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Super Hexagon |OT| a VVVVVVery cool Terry Cavanagh game on iOS (PC/Mac later)

I have the most difficulty with Hexagon's shape changes, most of my deaths on it are from picking the wrong direction on the pentagon or square. I have to look and think about it more than I do with hexagons for whatever reason so I can't react as quickly to them

I was in the same spot with Hexagonest for a while, I just got past it by playing it like hell over a day or two. If you can last 15-20 seconds (i.e. past the big spin*) and know the patterns you can pass 60 seconds pretty much. Not that it's easy, but you can eventually just get used to everything when playing a lot.

*My only tips for this are to keep looking ahead, or if you can't see ahead, just set up for the immediate next step but don't move until the spin is over. A lot of the time the coast is clear during the spin.

Hyper Hexagonest, or >60 seconds in Hyper Hexagonest but that's not a separate selectable level.

The spin doesn't get me that much anymore--but I really really really do not have that staggered wall pattern down, even after hundreds of tries. I know you have to kind of stutter-step your way through it but I can't do it reliably at all. I also completely lose my bearings coming out of the Hexagonest spiral pattern.


The spin doesn't get me that much anymore--but I really really really do not have that staggered wall pattern down, even after hundreds of tries. I know you have to kind of stutter-step your way through it but I can't do it reliably at all. I also completely lose my bearings coming out of the Hexagonest spiral pattern.
Heh, if it's the one I'm thinking of I can't do it the stutter step way, I just alternate left-right. I've seen the stagger step method but couldn't get used to it when I tried it out, I think cause I couldn't get a sense of where I'd be exiting the pattern, vs just going relatively straight.

For the spirals I think I memorized timing or something, at this point I have a sense of when they end and keep an eye out for the exit and the next path. I get messed up when I screw up yet survive going the wrong way on the first row of the spiral since my timing gets thrown off, but I've gotten better at watching for the exit so it has become less of an issue.


The spin doesn't get me that much anymore--but I really really really do not have that staggered wall pattern down, even after hundreds of tries. I know you have to kind of stutter-step your way through it but I can't do it reliably at all. I also completely lose my bearings coming out of the Hexagonest spiral pattern.

Yeah, Hexagonest is hard. I second everything that japtor says. It took me like 2-3 times longer to beat it than the previous levels.

It's not at all like Hexagon or Hexagoner. Those levels are very gradual, and your improvement is very incremental-- ie. after one hour, you consistently make it to triangle, after two hours you consistently make it to square.

With Hexagonest, I would make it to like 50 seconds and die, and then the next thirty times I would barely make it to 10 seconds.

You can do it, I've definitely noticed that the level 'moves a lot slower' when I went back to it after beating the game. I recommend practicing on Hyper Hexagon or Hyper Hexagoner. Also, use your peripheral vision and focus more on the sides of the screen, not the center.


With Hexagonest, I would make it to like 50 seconds and die, and then the next thirty times I would barely make it to 10 seconds.
Yeah early progression on Hexagonest is a pain cause until you really have it all down you die quickly a lot...and even when you do have it down you still tend to die a lot, just not always as quickly.

Oh and a little tip for when you pass 60 seconds: right right left left left.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Just updated my 4S and my progress got reset :(

Mine too....not that it matters for me but oh well

Sounds like any update to the game is gonna delete your progress according to Terry's Twitter...that's a bummer...sure is gonna piss people off


Ahhh, got some good news, sorta... So, the save file thing isn't flash's fault, it's mine - I renamed it while working on the PC version.

However, this means I can fix it quickly by just submitting a new build using the old savefile name. Hopefully.


lotta black folks here
I'm happy I saw this thread before I updated, not that I would have lost all that much. Slowly making my way through Hexagonest(54:49, beat my previous best by 16 seconds), can't wait to try Hyper Hexagonest.

edit:Anybody playing this still that doesn't have me on GC yet, add me(ID is wutoz).


The game just got updated for iPhone 5.

Edit: Oops, see that I'm late with the news. Should have known Wario would post it first :)

The Hermit

37s on Hyper Hexagonest feels like 10 freaking minutes!

I can't believe I am so close to finish this, when I sucked so much at the beginning... this is my GOTY so far.


This game is like crack. Downloaded it for iPhone a few days ago and it's all I've been playing since. have only finished the 1st level.


works for Gamestop (lol)
New update restored my old scores but cleared everything I did afterwards. I'd only just unlocked hyper hexagoner and now I have to do it again.

Yeah, I guess 1.1 created a new save file but didn't actually delete it


I'm enjoying the post-game, now that I don't have anything to strive for. I got to 130s. in Hexagoner the other day and checked the Game Center leaderboards..... Nowhere near the top 50!!! LOL, who are these people? Yall are insane...

Good luck to everyone still hustling on the last level.

The Hermit

Yeah!! I fucking did it!!!
GOTY, no doubt... Never though I could love an iOS game so much.

Even though hyper hexagonest ia crazy fast, I still believe hexagonest to be the hardest, especially because of the fast-spin moments. Also I loved that each dificulty has a diferent kind of challenge: hexagon changes shape and so on.

