This doesn't appear to be out yet, when's it releasing?
Dec 3rd
This doesn't appear to be out yet, when's it releasing?
Thanks for the feedback! You can´t go through al the possible paths in one single playthrough so I don´t think you got them all. The powerups can be lost forever because they are "extras", however you have more chances to get them if you stray from the main path later in the level. The idea was to make the main path easy and the alternate routes harder, but with better rewards so everyone could choose the a path they felt comfortable with.I like this level, it was a bit confusing to get the the alternate routes (I don't think I got them all).
Some of the jumps were a bit tricky to get, I didn't really liked that you could lose powerups forever meaning there was little room for errors.
Otherwise it's rarely confusing, I think there's a few unintended shortcuts but otherwise I liked it.
It gave me an idea for a level that is in finishing touches that I'm not sure is that great but heh.
Yeah, whenever I play 100 Mario mode I throw my expectations to the ground and just star every level that is not total crap.If you ever feel like the levels you do or play on GAF are not too good, 100 Marios is a great reality check!
I give a star on every non crap level in that mode, because really you gotta thank people who take their time to make something actually good!
Well, that´s the deal with exploration levels, if you want to see everything you´ll have to replay itFeedback time!
Fun level. Lots of possible paths. I feel I cheesed though the easiest path though. Starred it. No complaints other than I feel I missed 2 thirds of the level.
Glad you liked it. I put too many powerUps in this one, but I didn´t want it to be too hard, getting the balance right is impossible. The second part is more balanced I think.Loved the boss fight! The rotating bones were stressful! Nice saw blades patterns and obstacles. Good checkpoint placements. Medium challenge.
Cool and original mechanics, it was pretty fun. I had a problem right before the goal, the platforms spawned in an undesired position and there as no way to get over that last challenge. I killed myself and it was good the second time, but you should place a door there to ensure that the platforms spawn correctly.After a long hiatus, I'm back for another level. Pure platforming again.
Super Mario Planets - Planet 2-3
Code: 6417-0000-0104-450B
Awesome level, great way to mix theming, gameplay and exploration. I didn´t beat it because the part where you get the Clown Car was insane, I tried looking for secrets there but it was impossible with Spinies appearing right before your nose when you went up. I think you should cut down on enemy number in that part. Having to repeat all the sequence to get Yoshi, the feather and the helmet in the secret room became a bit boring and I gave up after some tries. Also, I almost got stuck in the Bowser Jr. room, the Car Clown despawned and I had no way to reach the top. Fortunately I had the cape and Yoshi, so I could fly, make a diuble jump leaving Yoshi behind and get into the pipe, but if I had taken a hit during the boss fight I would´ve been screwed...Again, this level felt like there was sooo much to find and so many places to go, good job!Let me leave my latest level here again:
Bowser Jr Hot Air Baloon Armada!
Infiltrate Bowser Jr's Hot Air Baloon Armada before it reaches the mushroom kingdom!!
High Pressure Mushroom Cooking
After taking a wrong turn in Peach's castle, Mario ends up in the royal kitchen. Now he has to escape giant pressure cookers and meat grinders, or he'll end up in the mushroom soup himself!
Yeah, I probably missed a lot of great levels. Maybe limit it to 1 level per user?
I just got this today and that's sounds like a great idea. There's sooooo many levels I don't know where to begin.
I saw this yesterday being played on Bjoern´s Smexy stream and I thought it was AWESOME. It´s a pity he spoiled it for me, so I´m going to leave a few days go by to see if I can forget about most of what I saw, ´cause I want to play it clean and let it surprise me. Really great level with cool theming and exciting challenges.Re-posting this because I'd love some more feedback:
Great idea, could this be done in a new thread? We already have a thread for "Your favourite SMM levels" but this one could be something like "SMM GAF Seal of Quality selection", it would be much easier to organize all the voting while keeping track of new posted levels that way. Also, we could od this periodically every 2 months or maybe every month if it´s not much work.Yeah I think 1 level per user is a great idea. We'll have to determine a method for picking the levels. I envision some sort of graphic or picture (I'm shit at photoshop though and by shit I mean do not know how to use it)
I'll try and think of a good way to pick levels. Might just be people post what they feel is their best 3 levels (for active users) and the rest of us just vote and slow pick course we liked on other pages until we get a solid list going.
Cool and original mechanics, it was pretty fun. I had a problem right before the goal, the platforms spawned in an undesired position and there as no way to get over that last challenge. I killed myself and it was good the second time, but you should place a door there to ensure that the platforms spawn correctly.
Super Mario Planets - Planet 2-3
Code: 6417-0000-0104-450B
It would appear that Nintendo auto-deletes levels which contains the invisible-glitch. This could also happen with other glitches in the future. Keep that in mind.
Man, I just need 8 more stars before I can upload more stages, but people are just so stingy! Meanwhile I just go around giving stars to every 100 Mario Challenge stage that isn't an autoplay or doesn't have bullshit 'doors to spikes' parts.
