Nice! You're among the elite few.Just beat DS,GIGI.
Nice! You're among the elite few.Just beat DS,GIGI.
Spork - 1D0b-0000-00F3-9989
Have fun if you are willing to play it!
Here's a new level I made:
It's a moving platform level, with ParaKoopas, Piranhas, and three Bowsers blocking your way. It's moderately hard, but it can range from easy to super hard whether the Bowsers choose to troll you or not. There's plenty of Fire power to fight back, though.
Trax Attacks! FFA1-0000-00EC-674A
Old School P'forming: 75C4-0000-00D9-5601 - This one is just a basic test of platforming skill, all set to a medium speed auto scroll. Lots of koopa hopping!
I'm actually a little disappointed that only a couple people have figured out what to do after the four doors. It's truly not difficult, maybe just one of those silly moments where you'd just say " I guess that wasn't that hard."
I'm a little reluctant in revealing the secrets of the level, but I don't think anyone has achieved unlocking the first secret in the level. It's close to the beginning and it requires an advanced maneuver to get to. If someone were to figure out the first secret then they'd unlock almost all of the other secrets of the level.
But even without the secrets, the stage is still easily beaten, maybe just a bit intentionally tricky.
I beat it.using the cheese
The level is way too long for an hard/expert/kaizo course..
I made it to the spinnies in 50 seconds, with no end or checkpoint in sight I opened the course in Editor mode and found the dev door.
You can easily break it into 3 sub levels.
One of my rule when designing very hard courses is to not go over the 50/60 seconds per section. So I can reliably upload it without dev doors and the players won't ask themselves "when does it end"?
Even the original Kaizo Mario World had pretty short sections.
Maybe you can be the one to finally complete one of my levels. All of them have zero percent completion rates, but I don't find them to be that hard. They are definitely all designed to purely test platforming/speedrunning skills, however. Especially Don't Stop, Get It Get It and Subterranean Sprint. The high road path of High Road/Low Road is the one to choose if you want a platforming challenge.
I played Subterranean Sprint and Don't Stop, Get it, Get it.
The first one, I just cheesed it by spin jumping on thowmps, if you intended that, then cool, otherwise, doing that is much easier than the actual level. The overworld is unnecessary and the music is unneeded too, it just makes it more irritating to play.
Don't Stop, Get it, Get it, is a stage that I beat but I didn't like much. Firstly, the difficulty is stated as a 3.5 but the clear rate is sub 1%, so I don't want to ever see a 5 stage from you lol, because you as the creator of the level have a skewed point of view on how easy it actually is. It's much harder than you imagine, because the level in my mind is pure trial and error. Some people like that, some people won't, but in 100 Mario, that's an automatic skip. The level doesn't challenge your ability to think on the fly or precision platform, the level just tests your ability to mimic how you intended the level to be beaten, meaning to beat it fairly, they must do everything you did with a very small margin of error. There's not enough time for you to evaluate the next hazard so you just die to it, then keep finding ways not to die there, which as a gameplay element in Mario I do not like, because when I beat the level, all I did was play the same exact way you did, with no room for creativity or error. It's well designed, but not a lot of people are gonna like it or try it.
You can also cheese it by not getting the shellmet and just spin jumping on the thwomps at the end.
If you like designing levels like this, more power to you, but expect less stars and a very low complete rate, because these levels really test your patience. It's really not a rail on you really, I just hate trial and error, so I'm just ranting again lol.
Yeah, I agree that style of level is a bit too limiting for most players. I'm gonna be making some more traditional levels soon.I played Subterranean Sprint and Don't Stop, Get it, Get it.
The first one, I just cheesed it by spin jumping on thowmps, if you intended that, then cool, otherwise, doing that is much easier than the actual level. The overworld is unnecessary and the music is unneeded too, it just makes it more irritating to play.
