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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Maturity, bitches.
Kind of funny how adjusting glasses is seen as a cool action in Japanese media but is associated with dorky behaviour in Western media.
Well, not gonna say how it's affected after episode 13, but up to that point:

Yeah slight edge Inaban. However Iori really isn't far behind. Yui is likable too but doesn't get a lot of spotlight.

Well I pretty much know who gets together at the end. But the good thing is I don't know how that happens or the journey to that conclusion.


think i may have to given that S2 will never likely happen :(
Yes, at this point the possibility of a second adaptation is really low. also consider that manga is a lot easier to read through than it is watching anime and Aku no Hana isn't very long either I see no reason to not check it out if you are at all interested.

Let us not forget how Hosoda was the grounding influence on Ikuhara in Utena.
Oh that was another good one.

Man, that looks fun. Too bad I'm terrible at these sort of games, forever relegated to scrub tier in wonzo's eyes. No idea about the Statue of LIberty thing in the tv show (only Corvo knows for sure) but I sure hope it does pop up.
I see my work is done here.
You can give it a go anyway. It's not hard and you can just scrub through it if you can take the shame anyhow. Some nice fanservice in there and it's even funnier if you've also seen RGZ actually.

As for the statue of liberty it's called 'Liberty F7'
I don't think it's in the anime but it could be in the manga. Failing that it is probably a game original but that would strike me as odd.

Kind of funny how adjusting glasses is seen as a cool action in Japanese media but is associated with dorky behaviour in Western media.
I think adjusting glasses actually has both portrayals based on what I have seen in Japanese media. Depends on the character stereotypes they are going for at the time.


I always adjust my glasses now thanks to this show. I don't look nearly as cool.

Pft, I adjusted my glasses before it was cool. #glassecore

Seriously though, I am so hyped for the new season of LH this Fall. That show was a really great surprise. I don't know if any new OP can match Database (database just livin' in the database woah oh) though.

Oh also, thanks for all the short and OVA suggestions, guys! I'll start checking them out tonight.


Digimon Adventure coming back basically makes me feel like a 12 year old kid again. After all this time, my childhood is coming back. Anime is officially saved.

(And I'll maintain that Digimon Adventure is an iconic classic that everyone should watch (in the original language, of course))

I still jam to "Break Up" every now and then
Rail Wars 5
I can't believe not only did they had him shoot her in such a way that it ruined her panties and she didn't bring spares just so they could fit it in a commando plot but also had her get soaked in the rain so that she was only wearing his shirt at one point. That's practically a Safe for TV softporn story right there. I guess they had to one-up the beach episode somehow. The other stuff was pretty par for the course.


Aw. Solune apparently asked for a full permanent ban from NeoGaf and not just a regular ban? :(



It's kinda cool, though as far as Banpresto arcade tie-ins are concerned, I like the Macross Plus shmup. They are mostly clones of other games though. I found this solid enough as a fanservice endeavor. The music renditions of the in-series vocal tracks were a nice touch as was the fact they used a variety of the attacks from both Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger and UFO Robot Grendaizer. Could be a lot worse!

I didn't know about the Macross Plus one. It looks like it could be fun to try sometime if I get the chance.

Man, that looks fun. Too bad I'm terrible at these sort of games, forever relegated to scrub tier in wonzo's eyes. No idea about the Statue of LIberty thing in the tv show (only Corvo knows for sure) but I sure hope it does pop up.

I'd agree with Theonik and play it anyway if you want to. Having fun is what matters.

Many of these games let you continue as much as you want and your score just gets lowered rather than only giving you a set number of lives. It's pretty neat to see yourself get better too, especially if you practise playing on a harder level or something. After a few playthroughs or going back to a lower difficulty and things seem easier and you don't have have to use as many continues.


Aw. Solune apparently asked for a full permanent ban from NeoGaf and not just a regular ban? :(



I didn't know about the Macross Plus one. It looks like it could be fun to try sometime if I get the chance.

I'd agree with Theonik and play it anyway if you want to. Having fun is what matters.

Many of these games let you continue as much as you want and your score just gets lowered rather than only giving you a set number of lives. It's pretty neat to see yourself get better too, especially if you practise playing on a harder level or something. After a few playthroughs or going back to a lower difficulty and things seem easier and you don't have have to use as many continues.

  • I'll guilt trip him for you
  • I have so much other stuff to do first!