On that note, I'm seeing a pattern where people with Kaizo wannabe stages in their profile aren't able to clear my easiest of stages. You'd think they'd have the perseverance to continue after dying once or twice.
Nothing brings me down more than clicking the profile of someone who played my stage and seeing they uploadded like 7 decent, medium difficulty stages and only have like 4 stars total :[ Give those stars, people!
Man, I just need 8 more stars before I can upload more stages, but people are just so stingy! Meanwhile I just go around giving stars to every 100 Mario Challenge stage that isn't an autoplay or doesn't have bullshit 'doors to spikes' parts.
On that note, I'm seeing a pattern where people with Kaizo wannabe stages in their profile aren't able to clear my easiest of stages. You'd think they'd have the perseverance to continue after dying once or twice.
Nothing brings me down more than clicking the profile of someone who played my stage and seeing they uploadded like 7 decent, medium difficulty stages and only have like 4 stars total :[ Give those stars, people!
Technically, every single stage shows up in the 100 Mario Challenge. It's the main way levels are rated. Also, I played many great levels in there, it's just that all troll levels automatically go to Expert.Everything in 100 man mario is garbage and I refuse to star any of it.
Technically, every single stage shows up in the 100 Mario Challenge. It's the main way levels are rated. Also, I played many great levels in there, it's just that all troll levels automatically go to Expert.
Man, I just need 8 more stars before I can upload more stages, but people are just so stingy! Meanwhile I just go around giving stars to every 100 Mario Challenge stage that isn't an autoplay or doesn't have bullshit 'doors to spikes' parts.
Everything in 100 man mario is garbage and I refuse to star any of it. But gaf stages I star everyone I play cause minimally people had the confidence to post it here.
It's one thing to be stingy, but I think you go too far in the other direction. A level doesn't need to have bullshit "door takes you to an instant death" segments for it to be a bad level that's not worth a star.
My metric for 100 Mario Challenge levels is that if I enjoyed the level and wouldn't mind seeing more levels from the person based on their level that I played, it gets a star.
as someone who doesn't pimp out his shit through screenshot/drawing-laden GAF posts every other page and gets most of his stars from the 100 Mario Challenge, eat a diiiiiick
If I play a good level it gets starred. Its just rare those ever appear in 100 man Mario. I've played maybe 5 levels in 100 man mario I have given stars. If you want more stars post levels on the internet. If 100 man is where you are hoping to get stars hope for spammers cause that shit aint me son.
Gaf I give stars cause I can actually accompany the level with constructive criticism and people are open to iteration.
That's fine. Your post just came off as if you weren't starring any 100 Mario levels you come across no matter what, which would be a shame because I'm seen some decent stuff out of even the Expert challenge.
I'm not really posting my levels on GAF (outside of a few I posted at the request of another user) because I'm curious how well I can do without augmenting my stars/plays with outside exposure. I want the experience the average user has. So far, I'm at about 400 stars.
How many levels have you uploaded? And no I star anything I like. Inside or outisde 100 man mario. Its just a lot of shit I play will never get close to getting starred. I post levels online for 2 reasons, criticism so I can improve my general quality and because upload slots are tied to stars so you need them to upload more. (Which I guess for me is pointless now since I have uploaded 12 levels in 2 months but w/e)
I just want to encourage the younger players (atleast I'm assuming they're young) by giving them a few. Plus I'll be honest, there's a feeling of satisfaction after beating a rather crummy stage that can be 'difficult' because of its randomness. I had fun!
I also do it to counter all those auto-play shitshows that seem to get all the stars.
I have 14 levels uploaded, with about 9 or 10 of those being ones where I took the design process seriously. The other five or so were levels made while I was feeling out the game and its toolset, as well as an automatic "run right" level I made on launch day as a cynical cash-in for some easy stars. The automatic one is unfortunately the clear winner, accounting for a quarter of the total stars I have, but the other ones do fairly well for themselves. I think I have a fairly good grasp on what makes a quality level, considering the ones I'm not particularly satisfied with are the ones with the least stars.
Yeah, I probably missed a lot of great levels. Maybe limit it to 1 level per user?
I have 14 levels uploaded, with about 9 or 10 of those being ones where I took the design process seriously. The other five or so were levels made while I was feeling out the game and its toolset, as well as an automatic "run right" level I made on launch day as a cynical cash-in for some easy stars. The automatic one is unfortunately the clear winner, accounting for a quarter of the total stars I have, but the other ones do fairly well for themselves. I think I have a fairly good grasp on what makes a quality level, considering the ones I'm not particularly satisfied with are the ones with the least stars.
I saw this yesterday being played on Bjoern´s Smexy stream and I thought it was AWESOME. It´s a pity he spoiled it for me, so I´m going to leave a few days go by to see if I can forget about most of what I saw, ´cause I want to play it clean and let it surprise me. Really great level with cool theming and exciting challenges.
Great idea, could this be done in a new thread? We already have a thread for "Your favourite SMM levels" but this one could be something like "SMM GAF Seal of Quality selection", it would be much easier to organize all the voting while keeping track of new posted levels that way. Also, we could od this periodically every 2 months or maybe every month if it´s not much work.
