Party McHardy
Comfort food: The game.
You are confused, this is not the Spider-man 2 OT threadComfort food: The game.
Get the fuck outta here with that shit. Both games are gonna be great.You are confused, this is not the Spider-man 2 OT thread
I don’t know what modifications would have been needed for Wonder to support online play, but there would have been some made, and not to the benefit of the game.
No lies detected here!You are confused, this is not the Spider-man 2 OT thread
Wonder certainly is the most varied setting Mario has been on since what the SNES days? Its losing the simplicity of the nsmb games ,has more in common with 3D WorldI still simply despise the visual style of it in every single trailer and video to date... but I'm sure the later levels will get more interesting. Hearing a bit about the challenge bonus worlds is already promising.
The hate I've seen a few people have towards the art style is pretty baffling.Man, some people just want to hate everything.
Yeah. I dig this style quite a lot. And I was one of the people who thought that the New Super Mario Bros. games looked like fan games (not a compliment). Whoever at Nintendo is responsible for the new look should get a raise.The hate I've seen a few people have towards the art style is pretty baffling.
To each their own I suppose.
I don’t know man.. Anyone who prefers the left model over the right is dead to me.To each their own I suppose.
lol, I was mostly being nice. There is no comparison. I don't understand how people dislike the right one. Like... It's perfectly 'Mario' the new animations and everything look great as well.I don’t know man.. Anyone who prefers the left model over the right is dead to me.
lol, I was mostly being nice. There is no comparison. I don't understand how people dislike the right one. Like... It's perfectly 'Mario' the new animations and everything look great as well.
I've seen dozens of posts saying they hate the look, but not sure I've seen any that actually go into why they dislike it. So I guess that might be interesting if anyone gave context?
Can't wait to play.
The new look is quintessential Mario. Much more than the "New!" style, which really lacked that Nintendo je ne sais quoi.
Now Mario moves with the exaggerated swagger of a black teen.
I don’t know man.. Anyone who prefers the left model over the right is dead to me.
I mean, its the cartoony model we've seen from 80s-90s Nintendo Powers and instruction manuals. It's the dream look. I've been waiting for this leap since 1991.
I feel like we're nearing a SMB2 sequel!Not really though, but I'll never stop hoping for one.
I don’t know man.. Anyone who prefers the left model over the right is dead to me.
Can’t say I agree. 3D World is nothing but more color pallets, the game itself doesn’t capture that esthetic.The models are good, no problem there. if they'd just fix the atrocious 90s budget-pc-platformer color palette...
As for capturing the old 80s/90s aesthetic, Mario 3d World was much more faithful to it:
It retained the correct and flat color palettes that give off the early vibe. I had some of those classic illustrations on my wall as a kid, after all. The gradient-heavy and "hot" candy coloration is very antithetical to that style and era, cuts against it harshly.
How do you know, did you play it? Is there a demo? Otherwise it's all just looking at videos. It also has the same annoying nsmb wii music with thr bop bop.. Ughh. Im up in the air with it. Was going to buy right away, now Ill wait and see.FWIW, this plays a lot more like SMW than NSMB in my opinion. It doesn’t have the heaviness that New Supe has. It’s definitely a snappier feeling Mario game.
Got it today! Streams to follow!! Hype was too much to withhold!SMB Wonder might be my most hyped game this year. Everything I’ve of it played so far has been fantastic and something special. I love 2D Mario games so much, and this one feels like a return to form after almost 2 decades of New Supe.
I’m biased, but everyone should get this game.
Interesting that one of their goals was involving the directors/producers of 3D Mario games with the usual team of 2D Mario bros to mix in design ideas seems the project was a big success in terms of criticsl acclaimVery hyped for this game, Mario games are ofter top notch when it comes to level design.
In case you missed it, the first two parts of Ask the Developer - Super Mario Bros. Wonder just dropped. The first part can be found here. There is some interesting facts about development here yet again. I wished Nintendo did these for all of their games.
The best of their 2D/3D hybrids for me was Mario 3D World. I'd say that game is more of an authentic classic Mario experience than any game in the NSMB series and more than Odyssey by a mile, which was good but a little too weird and off the rails for me.Interesting that one of their goals was involving the directors/producers of 3D Mario games with the usual team of 2D Mario bros to mix in design ideas seems the project was a big success in terms of criticsl acclaim
(Now they went from making the 3D games resemble the classic 2D games,as was the goal with 3D land/Galaxy to the reverse)