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Super Hexagon |OT| a VVVVVVery cool Terry Cavanagh game on iOS (PC/Mac later)

japtor, I love you forever. that sequence of moves works perfectly, and I'm better able to see it now. Consistently hitting 30 seconds now. So much satisfaction as you improve in this game.



At first I was annoyed I couldn't break 90 seconds cause I screwed up on what should've been an easy section, then I noticed #59 there. Still progress is a pain, like 90% of the time I get past Hyper Hexagonest I die within a few seconds, although I seem to be getting ever so slightly better at it. Most annoying part is that it seems like it has both Hyper Hexagonest's funky pattern and Hyper Hexagon's (Hexagoner's?) extremely similar looking pattern, and I can never recognize which one in time to pass it.


The quick spins in Hexagonest are destroying me, can't deal with them. I find myself just staying still until the spin is done, but by then it's already too late. I can beat both Hexagon and Hexagoner with not much trouble, but on Hexagonest my best is still 23 seconds.
Stay with it, man. I was the same way, but after some time, the spins don't bother me so much. For me it was just a matter of being good about looking ahead, and getting used to all the patterns. I know it's easier said than done, but trust me. Just keep grinding.

Hit 50ish seconds on Hyper Hexagonest. I'm gonna finish this damn stage before end of day!


Well I haven't been this stressed out while playing a game in quite a while:


(Of course my next run lasted 4 seconds)


Well I haven't been this stressed out while playing a game in quite a while

Holy shit! Good job man. I'm still stuck at 80 seconds... Working on the non-Hyper Hexagonest levels, since what happens after 60s in that level scares the shit out of me.
Cleared all the levels the other day. What a sense of accomplishment you get when you beat hyper hexagonest. And, like Japtor said, you're thrown a big piece of humble pie when you try again, and you can't make it past 20 seconds. -_-


I find that I play dramatically better when drunk... Just hit 70 seconds on Hexagonest after only like 10 minutes, was stuck at 30 while not impaired.


Whew finally beat this!! Played the heck out of it when it came out on iOS for some time, then ended up putting it aside for a bit (school and work had me busy). Picked it up again on my phone when I saw the steam thread first pop up and went on to finally clear the last four levels. Man, what an incredible sense of accomplishment.

About thirty minutes ago I got 59.38 seconds on hyper hexagonest and wanted to kill myself. I accidentally woke my fiancé up because I was yelling "Oh no. Oh NO!! Oh my god NOOO!!! Noooooo!!!" She thought something terrible had happened then she realized I was just playing this... haha. I decided to keep playing until I beat it... Took about half an hour :)

I officially beat half of the levels while on the toilet as well, including this last one. I wish I could see how many hours I sunk into this incredible game. Definitely gonna keep playing for high scores -- something I rarely do anymore these days.

Edit: Just went back and tried to play Hexagonest again. 58 seconds on my second try... it feels so slow now! I remember thinking there was no way I could go any faster than that, no way at all. I'm really looking forward to going back and trying the old levels now to see if I can keep it up for a few minutes like some of the higher scores.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I recently grabbed the PC version of the game, and am liking it a lot. So far I've been able to crack 60 seconds on Hexagon and Hexagoner, so now I'm trying to do the same on Hexagonest. After playing I'm downright curious how the brain works while playing the game. It just feels so counter intuitive to how I normally process and react to information. Also, once I crack 60 seconds in a given mode does the game just automatically shift into hyper mode for that level until I die?


Why do you think the controls are shitty?

Too sensative, I feel it would be better if the arrow was always centred to the panal or have complete analogue control, right now the controls are digital even if you use a PS3 game pad you still have minimal control of the arrow.
The game would be impossible on the higher difficulties without the digital controls, trust those of us who have been to the other side. When I first started playing Hexagon I thought "this game would be PERFECT with a paddle/knob control" but that really isn't going to fly past.. well, Hexagon.

Also, just trying it now on Hexagon and I can nudge it maybe a quarter of a panel or less with the shortest tap I can manage.