Don't Stop, Get it, Get it, is a stage that I beat but I didn't like much. Firstly, the difficulty is stated as a 3.5 but the clear rate is sub 1%, so I don't want to ever see a 5 stage from you lol, because you as the creator of the level have a skewed point of view on how easy it actually is. It's much harder than you imagine, because the level in my mind is pure trial and error. Some people like that, some people won't, but in 100 Mario, that's an automatic skip. The level doesn't challenge your ability to think on the fly or precision platform, the level just tests your ability to mimic how you intended the level to be beaten, meaning to beat it fairly, they must do everything you did with a very small margin of error. There's not enough time for you to evaluate the next hazard so you just die to it, then keep finding ways not to die there, which as a gameplay element in Mario I do not like, because when I beat the level, all I did was play the same exact way you did, with no room for creativity or error. It's well designed, but not a lot of people are gonna like it or try it.
You can also cheese it by not getting the shellmet and just spin jumping on the thwomps at the end.
If you like designing levels like this, more power to you, but expect less stars and a very low complete rate, because these levels really test your patience. It's really not a rail on you really, I just hate trial and error, so I'm just ranting again lol.
Yeah, I agree that style of level is a bit too limiting for most players. I'm gonna be making some more traditional levels soon.
The first level I ever made, Cannonball Conundrum, is by far my most accessible and traditional level. Feel free to check it out sometime. It was my first level, though, so it kind of lacks a cohesive theme.
Gave you a genuine star. I rate the difficulty roughly 4 Castles & Koopas.
I understand the disappointment but I'd look at why so few people have worked the puzzle out. Is it as obvious as you think it is? Even if it is, I'd question the wisdom of having a slow-burn puzzle bring such an enjoyable, free flowing (and actually, easy) platformer to a crashing halt. The contrast feels a little unnatural.
I am not familiar with this rating system. This is how many out of a possible Castle & Koopas?
It's relative to 1 Castles & Koopas, so I'm saying it's about roughly 4x as hard as my hardest level.
Actually I should've just said 4x Castles & Koopas, that'd make more sense.
OK, new list, if someone wants in copy the list add your level at the end:
- Junior's Coup D'etat (20DD-0000-00F1-9048) by vikki
Maybe you can be the one to finally complete one of my levels. All of them have zero percent completion rates, but I don't find them to be that hard. They are definitely all designed to purely test platforming/speedrunning skills, however. Especially Don't Stop, Get It Get It and Subterranean Sprint. The high road path of High Road/Low Road is the one to choose if you want a platforming challenge.
I finished Subterranean Sprint by spinning over the Thwomps, it was quite fun!
You have to time your spins very well to avoid the sawblades and the Bullet Bills.
The over-world part was a bit too long between every try (it's especially annoying with sound effects).
High Road/Low Road, I took the high road as it looked less cluttered!
Don't Stop, Get It Get It, I can't get past the Munchers.
In term of difficulty: Don't Stop, Get It Get It > Subterranean Sprint > High Road/Low Road.
I posted two levels with 0% clear rate last week:
P Difficult - DF91-0000-00ED-C792, has a checkpoint and is not too hard.
Naufrage Extrème - F42B-0000-00BF-64EC, took me two hours to upload..
Very, very good, obviously. The overabundance of powerups along with checkpoints mean you can just walk through some obstacles, though, but since your intention was to increase the completion rate, it's not an issue in itself.Cloudrush Castle: F5D7-0000-00E6-976F
Good level. The choice to use hard blocks and not cloud blocks creates interesting situations since the blocks "push" you. I loved the part with the Grinders and Chomps.Snake Platform Palace
Nice level. It looks good, has great concepts and scenes, cool secrets, I love the pacing in some parts, but to avoid going insane because of the 10 seconds sound loop, I had to mute the console very quickly. People, please, don't do that. Ever.Snowy Sky Lift Summit!