While that's a pretty hilarious idea in concept (combining anime and PUA) and a pretty hilariously bad list I couldn't help but think of it during these scenes in Log Horizon:

Ahhhhh she is so cute. I loved her!

Also I think I recall Outbreak Company getting licensed too. Can someone confirm?


Diamond Dust Drops ~Kyoko~

Something about the faces in this show looks weird. Everything else looks generally alright, but the faces don't look quite as they should. Kyoko's story was the most bittersweet of the ones so far. It's the only one that ends with a love lost, but a personal thing discovered from it. It was pretty clearly foreshadowed with the historical tale told in the first part, admittedly. That doesn't take away from its effectiveness, and since the story arc revolved around making a movie, something I'll always appreciate, I liked it better than the other two.

Diamond Dust Drops ~Suomi~

This was my favorite of the stories so far. Suomi's pretty adorable, and her story didn't involve any romance, just friendship. The second part was a DVD-exclusive, and I can see how the story cut out so that it's not needed, but having it there both expands on and clarifies everything about her relationship with Hanna. The diamond dust itself keeps being used in various ways, and seeing it being used as part of the backstory, instead of something that the characters are aspiring to find, lends a different feel compared to the others. The ice skating was enjoyable to watch, too.
Tenchi Muyo! OVA Series

Tenchi is weird. I like the first OVA. It looks decent, it has fun character interactions, and it has some legitimately good action. The first handful of episodes are the best because they keep it relatively simple, but then the plot happens. Suddenly, Light Hawk wings! Kagato! Tsunami! Random familial ties! Weird outfits! Other dimensions! It introduces so much stuff all at once, and the storytelling just sort of collapses under the weight of all these new concepts. It embodies the stereotype of anime being incomprehensible and hard to follow, barely stopping to explain any of what’s happening onscreen (which could be preferable to an exposition dump depending on who you are, but still.) The show is already tossing out spaceships powered by trees and cat/rabbit hybrids in addition to your typical magic sword and mysterious woman, and it just goes....not bad, but weird. I was still largely entertained by the proceedings, even if it was pretty much nonsense. But it was fairly clear that the show was at its best when it boiled down to “strange woman appears” and random comedy.
Tenchi muyo started as anything but a normal comedy , from episode 1 it was full on with world building and character building. Before kagato arrives, it was already full telling you about the royal familly ,forshadowing a lot of stuff .It's not hard to follow as long as you understand what is important right now and what you can keep for later.
The second OVA is worse overall but a little better with the plot, as some of those new concepts get explained and others just sort of disappear. But the plot does remain weak, as it boils down to a lengthy dialogue exchange, and the show isn’t quite as funny. It still has its moments, of course. But it starts out with a baby episode (baby episodes almost always suck as all of them repeat the same handful of jokes, and this is no exception), and the final episode is pretty much the start of the big problems. Suddenly, we’re introduced to the parents, and they entirely reverse the show’s lack of exposition as they spout an episode’s worth of world-building stuff that doesn’t even seem to matter in the long run.
Second oav is worse ?
I again disagree . I'm under the impression that you are looking for a comedy when tenchi muyo isn't one. Sure there are random laughs but it's certainly NOT the focus of the oavs.
The show is doing all he can because of his cast, if you cannot enjoy the cast and the world created then you should have stopped there.
That brings us to the third OVA. Let’s look at the episode progression here:

1: Fucking nothing happens, except apparently Tenchi has a stepmother and we get a glimpse of the villain of this series, Z.
2: Tenchi suddenly has an older sister (who looks exactly like his dead mother), a grandmother, and a fiancée.
3: Tenchi gets sick and his fiancée takes over the house.
4: Tenchi’s fiancee’s mother comes to visit, one harem girl’s (Mihoshi) brother puts a plan into motion to destroy the Earth to rescue his sister.
5: Everyone sets up Mihoshi’s brother and his underling to start going out and stuff.
6: Half the Earth is destroyed by Z and Tenchi fights him and then time rewinds and goddesses and the Counter-Actor and little girl Kagato and I don’t even know.
7: Mihoshi’s brother and Underling get hitched. Tenchi’s mother, who we have never discussed before, is different from how he remembers her and attempted drama ensues.