I over-/undershoot a lot of the gaps on Hexagonest, pretty frustrating. Granted, I've only been playing for 15 mins, but I find even the hypermodes of the previous stages much more accessible. Hexagon on hyper is definitely the most fun, love those pattern changes.


New android player here. Barely broke ten seconds. How the hell do you guys do it?
Play a lot. Ultimately it just comes down to pattern recognition and responding appropriately and quickly enough.
I recently grabbed the PC version of the game, and am liking it a lot. So far I've been able to crack 60 seconds on Hexagon and Hexagoner, so now I'm trying to do the same on Hexagonest. After playing I'm downright curious how the brain works while playing the game. It just feels so counter intuitive to how I normally process and react to information. Also, once I crack 60 seconds in a given mode does the game just automatically shift into hyper mode for that level until I die?
It feels sort of like driving for me (car analogies work everywhere!), I'm actively processing things but the actions are sort of automatic to the point that I don't have to think about it too much.

And as far as 60 seconds, yeah it goes into the hyper mode, and I think progresses to the next (hyper?) level at 120...and I can only assume it continues at each interval cause I haven't broken 180+, but there's videos online of people getting some long ass times.



this game should track stats like games played, total time, etc. it would be evil.

i know a lot of people in the "released on Android" thread were complaining about the controls too. i wonder if those people played the game before or if they are new to it. im probably too new to actually tell for sure, but i havent encountered anything so far that i can blame on the controls.

so far every GAME OVER ive gotten certainly feels like a shortcoming on my part, slow reflexes or a pattern that i didnt grasp. but maybe i just suck so much that i havent seen how the touch controls can fail me.


love this fucking crazy ass game. just had a breakthrough and got 31.31. so fun!

i just checked Terry's profile on Scoreloop and he has to other games played on his account. HexDefense and Girl Fart. lol! the description for Girl Fart is amazing. gotta check out a demo or something.

anyways SUPER HEXAGON!!! it's really good.


Alright, I'm getting into this game again and I am SO gonna write an article about it for the publication site I'm working for. This gem of a game needs more attention.

What are you guys record on the different difficulties? Is it true that there's 3 unlockable modes? How do you unlock them?


yeup , three unlockable modes. it says you have to "beat" the game on each difficulty to unlock the corresponding mode.

no idea how that works because i cant break 31 seconds on the easiest mode (Hard). yet.
I'm on hexagonest but I've really hit a brick wall. I've only hit 20 seconds a few times and barely even get 10 consistently. Oh well! Not near giving up yet.

EDIT: Does anyone else have a kind of sketch frame rate? I'm on a Galaxy SII.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Alright, I'm getting into this game again and I am SO gonna write an article about it for the publication site I'm working for. This gem of a game needs more attention.

What are you guys record on the different difficulties? Is it true that there's 3 unlockable modes? How do you unlock them?

The three first levels (Hexagon, Hexagoner, Hexagonest) each unlock a new Hyper-mode level if you manage to reach 60sec on them.

I have beat 5/6, but the last one: Hyper Hexagonest, I've just reached 33 sec... It's crazy hard.

Wario64 is the GAF-king of Super Hexagon. Watch him play some.


I'm on hexagonest but I've really hit a brick wall. I've only hit 20 seconds a few times and barely even get 10 consistently. Oh well! Not near giving up yet.

EDIT: Does anyone else have a kind of sketch frame rate? I'm on a Galaxy SII.

yeah. i have been as well. its seemed fine for the first few days, but lately its been hitching a bit. it sucks. maybe it was the update?


I had major framerate/tearing issues on my S3, which seemed insane, so I updated my ROM/kernel and now everything is buttery smooth. Go figure.


I'm so behind the group, but I *finally* beat Hexagonest (and Hyper Hexagon) today. I'd been stuck at around 40 seconds or so on Hexagonest for months... thought I'd completely hit a wall, but I beat that mother today. What a feeling! Now to work on Hyper Hexagoner/Hexagonest. They suddenly don't seem so impossible anymore.

