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Super Monday Night Combat |OT| Time to let loose with the juice!


I had a game last night with a gunner who went 0/13/0 with 11 bot kills. I almost started raging on him but I thought it'd be better for my blood pressure to just pretend he died at his computer desk...

Nah fuck that man, I can understand kinda, if you're dying a lot but still getting bot kills you know? But if you go 0/13/0 with like 12 bot kills, you deserve internet rage. There should be a giant flashing pop-up the first time people play the game.


when you close it another one pops up



Seriously, you would have been better off if he had just dropped from the game or went AFK in the spawn room at the beginning. At least he wouldn't have been actively working against the team like going 0-13 does.


The worst is when they feed the other team for half of the game and then decide to give up after 14 deaths and just idle in spawn or leave. It's like, oh, thanks for your contribution!


I died a lot in the first 5 or so matches I was in. A lot of people come from fps where dying doesn't matter much and for a noob it can be confusing to outplay someone yet get destroyed because the other dude is higher level.


I died a lot in the first 5 or so matches I was in. A lot of people come from fps where dying doesn't matter much and for a noob it can be confusing to outplay someone yet get destroyed because the other dude is higher level.

That's what im saying. There needs to be more/louder systems in place to let people know that you can't carry team, and the skillset required to be effective is different from the trational FPS/TPS.

For one, you should always be thinking of the team first. A death might be acceptable for example, if it prevents the enemy team from getting the annhilator.

Back to actual current game talk though, anyone notice how people are actually using alt/different strategies now? I'm seeing a LOT of teams pushing one lane primarily and almost entirely ignoring the other one. One match in particular last night, their whole team was in right lane (downtown spunky arena or w/e), and my entire team save me and my buddy pushed left lane.

We won but it was up in the air for a good portion of it. My friend and I managed to hold their whole team back in right lane thanks to splash damage (I was megabeth, he was leo...good team!) but it was touch and go in spots. They managed to get up to our turret on the right side of the moneyball but it was too late for them at that point. We managed to keep them off long enough for the rest of our team to drop most of their turrets, and get their moneyball to 75% health. By time they realized what was happening, and start retreating it was pretty much done.


I am noticing the whole-team-one-lane tactic a lot lately.

I've seen that a bit.. Just have most of the team(enforcers/strikers/defenders) give their best to spam down the busy lane while one or two others(commandos/strikers) start carving apart the other lane.


Yeah, most teams tend to get tunnel vision when one lane is almost at the other moneyball. They smell victory and then they all go push that one lane.
Yeah, most teams tend to get tunnel vision when one lane is almost at the other moneyball. They smell victory and then they all go push that one lane.

I think it is quite a good tactic.

But I notice it a lot that when the lane is almost clear, they retreat instead of pushing further.
I had a game last night with a gunner who went 0/13/0 with 11 bot kills. I almost started raging on him but I thought it'd be better for my blood pressure to just pretend he died at his computer desk...

My friend and I decided that they should award a special Badge of Shame for anyone who gets more deaths than bot kills.

We had a vet on our team the other day who made it all the way to the first annihilator before killing his first bot.


He does spam super fast and it takes a lot less effort to aim I think... I played as Karl today and killed like 200 bots in a match.

He makes it a lot harder to protect bots as well just due to how much freaking damage his bombs do and the blast radius. Beth may do good vs bots but her dmg vs players besides her disc early to mid game isnt really that great.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
He makes it a lot harder to protect bots as well just due to how much freaking damage his bombs do and the blast radius. Beth may do good vs bots but her dmg vs players besides her disc early to mid game isnt really that great.
I'm one of those players who simply does not fight players if it can be helped.


He makes it a lot harder to protect bots as well just due to how much freaking damage his bombs do and the blast radius. Beth may do good vs bots but her dmg vs players besides her disc early to mid game isnt really that great.

Eh, kind of. It's just that missing with her sucks, and you can't get as many hits off without reloading like other strikers. The splash damage and ricochet effects (disk & paintball gun) is worth it, especially on a tight map like downtown.


Eh, kind of. It's just that missing with her sucks, and you can't get as many hits off without reloading like other strikers. The splash damage and ricochet effects (disk & paintball gun) is worth it, especially on a tight map like downtown.

Well yeah, thats why I brought up the disc. If you aim it right you can damn near kill someone with just the disc on some maps
Is there any information on how matchmaking works in SMNC? Will it at least try and match me up with newbs? Does it track skill? Experience level etc.?

I have no idea, lol. Just spamming eagles randomly should accidentally kill a bot at some point. My best guess is that he was just standing somewhere trying (and failing) to ka-claw people over and over while the other two teammates in that lane killed all the bots. I think he eventually made it up to double digits, but only barely.

Is there any information on how matchmaking works in SMNC? Will it at least try and match me up with newbs? Does it track skill? Experience level etc.?

My understanding is that it tries to match people of equal level, but the longer it takes to find people, the more it'll allow bigger skill differences. Then once it finds ten people, it tries to sort them into two even teams.

