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Super Mario Maker |OT| Miyamoto Simulator 2015


Unconfirmed Member
I hope the random selection gets better with time. I feel like I'm going to die playing the terribly designed crap that typically comes up in 100-Mario.

I had to stop trying expert.

I've skipped over at least 50 levels.

Third level I've made. I'm actually fairly happy with it. It's the first kinda-difficult level I've made. I tried to make it as fair and consistent as possible.


My attempt at a Metroid style level.

It's a very different style from my other levels, so I'd be especially grateful for any feedback.

I tried for hours to unlock the Samus costume, but I couldn't get it, and now I have to play on higher difficulties to unlock more. No time for that. So don't be mad, there's no Samus in this even if it would fit so well. Maybe for a potential v2 if people like this level.

And yeah, I know you can sequence break. Try to do it without that. ;)


Mariotroid (FB8C-0000-0027-BFE5)
(sorry for the stupid preview pic, I always forget to move my Mario to a proper location before uploading)

My older four levels:
Mushroom Split (19D9-0000-001F-7162)
Sightseeing at Bowser's Castle (5985-0000-0018-8690)
Clouds and Thorns (632E-0000-0016-E29D)
Hello World (#xa5742) (BD1C-0000-0017-2DF5)

Into the Heart: 2B71-0000-0027-A12F

My fourth level, a castle themed stage. I wanted to have only downward descents but the game didn't let me use warp pipes yet, so I had to improvise an upward climbing section and a final battle area I originally didn't plan on having.

My previous three stages:
0415-0000-0021-2DBA - Cheep Cheep spam level (probably terrible)
2D77-0000-0019-BF96 - Piranha Plants on bounce springs level
AC8C-0000-0019-B431 - Level where things fall down and try to encage you (an idea I had based on the lack of tools the first set gives you, I don't think it resulted in a great level though)


I liked this, nice and open map with a relatively low difficulty. Something I noticed though, I was able to jump over a significant portion of the beginning by doing a high speed jump combined with spinning.


the early part of the level was to create a sense of imagined danger - i wanted to have people get used to building up a sense of momentum so that they hit those blocks and are forced to jump off of them. the level has no bottomless pits and i tried to keep enemy encounters relatively harmless so that experts can clear it rather easily, but it's not so bad for newcomers.
Had my first awesome interaction:

I uploaded a level called Delayed Gratification, which has a simple gimmick - you have to wait to touch the Star. I got my first-ever comment on a level, and ran to check it out...

Someone had figured out how to break the gimmick (I hadn't put a tall enough wall at the end, so you could just jump over it, and avoid all my Goombas!), and had drawn a picture of how they did it, so that I could fix it.

Absolutely amazing.
There. I made an updated version so the beginning is a little more obvious!


Well, I figured out where to go and was slowly progressing through. Got to the bit with the fire whips and the falling platforms and died...I don't have the energy to go through all of that again. :(
The way you gradually unlocked upgrades was neat. It's pretty good until the bit where you have to get the spiny helmet which was a huge jump in difficulty in comparison to the others. I get that it's basically the final upgrade you need, but the gaps, endlessly spawning enemies and low ceiling made this part frustrating and soured the experience as a whole for me.

I think if you tweaked that part just a little you'd have a pretty great level that most could beat.
this is great feedback for a very cool level that just needed some fine tuning. I just finished it and agree with Lady Siara
Another course I made. I dislike those "press right to win" courses but I wanted to play around with temporary invincibility so here's a stage all about that.


Run with Temporary Invincibility



Quick question guys, is it possible to make a question mark block only give out one coin? Every time I put a coin in one it's always a multiple coin block. Am I missing something?
Just something quick I made up in a few minutes, but how many coins can you collect in under a minute? Get as many coins as you can and head to the exit before time runs out.



Okay, afte doing the obscenely hard Turbo Tunnel i decided to make the exact opposite.

Mario's Fun[damentals] Houses
Tile set: Super Mario World
World: Ghost House, Underground

First part of the stage is basically going thru some basic concepts of how SMW plays, they're basic moves but you know how some people don't seem to know things like bouncing on spinies with the spin jump and such? This level should help newbies get a grasp on that kind of stuff (i hope)

Second part is a simple ghost house course.

Yes, the last s in houses is a typo.


Question: Was Andres goal in making Super Meat Bros ensuring I never watch his stupid shitty channel again? Because all I have for him now is hatred of the highest order.



Ghosts or the Shells is a quick little ghost house level I made that briefly exposes you to Dry Bones and Boos before forcing you to choose a path-- one that focuses entirely on Dry Bones and one that focuses entirely on Boos. There's a hidden third path that's a shortcut to the end of the level, but it's a secret to everybody. I'll just say I chose SMW for a reason.

I think it's neat. Check it out!



Here are my first two levels. Simple stuff, but I like 'em.

Tower to Truth: FDCF-0000-0027-2520
Bridge to Tomorrow: 05C2-0000-0028-1B76


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Just posted my first level (well, the one that wasn't built by my 5-year old). Called "Peril Reef." Underwater level. Short but difficult with three different choices of paths.


Glass Joe

I hope the random selection gets better with time. I feel like I'm going to die playing the terribly designed crap that typically comes up in 100-Mario.

