These will all not get me the ladies guys.
Oh god I'm drawing a blank.
These will all not get me the ladies guys.
Oh god I'm drawing a blank.
These will all not get me the ladies guys.
Oh god I'm drawing a blank.
Not with that attitude they won't.These will all not get me the ladies guys.
Oh god I'm drawing a blank.
These will all not get me the ladies guys.
Oh god I'm drawing a blank.
DoctorEvil*avatar quote*
Anyone else?
I'm gonna try this online dating thing again to supplement my dating life
These will all not get me the ladies guys.
Oh god I'm drawing a blank.
These will all not get me the ladies guys.
Oh god I'm drawing a blank.
I feel weird out from the guy shaking his crouch at the kids face which are on the same height level.
Are you sure there's enough xs in that? I feel like it could use more.xXxC0dL0Rd6969xXx
Are you sure there's enough xs in that? I feel like it could use more.
They keep playing a cover of Superstition.I feel weird out from the guy shaking his crouch at the kids face which are on the same height level.
^In all seriousness doktor just put your name or something, or something thats really important to you, just be yourself dude.
In all seriousness doktor just put your name or something, or something thats really important to you, just be yourself dude.
xXxXecksxXxecksXxXxGood point. xXx until it doesn't let you put any more.
So what's everyone rocking in Bloodborne? I'm on my way to the third boss and still rocking my Pimping Stick (aka Threaded Cane).
So what's everyone rocking in Bloodborne? I'm on my way to the third boss and still rocking my Pimping Stick (aka Threaded Cane).
I rocked the Cane the whole game. Started again with the Axe for a strength build.So what's everyone rocking in Bloodborne? I'm on my way to the third boss and still rocking my Pimping Stick (aka Threaded Cane).
Just started SMT: Nocturne. I heard it originally in Catherine but damn this world map theme is awesome.
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne OST Large Map ~ Real Universe
Just started SMT: Nocturne. I heard it originally in Catherine but damn this world map theme is awesome.
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne OST Large Map ~ Real Universe
8/10 not enough x.
So what's everyone rocking in Bloodborne? I'm on my way to the third boss and still rocking my Pimping Stick (aka Threaded Cane).
xXx____xXx____xXx ,hows that?
XxXxXxXxXxXxecksecksecksecksecksxXxXxXxXxXxXxX8/10 not enough x.
There's SMT music in Catherine?
In all seriousness doktor just put your name or something, or something thats really important to you, just be yourself dude.
So what's everyone rocking in Bloodborne? I'm on my way to the third boss and still rocking my Pimping Stick (aka Threaded Cane).
xXx____xXx____xXx ,hows that?
Yeah if you go to the jukebox in the bar you can change the BGM to different songs from SMT games. You unlock more as you progress through the game.
xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX i think thats appropriate.
Dude I'm a boring person lol
I don't see a n0sc0p3 anywhere in there.Keep training, young one, and maybe one day you'll get to the level of xXxXxXxXecksXC0dXAnDXKuShXLuVrXecksXxXxXxXx.exe. Maybe.
I don't see a n0sc0p3 anywhere in there.
Check out all the juniors hanging out around here. This is rad. The thread would continue if everyone from Thread 8 and back died.
Check out all the juniors hanging out around here. This is rad. The thread would continue if everyone from Thread 8 and back died.
Check out all the juniors hanging out around here. This is rad. The thread would continue if everyone from Thread 8 and back died.
I've considered trying to stop posting just to experiment with how it'd change the thread.It would continue but in what state? There is like 6 OGs in the top 10 posters
It would continue but in what state?
It might be some sort of prophecy. The purge will come some day.... Was that a threat?
Check out all the juniors hanging out around here. This is rad. The thread would continue if everyone from Thread 8 and back died.
Do you mean north dakota? That place is way more boring than iowa.A state devoid of any personality.
Basically Iowa.
Do you mean north dakota? That place is way more boring than iowa.
It would continue but in what state? There is like 6 OGs in the top 10 posters
Outside of cities like stl and kc, totally.The midwest is pretty much Boredom Frontier.