Good job on that one.After a long hiatus, I'm back for another level. Pure platforming again.
Super Mario Planets - Planet 2-3
Code: 6417-0000-0104-450B
Here's a new level I made:
High Pressure Mushroom Cooking
After taking a wrong turn in Peach's castle, Mario ends up in the royal kitchen. Now he has to escape giant pressure cookers and meat grinders, or he'll end up in the mushroom soup himself!
Awesome level, great way to mix theming, gameplay and exploration. I didn´t beat it because the part where you get the Clown Car was insane, I tried looking for secrets there but it was impossible with Spinies appearing right before your nose when you went up. I think you should cut down on enemy number in that part. Having to repeat all the sequence to get Yoshi, the feather and the helmet in the secret room became a bit boring and I gave up after some tries. Also, I almost got stuck in the Bowser Jr. room, the Car Clown despawned and I had no way to reach the top. Fortunately I had the cape and Yoshi, so I could fly, make a diuble jump leaving Yoshi behind and get into the pipe, but if I had taken a hit during the boss fight I would´ve been screwed...Again, this level felt like there was sooo much to find and so many places to go, good job!
Wait you can have three way pipe systems? On Mario Maker Mornings today I saw a setup where pipe A led to pipe B, but then a different pipe C led back to pipe A. How do you do that?
Can't you just stick two pipes on top of each other? That would allow all the exits to be the same (visually), even if the entrances aren't.
Yes, you can do that. That's how I managed to make my "early ghost house" part in my Old School Super Mario (Castle) stage.Can you do that? I would guess that's how its done if you can
Yup, that's exactly how it works.When pipes are superposed, the game takes the earliest created pipe as the entry pipe. So if A, B and C pipes lead (visually) to the same exit pipe, taking back the exit pipe takes you to only one of them, the earliest created link.
That's a great idea.Yeah I think 1 level per user is a great idea. We'll have to determine a method for picking the levels. I envision some sort of graphic or picture (I'm shit at photoshop though and by shit I mean do not know how to use it)
I'll try and think of a good way to pick levels. Might just be people post what they feel is their best 3 levels (for active users) and the rest of us just vote and slow pick course we liked on other pages until we get a solid list going.
In the interest of best-of discussion, Goomba's Safety Hat Emporium by Zeus might be the best puzzle level I've played to date. It's short and challenging, but figuring out and executing the puzzle is really exciting! The code is 756D-0000-004B-3917. I just came across it in the highlights and it already has 60 stars, but it deserves 600.
Hopefully this doesn't get buried at the bottom of the page. This stage is the real deal.
It's true that simply allowing different backgrounds for games where they exist already would be effortless and would really help with creating themes. I just looked for SMW backgrounds, and it'd add some real variety, I'm starting to get sick of visual repetition in SMM.Minimally Nintendo coyld add more backgrounds as DLC. Its literally the easiest thing for them to do. I was watching some SMW gameplay. That game has a ton of backgrounds that would fit great in the game if they were introduced.
That was a nice level, maybe a little slow. The "platforms to push up giant launchers" could have been exchanged with platforms + spikes.Castle Crash Challenge
EXCELLENT level! Your use of the theme, the gameplay ideas, the tense challenge, the pacing in particular are all impressive! I loved it!High Pressure Mushroom Cooking
The first half is really good, it looks great and has very good pacing and a good challenge, and then it just sort of stops from about your screen capture, with empty settings. Strange.The Long Climb To Save.. Toad.
Sup, SMM Community.
I just got this game.
Really fun stuff!
I thought I would not like making levels, but I'm addicted.
The day limit thing sucks, though. But I don't mind as much it helps me learn the tools.
Just curious, is the SMM online portal up yet? I remember the last Nintendo Direct mentioning it.
It's true that simply allowing different backgrounds for games where they exist already would be effortless and would really help with creating themes. I just looked for SMW backgrounds, and it'd add some real variety, I'm starting to get sick of visual repetition in SMM.
I'd also love to use NSMBW backgrounds instead of NSMBU. NSMBU looks great as a game, not so much as a construction kit tool. I loved NSMBW's plains background more than NSMBU's, it's more iconic.
"Third Party Quest - Sonic" - 9D3D-0000-0109-BE90
That was a nice level, maybe a little slow. The "platforms to push up giant launchers" could have been exchanged with platforms + spikes.
The first dedicated level is about Sonic: "Third Party Quest - Sonic" - 9D3D-0000-0109-BE90
Throwing Up All Over
- You must be comfortable throwing objects in mid-air or placing them gently. You don't need to be perfect; the challenges here have ample room for error.
- It should be self-evident that fluency with the run button is required.
- Other skills from SMW are optional but potentially helpful. There are some big skips and breaks I found in testing that I decided to leave in as a speed runner's route.
- Yes, there are checkpoints. This is a lengthy stage.
- No Kaizo tricks, no juggling required.
- That said, let's not pretend the clear rate will end up over 5%.