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Super Hexagon |OT| a VVVVVVery cool Terry Cavanagh game on iOS (PC/Mac later)


Oh, wow. I just looked at the leaderboards. Three people beat Wario's record on Hexagon. Terry's still number one though.

In other news, I beat my time of 116:29. By one second.


Oh, wow. I just looked at the leaderboards. Three people beat Wario's record on Hexagon. Terry's still number one though.

In other news, I beat my time of 116:29. By one second.
It'll be interesting to watch the leaderboards over the coming months as people discover and get really good at this game. :) I'm starting to play it less in favor of other games, but it's still an incredibly satisfying title that you can pick up and play anytime... and then lose an hour+ of your life in the blink of an eye!


works for Gamestop (lol)
Oh, wow. I just looked at the leaderboards. Three people beat Wario's record on Hexagon. Terry's still number one though.

In other news, I beat my time of 116:29. By one second.

Yeah, I got bumped off within the past 24 hours, who are these people, lol

I finally beat the game after spending like 5 hours on the last level, wtf. I think I spent more than on that one dumb level in Dyad, lol


Yeah, I got bumped off within the past 24 hours, who are these people, lol

I finally beat the game after spending like 5 hours on the last level, wtf. I think I spent more than on that one dumb level in Dyad, lol
Congrats on beating it!

Dyad... another game I need to get to eventually.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Finally broke 100 seconds in Hexagon, Im a little over that. Feels awesome because looking at the leaderboards on day 1 I was like "lol no thats impossible"

Much easier to play on the iPhone with the sound off, although going into cellular range or whatever totally gives some slowdown that will probably fuck you up.


You know that episode of ST:TNG where everyone except Wesley and Ashley Judd are hooked on those Google Goggles?

This feels like that game.


Currently stuck on Hexagonest, can't quite make it to 30s.

Actually, my scores for Hyper Hexagon and Hyper Hexagoner are higher than Hexagonest... It's that freaking camera twist that hits right after you clear 11s!!!



This game is so good but it's begging for button controls. I get SO frustrated when my fingers accidentally touch down on the screen and screw myself over. And it happens constantly. :<
This game is so good but it's begging for button controls. I get SO frustrated when my fingers accidentally touch down on the screen and screw myself over. And it happens constantly. :<

It's not buttons you need, it's new wiring between your fingers and your brain ;)


This game is so good but it's begging for button controls. I get SO frustrated when my fingers accidentally touch down on the screen and screw myself over. And it happens constantly. :<
This is why I'll be happy to double-dip when the PC version drops.


Holy shit, I finally got to Pentagon on Hexagonest. I'm getting the shakes... Think I need to go back down to Hexagoner to relax.

It feels like a crazy fluke, because on half of my Hexagonest runs, I can barely make it past 20 seconds. :p I wonder how fast the wavespeed gets.

When I'm spacing out while playing, I like to make up a back-story for the game. ("It's the year 6000AD... You are a prisoner whose mind has been banished to Hexagon Space...")


works for Gamestop (lol)
Joystiq has a piece up from Terry's panel at Fantastic Arcade. And tearing up Hexagonest. Also looks the Mac version being played


The ability to play it quickly and restart a few times whenever you have a minute is why Super Hexagon ended up on iPhone first, despite the existence of PC and Mac versions. "Because it's portable, it's always with you, you can play really short sessions, it's very suited to being a thing you carry around and you play while you're waiting for a bus or something," Cavanagh said. Despite his personal preference for the PC's button controls, "I think that's why [iPhone] is my favorite version of the game."

Also, this is totally true. Felt like an impossible game but it's doable if you have the will

Cavanagh has inspiring words for would-be Super Hexagon masters. "I think if you can finish the first mode and you're into it, you can finish the game completely," he said. "I've seen this happen with the people that were beta testing it &#8211; they thought 'well, this is just way too hard for me' and then they got to the point where their reflexes were good enough and they understood the game well enough that they could actually finish it. That's what the game is all about. It should be a challenge to overcome."


Oh god, I sure hope so... Beat my record on Hexagonest today. I got to Pentagon and died at 57 seconds...

FML... (-_-')

lol, I've had a busy week so I haven't played much, but last Sunday I sat down on our sofa and played for about half an hour... at some point I got to 58.X seconds and died on Hexagonest... I almost had a freakin heart attack. After about six or seven seconds of being in Pentagon I started freaking out, like, "this it it! I've got it! Just have to hold it together for just a few more seconds oh man oh man oh ma--FUCK!!" Closest I've ever come to wanting to throw my iPhone.. I just punched at a pillow on the couch after dying instead. Man!! This game is great, but I wish I could turn off the announcer! I always tense up when I she yells "Pentagon!" I was ready to go apeshit when I died... can't imagine how Wario felt losing on Hexagon at 198 seconds.

I've probably only played for about thirty minutes since then, the best I've gotten since was hitting hitting forty-some seconds several times and about fifty two once... only gotten into the fifties twice now. Most of my time since then has been playing the hyper modes and plain ol' Hexagon. I'm going to sit down and beat the shit out of Hexagonest once and for all tomorrow or Sunday. Definitely happening this weekend.


That feeling where you're thinking, "YES! Totally going to beat my record," and then you die and see that you weren't even close. I know that feeling well.


I probably only played for about thirty minutes since then, the best I've gotten since was hitting hitting forty-some seconds several times and about fifty two once... only gotten into the fifties twice now. Most of my time since then has been playing the hyper modes and plain ol' Hexagon. I'm going to sit down and beat the shit out of Hexagonest once and for all tomorrow or Sunday. Definitely happening this weekend.


Got a good night's sleep, woke up and just beat Hexagonest. Died at 60:43, but I'll take it... :)
fake ending!

