, but the cast of human characters were painful).
Fresh consistently looked bad.
I mean hell. We have this beauty
Girls und Panzar Episode 1-2
I'm glad about their not being much fanservice still here. (I don't mind fan service, just don't like when it's overdone). Still thought the end of the first episode was hilarious when they do that zoom out at the end on the aircraft carrier and I'm was just all "WTF?"
Moe tanks ahoy!
It got Mark Wahlberg instead of Shia. None of the human characters from the previous movies are left actually.
I don't like naming names but the comment in the vein of that quote is definitely back there if you really want to look for it.
That's really good news actually. I just watched the trailer for the new Transformers movie and I might actually check it out. "Mark Wahlberg and his inappropriately dressed teenage daughter will CHANGE THE WORLD." It's still Michael Bay alright. DINOSAURS THO.
Don't get too hyped for dinobots, cause they're not in the movie for that long.
I still can't sell if this season of SAO is actually good or not, AnimeGAF gets your damn hivemind in order
If there's a particular post you have problems with, it makes communication much clearer if you respond to the post in question. You might be trying to spare the feelings of others, but when you're unclear, misunderstandings can arise which cause more problems.
How is M3? Is it worth watching?
Barakamon 3
The first 6 episodes were pretty awful, but I can't speak to if it gets any better after that.
This is depressing.
Sometimes watching 720p/1080p on Crunchyroll is still annoying even with decent bandwidth because the player is pretty bad and the stream doesn't use your entire bandwidth.
Nah, Crunchyroll only lets it buffer a (very) small amount of time in my experience.
It probably isn't a big deal for most people, but it's hard watching shows with a lot of dark scenes (Mushishi) because of the poor video quality. I get that it has to be streamable, but it still hurts to look at sometimes.
You don't have to tell us, I guess. People just want to watch the stuff at the same time paying users do. People get ridiculous in their defense.
Common arguments:
"Well, it's like watching TV. I already pay for that." - Yeah, fuck you, that's not how it works.
"Anime are too expensive" - Yeah, maybe, but you still have to pay for a product if you want to have it and the legal steaming stuff isn't that bad.
And my favorite:
"I don't like anime, why would I pay for it?" - WHY DO YOU WATCH ANIME
I see. America is weird and expensive when it comes to internet, yes?
There are those two bath scenes in GuP.
Aren't those like less than 20 seconds though? Like literally throwaway material
I still can't sell if this season of SAO is actually good or not, AnimeGAF gets your damn hivemind in order
Barakamon 3
This show is simply amazing. Had me in stitches on multiple occasions.
For obvious reasons, this show reminds me of Usagi Drop. How was that by the by? I never finished it.
Barakamon 3
This show is simply amazing. Had me in stitches on multiple occasions.
For obvious reasons, this show reminds me of Usagi Drop. How was that by the by? I never finished it.
No, they're a few minutes of conversation.
Mahouka 16
Its surprising one of the shows I was watching just to fill time has become probably #2 from last season for me.
The Crimson Prince is also the most like-able 'villian'
Barakamon 3
This show is simply amazing. Had me in stitches on multiple occasions.
For obvious reasons, this show reminds me of Usagi Drop. How was that by the by? I never finished it.
I don't recall it being that long.
My only regret is there was no hand wringing in that sequence.
The Usagi Drop anime is fantastic.
Don't ever.
Ever. EVER. Finish the manga, though.
They're pretty long, but they're not really fanservicey either. Well... I mean, it's just your standard ofuro scene with no real fanservice shots. I think. I can't remember.
I feel like I dropped the show right when it was going to get interesting. But that's how I felt about every M3 episode lol. "Next episode will be the crazy good one!"
They're pretty long, but they're not really fanservicey either. Well... I mean, it's just your standard ofuro scene with no real fanservice shots. I think. I can't remember.