I wasn't sure if you would have still wanted to play my level since I wasn't able to finish yours (I am not very good at puzzles), but here is my latest one.What level do you want me to try?
I wasn't sure if you would have still wanted to play my level since I wasn't able to finish yours (I am not very good at puzzles), but here is my latest one.What level do you want me to try?
Finally completed Planet 1-8 of my Super Mario Planets series. I used all the blocks available in the 2 sub-zones!
In this level Mario explores Bowser's floating storage facility.
- A never seen before Bowser fight (At least I think so)
- All the mechanics of the feather used in some ways
- 3 original puzzles
- As usual, 5 hidden 1-UPs
Code: 0599-0000-00A1-4DA6
The completion rate is going to be low on this one, but there's nothing unfair here.
Yeah had this the first time I made it really far, too. Thanks Nintendobama.Edit 2 : Ok there is one thing unfair about this stage... It's the time up. Damn you Nintendo !
Well my aim was to make the most "clever" cape level possible, so I'm happy with your comment.
It's definitely not gonna be for everyone as some parts are tricky and not everyone will have the patience to figure it out, but if you fix the difficulty spike at the end I think you'll have a good level again. Correojons suggestion for the last part sounds interesting, you should probably check it out.
Maybe a could put a floor there to be less punitive...
- Yeah I thought about that, too. People here seem to have problems figuring it out and It took me some time to figure it out, too, so reducing the difficulty / frustration of this part without touching the puzzle itself might be a good idea.
Maybe a platform in the lower left and right gap each. Or a big floor but with blocks like in the other parts of your level were you are not supposed to be able to fly.
You have to be a veteran Mario player for this part yeah. I think it's possible to find the solution by accident.
- Yeah, not sure what else to do to give the player a hint right now. Maybe a combination of arrows like these? -> (either the left or the right version obviously, not both)
Yeah I didn't like forcing the player to take a bit but I didn't have another solution. Maybe I should remove the helmet and replace it with the spiky helmet. But I think it's fun to see the thwomp bounce
There's a breakable block there to help you get the feather back but you have to think about breaking it before you get hit obvisouly. Maybe I should remove the breakable block as it's probably impossible to fly though it.
- I see, yeah the Thwomp Bounce is funny. But probably not worth it I think, having to get hit is just not a very good solution in any case. And killing a big Thwomp is also not the worst feeling in the world!This would also sort the getting stuck problem out, as without the Thwomp, the path to the feather would be clear anyway.
I tried to fly to the spike helmet, but didn't manage to. I think it may be possible though, I didn't try it very often.
Does it really reset his life bar? I'm not sure about that.
- Pretty sure, because I had really hit him very often already and expected him to go down soon when instead I went down (lol) and he took a full beating after it again (beat him at least 4 times due to the part afterwards, so I think I have a feeling for how much he takes now)
I really hesitated doing that part, almost completely scrapped it several times, but I wanted a car clown chase. I didn't think it was that hard. Only the first flame might be tricky as you are unprepared after the boss fight. But in theory, you can take at least one hit there. Maybe I'll remove that part or make it way easier, or give the player a star.
- It may be one of these parts where it doesn't seem too hard when you know exactly what you have to do and get the timings all right, but I really didn't see a way to get through without luck for now. As said, I'm happy when I get through the "Bowser chamber" with the flames and the bullets hunting me on the conveyors belt without getting small, so I can take one hit in the flight afterwards, but it didn't seem to be enough to get through, shit gets real everytime I have to wait for the flames, bullets coming in from every side ;(
A star would probably make it boring... maybe include some flying powerups or such? Not enough to just power through all obstacles without care, but at least some to recover from hits, maybe not right in the best path so you get them anyway but close enough so you can go for them without too much risk. I was very surprised at the complete lack of powerups after Bowser to be honest.
Thanks for your input (See comments in spoiler tag), I thought about all your remarks but thought it would be ok.
What level can I play from you?