Amazing game Terry! Btw, can you please release a patch with the post 60s mark on hyper hexagonest as a separate mode? I lasted only 8s lol
Considering I only came three tenths of a second short the other day, I assume at some point I'll beat Hexagonest. But it is unquestionably the absolute limit of my video game skills. Hours and hours of playing and hundreds and hundreds of attempts later, and I still haven't done it. I've gotten as good as I'm going to get at the patterns, and I'd say I average between 20-40something seconds a run. I've hit the 50s maybe three or four times since then. It's just a matter of putting together a lucky run, but I'm essentially not good enough at the level, so I have to hope for a REALLY lucky run.

It's funny--there are plenty of games that are waaay beyond my skill that I can barely get anywhere in. So it's not the hardest game I've ever played. But it is riiiiight at the very very edge of difficulty that I *could* maybe beat, theoretically. It is exactly how good I am at video games, and no more.

"How good are you at video games?" "Hexagonest."


If it makes you feel any better, I've beaten Hexagonest a few times (mostly just to unlock Hyper on multiple devices I have) and just tried to do it again now to go for a new high. Did it twice pretty quickly (but also dying right after 60s) then spent the next hour barely breaking 20s most of the time.

Like I'm comfortable with it enough that I know I can do it fine, but it's not like it's easy, the few good runs just get better over time.
If it makes you feel any better, I've beaten Hexagonest a few times (mostly just to unlock Hyper on multiple devices I have) and just tried to do it again now to go for a new high. Did it twice pretty quickly (but also dying right after 60s) then spent the next hour barely breaking 20s most of the time.

Like I'm comfortable with it enough that I know I can do it fine, but it's not like it's easy, the few good runs just get better over time.

As soon as I beat it...and I will beat this motherf***er, I plan to retire from gaming and live a life of leisure rather than continue to torture myself.


Okaaaaaay.... I think it's fair to say that I'm not so rusty anymore...


First time I cracked the top ten! Crazy! And I beat out Terry Cavanagh and Jason Killingsworth! :D


Started playing this again today after a few of my friends started to break into 100s territory. Almost there... I think my best today was around 95s on regular Hexagon.
Finally finished Hyper Hexagonest the other day. I have been playing this game for weeks and I'm honestly amazed at how much it hooked me, I just couldn't stop playing for a minute or so here and there until I finally finished every level. My best achievement so far is probably my 95:40 time on Hyper Hexagoner.

Also, the "real" ending was so beautiful I felt like shedding manly tears. It really gave me a true sense of accomplishment.
Started playing this again today after a few of my friends started to break into 100s territory. Almost there... I think my best today was around 95s on regular Hexagon.

I'm the same I was #2 on my friends leaderboard for a while, fractions of a second under #1. A couple of tries late last night and I hit a 90s run to smash his score to bits. Still can't crack 60s on Hexagonest though, 43s is my best so far.


A little over 130 on Hexagon... I still have yet to beat Hexagonest. 40 seconds seems to be this barrier I can't break through. Hopefully soon!


Also, the "real" ending was so beautiful I felt like shedding manly tears. It really gave me a true sense of accomplishment.

That ending was awesome...
But my brain was so fried the first time that I didn't understand what was going on... I had to watch a replay afterward before I understood that everything was going backwards.
Got my iphone last month, and a friend told me I HAD to get this game. I wish I had stumbled upon this thread sooner, too.

Still struggling with Hexagonest, but I'll get there eventually. I NEED to trounce my friend's records! He's got about 20 seconds on me in each of the stages. :(
Damn nice score!
It's weird, there were so many times when I felt like I had reached the max of my potential but as I kept playing I still got better and better (very, very, very slowly). It's really kind of crazy how this game works. It took me a good two weeks or so to beat Hexagonest for the first time and now I can breeze through it with little trouble.


I bought the 2-pack and gifted one to my friend. Such a good deal, and I like all the extras that were put in this version.


What are some of those Steam extras?

And... For the life of me, I can't top that Hexagonest score yet. But I think I did pretty good on plain old Hexagon (top 13 @ 364.57 seconds):


My brain is now sweet, delicious mush.
Damn, this game is great. Feels so good to finally get through Hexagonest. Being able to do that and it makes the thought of clearing the hyper stages not so crazy anymore. This game's also improving my old my reaction time in other games. Very helpful for fighting games.

Waiting for your next game, Terry!


Unconfirmed Member
I finally beat Hexagonest today. I'm getting destroyed by the stuttering pattern in Hyper Hexagonest where it covers two wedges at a time. I cannot figure out proper timing, it's driving me batty.
I finally beat Hexagonest today. I'm getting destroyed by the stuttering pattern in Hyper Hexagonest where it covers two wedges at a time. I cannot figure out proper timing, it's driving me batty.

Damn, man. Same here! I had to take screenies of them to make sure they weren't some different patter than what I had seen before. They seem to be the same as the one you come across in the Hexagon stages. If not for that, I would be able to get to 60 seconds no problem. -_-;


If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I posted this a while ago (cause it took me a while to figure it out too):
right right left left left.
Alternatively right right pause hold right, but I could never pull that one off consistently.
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