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Super Mario Bros Wonder Hype


Reverse groomer.
Totally agree. It’ll be interesting to replay these stages a few months from now to see how well the Wonder effects age, though. From what I’ve played, I’d say about 50% of them are pretty standard quality Mario gimmicks that I’ll probably get tired of after a while (which is fine since they’re optional anyway), while the other half are seriously some of the most creative and fun twists I’ve seen in any platformer, let alone a Mario game.

I bet there are a dozen indie studios right now salivating at how they’re going to take one of the better Wonder mechanics and flesh out a whole game with it.

(Wonder effect spoiler)
The effect where the player switches from running on the normal ground to running on the wall of the background is so brilliant. Someone is definitely going to turn that into a full puzzle platformer game at some point.
I think it says something when i can remember most of the levels I've played. The only other Mario game i know remotely structured like a 2D one where that was the case is probably 3D world.

There aren't many new levels where they fit into standard typical Mario archetypes. And if they do, there's enough being done with them to make something new. It certainly helps that pretty much 90% of the enemy list is new, prevents everything from getting boring when even the new enemies are something to look forward to.

another thing, I LOVE how the progression is now based on Wonder Seeds rather than linear. You can approach any world in any order if you please, no need to defeat a boss or trudge through levels you don't give a shit about (Not like there will be many) to get to the next more interesting area. The nonlinearity of the 3D titles and Zelda is seeping into 2D mario and it's wonderful.
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The game is fantastic! It's the most fun I've had playing a game this year for sure; the level design is full of creativity and the wonder sections are a joy to play through. I just finished the 2nd world with 100% completion rate and I can't wait to see what's in store for us in later worlds.

I know the 2D Mario games aren't known for being particularly difficult (with some well-known exceptions), and it's not like this is the hardest one of the bunch, but some levels have been challenging enough for me to believe that things get proper mad later on.
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Reverse groomer.
I know the 2D Mario games aren't known for being particularly difficult (with some well-known exceptions), and it's not like this is the hardest one of the bunch, but some levels have been challenging enough for me to believe that things get proper mad later on.
The special world is a world devoted to just extremely difficult levels, which feel so satisfying to clear. It's basically Champion Road from Mario 3D world lifted into this game and it's done about as well as you expect. The main levels do get challenging enough though, 2D Mario is finally frusturating again after a long time and it's pretty cool. Special World is just there for if you want to break more controllers.

Also, how can you check completion rates?
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Astral Dog

2d game at full price... I really think nintendo is laughing their ass off.
I don't understand this, as long as the game is quality we are blessed to get 2D games in our favorite brands as well as 3D ones,they are fundamentally different

Like if you played Donkey Kong Country back in the day, and then you play Retro's DKC Returns and Tropical Freeze, you will no doubt get a grin on your face, because this is the real deal, the same with Metroid and Mario, the 3D series are not a substitution for 2D gameplay

Even with Zelda they did a great job with ALBW and the Link's Awakening Remake

Preserving high quality 2D gameplay is one of the best things Nintendo does


Like if you played Donkey Kong Country back in the day, and then you play Retro's DKC Returns and Tropical Freeze, you will no doubt get a grin on your face, because this is the real deal, the same with Metroid and Mario, the 3D series are not a substitution for 2D gameplay
Having said that, I would like both a 2D and 3D Donkey Kong game.
The special world is a world devoted to just extremely difficult levels, which feel so satisfying to clear. It's basically Champion Road from Mario 3D world lifted into this game and it's done about as well as you expect. The main levels do get challenging enough though, 2D Mario is finally frusturating again after a long time and it's pretty cool. Special World is just there for if you want to break more controllers.

Also, how can you check completion rates?
Aye, I’ve discovered just one level of the Special World (the jumping one you unlock from a side route in World 2) and it was a joy to go through! If the rest of the levels in that world are like that, then yeah, we’re in for something truly special.

You get a checkmark on the top of the Levels screen once you get 100% completion. I know because I’m still missing a secret exit from level 1-2, so for World 1 I don’t have that green checkmark, but for World 2 I have the 30 seeds and I got that checkmark after I was done with everything.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
This week is the release of Super Mario Bros Wonder. I know Spider-Man 2 is also releasing this week.

Anyone hyped for this?

I don't have a fucking PS5. But I preordered Mario Wonder. LOL. I'll be playing this shit on Yuzu within a week or two @4k/60FPS. It's why I do it. Till, then, I'll be playing on my Switch. *Shrug*


Would be a lot more hyped if I could play with my friends with a proper online co-op... you know, since it's 2023 and all.

But yes, even with that egregious and embarrassing oversight, I'm pretty excited for this one.
I cannot wait. Got a 16 hour plane journey with a toddler in tow a few days after release, too. Nintendo coming through with the big guns just when I most needed their support.
Mario titles are always a day one ordeal for me as I see them as the kings of level design and platforming. If the game is good enough as soon as I beat it and clear the bonus stuff, I'll just do it again on a different save file.


King Snowflake
2d game at full price... I really think nintendo is laughing their ass off.
I get this, but SMB3 was 50 bucks over 30 years ago.

This game has Co-op. You can play with your kids if you have them. That is huge if you are a parent and grew up on Nintendo. And technically it is 60 bucks not 70 which is 2023 Full Price.

I will get more satisfaction out of this playing with my 7 year old than I got out of FFXVI or Starfield. I will play Spider-Man 2 after and my youngest will probably watch it because he is obsessed with Spider-Man. Not sure how that will factor in to my enjoyment of that full priced game.
Preordered as you can't usually go wrong with mainline Mario. Me and my 6 year old daughter are really looking forward to it! Can't wait. Friday will be great, Mario when she's home from school and Spider Man 2 when she's asleep.
I think my last completed mario game was yoshi's island lol. Played a bit of the wii one with my sisters when they were kids, it was fun. Might return to the saga with this one (and play odyssey, bought it 5 years ago lol)


Gold Member
I have it ordered from Amazon but I’m not sure when I will actually get a chance to play because you know, Spider-Man. But yes I am excited to play this.


It's 100% better than any of the New super mario games. I think it is the best 2D Mario platformer ever and possibly one of the best 2D platformers of all time. I can't decide between this and tropical freeze but it has that tropical freeze sense of "anything can happen" in each level and has incredible scripted moments. It has taken inspiration from tropical freeze for sure and other platformers.

They put a lot of effort into this one, This will score very high.

Shake Your Rump

Gold Member
Would be a lot more hyped if I could play with my friends with a proper online co-op... you know, since it's 2023 and all.
Nintendo Switch Sports has taught me that making online co-op a priority can be detrimental to the game design. It’s very clear that the design choices in that game were made around being tolerant of varying internet connections and online play. We went from Sports Resort, with so many unique and interesting games, to a handful of games, half of which are just variants of tennis.

I don’t know what modifications would have been needed for Wonder to support online play, but there would have been some made, and not to the benefit of the game.
If I had the extra cash to pick it up, I'd be more excited. I'm happy that we are getting a seemingly good Mario game and I do look forward to playing eventually with my wife and buddies over some drinks.


Looking forward to this, glad to hear that it controls/feels more like SMW than the "New" series. (Gonna get it on my Lunch break Friday!!)
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