- That part where you had to jump on 2 Bullet Bills to get to a higher platform was a bit confusing, the Bullet Bills are far from the platform so you have to make them follow you, which can put them in positions that make the jump impossible to make. Also, they being so far somehow disconects them from the target and the lower part with the 2 Goombas further helps this. You should put the Red Bills closer, remove the part with the Goombas or put some guidance like coins or something, the arrow just doesn´t cut it.
- As other have said you can damage-boost through the gliding segment with no penalty as you get another feather right after landing, which makes this section meaningless. You could add a wall of yellow blocks at the end, that way the player must reach that part without taking a hit and he´ll also have to use the cape spin, which is the only cape move not required in the course. You can also add a one directional door to the left so the player has to repeat the gliding section again until he gets it right. I got it right on the second try so i don´t think it´s difficult, but you could widen the gap by one square.
- Everything that came after the Flower: you use the cape for all the stage, using all abilities and then out of nowhere you get a flower and everything the level has been building up until that point flies out of the window.
- I didn´t like much the boss fight, not only because it didn´t use the cape, but because it´s very time consuming and in the end you just start "going Rambo" as the infinite flower supply allows it. Also, if the player runs closer to Bowser won´t he get trapped next to him? I didn´t try it but it seemed possible.
- What is the purpose of all the pipes there? They reset the fight for me. I felt trolled
- The last part was cool but again, felt totally out of place. You introduce a new element that hasn´t appeared at all in the level for the last part. It felt like a missed opportuniy: you could have placed there a flying segment with the cape, maybe with a star taking out enemies while you fly as a great finale. If you want to, download my Feather 1-1 level and look at the subarea, the player gets a star at the beginning and must follow a trail of coins while taking out flying Koopas. If he does it correctly he gets another star mid-fly and can cross all the stage without taking the ground. Also, I wasn´t expecting anything after the boss fight, so I just jumped on the car as small Mario and somehow made it through (I was very lucky with the fire canyons). Had I died there I probably wouldn´t have replayed all the level....It felt extremely punishing, luck based and out of place.
- Where is Planets 1-7?
Place a pipe anywhere and then drag Mario into it.Just got this and trying to figure out all mechanics- how do you make a sub level? Can't seem to figure that out
Has to to be unlocked first though.Place a pipe anywhere and then drag Mario into it.
Place a pipe anywhere and then drag Mario into it.
I'd also like to give a big shout-out to Nocturnowl. I only discovered his levels yesterday and promptly had to play through all of them (and wow, has he made a lot already). I loved almost every single one, as they're chock-full of brilliant ideas, beautiful designs and fun platforming! Seriously one of my favourite creators on Neogaf!
Banjo Kazooie: Clanker's Cavern
Grunty here and I've got some news to share.
The bear and bird are back... not that I care.
Clanker's Cavern is a classic location.
But please, this stage is no vacation!
There's 100 notes to collect, Jingos, too.
You can listen to me, as I haw and boo!
There's a poorly told story for you to hear.
Play with miiverse on, and open your ear!
Wait just a minute! That's not Banjo and Kazooie!
I've been had! What a scam! P'tooie!
Now I've got to move my worty butt.
To cease and desist that duck and mutt!
It's so stupid to get sublevels as the last unlock!
This is the biggest level I've made yet,
I didn't post others I've made because they're a little lame I feel.
I feel like this one shouldn't be too easy to finish and the secrets don't utterly break the level this time.
I couldn't fix the number of lives to earn to 3, I feel bad about it :/
I hit the max number of foes quite a few time.
Tell me how you like it, Gaf!
My 10 year old son is making a (bit of a troll) level based on glitches. Given that I'm at a creative impasse, I may as well help him. I've provisionally titled it "Don't mug me off, m8". Yes, this is the level I've sunk to due to lack of ideas.