I still think Hexagonest is harder than H. Hexagon or H. Hexagoner. Started playing H. Hexagon, and I can get to Line or Triangle fairly easily-- which wasn't a guarantee with Hexagonest, lol...


Full werewolf off the buckle
I've been playing the hell outta this and am only at 30 seconds into the easy mode, but it's tons of fun. I really think games like this work best ok mobile platforms. It's just perfect for a quick game.


Angry Birds need not apply. :)



works for Gamestop (lol)
Looks like the fucked the leaderboard, there's one dude sitting pretty at 1219:58 secs on Hexagon

Yeah, uhh...I dont think that's possible.

I've been switching to iPad and it seems like I play better on it on the last level. Dunno why. Maybe I can tap easier
Who wants a bet it's more expensive on PC and Mac?
Jenn Frank's voice freaked me out for a second. Too much Retronauts.
That's Jenn? Weird I didn't notice. It's a good fit though, I liked it when WipEout had a female announcer for the ships.


Yeah, uhh...I dont think that's possible.

I've been switching to iPad and it seems like I play better on it on the last level. Dunno why. Maybe I can tap easier

I don't think human eyes and brain could take 20 minutes of this game w/o dying.


Saint Nic
Pretty cool game. Bought it a little bit ago and hit 68.02 on regular Hexagon. I feel like the time I spent with IIDX and Pop'n makes this a bit easier for me to just ignore everything and focus on what matters, haha.

I'll aim for ~80s on Hexagon before moving up to the next difficulty.


Cracked the top 100 with my Hexagoner score... Pretty happy about that. The Hexagoners are probably my favorite levels in the game. Something about the music toward the end, and all the pattern recognition that's required (rather than brute speed) make them really fun to play...

Anyone have any training tips for tackling Hyper Hexagonest? I'm at 15seconds right now and it seems like it's going to take a while.


Looks like they fucked the leaderboard, there's one dude sitting pretty at 1219:58 secs on Hexagon

Yeah. I noticed that too. Is it even possible to hack gamecenter leaderboards? I guess anything is possible, but is it known to happen?

edit: Just did a google search it seems to be rather common... :(


Woo, finally passed Hexagonest, and didn't die immediately afterwards! (...not that it was that many seconds afterwards)

Did Hyper Hexagoner a while ago, but Hyper Hexagon is still giving me hell. Damn squares and pentagons. Might get Hyper Hexagonest done before that damn level. edit-nevermind, actually did Hyper Hexagon!


Yeah!!! My Hexagonest score cracked the Top 20!!!

And my record is 52 seconds for Hyper Hexagonest... Gonna get there...


Passed Hyper Hexagonest last night, only took a few days!

...then blew it pretty fast on the stuff after 60 seconds. Kind of want another mode to play that separately now like the Hyper modes.


Passed Hyper Hexagonest last night, only took a few days!

...then blew it pretty fast on the stuff after 60 seconds. Kind of want another mode to play that separately now like the Hyper modes.

Congrats!!! I just joined the club too. I barely even processed whatever happened after 60 seconds.

I earned the ending! Man, that was the most gratifying thing I've ever done in video games...
... And I immediately fired up regular Hexagoner, my favorite level, afterwards :D

It remains to be seen whether or not I will become an insane score fiend on the leaderboards... Definitely gonna take a break for now, but my (puny mortal) scores for posterity:

Hexagon: 101:48 (578/64,581)
Hexagoner: 101:18 (118/34,449 )
Hexagonest: 83:37 (30/34,207, woot woot!)
Hyper Hexagon: 72:38 (242/14,412)
Hyper Hexagoner: 70:18 (174/4,470)
Hyper Hexagonest: 66:12 (50/475)
Stuck at 61:16, achieved with a bad hangover. Much love for this game, I don't remember playing anything that almost gives me a heart attack.


Excellent, congratulations!

Thanks dude for the excellent game! I've been digging your stuff since Don't Look Back. Actually me and my friend just played through At a Distance last week;
ending was surprising, reminded me of Spirited Away

Can you post the wavespeeds/accelerations for each level? I'm sorta curious...


Oooooh god

I've reached the fourth level (hexagon) and my brain is almost melted. When the shape has changed to square form, I was like: WTF? Shit, shit, SHIT, sheeeeeeeeet.

I can imagine how it will be at >50 seconds
While I'm not playing it quite as much as when I bought it on release, I think I have to accept that I just don't have the hand/eye coordination for Hexagonest (or higher). My personal best is 35 seconds in it, and I haven't even approached 30 seconds again in weeks.


Oooooh god

I've reached the fourth level (hexagon) and my brain is almost melted. When the shape has changed to square form, I was like: WTF? Shit, shit, SHIT, sheeeeeeeeet.

I can imagine how it will be at >50 seconds
I have the most difficulty with Hexagon's shape changes, most of my deaths on it are from picking the wrong direction on the pentagon or square. I have to look and think about it more than I do with hexagons for whatever reason so I can't react as quickly to them
While I'm not playing it quite as much as when I bought it on release, I think I have to accept that I just don't have the hand/eye coordination for Hexagonest (or higher). My personal best is 35 seconds in it, and I haven't even approached 30 seconds again in weeks.
I was in the same spot with Hexagonest for a while, I just got past it by playing it like hell over a day or two. If you can last 15-20 seconds (i.e. past the big spin*) and know the patterns you can pass 60 seconds pretty much. Not that it's easy, but you can eventually just get used to everything when playing a lot.

*My only tips for this are to keep looking ahead, or if you can't see ahead, just set up for the immediate next step but don't move until the spin is over. A lot of the time the coast is clear during the spin.
Is there a maximum level?
Hyper Hexagonest, or >60 seconds in Hyper Hexagonest but that's not a separate selectable level.
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