More feedback!
Here's a new level I made:
It's a moving platform level, with ParaKoopas, Piranhas, and three Bowsers blocking your way. It's moderately hard, but it can range from easy to super hard whether the Bowsers choose to troll you or not. There's plenty of Fire power to fight back, though.
Tons of projectiles everywhere on a moving platform with an erratic path and three Bowsers randomly firing more projectiles... I liked and starred your level because it's short and well made, but less projectiles (Piranha Plants without wings, less Bowsers) and less Fire Flowers would be better IMO. As it is, it feels too random and not precise enough.
Snowy Tundra
ID: 862C-0000-00F5-57BA
As said on Miiverse, it really felt like winter, and it definitely felt like Super Mario Bros. 3! Really good level: the settings, the challenge, the flow, the secrets, etc. all felt naturally placed.
I'm afraid the patterns and safe windows aren't intuitive or pleasant in your challenge (at least until the first checkpoint, didn't get past it)... IMO, the thing with Super Mario Bros. is to make the player feel he failed at something easy and obvious when he fails, even/particularly if it really wasn't easy, and it's not the feeling we have here.
I've updated the level for like the 4th time.
Junior's Coup D'état
I didn't get it. The part with the four doors is very confusing and irritating. I finally managed to find an exit thanks to the giant red shell by ignoring the arrows (which again felt trollish), only to find myself on square one. I ran in circles a bit and quit.
The problem here is the rest isn't very stimulating either: there is a long stretch with nothing at the start, the part with the giant red cannons isn't very interesting, just nitpicky... I'm afraid I didn't like what I played.
Arino's Familiar Challenge (1F1F-0000-00D8-249D) is inspired by highlights from the show's Super Mario episodes, so some of the stage's elements might seem familiar to hardcore Mario fans.
I loved this level, in particular the use of Kameks, which in other Super Mario Maker levels are often in situations that aren't interesting or fun. The ending is clever and was very satisfying to figure out.
I'll post two more levels here for you (and others on GAF to try).
First one was made by my wife:
Name: Curious Adventure
This one is from me:
Name: Pow Block Gardens (99 Coins)
You forgot to give the codes

Dry Bone´s Disposal Center Trilogy
1.2: 273B-0000-00F4-BD06
2.2: 9CAA-0000-00F4-C7A7
3.1: 085D-0000-00F4-DA36
1.2: I liked it despite my distaste for SMW Dry Bones. Nice "enemy factory" theme. It flows well with cool secrets!
2.2: I really had fun with this one, the secrets are very nice (Yoshi in particular)! IMO more readable than the first (the tracks take a lot of visual space but it isn't an issue here).
3.1: As said on Miiverse, my favourite of the three because of a tighter challenge with the obstacles, even if it becomes really apparent the powerups are too numerous: you can nearly run into the patterns because you know there is a recharge powerup shorty after. It's a general issue in the trilogy.
Ruins of the thousand flames!
So rich I had to beat it twice, I was intrigued by a lot of alternative paths I glimpsed at in my first run. It was really satisfying to unlock them all on my second run and understand how the level was structured, little by little. It looks gorgeous, with a specific identity, and the challenge and exploration are always interesting (the exploration is IMO the strongest point). The only negative aspects I met are a hit I got from a Goomba I couldn't see while climbing up on a bridge, and I'm not too hot about Giant Bowser, which is long to kill with the Fire Flower and has not enough space around him to be fought properly.
Recently I´ve been doing too complex layouts, so I wanted to make something simpler. I still ended up running out of enemies and blocks in both subworlds lol:
To Spin or Not to Spin: E948-0000-00F9-B79E
I loved it, and this comes from someone who doesn't usually care for spin jump mechanics. I died quite a lot, but the challenge makes you coming back, there are some really clever ideas. The puzzle and exploration elements are nice too, like for CrisKre's level, I replayed the stage to explore some alternate paths.
Title - Starmen Invasion
ID - C9E2-0000-00F8-1D47
Title - Chomps n' Donuts
ID - EF63-0000-00F7-FC9D
Starmen Invasion is really great: the concept is funny, the level has the perfect length, challenge it tight but faire and accessible.
As said on Miiverse, Chomps n' Donuts has really good ideas, I beat and enjoyed this level, but the second half has some very hazardous parts, to the point luck does help.
Loved this level. You are really really capturing the feel of the original superbly. If someone told me this was part of a lost levels compilation Id completely believe it. Kudos! Perfect length, perfect difficulty and really really true to what a 6-1 in an alternate SMB would be. Cant wait for the castle stage! I secretly hope you'd make more so that we have a full Emmanuel SMB game though
Thanks a lot! They look simple, but my Old School Super Mario stages actually asked as much work as my Metroid stages. Tons and tons of testing to be sure the challenge keeps being interesting and fun even with different play styles and sorts of gamers (for example, I tested the flow of the level while not using the run button), and being careful the stages stay within the limits of the original game. I replayed the original a lot, and the differences in physics are enormous, this also had to be addressed. It was really interesting to analyse what made the first game, and try to translate that same logic in SMM.
27:00 Old School Super Mario (Outpost) - EF0D-0000-00F9-5128 by simbabbad: A really great pure platforming level. Simple and linear, with cool challenges and which flowed incredibly naturally. I just breezed from challenge to challenge, it all felt extremely cohesive. The Bullet Bills give lots of freedom to the player to go through the level in many different ways and are used through all the level providing a very nice continuity. It really felt like a classic Mario level, great job!
Simple and raw fun.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the level! It was great watching you play because it really felt like you enjoyed fooling around, doing non-mandatory acrobatics just for fun, which was my exact intention. You also used ways to avoid enemies and found secrets I wondered people would see or not.
You can check my levels in:
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