I'vs spent more than a week making a single level, planned it on paper, completed it, threw everything away and went back to paper...I've gone through this cycle 3 times already, and now the level's almost ready. But I'm a bit burned, so I thought I may review some GAF levels
Post your levels and I'll give them a throrough play and post impressions. I'd like to look at them in detail so for the moment I'll look at the first 5 (one per user).
I'vs spent more than a week making a single level, planned it on paper, completed it, threw everything away and went back to paper...I've gone through this cycle 3 times already, and now the level's almost ready. But I'm a bit burned, so I thought I may review some GAF levels
Post your levels and I'll give them a throrough play and post impressions. I'd like to look at them in detail so for the moment I'll look at the first 5 (one per user).
Tonight I will play and give feedback for anyone that gives feedback on my latest level, on NeoGAF preferably.
Post your levels and I'll give them a throrough play and post impressions. I'd like to look at them in detail so for the moment I'll look at the first 5 (one per user).
I'vs spent more than a week making a single level, planned it on paper, completed it, threw everything away and went back to paper...I've gone through this cycle 3 times already, and now the level's almost ready. But I'm a bit burned, so I thought I may review some GAF levels
Post your levels and I'll give them a throrough play and post impressions. I'd like to look at them in detail so for the moment I'll look at the first 5 (one per user).
I'vs spent more than a week making a single level, planned it on paper, completed it, threw everything away and went back to paper...I've gone through this cycle 3 times already, and now the level's almost ready. But I'm a bit burned, so I thought I may review some GAF levels
Post your levels and I'll give them a throrough play and post impressions. I'd like to look at them in detail so for the moment I'll look at the first 5 (one per user).
Frozen (4A4F-0000-00A2-3CCB)
Hurry up Mario! (55D4-0000-0095-A08D)
Lava Mushroom Bridge (ver.2) (9A92-0000-0091-37A4)
The Great Tower (ver.2) (7371-0000-008F-2632)
I don't care if it's gonna be lost at the bottom of the page, I made a new stage and I really want you guys to try it out!
Boo's Music Box!
I'd love some feedback, this stage took a while. I really hope it was worth the effort.
I made some new levels, and I would like to get some feedback as no-one's playing them and the few that do play them, aren't starring them. There just doesn't seem to be any interest in "normal" Mario levels.
I haven't uploaded a course in awhile! But I've been working on a level none of the less.
"With Haste", a level made to be harder than what I usually make while still being doable with some getting used to. The enemies on tracks were the most interesting part of building this level.
I also hope people like this level, I'm just two more stars to having more uploads![]()
I finally made a new and easier version of my only level so far, Spiky Rollercastle:
v.1.1 (easier) (96A8-0000-0082-8392)
The Update includes various improvements, though mostly a reduce in hazards which didn't have much to do with the main challenge of the level (), also more power-ups. Completion rate before was at 2,5%, lets see what you guys can do nowsurfing the shell(harder version still online for those who wanna try).
Will try to play some of your guys levels the next days, seen some awesome looking stuff but didn't have the time.
edit: redid a small part of the beginning again. Should be good to go now though =) also don't forget to check out the secret hard path![]()
I made a new course over the weekend:
Escape from Koopatraz
Mario is condemned for Koopa mass murder and escorted to a high security prison. Luckily, from his days as a plumber, he knows there's a way out if he can only reach the drainage room. But first, he needs to break out of his cell...
Playing the 100 Mario Challenge is bad for my health. I tried it for the first time yesterday and got handed a ridiculous troll level halfway through. I'm too stubborn to skip anything, so after throwing away 30 lives and finally finishing it (I was the only one who had, so far), I went straight to Miiverse and commented something like "worst level ever, no star for you!" lol.
GAF levels are so much better.
jokes on you lol!when you comment on miiverse you give an automatic star xD
It's literally the last part / jump of the levelI died at the beating heart part. What are you supposed to do here?
I loved the crouching 'n surfing the shell part, good puzzle!
jokes on you lol!when you comment on miiverse you give an automatic star xD
Bowser's Palace
This level is a "remastered" version of my very first Super Mario Maker project. I hope someone will give it a try!