It's OK but it feels really empty. There is not much personality in it, the obstacles create a fair and pleasant challenge, but it all feels bare and disjointed. I still gave it a star because there wasn't any actual issue and it was nice.Dark Mario: SuperBorne ID: 9F95-0000-00E7-ED29
Completed P_ramide, but I didn't understand the part with the switches and the out of reach exit. I chose to just wall jump on the spikes and take a hit. The Thwomps making fishes fall at the end don't feel fair at this point in the stage. The level on the whole would need more polish and identity IMO.Title - P_ramide
ID - B185-0000-00E3-3114
Title - P DIfficult
ID - DF91-0000-00ED-C792
Weird level. I kept platforming at the top and reached the end while feeling I skipped 75% of the level. I reached the first (?) checkpoint nearly immediately after I started.Monster's Ice Mountain :
A bit short and simple, but that was fun!Flick of the P-Switch
Just uploaded my latest level. It's a very quick, slightly challenging speedrun level. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Level: Subterranean Sprint
Code: 5663-0000-00EE-4931
Difficulty: 3/5
Oh, and here's one that I made the other day but forgot to post about it in here. There are two paths through the level. The higher one is more focused on tricky jumps and environmental hazards, and the lower is all about dealing with swarms of enemies.
Level: High Road/Low Road
Code: 600E-0000-00E9-F965
Difficulty: 4.5/5
Edit: Re-uploaded with a new code after changing a few small things.
Just finished up my third level, and I think it's definitely my best work thus far.
Level: Don't Stop, Get It Get It
Code: 0BCA-0000-00EC-567F
Difficulty: 3.5/5
- Gotta go fast! Stopping even for a second means failure to finish the stage.
- Catch up with the beetle shell racing on the platform above you while dodging obstacles below.
- Short, but sweet. The level is as long as the editor allows for, but the fact that you are constantly running with no stopping makes it breeze by. No checkpoint needed.
- Clean design with no annoying, unfair quirks. Enemies are kept to a minimum in favor of forcing you to find the optimal path through carefully placed hazards.
Alright. I'm back with my second published level so far, and I've gotta warn ya... it's a bastard. I went nearly insane trying to beat this before it could be uploaded.
Level: Bowser Junior's Pesky Palace
Code: FE2D-0000-00E3-249A
Difficulty: 5/5 (to me, at least)
If you want something a little less rage-inducing, feel free to check out my first level.
- Bowser Jr. has constructed a series of devilish puzzle rooms from which you must escape.
- As you attempt to reach the exit door of each room you'll have to deal with Bowser Jr. generally being an asshole and doing everything in his power to interrupt your progress.
- Make it out of the gauntlet and get a chance to exact revenge on your captor.
- Keep an eye out for ice blocks. They signify hidden objects.
- Power-ups are scarce and hidden, but they can make the difference between dying for the 30th time in the same room or finally progressing onward.
- There are hidden paths that allow you to skip over entire sections of the level.
- Don't get discouraged. The level is split in half with a checkpoint in the middle.
- When in doubt, search the room for hidden boxes.
Level: Cannonball Conundrum
Code: 6118-0000-00D6-C830
Difficulty: 4/5
- Good old-fashioned run n' jump level for seasoned players.
- Constructed so that you can speedrun through the entire level without stopping.
- Power-ups and other secrets hidden around to allow people who are less skilled with platforming to progress.
- Short and sweet. No checkpoint needed.
Hmm, it was an okay level. I am guessing it is more for the lore than for the actual game play. With that said, my biggest problem is that the sound effects used detracted from the level, since, well... the techno and samba sound effects are so overdone in many levels and very distracting.Whats up!
I have yet another level. I have to site a reference for this level, this level had ideas from Koji Igarashi's level Beelzebub (ID: 77BA-0000-00C2-4BF0).
This level is medium difficulty. I has a lot of little details, and lore hidden within the level (It's dumb I know).
The enemies you're fighting are called Zeppelins.
Dilapidated Zeppelin Lair ID: C760-0000-00F8-2712
Thank you for playing!
Just played this. The 'dev' cheese was obvious after I died once (a death that was my fault, btw).Decided to make a new level today based on some of the constructive criticism that I received in this thread for my past levels. This one is still challenging but much more accessible than my other stuff. I made sure to place a checkpoint right where most people would want a breather, and I gave the player more room for different approaches than I did with my more speedrun-focused levels prior.
