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Super Mario 3D World |OT| Next-gen starts right meow!


Nobody cares about gamerscore, but stamps are hardly comparable to achievements. They're hidden collectable items. They're not a checklist at all.


Some staps are well hidden, I can't find some of them :O

Judging depth in this game is not an issue for me, I don't understand people that have said they needed 3D to play this.


maxcriden's recent marathon through most of the Mario games makes me kind of want to do the same and stream it. I just unwrapped Super Mario Galaxy 2 in order to register the Club Nintendo code while it's still good, but I'm wondering if I should put off the actual playthrough for now.

I'd need to clean the NES and pick up a new SNES to do it right, though. And I still want to work on trimming my Saturn backlog first. Perhaps eventually.

Hi Sixfortyfive! Yeah, I'm really enjoying my Mario playthrough. Ahh, it's such a good mix of nostalgia and newness. Keep in mind though that I'd never played most of SMB3, SMW or SMW2 so much of this is new to me. (I'm under the impression that you've already played all of the mainline Mario games.) I'm actually playing the handheld versions (SMA series) and I understand there are slight changes, but it's much easier for me to play portable versions than otherwise. Anyway, I'm loving them. I'm on to the World 1 Boss of Yoshi's Island now. My plan is to go back and play through SMB3 and SMW as Luigi and play the SMW secret levels I mostly skipped over. I might do a no enemy or no coin run of SMB3 (or something similar) when I play as Luigi. I'll be going back and doing secret levels of SMW2 after I beat it, too. Not sure if I'll play SM64 or SMS again anytime soon. I do plan to replay SMG and SMG2 with my wife and get the green stars this time...we're working through 3DW right now. Also, I'm planning to do something similar with the Kirby and DKC series next. Anyway, I'd love to see your stream if you do end up doing it!


Which part are you having trouble with right now?
Nothing in particular, it's just a very hard level all around. I'm guessing I made it about halfway through with the tanooki suit. A shame you only get one chance with it before you're on your own, but that's part of the challenge, I guess.


Guys, I can't find the stamp in 2-2 (the touch controls level) Could someone throw me a hint? Is the only stamp I'm missing (lol)


Guys, I can't find the stamp in 2-2 (the touch controls level) Could someone throw me a hint? Is the only stamp I'm missing (lol)
You will reach a pair of platforms at some point (both have three question blocks above them.) Touch the one at the right and it will raise, revealing a hole beneath it. You should be able to jump in and find a stamp there.


Damn... I've lost about 150 lives on the last level, and still don't have it beat. That last area is rough, but it keeps me coming back. Gonna feel pretty good when I finally have it beat... this is definitely the hardest Mario level ever, and I thought the true final stages in Galaxy 2 and 3D Land were tough!
My wife is finding
Boss Blitz
to be pretty tough. Any tips? Thanks in advance!


For the snakes part, jump on both of their heads in one go as opposed to separately. Cat suit will help immensely on this part. I always did this part first because it was the least consistent boss fight due to the randomness of the helper snakes. If I wasn't doing a good run I'd just restart.

For the rolling rock part, grab one rock and hit him with it, then grab another and run away from the falling fireballs to save it from being destroyed. As soon as it's done, throw the rock you were carrying. The timing is tricky here because the rock you're carrying will awaken and damage you if you wait too long. You can throw him in the middle of the escape and pick him back up to mitigate that though.

Those are the only somewhat tricky parts as far as I can tell. Everything else is just about being fast in a straightforward manner.


My wife is finding
Boss Blitz
to be pretty tough. Any tips? Thanks in advance!

The square boss has a pattern for falling, if you hit it in one try it will make it easier because it will always fall on the same spot and you will be able to get next to it and just ground pound it easily
I'm on the final world. Hold Me.
Got the Captain Toad level done with no problem. So far my first run of the 20-green star level was the best, but damn it's nerve racking. And my god at Champions Road....and I have to finish it with all characters for their stamps! Oy

My wife is finding
Boss Blitz
to be pretty tough. Any tips? Thanks in advance!

