Super Best Friends Thread 14: Sacrifice your life for more posts in the thread

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Do you think Technology will ever get so advance that we would be able to change certain aspects of our personality/our likes and dislikes among other things. Just a random thought, of legit being able to delete things you don't like about yourself.
Not in our lifetimes.
I'm off for the night. I've lost the will to stay conscious.

Glad to see you back Pyro.

Good night.
She doesn't have those either. All she does all day is hang out with her emo boyfriend, listen to emo music, and smoke weed.

She said she want's to start listening to Jazz but that is just not true, and she also said she wanted to learn how to play Final Fantasy 7, but she has neither the patience, nor the strategic ability to enjoy that game at all. Hopefully one day she starts doing all of that on her own. She can torrent music, she can google, she has no excuse for not doing it.
Oh god she sounds like "that" part of Tumblr.

Someone needs to rip the bud from her mouth and stick a psx controller in her hands.
Do you think Technology will ever get so advance that we would be able to change certain aspects of our personality/our likes and dislikes among other things. Just a random thought, of legit being able to delete things you don't like about yourself.
Oh, but abusing and selecting genes in our offspring will end up being a big deal in the near future if it's not straight outlawed most places.

If you want something cool to look into, look how we can basically edit DNA, which is basically the "code" of humans anyway.


Oh, but abusing and selecting genes in our offspring will end up being a big deal in the near future if it's not straight outlawed most places.

If you want something cool to look into, look how we can basically edit DNA, which is basically the "code" of humans anyway.

I don't see the problem with it personally, since it would allow people to create perfect babies or some shit. I find it more to be personal ethics than anything else since you are already choosing to have the child.
I don't see the problem with it personally, since it would allow people to create perfect babies or some shit. I find it more to be personal ethics than anything else since you are already choosing to have the child.
Think about who would be able to afford that. Cause i can guran-fuckin-tee it won't be us. And they won't use it to cure diseases, I'll tell you now.
I don't see the problem with it personally, since it would allow people to create perfect babies or some shit. I find it more to be personal ethics than anything else since you are already choosing to have the child.
It just ties into some really touchy areas, mostly because if you can choose your baby's race or whatever, it gets rough- not to mention the ramifications from a standpoint of genetic diversity.


legacy of cane
She can also use youtube besides buying from local stores.
That too. On the bright side, I got my Wolfs Rain and Kare Kano DVDs back.

In monhun, which set is better? Tetsucabra or Velociprey?
Should I get an armor of rarity 2 before I try and get one of rarity 3?


Well, I was wondering about my earlier point, since different pieces of our brain controls different likes and what not. I was just thinking in the near future someone could do surgeries to shape your personalities/feelings among other things.


legacy of cane
Well, I was wondering about my earlier point, since different pieces of our brain controls different likes and what not. I was just thinking in the near future someone could do surgeries to shape your personalities/feelings among other things.

Thats some third reich shit. I love it.

Well I think that it would need to cost a very large sum of money. THEN you get tons of conflict out of that.
Well, I was wondering about my earlier point, since different pieces of our brain controls different likes and what not. I was just thinking in the near future someone could do surgeries to shape your personalities/feelings among other things.
Nigga, where is this shit comin from? Did you read somethin or has this been simmering on your mind a while?
Fuck. I can feel my ds4's thumbsticks starting to peel.
Damn. Are those joystick caps cheap?

fuck this fucking show!
That was Episode 1 Dok, lol
Well, I was wondering about my earlier point, since different pieces of our brain controls different likes and what not. I was just thinking in the near future someone could do surgeries to shape your personalities/feelings among other things.
I don't think we're getting there anytime soon, so it's a bit too theoretical. But the Temporal and Frontal lobes are the ones that contain "personality"
Well, I was wondering about my earlier point, since different pieces of our brain controls different likes and what not. I was just thinking in the near future someone could do surgeries to shape your personalities/feelings among other things.
Read Crysis Legion and freak out about what transhumanism might bring.
I have both, though I haven't played either for a bit (since I've been finishing other games) so the rust will be real. I'll probably sit in training for a little bit.

I'm okay with either of them.
I'm referring to episode 3.

Found it really stupid that a character says this out loud mid battle.

Onto EP 4 and the tentacles.

Ah, okay. Don't worry, it gets sooooo much dumber.
Kingdom Hearts 1 final boss is done. Level 100 Sora sure trivializes things, but who fucking cares. Billy Zane with a stand in the first half makes me appreciate the fight more.


Damn. Are those joystick caps cheap?

They've held out for about a year now but it's more like tiny pieces of the rubber slightly peeling off in little hair like pieces. Xrd is going to make me have to buy a new one as well as a stick so it doesn't happen again.
It seems stricter than SF4. Not sure if it actually is or not.

Nooooo, I just want play Ultimax and mash A.

Ultimax 4 lyfe, EVO please revive it. I hope we get another Atlus/Arcsys collaboration or Arcsys just makes another fighting game that uses the same mechanics or is built off of Ultimax.
Ultimax 4 lyfe, EVO please revive it. I hope we get another Atlus/Arcsys collaboration or Arcsys just makes another fighting game that uses the same mechanics or is built off of Ultimax.
Can't wait for that Mind 0 Arcsys game...
I really hope we get a Jojo fighting game from them some day...
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