Level: Buzzy Beetle Bounding
Code: C573-0000-00F8-3999
Difficulty: 3.5/5 (really this time)
An airborne SMW adventure in which you must ride flying Buzzy Beetles while navigating around obstacles
Power-ups before and after the checkpoint to cut the player some slack
A hidden alternate path through the level
Designed to be tackled either slowly and methodically or speedrun by more intrepid veterans
If you end up liking it, feel free to check out my other levels below:
Dev cheese? I don't follow.Just played this. The 'dev' cheese was obvious after I died once (a death that was my fault, btw).![]()
Dev cheese? I don't follow.
Hah. Honestly that possibility somehow eluded me while designing the level. Now I feel like an idiot.Usually refers to a way at the start to beat a level easily. I'm guessing this is the hidden path you mentioned but I rode up to the top of the level using a beetle and was able to skip the entire level that way.
Level: Buzzy Beetle Bounding
Code: BF9A-0000-00F8-834D
Difficulty: 3.5/5 (really this time)
- An airborne SMW adventure in which you must ride flying Buzzy Beetles while navigating around obstacles
- Power-ups before and after the checkpoint to cut the player some slack
- A hidden alternate path through the level
- Designed to be tackled either slowly and methodically or speedrun by more intrepid veterans
I made another level, its kinda short. Has ~4 secrets.
I decided to beat the level legitimately this time.Alright, that exploit was unintended and all too easy for people to discover. A friend of mine who played the level beat it the same way, so it was clear to me that it had to be fixed. I've re-uploaded it and updated the code in the original post. I suppose it's technically still possible to utilize the exploit, but it's harder to stumble upon now.
This one focuses on moving walls and Grinders, with some cool challenges and lots of powerups to make your journey easier.![]()
What happens to all the enemies and items Mario leaves behind when he rushes through a level? Enter Drybone´s Disposal Center and find the horrible truth..if you dare!
This one revolves around moving Grinder-walls and features a final boss. Again, there are lots of powerups so it´s easier than it seems and there are secrets everywhere along the way.![]()
The soul extraction devices seen in 1.2 have left Mario shivering, but he must go deeper into the Disposal Center....what terrors await him there? mario will do anything necessary to stop this nightmare.
The end of the trilogy, where you can finally see the result of the operations performed in the Disposal Center. This one focuses on moving Grinders and has a nice autoscroll bossfight.![]()
Mario successfully detonated the bomb in 2.2 and now he must find a way out of this unholy place. But maybe he still hasn´t seen the true objective of the Disposal Center...will Mario be able to escape alive?
I´m sorry you got stuck, I thought I gave enough time to unlock the Helmet Dispenser before the Spike Top could become a threat, I may redo that part to force the player to get through the dispenser and make the Spiketop take another path.The level flowed better than last time I played it, it felt much less cramped, but I was even more confused. Arrows and paths everywhere. There is also a place I got stuck in (I left a comment), I lost my Spiky Hat to a Spike Top that came from off-screen when I jumped, and there was no way out. There are way too many Spike Tops IMO, four or more crawling on the same wall or two on little platforms is way too much, especially since you can get stuck or have to loop when you lose your powerup. I also decided to just take a hit on the Fire Bar platforms looping, I waited for the right moment to jump, but it was way too spaced out. I did finish the level, though, I didn't die much.
You should really fill the empty areas with ground blocks (or semi-solid platform background if you got out of blocks) and not leave them empty and black, it'd really help readability. The enemies or items blocked into walls also aren't helping, they're too numerous and confuse things IMO.
Thanks a lot for following, for the feedback and for all the Miiverse comments!I was able to find your post (because really I prefer to do it that way).
I follow you on SMM so I usually know when you post new stuffs
There's some kinks to iron here and there (I posted a screnshot of the place I had to die because I was stuck).
Otherwise I like it a lot, it's like an hardcore version of the 2 paths tree level you did.
The boss was carefully crafted that I can tell!
But only 2 or 3 tries and then you can't succeed is a bit harsh I feel >.<
I rise throught the forest and descended with the Kuribo shoe, I'll have to try the level again....
It will wash the horrible taste of the crappy level I ended up playing in 100Marios
I watched your videos last week. The P-switch stage looks fun. I could see myself getting really frustrated on Naufrage.
Yeah, that last one is really really hard indeed. I might give it another try tonight!