Do the middle one first
the one with the Mr. and Mrs snakes
it takes the longest, stock up on Cat Suits for that battle to get it done quickly. Then do the others in which ever order, they take an equal amount of time, use the techniques mentioned above my post for those other bosses.

Make sure you have a spare power up for the last fight just in case you get hit often, grab the cherries to make it easier.


Finally beat
Champion's Road
! I had to use
to do it, but I don't care... it still took me a solid day of trying. What a game!


Finally beat
Champion's Road
! I had to use
to do it, but I don't care... it still took me a solid day of trying. What a game!
You have to beat it with the rest of the characters anyway :p

Wow this game! Dat last world! This is Mariooooooo whoohooo!
so according to a sales site that shall not be named the game has broken 1 million across all regions if it ends up being true this will make it the 3rd wii u game to do so :)


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
The square boss has a pattern for falling, if you hit it in one try it will make it easier because it will always fall on the same spot and you will be able to get next to it and just ground pound it easily

You actually don't have to ground pound that boss, a jump will suffice. I was conditioned as well since in Mario 64 cross on back = ground pound.


Finally beat
Champions Road. Man that level was a pain in the ass. It took me a long time to figure out a stratagy to beat the final part with the speed things and all the land mines. All stars, Flags, stamps, and characters done!

Also how is
Rosalina "cheating"? She's slow as fuck and the spin attack is worthless unless you have no powerups and even then, it just lets you mele enemies instead of jumping on them or avoiding them. Peach+Cat Suit or raccoon suit is a far "easier" combo

Davey Cakes

Champion's Road
is definitely kicking my ass. Feels harder than The Perfect Run in Galaxy 2, honestly. I've nearly mastered everything up to and including the Magikoopas. Then again, I still make silly mistakes all the time because of repetition.

There's no way I can do it without powerups though. Not any specific powerup necessarily, just powerups that keep me alive in case I get hit by enemies.

Still haven't completed the final Mystery House either, though I made more progress. I think I've collected 22/30 of the green stars there. It's just rough going through it again and again.

Dies Iræ

While co-oping with my girlfriend the other day, she jumps into a cannon box and then...



Finally beat
Champions Road. Man that level was a pain in the ass. It took me a long time to figure out a stratagy to beat the final part with the speed things and all the land mines. All stars, Flags, stamps, and characters done!

Ground Pound is the trick to the last section.

I finally got my first character stamp: Toad! I'd guess he's the hardest one to get because his jumping makes many sections ridiculously difficult. Going back and redoing many levels wasn't tedious as I had expected. The short nature of the levels makes it actually pretty fun!
omg dis gamesofunz. I just started recently and am already on world 7 I think. All green stars and all stamps so far. But not beating every level with every character fook dat.

But apparently there's a world I should do that in? which is that?


Anyone know if beating the main game with 0 lives lost does anything?

Also, my World Progress checklists don't have the character icons on them to mark who I've completed the levels with. When does that unlock?


Anyone know if beating the main game with 0 lives lost does anything?

Also, my World Progress checklists don't have the character icons on them to mark who I've completed the levels with. When does that unlock?

Once you unlock the Crown World.
How do you do that? Collecting every Green Star and stamp as well as getting the Golden Flag by reaching the top of the Goal Pole for every level.


Also how is
Rosalina "cheating"? She's slow as fuck and the spin attack is worthless unless you have no powerups and even then, it just lets you mele enemies instead of jumping on them or avoiding them. Peach+Cat Suit or raccoon suit is a far "easier" combo

When people say Rosalina is cheating, it's likely implied that using power-ups of any sort is also cheating, so it's assumed you always have the spin jump.
Why is the spin jump a "cheat"? Because you can make longer long jumps by spin jumping at the end, which can be used to avoid some small sections. Because the spin completely nullifies any difficulty in the beat block section. Because you can kill enemies (most notably the spiky ant troopers at the start of part 4) you normally wouldn't be able to kill. And because you have a jump higher than Luigi's (though your jump is equal to if not higher than Luigi's even without the spin as Rosalina).
She doesn't completely break the level or anything like that, but Champion's Road as Rosalina is definitely easier than Champion's Road as Mario.


