I don't own an XBox One but I hope everyone ends up liking it!
How do you install stuff manually btw? I downloaded the digital deluxe version.
and yeah I spoke too soon since at 9 pm it was still at like 15% either the thing sky rocketed or I dunno lol
edit: wait no never fucking mind haha. it let me load the game but the menu is stuck in installing. what a sick twisted joke on poor woof. Does the xbone have a similar system to the ps4 where after it downloads X-amount of the total game it can play? If not I find it weird that it says "ready to start" but I cant start the game.
It does have that system, but irritatingly most of the games I've played just use the install screen loophole.
Is the game unlock yet?
Is the game unlock yet?
Not for west coast right?in the US, yes
What do the cans you collect do? Currency?
Was the game stuck at the loading screen for a long time for anyone else? In 10 minutes it hasn't budged from the page that simply says "Sunset Overdrive" in huge letters with a small "Loading . . ." towards the lower righthand corner.
Not for west coast right?
Not for west coast right?
Might be downloading the patch?
My lucky stars!!!Digital is live for everyone in the US.
How do I equip a different melee weapon? (I have 3 DLC melee weapons).
Thanks! This game is a blast! Really happy for Insomniac and Xbox One owners this game turned out the way it did. Finally my XBO pulled me away from my other systems.Once you meet Calista you can change the melee skin. Currently using the rad guitar pre order DLC.
ugh i don't know why but I have an irrational hate for this reasoning
Yeah, while I'm sure there are people out there who play female characters for that reason, it tends to feel like a cop out response. I've seen some of guys are just too insecure to admit they just like playing games with a female character, so they try to come up with manly responses like "I do it for dat ass".
I don't mean to knock the original poster who said that as I don't think there's really a wrong reason to pick whatever character you want and it seems silly to judge someone based on that. Just something I've noticed amongst people I know is all.
Is this game a system seller?
Where do you go to change clothes? lol
There's nothing wrong with the "ass" reasoning. People like what they like. I play as women in third person games because their bodies tend to be smaller, thus take up less screen-room.
Only a few more days before I can play this...