Super Best Friends Thread 14: Sacrifice your life for more posts in the thread

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Reading through The Order thread, if gaming being more cinemeatic/less gameplay oriented is the future, I think gaming might leave me behind.

I suppose my gameplay first, story second mentality is outdated


This Millia trial is giving me more trouble than I'd hoped. Can't seem to time this jump cancel properly. Need to git gud.

I need to watch Jojo...



legacy of cane
And should I get Tetsucabra or Velociprey? Tetsucabra has higher base defence and skills that get it even higher and good fire and dragon res, but Velociprey has attack and stun skills, has less base defence, and has -4 ice res.
Reading through The Order thread, if gaming being more cinemeatic/less gameplay oriented is the future, I think gaming might leave me behind.

I suppose my gameplay first, story second mentality is outdated
You're reading too much into one game.
On Monhun, should you have multiple weapons of the same type but different elements?
Depends, do you want multiple weapons of the same type but different elements? Elemental weapons are mostly to abuse a weakness for certain monsters. The type you get is just preference.
And should I get Tetsucabra or Velociprey? Tetsucabra has higher base defence and skills that get it even higher and good fire and dragon res, but Velociprey has attack and stun skills, has less base defence, and has -4 ice res.
Just choose which monster you'd rather farm. Not worth fretting over in Low Rank.


And should I get Tetsucabra or Velociprey? Tetsucabra has higher base defence and skills that get it even higher and good fire and dragon res, but Velociprey has attack and stun skills, has less base defence, and has -4 ice res.

Tetsucabra better in the long run and easier to farm too considering the Veliociprey doesn't have a quest dedicated to hunting him.
The timing is so strict, man. So strict. Evo Moment 37 seems even more awesome now.

Nah, use that Xrd magic for the JoJo game. Either to or go with sprites.

I'm trying to be realistic with my bullshit fantasy, I don't think CC2 wants to let the Jojo Licence get away so they have to be involved And by CC2 I meant Bamco
By using the jacknicholson.gif at the wrong times.

Perhaps that was probably too fucked up a joke.

Also no one read the spoiled bit
Ah we've made worse jokes here


legacy of cane
Tetsucabra better in the long run and easier to farm too considering the Veliociprey doesn't have a quest dedicated to hunting him.
Tetsucabra it is.

You're reading too much into one game.

Depends, do you want multiple weapons of the same type but different elements? Elemental weapons are mostly to abuse a weakness for certain monsters. The type you get is just preference.
Just choose which monster you'd rather farm. Not worth fretting over in Low Rank.
So I'll always do base damage, but the elemental is what will vary depending on the monsters res?

Also, what does affinity do?

And is there an easier way to get Mega Potions aside from herb>blue mushroom>honey?
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