I only tried the first one, it´s very hard and very punishing. It being short really doesn´t help as if players can´t pass the first challenge they have no way of knowing the goal is close, if this level popped up in 100 Mario challenge I would have skipped it after my first deaths as it looks really intimidating.Haven't shared any of my stuff on here but hopefully some of u dig my Greeninja Gaiden series. Nothing too crazy or complex just short and fun. Depending on your skill some sections may take a few tries but since the levels are so short it doesn't feel like a chore.
I'd appreciate any feedback, constructive or positive.
I love puzzle levels, this one left me scratching my head for some time, if the death count is high it´s because I jumped to the first cliff when i thought I had screwed up, which was a lot of times. You won´t believe all the different things I tried to get to the platform, I even thought you had to do some crazy Kaizo shit with the P-Switchmy first real attempt at a puzzle level and wanted to know if things are obvious or not
This course felt like a real SMW level! Lots of secrets and alternate routes and nice selection of areas. The underwater theme gets little love but it felt really refreshing and was very well implemented. I hate the red Wigglers, I had´t seen them underwater and they really were a pain. I lost the spike helmet twice right under the last blocked pipe and had to backtrack a lot, it would´ve been nice to have a replacement nearby. Also, the enemy selection made the stage really hard and caused a lot of "dumb" deaths: Dry Bone´s on their own are terrible foes, mixing them with the Moles was a bit sadistic on your part, lol. Also, the part with the platforms and the Munchers was a bit too long, repeating the same jumps 6 or 7 times in a row is a cheap way of hoping the player screws up, I would shorten it to 3 or 4 jumps at most. the cavern felt big and filled with secrets, awesome layout.I'd love to get some feedback on this one.
Monty's Mining Mishap
Woops I skipped this one, just quoting to remind myself to review it later.Feedback on Koopatraz from you would be very welcome too!
I loved this level, it had a lot of different challenges but each of them was correctly separated and could be surpassed on the first try with a little observation and planning. I loved th part with all the cannons shooting from everywhere, they were perfectly timed so you always were in danger but not overwhelmed.<Shameless plug>
Just 3 posts above yours.
I'd like to know what works for you and what doesn't in that level and how you would improve it.
</Shameless plug>
I tried it and really enjoyed the beginning but it got to hard for me when I came to the section where I had to jump over the single donut platforms.
This course felt like a real SMW level! Lots of secrets and alternate routes and nice selection of areas. The underwater theme gets little love but it felt really refreshing and was very well implemented. I hate the red Wigglers, I had´t seen them underwater and they really were a pain. I lost the spike helmet twice right under the last blocked pipe and had to backtrack a lot, it would´ve been nice to have a replacement nearby. Also, the enemy selection made the stage really hard and caused a lot of "dumb" deaths: Dry Bone´s on their own are terrible foes, mixing them with the Moles was a bit sadistic on your part, lol. Also, the part with the platforms and the Munchers was a bit too long, repeating the same jumps 6 or 7 times in a row is a cheap way of hoping the player screws up, I would shorten it to 3 or 4 jumps at most. the cavern felt big and filled with secrets, awesome layout.
The level had that SMW feel which made me replay it over and over until I could beat it, loved it!
Thanks for playing! Yeah, I really need to shorten that muncher section...
About the back tracking, didn't you see the short cut to the helmet room that gets opened by the whoomp? I had hoped it would reduce the backtracking significantly.
Ahh, that was the vine going downwards, I think I took it once but it still forced you to go through a part of the water stage, didn´t it? Maybe I overlooked something, I was a bit on my nerves after loosing the helmet 2 times right next to the pipe thanks to those pesky Dry Bones and was running out of time. My fault then.
How do I easily get screenshots, like most of the levels posted here? Sorry if I missed it; I skimmed the first few posts and didn't see any advice about this.
Doesn't that only happen when you use the comment button at the end of the level? I skipped that part and went to the level's page in the Wii U Miiverse app to leave my comment, specifically to avoid leaving the star.