Edit: 54:35 in Hyper Hexagoner. I wept.
396:37 on Hexagon for me today. It's basically an endurance run that looks like this:

0-60 seconds : Hexagon
60-180 seconds : Hyper Hexagon
180-300 seconds : Hyper Hexagoner
300+ seconds : Hyper Hexagonest

One of the best feelings in all of gaming.


Beat Hyper Hexagoner last week rather easily, but man am I struggling on Hyper Hexagonest. I think it's going to take me having a perfect's night sleep to do it and with no worries on my mind. It's crazy that as soon as your mind wanders for a split-second... death. The spinning no longer bothers me, but reacting to those weird curveballs it sometimes throws at you totally messes me up. Seems achievable though... something I never thought I'd say.
Beat Hyper Hexagoner last week rather easily, but man am I struggling on Hyper Hexagonest. I think it's going to take me having a perfect's night sleep to do it and with no worries on my mind. It's crazy that as soon as your mind wanders for a split-second... death. The spinning no longer bothers me, but reacting to those weird curveballs it sometimes throws at you totally messes me up. Seems achievable though... something I never thought I'd say.
Practice is all it takes, trust me. It took me a good couple of weeks to beat Hyper Hexagonest but now it's a breeze.


Practice is all it takes, trust me. It took me a good couple of weeks to beat Hyper Hexagonest but now it's a breeze.
Thanks... I'm sure I'll get there eventually. We're in the middle of packing and moving different states for a new job, so I haven't had too much time to play this. I'm up to about 21 seconds. Now if I could just do 3 of those in a row. ;)
Nice! I just hit 50:38 today... felt pretty good, but then I immediately wanted to cry. LOL
So close! The ending you get for hitting 60 is incredible man, you really have to keep it up until you get there. Make sure you have the sound up (and headphones on if you can manage) when you beat it.


By the way, there should now be an update for the Android version that eliminates any input lag on devices like the Nexus 7, from what I saw on Twitter yesterday or the day before.


So close! The ending you get for hitting 60 is incredible man, you really have to keep it up until you get there. Make sure you have the sound up (and headphones on if you can manage) when you beat it.
Will do. I'm getting to 35+ seconds pretty consistently, so I just need that one good run to get there. Hopefully today.

By the way, there should now be an update for the Android version that eliminates any input lag on devices like the Nexus 7, from what I saw on Twitter yesterday or the day before.
I haven't tried it on the N7, but it definitely loads up a lot faster on my S3, which is appreciated. :)


I beat it! :D OMG, I totally freaked out after I passed the 60 second mark, but I guess it doesn't matter. Cool, satisfying ending.

Definitely one of the best games I've played this generation, and it's easily the mobile game I've poured the most time into.
I beat it! :D OMG, I totally freaked out after I passed the 60 second mark, but I guess it doesn't matter. Cool, satisfying ending.

Definitely one of the best games I've played this generation, and it's easily the mobile game I've poured the most time into.
Congrats, man! I love how the game actually gives you something that cool to reward you for all your time and effort. Now comes the point where you start chasing scores. ;)


The controls on this game do suck. There's a lot of times where I die because of input lag. It's just part of the charm though.


The controls on this game do suck. There's a lot of times where I die because of input lag. It's just part of the charm though.
What are you playing it on? If anything, most people find the controls too touchy at first, but by the time you get up to the higher levels, that quickness is necessary.
The controls on this game do suck. There's a lot of times where I die because of input lag. It's just part of the charm though.
I'm playing on an iPhone 5 and it's weird but sometimes I do notice slight input lag and what seems to be a less than optimal frame rate. However, if I close the app out entirely (and sometimes turn the phone completely off) it usually goes back to feeling buttery smooth. When the game is working as intended the controls are definitely not laggy.

Side note: Got 250:44 on Hexagonest a few days ago!
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