It probably factors in win-loss record and levels, but there hasn't been any official comment on it, so most of this is just conjecture from people on the forums and chat.


How are you guys doing with win/loss? I'm at 16/4, which is a breath of fresh air, because I usually lose way more than win in any kind of online game.


yea that's pretty good. I was pretty much even in W/L until I started grouping with my friend and we lost like 4 in a row.
How are you guys doing with win/loss? I'm at 16/4, which is a breath of fresh air, because I usually lose way more than win in any kind of online game.

i something like 61/64 w/l which is average, all depends who I pair up with mostly randoms.

Spent the last few days learning Super MNC sniper, good class.


Just had another game with a gunner who went 0/15/0 and 30 bot kills. FUCK. Also a Tank or something who went 0 and 9, was probably the worst team I've ever been matched with.


What's everyone's favorite classes at this point?

I'm really loving assault. He does a shit load of damage early on if you level up right. Skills in priority order bomb>atk>hp>fly>charge. Charge never seems to connect so I mostly only use it as a dash to get around quicker.

I got the destructoid skin for Karl and the Luchadeer skin for Veteran, but haven't tried either. Karl seems useless... Don't think I've ever seen anyone use him effectively and his skills look totally lack luster... does his jump get you up to the second level? Is he supposed to be a jungler or ganker or something?

I haven't seen anything from veteran at all... how does he play?

I can't wait until there's a SMNC resource site like there is for LoL and DOTA


3rd game in a row where two of my teammates go 0 and 8+

Every gunner I encounter sucks ASS

I need good people to play with ;_;


What's your Karl strategy/leveling suggestions then? How does he play?

Spam bombs to kill mass amounts of bots. When it comes to fighting other players try to empty as many skills as possible on them. Stun-grapple-junior bomb 'em if you can-- he can be deadly in the right circumstances.


3rd game in a row where two of my teammates go 0 and 8+

Every gunner I encounter sucks ASS

I need good people to play with ;_;

Which is funny because Gunner is extremely easy to play effectively. He's a great support character, the type of char you want in a lane with you. The problem I think a lot of"noobs" encounter when they play him is that he's extremely vulnerable by himself. He has no escapes and is slow as hell. They also rely on the turret/gunner defense stance ability way too much. I've done okay to great as gunner (he was more amazing when his rocket was faster and did WAY more damage) and everytime I play him, I always level that ability last. It's only really effective when you're at the moneyball and need to just dump into it imo.


Gunners who know how to use the rocket are deadly as hell. That thing needs to be nerfed because I see them using it twice in the same one on one battle at times. UGH. Either nerf the damage or nerf the recharge time.


Gunners who know how to use the rocket are deadly as hell. That thing needs to be nerfed because I see them using it twice in the same one on one battle at times. UGH. Either nerf the damage or nerf the recharge time.

No way dude, it's already been nerfed to shit. They nerfed it a few months back. The MAX damage(lvl 4) it does now was it's lvl 2 damage before. It's also a LOT slower. As long as you're near a wall or corner, you can easily avoid it.


Yea I find the rocket to be completely useless for damage and only really use it to try and make my opponent move into cover.

It's too bad one lousy teammate can ruin it for the whole team... just had a tank go 0 and 9 with 40 bot kills... and after you loose the first two annihilators and your still the only one going for the 3rd... it's like why even try sometimes.


How are you guys doing with win/loss? I'm at 16/4, which is a breath of fresh air, because I usually lose way more than win in any kind of online game.

Uh wow you went pretty lucky with your teammates then because the matchmaking is a real gamble. Unless you played with a tea, you know, though.

I had a nice moment where I got paired against a full team of clanplayers with randoms in my team. I thought we were screwed but we stomped them pretty hard and they god mad angry - feels good as everyone on my team knew what to do.

edit: also I need to stop being too agressive, got ganked a few times pretty early - sorry team.


Gunners who know how to use the rocket are deadly as hell. That thing needs to be nerfed because I see them using it twice in the same one on one battle at times. UGH. Either nerf the damage or nerf the recharge time.

When you are deployed you can lock onto and shoot at two people at once as long they are close together.

E: And once its upgraded the cooldown is fairly short, too.


What tactics do you guys use when your Megabeth is pitted against a Tank? Run? I always get smeared to the walls when I encounter one.


I don't usually have problems with Tanks, when they try to close in I usually go for a grapple if it's safe, otherwise rocket jump to safety. I think your rockets can do splash damage through the shield if you aim it at the ground behind them as we'll, though I could be wrong about that.
The problem I think a lot of"noobs" encounter when they play him is that he's extremely vulnerable by himself. He has no escapes and is slow as hell. They also rely on the turret/gunner defense stance ability way too much.

Yeah, I don't get why people do that so much... I played against a guy last night who just kept turreting over and over, and got smoked by our team every time. New gunners seem to think they're invincible in that mode. He was with his team, but still -- it's not hard to hit a stationary target with a full clip of rockets / bouncing buddies / etc.

What tactics do you guys use when your Megabeth is pitted against a Tank? Run? I always get smeared to the walls when I encounter one.