So do you see the problem here? There’s so many characters coming and going who we’ve never met before, and then they pretty much become the focus. Tenchi’s fiancée isn’t all that bad, but Christ there’s like eight other characters here. The main plot all takes place in episode 6, which is brain-meltingly stupid and some the most incomprehensible shit I’ve ever seen. We’re supposed to care about all these new characters and this world-building and this universe-spanning plotline when the show’s strength is pretty much just the blue haired girl yelling at the purple haired girl. The show has ballooned from what’s pretty much just a teenager releasing a demon girl to something absurdly convoluted.
Your problem here is that you didn't watch tenchi muyo gxp.
You didn't meet those characters ? You, maybe but most of them were in Tenchi muyo Gxp ( except tenchi sister ) Why should they introduce themselves more when they already had a 26 episode show when they had roles ?
You just missed an entire book of world and character building ! and that's NOT the oav fault.
Side notes:

1. Tenchi’s harem consists of: a space pirate who watched him pee when he was like 4 years old, his great aunt who was gonna be married to her brother (Tenchi’s grandfather), his other great aunt who looks about 8 years old, the mother of the space pirate who watched him pee and looks about 12 years old because reasons, some random cop, a toddler that used to be a cat/rabbit and is still a cat/rabbit seemingly at random, the adopted daughter of his great aunts’ grandmother. What the fuck? And it’s weird, because they don’t even really rub the weird incest in your face; it doesn’t really come across as pandering to a fetish because it’s basically irrelevant background information that only shows up once in a blue moon. It just...exists. And even then it feels like more of a love triangle between one great aunt and the space pirate rather than a group of girls who all want to jump him.
Because tenchi harem is not that huge.
Tenchi harem is : Ryoko, Ayeka, Noike , his 3 wives. The rest is just familly.
Sasami feeligns are blocked by tsunami and if it happens , it'll be in a very long future.
Washu doesn't care about tenchi in a love way. She just want to do experimentations and enjoy life as a human. Washu loved 1 person as a human and that's it.
Mihoshi ? Too long story.

Bottom line : Aside from his 3 wives, the rest can't or isn't intrested in tenchi. That's why it doesn't go that far.
2. I don’t know what it is, but the third OVA is fucking ugly. The animation is stiff, the shading is weird, the character designs are pointy and bad, and it just generally looks kinda cheap.

3. Tenchi is a self-insert character. There’s no way around it. But he’s not offensively so; he just comes across like a nice guy. Not to the point where it makes all of these girls in love with him remotely believable, but hey, they have a spaceship powered by a tree. It’s not really an issue within the story, either, since the show itself seems more concerned with the girls, and they’re able to pretty much pick up the slack of carrying the show. However, it makes me wonder how big of an ego trip you have to be on as a writer to make your self-insert character become THE GOD OF ALL THINGS EVERYWHERE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND EVERY DIMENSION.
I disagree about the animation and the quality of the 3rd oav.

Tenchi is not that much an Ego trip. The writter just used that part with tenchi muyo .Most of the thing he has done were in the same multiverse and he did made :
-Characters in other show in the same uuniverse having the same attribute ( not limited to tenchi )
-The counter actor ( the plot device to destroy That god should it be necessary )
I think he just planned properly.
4. I watched the dub of this because that’s how it became known in the States, and the voice acting is...eh. Tenchi kinda sounds like Kermit the frog, the lines aren’t great, and the acting often leaves something to be desired. The sub is probably better. Also pirate girl’s voice actor changes for the third OVA and it sounds like they barely tried to find someone who sounded similar. The trade-off is that she no longer sounds 40, I guess.
Dub is horrible ..why are you doing this to your ears ?
5. I don’t think there’s any question that the third OVA should be skipped entirely unless you want your brain broken. I consider the first three episodes of the first OVA to be legitimately good, as well as the fourth episode of the second. Though you can probably just boil it down to the first episode, maybe the second.

I don’t really see anyone giving ratings around here, but I’d probably give a 7 for the first, 6 for the second, 4 for the third.
Third oav is damn fine if you have the proper context.
Yes it was silly , Yes it wasn't as focused as it could have been. BUT for people at the time that wanted answer of many things unclear on the tenchi muyto timeline, the oavs answered many questions.
I always adjust my glasses now thanks to this show. I don't look nearly as cool.

I has adjusting my glasses before , but now i do that much more often ( and i feel good inside )


Dirty Pair 10

12-year old prince got swag.

This was a pretty cool episode with everybody trying to get at the Dirty Pair and the prince in some way because they wanted him dead or wanted a piece of the bounty pie. Duke dude wasn't very intimidating though.
Mad Bull 34 01 (dub)

Alright. OK. You know what?