You streaming tonight?
I love puzzle levels, this one left me scratching my head for some time, if the death count is high it´s because I jumped to the first cliff when i thought I had screwed up, which was a lot of times. You won´t believe all the different things I tried to get to the platform, I even thought you had to do some crazy Kaizo shit with the P-Switch
This review is a bit short because there´s really not much to say about this level without spoiling it, it´s a VERY GOOD course and I can´t find anything to complain about or change. Great job!Once I got past that first puzzle the level fell in the first try, everything flowed in a really nice way. Cool puzzles using different elements in different ways. I liked a lot that the course made you return to the start through a different way to unlock the first pipe. The Boos looked intimidating until I discovered you could kill them with the spike helmet, that provided a little tension in the right moment.
This is the biggest level I've made yet,
I didn't post others I've made because they're a little lame I feel.
Finally had time to make another level. Thanks to a glitch, managed to make the level I wanted to make ever since Mario Maker was released
Splatoon - Inkvisible Avenues
There's no ink in Mario Maker, but other things can show you the way.
As always if you leave a comment in-game / here, I'll check out your levels in return
Finally completed Planet 1-8 of my Super Mario Planets series. I used all the blocks available in the 2 sub-zones!
In this level Mario explores Bowser's floating storage facility.
Code: 0599-0000-00A1-4DA6
FROZEN (sorta hard)
- No princess included!
- Can you finish the level with at least 150 coins? (expert)
- Cross the whole level with star invincibility!
I'd love to get some feedback on this one.
Monty's Mining Mishap
my first real attempt at a puzzle level and wanted to know if things are obvious or not
Made another level with multiple paths and secrets!
In honor of my favorite mario 64 level I bring you:
Jolly Roger Port
Took me forever to finish. Would love some feedback and stars.
Here is a little video of the beginning of the level:
Please give it a go GAF!
I couldn't figure out the beginning. Little hint please?
I loved this level, it had a lot of different challenges but each of them was correctly separated and could be surpassed on the first try with a little observation and planning. I loved th part with all the cannons shooting from everywhere, they were perfectly timed so you always were in danger but not overwhelmed.
Some jumping segments were right at the top of the stage, which made Mario leave the screen and made the jumps harder than they were.The last winged Lakitu almost gave me a heart attack as I was right next to the goal as small Mario and he appeared blazing out of nowhere, lol.
More than once I ended jumping on top of some decorations/semisolid platforms and leaving totally the screen, I think I even saw one place where the player could get trapped, you should look at that.
Also, there was a part were Dry Bones move with Spikies on their heads; the first Spiky fell from the Dry Bones´ head and made the Dry Bone fall to the bottom where another one with another Spiky was waiting. I could get through but it looked a bit glitchy and something not planned.
The highlight of the level for me wasthat part where you are over a lot of big Bomb-ombs about to explode and take the floor with them, when I saw what was about to happen I (not Mario but myself) jumped in place, it was a really cool moment
The airship and the whole level felt huge, in a good way. There were a lot of different elements through all the course, which is usually not a good thing, but every challenge has it´s individual space and somehow everything felt good, both separately and as a whole.
Very good course, the only reason why it doesn´t feel like a real SMW level is because of all the different elements, but design-wise it´s Nintendo-worthy.
Ok, thanks for the feedback!There are two critical issues with this level. The first is that it is far too busy visually. You have things like cannonballs and flying podobos in heavy use against semi-solid platforms and it's hard to follow what's going on. The second problem is the immediate end of the level is far too hard. Way too much is going on and the player doesn't know what needs to be done to survive. I only won by grabbing the first Lakitu cloud and sneaking to the goal.
I also don't like that little cubbyhole at the very beginning with the first Bob-omb. It might look cool, but if Mario goes there to check it out, he has to jump to his death. There's no benefit to it from a gameplay standpoint.
There's a good level here at the core so don't get discouraged, but these things are holding it back.