But not beating every level with every character fook dat.

question: But apparently there's a world I should do that in? which is that?
(Took out your spoiler as it isn't really.)

No, you don't have to do that. You will unlock the final world on the basis of 100% green stars, stamps, and gold flags. It's when you unlock the final world that you'll be able to see which characters you've beaten levels with. As many people have been talking about lately 😉
I'm finally getting around to playing this after being swamped with deadlines. I'm up to world 3 and it's feeling pretty remedial so far. Everything is very polished, but it's kinda reinforcing my opinion that EAD Tokyo, talented as they are, don't have much faith in their audience. I know there's harder "extra" content tacked on at the end, but I'm hoping the game ratchets up the complexity and difficulty sooner than later. I don't need all my challenges ball busting, but I get underwhelmed when I feel like I'm able to breeze through level after level by rote.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I'm finally getting around to playing this after being swamped with deadlines. I'm up to world 3 and it's feeling pretty remedial so far.

That's what everyone thinks after w3. Keep playing, it gets a lot better. I agree though, the first worlds do feel a bit uninspired compared to the great worlds later on. Really feels that they put their best designs/ideas in the later worlds, then worked their way to the beginning.


Champion's road is on hiatus for now while I get my cousin hooked on Monster Hunter. I'll be back though to finish the fight :mad:
(Took out your spoiler as it isn't really.)

No, you don't have to do that. You will unlock the final world on the basis of 100% green stars, stamps, and gold flags. It's when you unlock the final world that you'll be able to see which characters you've beaten levels with. As many people have been talking about lately 😉
I'm finally getting around to playing this after being swamped with deadlines. I'm up to world 3 and it's feeling pretty remedial so far. Everything is very polished, but it's kinda reinforcing my opinion that EAD Tokyo, talented as they are, don't have much faith in their audience. I know there's harder "extra" content tacked on at the end, but I'm hoping the game ratchets up the complexity and difficulty sooner than later. I don't need all my challenges ball busting, but I get underwhelmed when I feel like I'm able to breeze through level after level by rote.

It does get harder but the challenge generally comes from finding all 3 stars and the stamp. Simply clearing a stage is rarely difficult. =/


I'm finally getting around to playing this after being swamped with deadlines. I'm up to world 3 and it's feeling pretty remedial so far. Everything is very polished, but it's kinda reinforcing my opinion that EAD Tokyo, talented as they are, don't have much faith in their audience. I know there's harder "extra" content tacked on at the end, but I'm hoping the game ratchets up the complexity and difficulty sooner than later. I don't need all my challenges ball busting, but I get underwhelmed when I feel like I'm able to breeze through level after level by rote.

The later stages are easily one of the hardest ever in 3D Mario history, especially if you are going for all stars and stamps IMO.


Is this even possible? I mean not only in theory?
I think getting to the final boss stage without dying is doable. I started a new game with the intent of getting there with 0 lives. So far I've 100% cleared every stage with Mario (and Peach on one to get the stamp) up to 4-4 without dying. I save and exit after every level then copy the file to keep in case I mess up. I just wanted to know if the lives counter was anything more than that. Apparently it isn't so I'm not going to bother going forward.


I started a new game with the intent of getting there with 0 lives. So far I've 100% cleared every stage with Mario (and Peach on one to get the stamp) up to 4-4 without dying. I save and exit after every level then copy the file to keep in case I mess up.
Gotta be honest, this sounds like a whole bunch of not-fun to me.