Haha yes, this one takes a lot of practice! Took me at least 80 lives to get to halfway, but if time wasn't against me could have happily lost double that to get the job done. Didn't see any X's after the first section though, are people really that impatient?
It's a very well designed level overall. Took a long time working out the momentum needed to clear each part consistently, but it was extremely rewarding once I got the hang of it. The Spiketops are surprisingly forgiving if you don't land perfectly, mitigating the sense of frustration somewhat. You also change up how they're used so the sections feel distinct from one another. I particularly liked how they swap rails and speed up on their descent, it's a neat trick I hadn't thought of using before. Pretty, uncluttered looking level too.
How about trying a better level that I made, it medium difficulty: 9F95-0000-00E7-ED29(Depending of the route you take)
Completed P_ramide, but I didn't understand the part with the switches and the out of reach exit. I chose to just wall jump on the spikes and take a hit. The Thwomps making fishes fall at the end don't feel fair at this point in the stage. The level on the whole would need more polish and identity IMO.
P DIfficult... I didn't get it.
When I mentioned the enemies trapped in walls, I was talking about the ones walled off in ground blocks, like the items. I understood the intention, but since it's not linear it doesn't really help IMO. Making those paths accessible only if you have the right item (hard blocks for the Spiky Hat, high tunnels for the winged boot) would work better than labelling them IMO, I'm not even sure some players will understand they're labels. There are levels in which labels work because they're "stretched" with huge ground areas, but here it's too busy.I´m sorry you got stuck, I thought I gave enough time to unlock the Helmet Dispenser before the Spike Top could become a threat, I may redo that part to force the player to get through the dispenser and make the Spiketop take another path.
The enemies trapped in walls are necessary as they are accessible through secret paths, so they aren´t merely decorative. The items blocked in the wall are a hint to what you need to do, I wasn´t sure of including them as they may help some people or totally throw off others...You´re the first one to mention them, and in a bad way, so I guess they aren´t necessary. I´ll also take a look at the arrows to see which ones can create confusion or aren´t necessary, but I think some of them will need to stay as people seem to be having trouble with the twsited layout the first times, specially with the reversible corridor.
It depends, for example it works pretty well in my Ridley level I think. I don't have a screenshot, but you can see on the level card how it's made, on the preview: it's made with semisolid platforms surrounded by ground blocks, visually it really looks like ground.The semisolid backgrounds are a nice idea, I already tried it and found that it made everything even more confusing IMO, though I´ll give it another try.
My advice: in Expert, pause as you start the level and look at the star/visits ratio, and skip everything but the levels with barely any visit or the ones with an acceptable ratio.BTW, I´ve played some 100 Mario Expert and...god that´s awful. Easy is horrible but you get some levels where the creator at least tried to make something enjoyable. Normal is much better and you can find some cool levels evey now and then. But Expert is truly disgusting. When I found the 3rd level in a row that required me to do a leap of faith which of course I missed because I didn´t guess where the target platform was I decided to quit. Crap everywhere indeed. GAF levels are truly in another league.
Don't they disappear right as you get on them?As for the out of reach exit, you have to stack the P Switches. You can either walk on them to access the secret room or jump on them to access the exit.
Don't they disappear right as you get on them?
I think I trapped the items mainly because the first Shoe dispenser (the one on the left that requires the helmet) wasn´t visible when you were coming back from getting the helmet, so it was easy to skip and make the player go in a loop. The Boot doesn´t have wings, so I can´t use high tunnels and they won´t fit anyway. In that room there are 3 paths so every inch of space is precious.When I mentioned the enemies trapped in walls, I was talking about the ones walled off in ground blocks, like the items. I understood the intention, but since it's not linear it doesn't really help IMO. Making those paths accessible only if you have the right item (hard blocks for the Spiky Hat, high tunnels for the winged boot) would work better than labelling them IMO, I'm not even sure some players will understand they're labels. There are levels in which labels work because they're "stretched" with huge ground areas, but here it's too busy.