I can deal with this one. In fact, I think it's actually pretty enjoyable. Yeah.
This is like all those 80's buddy cop movies cranked up to 11. You got our rookie cop Daizaburo and our big man on the job Sleepy patrolling the toughest district in the NYC.
Violence, nudity, crime is at an all time high. Everything is played up as high as possible, Fist of the North Star head explosions included. Last OVA this gory I've seen was probably M.D. Geist.
But it is entertaining.

I mean look at this man.

He's got the build of Mike Haggar and a heart of gold. What's not to like here.

You're the best Sleepy.
I love Satomi Arai as narrator in Okami san. Probably still my favourite narrator job in anime. Not that I've heard a lot of narrators. The show is enjoyable enough. Not something I'd need to own...but then with streaming access to shows few shows are worth owning. And that goes double when it comes to SD sets.

If Satomi Arai is in any new anime, I will definitely try to watch the series. Maybe just give the viewers a full episode of Ranko Hata in the next Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA?
Tenchi muyo started as anything but a normal comedy , from episode 1 it was full on with world building and character building. Before kagato arrives, it was already full telling you about the royal familly ,forshadowing a lot of stuff .It's not hard to follow as long as you understand what is important right now and what you can keep for later.

there's a pretty big line between how much character and world-building stuff they give you before the Kagato plot and after it. they throw so much stuff at the wall to see what sticks in the span of a few episodes that it's kind of absurd. sure, there's always a pretty decent amount of bizarre concepts from the very beginning, but it starts out at a manageable level before getting completely out of hand.

Second oav is worse ?
I again disagree . I'm under the impression that you are looking for a comedy when tenchi muyo isn't one. Sure there are random laughs but it's certainly NOT the focus of the oavs.
The show is doing all he can because of his cast, if you cannot enjoy the cast and the world created then you should have stopped there.

comedy isn't the sole focus, but it's a very significant part of pretty much every episode. yeah, you have character development for Washu, Sasami, etc., but they come in smaller chunks compared to the comedy, and i feel that comedy is generally weaker. it's not the only issue, either; like i said, the big confrontation in space boils down to Washu talking to Dr. Clay for the entire episode, and then the final episode is a massive exposition dump.

Your problem here is that you didn't watch tenchi muyo gxp.
You didn't meet those characters ? You, maybe but most of them were in Tenchi muyo Gxp ( except tenchi sister ) Why should they introduce themselves more when they already had a 26 episode show when they had roles ?
You just missed an entire book of world and character building ! and that's NOT the oav fault.

i've seen GXP; it's terrible. i meant "we've never met" in the context of watching just the OVAs, and i don't think it's an unrealistic expectation to believe that a series should probably be able to stand on its own without having to dive into the spin-offs. even with the context of GXP, it's a mostly pointless onslaught of cameos before settling on the Misao subplot, which really just left me wondering why i should care (the guy shows up for about a minute in GXP).

Because tenchi harem is not that huge.
Tenchi harem is : Ryoko, Ayeka, Noike , his 3 wives. The rest is just familly.
Sasami feeligns are blocked by tsunami and if it happens , it'll be in a very long future.
Washu doesn't care about tenchi in a love way. She just want to do experimentations and enjoy life as a human. Washu loved 1 person as a human and that's it.
Mihoshi ? Too long story.

Bottom line : Aside from his 3 wives, the rest can't or isn't intrested in tenchi. That's why it doesn't go that far.

eh well, it's mostly Ryoko, Ayeka, and Noike that are the weird ones as far as relationships go anyway. isn't he supposed to marry them all in the end, though?

Tenchi is not that much an Ego trip. The writter just used that part with tenchi muyo .Most of the thing he has done were in the same multiverse and he did made :
-Characters in other show in the same uuniverse having the same attribute ( not limited to tenchi )
-The counter actor ( the plot device to destroy That god should it be necessary )
I think he just planned properly.

i dunno, seeing the guy evolve from your average blank slate protagonist to an omnipotent being is a little suspect if you ask me.

Dub is horrible ..why are you doing this to your ears ?

eh. i wouldn't call it horrible, but it's definitely not the ideal way to experience the show.

Third oav is damn fine if you have the proper context.
Yes it was silly , Yes it wasn't as focused as it could have been. BUT for people at the time that wanted answer of many things unclear on the tenchi muyto timeline, the oavs answered many questions.

i would say it answers those questions rather poorly; it's all smashed into episode 6 and parts of 7 for some reason. there's a way to build this stuff up gradually so that it at least works from a storytelling standpoint even if it's still pretty convoluted, but they chose to focus on stuff like setting up Mihoshi's brother for a date.


Anyone here seen Room 237, is there an anime equivalent that analyzes a particular show?

I assume you're after the more technical analysis rather than the fanciful stuff (moon landing/minotaur/etc)? I'd like to see something similar if so but I doubt it exists.
there's a pretty big line between how much character and world-building stuff they give you before the Kagato plot and after it. they throw so much stuff at the wall to see what sticks in the span of a few episodes that it's kind of absurd. sure, there's always a pretty decent amount of bizarre concepts from the very beginning, but it starts out at a manageable level before getting completely out of hand.
I dunno. i have to admit that it get serious on the explanations time after ep3 but that's it.
Everything they told was used later ( or in other oavs )
i've seen GXP; it's terrible. i meant "we've never met" in the context of watching just the OVAs, and i don't think it's an unrealistic expectation to believe that a series should probably be able to stand on its own without having to dive into the spin-offs. even with the context of GXP, it's a mostly pointless onslaught of cameos before settling on the Misao subplot, which really just left me wondering why i should care (the guy shows up for about a minute in GXP).
I think gxp is broken not terrible.
Gxp Imo is a great way to see more of the world that was done in another perspective.
Given how close it is to the oav universe, it's almost a requirement for the full experience.
eh well, it's mostly Ryoko, Ayeka, and Noike that are the weird ones as far as relationships go anyway. isn't he supposed to marry them all in the end, though?
No.tenchi is supossed to live with most of them for a time but it won't marry all of them
i dunno, seeing the guy evolve from your average blank slate protagonist to an omnipotent being is a little suspect if you ask me.
It's a shell that he discarded and that he didn't use. He was godly from ep6 when he was able to create light wings on his own without any seed of ship. It's not like he was omnipotent or using that power , this was a revelation that he is most likely "that" being since he is on the most basis level an anomaly already.
i would say it answers those questions rather poorly; it's all smashed into episode 6 and parts of 7 for some reason. there's a way to build this stuff up gradually so that it at least works from a storytelling standpoint even if it's still pretty convoluted, but they chose to focus on stuff like setting up Mihoshi's brother for a date.

Tenchi muyo isn't just the oavs it's the whole universe built on the oav , ( and i include the kamijima onsen , the book , the lore ). The fact is : we've got answers.
Should have not done an infodump ? Yes
But if you're looking at the oavs from someone seeking more answer than raw entertainment ( like me ) the simple fact that it solved some issues is good for me.


I think gxp is broken not terrible.
Gxp Imo is a great way to see more of the world that was done in another perspective.
Given how close it is to the oav universe, it's almost a requirement for the full experience.

I actually kind of enjoyed GXP, but I'm probably a oddity in that I basically tried to watch them in reverse order (as I am a new anime fan). Started with Geminar, which I loved, then GXP (which I thought was ok but very retro in style) and then tried to go back further (I think with the Tenchi in Love movie) but the oldness put me off.


[Log Horizon]: 1 - 12

Why is this show so good? Why is the background art so well realised? Why is Man with a Mission such a catchy OP? Why can't people stop touching their glasses?

Welcome to database :) Surprisingly the LN is written by the guy who also write Maoyuu Maou Yusha. The guy did a excellent job on worldbuilding the game and actually tries to tie into the plot and on what shirou needs to find out. Not to mention the glass pushing and plotting.


Dirty Pair 11

Heh, liked the way they set up this episode with them getting an invitation to a party by somebody they didn't recognize. Thought they'd go and it would be a trap or something. But instead they get caught up on another planet while Yuri was trying to buy a dress because they were mistaken for an ugly criminal couple. And everything ballooned from there.

And then the party was a lame family get-together with their boss. Lol.
I actually kind of enjoyed GXP, but I'm probably a oddity in that I basically tried to watch them in reverse order (as I am a new anime fan). Started with Geminar, which I loved, then GXP (which I thought was ok but very retro in style) and then tried to go back further (I think with the Tenchi in Love movie) but the oldness put me off.

I enjoyed seeing a character with bad luck as his weapon
going from simple rural middle schooler to might space policemen with a harem of 8 wives
Sure the comedy was hit or miss , but for me it was a hit.

Wait someone is actually defending the third Tenchi OVA?

I'm acknowledging the Third oav as something flawed but not that horrible.
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