More fun might be how far one can get legit without dying, with no reloading saves.


Gotta be honest, this sounds like a whole bunch of not-fun to me.

More fun might be how far one can get legit without dying, with no reloading saves.
More an obsessive hunt for game secrets than fun. It is tedious to save/copy after every level.

I can't remember the last time I obsessed over a game to this extent. Greatest Mario game I've played (still haven't played Galaxy 2 yet)


I don't have a Wii U yet, but since my older bro gave me a 30 bucks Amazon gift card for Christmas I decided to use it on this game and only had to pay 30 bucks, which is pretty sweet and worth it IMO so when I do get a Wii U a few weeks from now I'll already have a game to play.


Grumblump inferno, OH MY GOD Grumblump inferno.

I burned through at least 50 lives in that level... and like 20 in the level before that. And about 30 in Red Hot Run.

Champions Road
is going to slaughter me.


I miss my damn Triple Jump, and the spin should have been mapped to the bumpers... Why the hell would Nintendo remove the Triple Jump?

Anyway, in terms of pure platforming, this game doesn't beat Galaxy/s I don't think. It's more of a "New Super Mario Bros. 3D". Great game, but Nintendo's priorities with the series are changing in ways I'm not a fan of... The camera of all things, took a huge step back.
got my wii u back from repairs tonight and fired this up with my girlfriend. played through the first 2 castles and found it kind of under whelming. so far i like mario galaxy 1 and 2 much more. and i like mario 64 better then both of those. i guess i just miss mario being a damn ninja

hoping this picks up as you get into it. the first 2 worlds were just too damn easy, like most mario games, so hopefully by world #5 or so it gets tough

looks great though! and the quick drop in/out co op is done perfectly


Champion's road is kicking my ass real good... I've already lost 60 lives and I never made it past the disappearing blocks. I just can't land the jump in the part where you have 2 red blocks, a hole and then 2 blue blocks on the other side, I just can't do it :(

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Playing the road with Mario suitless, 150 deaths but I can reach the second star every 10 times or so now. Should just be a matter of time I hope. Hot damn, that level.

Can you climb
the shift brick section without long-jump? I've pretty much had to learn that mechanic just for this level, lol


Can you climb
the shift brick section without long-jump? I've pretty much had to learn that mechanic just for this level, lol

I believe it's not possible, except maybe with that weird roll jump that's apparently in the game. Yeah, long jump is basically useless for most of the game, you don't really need it until you start gathering gold flagpoles (and even these are easy with different chars and/or cat suit) and then for some parts of the road.
Just this second finished the final level
(Champion's Road) with Rosalina.

That level can SUCK. MY. BALLS. Not even The Perfect Run in Galaxy 2 was that difficult. Sadly, I found it difficult for the wrong reasons, so the pride I have in beating it is eclipsed by how little I enjoyed it. I've beat Rayman Origins, Super Meat Boy, and Donkey Kong Country Returns 100%, so I'm used to difficult platformers, but there were just so many "little" things in that level that all added up for a frustrating experience. What was especially annoying was that the parts that gave me trouble were all a fair way into the level, so replaying the same segments over and over because there was no checkpoint was just aggravating.

It also didn't help that this level just ramped up the difficulty curve by a ridiculous amount. Galaxy 2 gradually increased the difficulty, particularly in the last world, but here the gane goes from being easy with only the ocassional tricky segment, to being hard as fucking nails.

Thanks to those of you who pointed out that Rosalina makes things easier. It still wasn't easy, but it made it manageable.

The one part I struggled with most by far was the part where you bounce up the piranha plants. For some reason, the final one would always get me.

Anyway, I'm glad that's over. Forget beating it with all characters though. However, I probably wouldn't have the patience to play through the game five times regardless.

I'm genuinely enjoying the after-level Miiverse comments for this one. Lots of relief, exhaustion, mentions of Battletoads and Super Meat Boy, and more.
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