That´s the thing about that corridor: the door works both as a way out and as a way in, it depends on if you take first the top path or the bottom one. The coins are there so when you exit you can´t get back in and must go through the path you didn´t take originally, but in reverse. It´s the best way I could think of pushing the player forward so he didn´t get lost. Also, as a personal challenge I did it without using One-Directional Gates. Try playing the level and go first through the top path. Then die (so you respawn at the checkpoint) and now try the bottom path, you´ll see how it works and why everything there seems more convoluted than it should...everything had to be designed and balanced so it could be taken in different directions and with different powerups.For the part where I got stuck, why don't you make solid blocks under the door? It's because I collected those coins I got stuck, and it's not a way out, it's a way in (I think)?
Yeah, it depends a lot on the theme and elements being used. I´ll give it a look.It depends, for example it works pretty well in my Ridley level I think. I don't have a screenshot, but you can see on the level card how it's made, on the preview: it's made with semisolid platforms surrounded by ground blocks, visually it really looks like ground.
You still loose a life doing that, right? I skipped LOTS of levels, not because they were hard, but because they were awful. I think I had around 65 lives left and had only beaten 4 or 5 levels X(. Anyway, it´s a good tip, I´ll put it use. What ratio are we talking about? 4%?My advice: in Expert, pause as you start the level and look at the star/visits ratio, and skip everything but the levels with barely any visit or the ones with an acceptable ratio.
I'm pretty sure as long as you are standing on the ground when you skip a level it doesn't take a life from you.You still loose a life doing that, right?
You can use munchers? Munchers/spikes on the floor=boot to me.I think I trapped the items mainly because the first Shoe dispenser (the one on the left that requires the helmet) wasn´t visible when you were coming back from getting the helmet, so it was easy to skip and make the player go in a loop. The Boot doesn´t have wings, so I can´t use high tunnels and they won´t fit anyway. In that room there are 3 paths so every inch of space is precious.
I see. You can't leave enemies in that stick the player in some place when they get hit, though...That´s the thing about that corridor: the door works both as a way out and as a way in, it depends on if you take first the top path or the bottom one. The coins are there so when you exit you can´t get back in and must go through the path you didn´t take originally, but in reverse. It´s the best way I could think of pushing the player forward so he didn´t get lost. Also, as a personal challenge I did it without using One-Directional Gates. Try playing the level and go first through the top path. Then die (so you respawn at the checkpoint) and now try the bottom path, you´ll see how it works and why everything there seems more convoluted than it should...everything had to be designed and balanced so it could be taken in different directions and with different powerups.
After Kraid it's Ridley then Tourian, but I'll upload a new version of Metroid Resurgence that iron a few things out after I'm done (soon) with Old School Super Mario, so it's better you wait a bit. Thanks!Yeah, it depends a lot on the theme and elements being used. I´ll give it a look.
BTW, which level should I play after Kraid? I´m going to record some levels today, so I´ll do one of yours if you want.
No, when you skip you don't lose lives, thanks God. For stars, let's say that when a level with 40 visits has 10 stars, it's really worth a shot, that's a good level.You still loose a life doing that, right? I skipped LOTS of levels, not because they were hard, but because they were awful. I think I had around 65 lives left and had only beaten 4 or 5 levels X(. Anyway, it´s a good tip, I´ll put it use. What ratio are we talking about? 4%?
Well deserved.My level Sawblade Walker (C7F1-0000-00E6-01C6) won the Level Of The Week #9 Contest on /r/MarioMaker with the Theme "Factory". Made my day.
You have a small windows to jump/spin jump off them, the timing might be a bit harder than trampolines and music blocks.
(Strangely enough I can jump off a P Switch more readily than a trampoline/music block.)
An example.
Strangely, one of my oldest levels was suddenly getting a lot of players, so I have updated it with checkpoints. As it was part of an unfinished trilogy, I also updated the second part and finished the last part of the trilogy, so I proudly present to you:
Dry Bone´s Disposal Center Trilogy
1.2: 273B-0000-00F4-BD06
Hello peeps! I've been off on an administration-suggested one-month sabbatical but I'm back, and I have a new level! This one's made special for GameCenter CX fans, but anyone who just wants a level to play can certainly check it out!
