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Super Best Friends Thread 12: 12 Threads in and It's Still the tutorial


More like FraudtomGaming amirite?

I recommend not following me on Twitter. I sometimes make references that are older than some of you. Not like you'd be able to figure out my name on there.


Damn, that is pretty real. It sucks that a bunch of shit kids fucked your mental state back then.

I'm glad that you've picked yourself up and are enjoying life more.
It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't adults too. I had gym teachers telling me to try harder, regular teachers being unaware that autism has a sliding scale of severity, and that not all of us are mentally affected besides socially, and strict teachers trying to correct my posture all the time without realizing.

My favorite track from berserk ;~;

Im glad you're doing better tho. Uncle Abu is proud.
Thanks abu. You're the coolest.
I know how you feel, man. I went through a similar thing, except mine was a massive stutter and lisp (both of which took around 6 years of continuous speech therapy to fix). Good that you overcame it, tho! Funny how I also turned to humor and my singing ability to make up for my deformity, if you will, too.
And obviously video games and anime.

I have a very small deformity on my dick, PM if you want to know.

I am not ready to know that tho.
I will never be ready.
Thanks for the offer. But no.

The only regret that I have is that I might have been too rash in deciding on the surgery. Between my nips, the nerves are dead, and so the ever-present numbness takes a lot of getting used to. Got pinched on the edge of the dead zone the other day, and freaked the fuck out. I don't think I ever will entirely, to be honest. Still, it's way better than what I had to deal with before.
Plus, scars make you look like a cool guy. So there's that I guess.
Realgaf time. Here's the soundtrack for while you read
I actually had, basically up until this year, a huuuge body image problem. I was born with a deformity of the sternum called pectus carinatum, meaning my sternum stuck out, at a sloped angle. Combined with my very rounded face(symptomatic of my mild asperger's syndrome), and chronic low muscle tone(an actual medical condition that affects both strength and coordination, making me a very clumsy child), I was very aware that I was rather... awkward and different as a child. When I was in elementary school, I overheard some of my friends talking behind me on the bus, saying that apparently some girl liked me, and they couldn't understand why because I was one of the ugliest people they knew. Being very trusting in my friends, I naturally accepted what they said as the truth, and so I started to assume this to be the case. Thus, in junior high, as I my body developed, and my deformity became more pronounced, I started to work on my personality, becoming an entertainer of sorts, an eccentric charmer to try to compensate for what I could only assume was my disgusting body. I developed severe acne, which made my self-image even worse, and so I started to work on my voice, thinking it was all I had in terms of physical romantic assets. I joined the speech and debate club to try and master my oratory, and put many, many hours into becoming the coolest guy I could be(as well as president of the club). Because I had neither romantic experience nor self-worth, I never made moves on the girls that I liked, and when girls approached me, I was utterly clueless. My high school romantic life was a rough one, full of more than one cringegaf worthy entry. Having long faced discrimination for both my aspergers(which made uninformed people, especially teachers, doubt my intelligence despite the reality of still being smart enough to be a goddamn national merit scholar) and my deformity, I started developing a massive ego to compensate and I began working out, so that people couldn't call me weak anymore. I became afraid to take my shirt off at pool parties because of how people looked at, and commented on my chest, and generally tired of being in my weak, afflicted body. In the summer before senior year, I chose to undergo a somewhat brutal surgery to remove the deformity(because it was the only way to get it gone in time for college, compared to other, gentler, and slower methods), leaving me with a 4-inch scar across my chest and a corresponding zone in which I may never feel sensations again. I've since gained actual confidence in both my appearance and myself overall, and am now leading a much happier life. Since I've rambled on so long, I guess that I should give a moral to this story, and so I've decided on this: If you ever meet someone with a deformity, one that they aren't hiding... Please don't be insensitive. Staring, whispering, even asking openly about it... All of these things hurt more than you could ever know. They didn't choose to be born like that, and they have to live with it every day. It may be a curiosity to you, but even if they've already resigned themselves to it, it still hurts every time.
Or maybe I'm just a huge bitch. Yeah, that's probably it.