I hope so. Too many insane levels and not much thought. Just skipped over a bunch on "hard" because if you go somewhere unintended, you just get stuck. Hopefully since the game is so new, they have a way to let the cream rise to the top -- probably the star system. The only problem is sometimes I want to leave a comment telling the designer why something is so borked and doing so automatically stars it.

You need so many star ratings in order to create new levels, otherwise you can only have 10 active unless you delete. That's a smart approach that will hopefully mean we'll have much more playable stuff in the 100 man challenges in due time.
Does Mario maker have any kind of playlist option ? Typing in every level code in gets pretty tedious, and you can't copy and paste them from the wii u web browser.


Into the Heart: 2B71-0000-0027-A12F

My fourth level, a castle themed stage. I wanted to have only downward descents but the game didn't let me use warp pipes yet, so I had to improvise an upward climbing section and a final battle area I originally didn't plan on having.

I thought this was pretty good, having the spiky dudes underneath you gives a nice sense of danger with being bullshit and there was a nice sense of progress. Although the section were you go up was abit awakward but then I hate using the spring so what do I know.

This was pretty fun too, aside from the fact that beating koopa brakes the level.

Here's mine if anyone cares



I spent a good while on this one, put I kinda screwed the balance in a few places, I still think it's decent though



I'm not sure if the difficulty is over done in this one, coin placement didn't seem to accurately convey when to jump. Hard to tell unless someone that isn't me tires it honestly.
Well I've had enough going through the terrible level hell that is 100 Mario Challenge, it's time to see if I can do any better



Ashley gets bored and makes a wreck in Castle Dracula. Getting hit causes her to switch places with Mario to catch a breather, which is unfortunate because only Ashley can break the block at the end.


It's on fire, yo.

Mario storms the lair of one angry, chain-chomp loving goomba named Carl. Supposedly Carl rented the place out from some other video game villain, but did a little redecorating of his own.


Played a couple of Mega Man levels posted here so far, pretty good!

Searching through for music ones, tried making some myself but I've done a bad job so far.

Last level I made before I crash:

Mostly Ghostly Mansion




What if you just want it to play in a boss room or a bonus room? Will it play for awhile, or do you have to place them all over the room?

For a boss, you can just attach it to the boss itself, and it'll play until the boss is killed or you go far away from it. I'm not sure about the range for the boss/bonus bgm placed by itself in the background though.
Although the section were you go up was abit awakward but then I hate using the spring so what do I know.
Things like this are what happen when I don't have a level feature I wanted (the level was supposed to have a warp pipe that put you to the top and there was another downward descent, but I didn't feel like unlocking everything just for one level). I figured a spring gave a better sense of instantaneous action than "stairs" so I went with one of those.

Link Man

Just went thru all of these, felt they were short and a bit on the easy side, but i loved going thru an actual set of levels with a coherent theme, good stuff.

Well, I am trying to emulate NIntendo, so the first worlds will be a bit on the easy side. Will try to ramp up the difficulty as I go along.

Thank you for playing my levels, though!


Giant Land Throwback B50E-0000-0028-326A

It's basically SMB3's 4-1 and 4-4 mashed together into one continuous level.

The layout and enemy placement in the 4-1 section is more or less 1:1 with the NES game. In the water section, I added a more Lakitu placements and giant Goombas. I attempted (but didn't) adding giant Bloopers, schools of giant Cheep Cheep, giant Fish Bone, and winged giant Goomba (way more aggressive) ... ended up being way too hard. Did lower the ceiling in order to prevent the player from either taking out the Lakitus and circumventing the obstacles.

In order to get the effect of the pipes pushing Mario upward, I used as many platforms as I could with conveyors. It did an okay job of simulating the effect.


Reposting from a while ago:

It's a stage that uses Donut Blocks and Piranha Plants - introduces the mechanics, develolps them, twists them and ends with a final test.
Feedback would be much appreciated.

Donut Mines


First one is pretty fun! Liked how even the wrong 'paths' had some sort of rewards - I'm just not a fan of guesswork in general though. The sky area also felt like too much of a reward for a visible pipe but that's nitpicking.
I'm glad you took your time to play it! I agree that the first pipe early on is jarringly out in the open, but I figured that most players would not realize that you could actually go in pipes considering you unlock it so late into the level designer.

And the guesswork... I was just having fun. :p Those three pipes at the end are only one screen large and it makes a buzzing sound so you get immediate feedback as to whether or not you made it to the end... so, yeah, it's not too bad. If you enjoyed it then you should definitely give the others a go. :)

I will give your level a try next time I load up the game!


Can someone beat this?

It is not hard but no one has yet.

I beat it. I don't blame others for not. Without knowing the trick of the giant Koopa shell breaking the solid blocks (I discovered this by fluke) people resort to trying the pipe or attempting to jump over the impossibly tall wall or thinking the pipe takes you somewhere (someone put a comment about such). The presence of the spring made me think I needed it. The Koopa room also gives incentive to killing the Giant enemy room with a shell which of course makes the level impossible to complete, or for you to even get out of that room. You wouldn't believe how many round about ways I looked for getting past the half way point.
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