Arino's Familiar Challenge (1F1F-0000-00D8-249D) is inspired by highlights from the show's Super Mario episodes, so some of the stage's elements might seem familiar to hardcore Mario fans.
My new(-ish) level aside, it's been a month since I popped by, so if anyone has any stages they really think I should check out, feel free to let me know!
Dilapidated Zeppelin Lair ID: C760-0000-00F8-2712
Thank you for playing!
Wasn't sure what to make next, so I played around with some enemies and put some things on screen... then I became sure what I wanted to make.
Waving At Others - (5018-0000-00F7-6DBE)
Going back to much more straightforward level layouts and straight up avoiding dangerous hitboxes, this is a very back to basics level for me and doesn't require many sorts of obscure or advanced mechanics, just quick movement.
Weird level. I kept platforming at the top and reached the end while feeling I skipped 75% of the level. I reached the first (?) checkpoint nearly immediately after I started.
Thanks a lot for following, for the feedback and for all the Miiverse comments!
I saw where you "got stuck" but I won´t be changing that. I mean, you can see everything long before voluntarily jumping between the Piranha Plant and the One-Way Door and is something totally out of the main path, so I think it´s the player´s fault if he gets there. Also, he doesn´t get really stuck as the Piranha plant there will kill him. Besides, that part is necessary to allow the player to recover the Fire Flower easily if he lost it on the way down.
I limited the attempts at the boss because you have a checkpoint right before him and giving unlimited powerups would have made the fight pointless, so this way at least there´s some challenge, even though it can be easily cheesed.
I´ll try your level and record a video![]()
I don't know what happens, but sometimes you have hard but fair and other times you end up with crappy "lol you didn't guess you were supposed to jump on this invisible block ". frustrating to say the least.BTW, I´ve played some 100 Mario Expert and...god that´s awful. Easy is horrible but you get some levels where the creator at least tried to make something enjoyable. Normal is much better and you can find some cool levels evey now and then. But Expert is truly disgusting. When I found the 3rd level in a row that required me to do a leap of faith which of course I missed because I didn´t guess where the target platform was I decided to quit. Crap everywhere indeed. GAF levels are truly in another league.
PSA: I´ll be recording some gameplay today, if you want in quote the list and add your level at the end:
- Junior's Coup D'état (B8F8-0000-00F6-E173) by vikki (I think this is the latest version)
- Forest Canyon (33EB-0000-00F0-9216) by Mael
[*]Labyrinth (7D88-0000-00F9-8AA1) by Mael
The last time I expanded on a stage it ended up worse than the previous one, I tend to not let my stages overstay their welcome (only one of my stages is an exception to this).Short and intense. I like the idea of having to think fast, using the blue skullride, but if the puzzles are too hard in that short time allotted for the player to figure out, then it'll turn into a trial and error really quickly. The only part I think needed a little longer to figure out was that first jump from the skulls onto the treadmill with the winged caterpillar and the buzz saw where the player must wait for the skull platform to come back around. I'd like to see this type of stage expanded on.
My level Sawblade Walker (C7F1-0000-00E6-01C6) won the Level Of The Week #9 Contest on /r/MarioMaker with the Theme "Factory". Made my day.
PSA: I´ll be recording some gameplay today, if you want in quote the list and add your level at the end:
- Junior's Coup D'état (B8F8-0000-00F6-E173) by vikki (I think this is the latest version)
- Forest Canyon (33EB-0000-00F0-9216) by Mael
- Ruins of the thousand flames! (7167-0000-00F9-844B) by Criskre
The last time I expanded on a stage it ended up worse than the previous one, I tend to not let my stages overstay their welcome (only one of my stages is an exception to this).
I didn't really intend for anything in the stage to be a puzzle, just a test of reaction and movement. That part you mentioned where you had to wait, I let you be able to wait it out if you mess it up the first time but you can do it on the first go.
Puzzle is the wrong word. It's just the obstacles in that area. I thought it was pretty cool that the caterpillar was pretty much jumping in place because of the conveyer platform.