It's good that you were able to move on, with a sick scar no less.
I recommend not following me on Twitter. I sometimes make references that are older than some of you. Not like you'd be able to figure out my name on there.

remember that one time you were hyped that Liam responded to you on twitter and you linked it? neither to do I ;)


Realgaf time. Here's the soundtrack for while you read
I actually had, basically up until this year, a huuuge body image problem. I was born with a deformity of the sternum called pectus carinatum, meaning my sternum stuck out, at a sloped angle. Combined with my very rounded face(symptomatic of my mild asperger's syndrome), and chronic low muscle tone(an actual medical condition that affects both strength and coordination, making me a very clumsy child), I was very aware that I was rather... awkward and different as a child. When I was in elementary school, I overheard some of my friends talking behind me on the bus, saying that apparently some girl liked me, and they couldn't understand why because I was one of the ugliest people they knew. Being very trusting in my friends, I naturally accepted what they said as the truth, and so I started to assume this to be the case. Thus, in junior high, as I my body developed, and my deformity became more pronounced, I started to work on my personality, becoming an entertainer of sorts, an eccentric charmer to try to compensate for what I could only assume was my disgusting body. I developed severe acne, which made my self-image even worse, and so I started to work on my voice, thinking it was all I had in terms of physical romantic assets. I joined the speech and debate club to try and master my oratory, and put many, many hours into becoming the coolest guy I could be(as well as president of the club). Because I had neither romantic experience nor self-worth, I never made moves on the girls that I liked, and when girls approached me, I was utterly clueless. My high school romantic life was a rough one, full of more than one cringegaf worthy entry. Having long faced discrimination for both my aspergers(which made uninformed people, especially teachers, doubt my intelligence despite the reality of still being smart enough to be a goddamn national merit scholar) and my deformity, I started developing a massive ego to compensate and I began working out, so that people couldn't call me weak anymore. I became afraid to take my shirt off at pool parties because of how people looked at, and commented on my chest, and generally tired of being in my weak, afflicted body. In the summer before senior year, I chose to undergo a somewhat brutal surgery to remove the deformity(because it was the only way to get it gone in time for college, compared to other, gentler, and slower methods), leaving me with a 4-inch scar across my chest and a corresponding zone in which I may never feel sensations again. I've since gained actual confidence in both my appearance and myself overall, and am now leading a much happier life. Since I've rambled on so long, I guess that I should give a moral to this story, and so I've decided on this: If you ever meet someone with a deformity, one that they aren't hiding... Please don't be insensitive. Staring, whispering, even asking openly about it... All of these things hurt more than you could ever know. They didn't choose to be born like that, and they have to live with it every day. It may be a curiosity to you, but even if they've already resigned themselves to it, it still hurts every time.
Or maybe I'm just a huge bitch. Yeah, that's probably it.
Dang homie. Glad you were able to push past it. You even got ripped and a cool scar out of it. You'll be a shounen hero in no time.


Realgaf time.

Oh man at least you have a manly scar now and you can talk with all the ladies better than I can, because I have a weird thing going on because English is my second language and my pronunciation is shit. I once dated a girl that had the same thing with her chest and she was super self conscious about it until I gave her pretty good reason why its cute
Guys...I really want that New 3DS
And I want a job....and I may get one, cause my brothers friend said that I may be recieving a call from taco cabana tommorow, but im not sure ill get it cause on the application I put down morning for when I could work but thinking back I should've put anytime, and the question part of the application I accidentally answered a single question badly.


I'm off. Night, GAF.

And I want a job....and I may get one, cause my brothers friend said that I may be recieving a call from taco cabana tommorow, but im not sure ill get it cause on the application I put down morning for when I could work but thinking back I should've put anytime, and the question part of the application I accidentally answered a single question badly.

No other jobs were available?
Come on internet, I just need to log in to my Love Live game. Please.

If you try hard enough it'll work eventually.


Oh man at least you have a manly scar now and you can talk with all the ladies better than I can, because I have a weird thing going on because English is my second language and my pronunciation is shit. I once dated a girl that had the same thing with her chest and she was super self conscious about it until I gave her pretty good reason why its cute

I used to justify it in my head as being like a puzzle piece. Where the ladies have the boobses it goes right in the gap
I was a fucking idiot back then


K project was very ok... It doesn't exaclt deserve tons of shilling.. i don't remember the ost too much either so.. ehhh..

I really liked it more than it deserved.
I just thought the MC was a refreshing change from normal, and thought the animation was rad as fuck.


When Pat ever comes by, we should convince him to do a compilation of finished/older LPs to spark interest in them. I might not have time to watch a full LP, but I usually have the time to watch a compilation video.

Also...I might have to write a tournament arc.


When Pat ever comes by, we should convince him to do a compilation of finished/older LPs to spark interest in them. I might not have time to watch a full LP, but I usually have the time to watch a compilation video.

Also...I might have to write a tournament arc.

Oh, I've been watching compilations all day. Other people make them for each playthrough, if you look.
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