Pretty much. Wing a frisbee at him to disorient him a bit, then pop your shoot the moon and get out of there. Maybe grab him if he gets really close before you have a chance to react. Tank will destroy Beth from close range, but at a distance he's not much of a threat.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
What tactics do you guys use when your Megabeth is pitted against a Tank? Run? I always get smeared to the walls when I encounter one.

I pretty much run against any player unless they are near death at which point I will generally try and grapple them. Most if not all of my kills come from splash damage from halfway across the map.


What's everyone's favorite classes at this point?

I'm really loving assault. He does a shit load of damage early on if you level up right. Skills in priority order bomb>atk>hp>fly>charge. Charge never seems to connect so I mostly only use it as a dash to get around quicker.

I got the destructoid skin for Karl and the Luchadeer skin for Veteran, but haven't tried either. Karl seems useless... Don't think I've ever seen anyone use him effectively and his skills look totally lack luster... does his jump get you up to the second level? Is he supposed to be a jungler or ganker or something?

I haven't seen anything from veteran at all... how does he play?

I can't wait until there's a SMNC resource site like there is for LoL and DOTA

1. Spark
2. Vet
3. Karl

Karl is a Striker with a leaning towards Pusher. He can still jungle effectively (all Strikers can reach the jungle at Pro Level 1). Karl's stun is godly. They nerfed the speed of his Stun and the deployment timer for Juniors, but he's still great to lock down grappled opponents (his stun breaks enemy grapples and can turn friendly grapples into chains so they never escape. Also, he's godly on Loco Moco since he can stack 2-3 Juniors at the jumppad to the annihilator which will practically one shot anyone that comes in range.

What's your Karl strategy/leveling suggestions then? How does he play?

My Karl leveling:

1. Junior
2. Offense
3. Skip
4. Junior + Offense
5. Stun
6. Stun
7. Skip
8. Junior + Offense
9. Stun
10. Defense (or Prop Hop if playing Loco Moco)
11. Prop Hop/Defense
12. Defense
13. Prop Hop
14. Defense
15. Prop Hop

Which is funny because Gunner is extremely easy to play effectively. He's a great support character, the type of char you want in a lane with you. The problem I think a lot of"noobs" encounter when they play him is that he's extremely vulnerable by himself. He has no escapes and is slow as hell. They also rely on the turret/gunner defense stance ability way too much. I've done okay to great as gunner (he was more amazing when his rocket was faster and did WAY more damage) and everytime I play him, I always level that ability last. It's only really effective when you're at the moneyball and need to just dump into it imo.

I find Gunner to be one of the toughest Pros to play since he's so dependent on heals and he has no escape options or mobility. Unless you're running a pocket Support, Gunners are pretty much Commando/Sharpshooter fodder IMO. Also, while the speed of his rocket was nerfed at low skill levels, it's actually been buffed compared to the early iterations of it. The turn radius used to be horrible and the speed was slower than the current level 4 version, but faster than the current level 1/2 versions. Uber changed the rocket so it has higher speed than it used to at level 3/4, but it also has a much tighter turning radius so it can chase down targets much, much better. Also, the rocket got a knockback buff 2 patches ago (RC2 IIRC) which has enabled him to knock people off the Anni at range and score random ringouts. Only downside to that "buff" is that good players will use the knockback to escape from the gunner.

Also, IMO, leveling rocket last as a Gunner is terrible. Rocket is a huge part of Gunner's DPS and neglecting that is only hurting yourself. Deploy should always be the last skill to level up. The only use it currently has is for a quick 250 armor and to increase reload speed. If you sit in Deploy for more than that, you're just making yourself an easy target for Commandos or anyone with no-falloff weapons. Ex: As Spark, I can switch to my Blaster and destroy 1/3 to 1/2 of a Gunner's health in the time it takes him to Deploy/Undeploy.

What tactics do you guys use when your Megabeth is pitted against a Tank? Run? I always get smeared to the walls when I encounter one.

Keep your range against him. He should never come within Jetgun range. If he does, Disk him and Shoot the Moon (or Rocket Jump) away. If you have trouble making long-range rockets connect, use the alt-fire on Rocket Ma'am.


1. Spark
2. Vet
3. Karl

Karl is a Striker with a leaning towards Pusher. He can still jungle effectively (all Strikers can reach the jungle at Pro Level 1). Karl's stun is godly. They nerfed the speed of his Stun and the deployment timer for Juniors, but he's still great to lock down grappled opponents (his stun breaks enemy grapples and can turn friendly grapples into chains so they never escape. Also, he's godly on Loco Moco since he can stack 2-3 Juniors at the jumppad to the annihilator which will practically one shot anyone that comes in range.

My Karl leveling:

1. Junior
2. Offense
3. Skip
4. Junior + Offense
5. Stun
6. Stun
7. Skip
8. Junior + Offense
9. Stun
10. Defense (or Prop Hop if playing Loco Moco)
11. Prop Hop/Defense
12. Defense
13. