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Super Mario Bros. released 19 years ago today


gamefaqs said:
Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 09/13/85 JP
Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 12/31/85 NA


Rock out with your cock out!

aoi tsuki

No, it's missing Cheep-cheep, Lakitu, Spinys, Bowser, Toad, the Princess, crouching Fire Mario and Luigi, the alternate Starman sprite, and a host of others.


I doubt it's all of them, there's probably a few missing. And of course, the villains.


Can't forget them, because once you do they come and kick your ass.


I wonder what is Nintendo's planning for the 20th anniversary, hell, I wonde if they are planning anything special at all. :p


Tag of Excellence
To show my appreciation for Super Mario Bros. I shall drink this tonight.

Super Mario's Drink
Mint syrup 1 oz
Bailey's Irish Cream 1 oz
Whisky 2 oz

Combine bailey's and whisky, and after add the mint. Add some ice if you like. Serve chilled.

aoi tsuki

TekunoRobby said:
To show my appreciation for Super Mario Bros. I shall drink this tonight.

Super Mario's Drink
Mint syrup 1 oz
Bailey's Irish Cream 1 oz
Whisky 2 oz

Combine bailey's and whisky, and after add the mint. Add some ice if you like. Serve chilled.
Save yourself the trouble and just drink whisky on the rocks while playing SMB. Or just drink the whisky on the rocks.


Probably a 3D version packed in with Gamecube, a re-release for GBA and a new Mario game for Gamecube in the same vein as Mario 64.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I was still in mother's womb...


SMB is one of the finest games ever made.

It's awesome, and I'll personally smack anyone who says otherwise in the mouth.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Speevy said:
Mario compilation 2005, Gamecube
Plus extras.

People like to hate on the idea but I wouldn't mind a Super Mario All-Stars 2 featuring all those games with 3D graphics and new jumping moves (like the backflip) just like that Super Smash Bros Melee adventure level. It would be perfect for the 20th anniversary IMO.


JC10001 said:
People like to hate on the idea but I wouldn't mind a Super Mario All-Stars 2 featuring all those games with 3D graphics and new jumping moves (like the backflip) just like that Super Smash Bros Melee adventure level. It would be perfect for the 20th anniversary IMO.

Just lead some media of "mario 128" on the 20th anniversary :)

that would do it for me.


Super Mario Anniversary Collection

Make it happen, Nintendo.

Pack it in with every Gamecube and watch sales sky rocket.


Mistaken iRobbery!
I remember this being my first Nintendo game back when I was 4/5. Then a year later or so the Super Mario Bros./Duckhunt 2 pack was released and I felt ripped off :p


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Hero said:
Super Mario Anniversary Collection

Make it happen, Nintendo.

Pack it in with every Gamecube and watch sales sky rocket.

I would buy another Gamecube if they had a Super Mario Collection and those ultra cool Mario or Luigi controller packed in.

Red Gamecube + Red Mario Controller + Super Mario Collection = $$$$ from me.


Shiggy said:
I didn't play it (only a short time the DX version) :(
I hope it will be included in Animal Crossing EU.
It was in the US version, although you had to unlock it with an Action Replay or a cracked savegame via USB Memory Card.


SantaCruZer said:
Those were the days. I was playing SMB so much that my thumbs were bleeding.

That never happens with todays games.

Because modern controllers have rounded edges and smooth, convex buttons


Ecrofirt said:
What kind of a fucktard calls himself Shiggy and has never played Super Mario Bros.?

For shame man, for shame.


I remember playing SMB for the first time (in an arcade). Instant addiction, and from that point on I knew I couldn't live without an NES.

Ranger X

Wow times goes fast. Unbelievable how this game is still good even today!! Bow down.

And you know what would make me buy ANY Nintendo console at ANY price? (ok well, under 1000$ bucks).

Super Mario AllStars Revolution:

SMB1,Lost Levels,2,3,World and 64. All the 2D games would be redone out of next gen high-res sprites that animates Disney-smooth or redone with next gen 3D graphics but still plays 2D ala Contra Shaterred Soldier.
Mario 64 would simply be redone in some incredible next gen 3D graphics.
Of course, all the music of all the game would be now orchestrated and all games playing in Dolby Pro Logic 2 or whatever the best sound outhere at the time.


Gold Member
oh crap, this news makes me feel old... I remember drooling over the first screens of SMB2... Super Mario Land... Super Mario World... Super Mario 64...
BTW, I'd love a home/portable version of the arcade game, with it's maps and such. Most people don't know there's a difference.
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