PSA: I´ll be recording some gameplay today, if you want in quote the list and add your level at the end:
Junior's Coup D'état (B8F8-0000-00F6-E173) by vikki (I think this is the latest version)
Forest Canyon (33EB-0000-00F0-9216) by Mael
Ruins of the thousand flames! (7167-0000-00F9-844B) by Criskre
Waving at Others (5018-0000-00F7-6DBE)
Great concept, but it has issues. In the first segment, when the "car" goes on conveyor belts, it divides itself in two, and since your attention is really focused elsewhere, it generates unfair deaths. In the second segment, I didn't get how to avoid getting hit by the flying Spinies, they're so close to the player you just have to take a hit. And in the third segment, the car goes very fast, but when Mario jumps, the speed of the car doesn't translate to him, so you're left behind every time you jump, it's unintuitive, you have to know the level by heart beforehand to stay on it.Mario's Silly Makeshift Cars
As said on Miiverse, absolutely superb, but you knew that already, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered making a beautiful custom poster about it.Shiveringly Frozen Cold Manor!
I'm usually not into that sort of level, it felt disjointed and I didn't get what I was supposed to do at the conveyor belt + pipe part... but I liked it. Its length is appropriate. I didn't finish it though, I died at the very end and didn't feel like trying again. It'd be really good with a bit of polish and world consistency/better presentation.Name: Defeat the Razor Fleet
Code: C486-0000-00EE-73A8
At first I was "uh?" (didn't read the description) then I got the concept, and my Mario vs. Donkey Kong mental patterns kicked in. I finished and commented it, it was really fun, perfectly executed. It got me thinking, but no part stuck me or felt unfair. Retrying was always without frustration. Challenge, visibility and flow were perfect. Well done.Here's my latest creation:
Make Way for Yoshi!
Tons of unfair hits everywhere.Slinky [MEDIUM]
ID: 7F23-0000-00EE-E585
You should really try to make levels that are more straightforward, because I spent my time wondering if I was heading the right way or not, and wondering if I was stuck or not.I just uploaded a new level:
Biomechanical Tower
Wow. Do you make those awesome posters just for the levels, or are you using already made art?Got a new level for you guys to try! Would love some feedback!!
thanks this means a lot to meHi Sera. I played your level and starred it. It's definitely what people would call a trial-and-error level, but personally I don't mind that. Be aware though that a lot of people on GAF will get on you for thatAnyway, I feel like the secrets were will hidden and fun to uncover. I found two one-ups in the level, so I think I did everything or most everything. Good hazards too, I liked the Goomba pipes that receded further into the wall each time. Nice work.
I'll post two more levels here for you (and others on GAF to try).
First one was made by my wife:
Name: Curious Adventure
Description: Really fun level with lots of variety that makes you think and tests your reflexes.
This one is from me:
Name: Pow Block Gardens (99 Coins)
Description: GAF told me to stop making so many difficult levels, so I lightened up and made this easy collect-a-thon. Getting to the end is pretty simple, but the real challenge is finishing with exactly 99 coins.
Have fun!!
Muncher's Munition - Really not into the die & retry part with the very fast scrolling, you can't foresee anything. What was before was fine.1. Muncher's Munition
1. A Tribute to the Past
Varied, fun and humorous level! I really enjoyed it!Amiibo Arcade
I think you should update your posts when you update your level and its codeUpdated version to this level I posted last week. Hopefully it's not as confusing as it was before.
Junior's Coup D'etat
I'd still like to know what you guys think.
I'm usually not into artificially creating themes, but the tools you use to create the illusion of snow work really well. It IS very easy, though, there's barely any actual obstacle.Winter Breeze - (DF5F-0000-00F2-C68F)
Very nice and relaxing level indeed! Only thing is, I died because of an invisible block around the vine (tried to avoid fire bullets from Piranha Plants). Not a serious issue, though.Ice Bridge To Eternity
I still don't understand why the NSMB style is NSMBU yet they chose NSMBW's inferior/uninteresting propeller powerup instead of the best Mario powerup ever, NSMBU's squirrel suit. All the levels that could have been...Disagree. I love SMB3 visually. Also it has the best flight power up of the 3 types. Cape is broken and propeller is pure garbage. It also has my fav music out of all the other styles. Just needs athletic theme to bw complete.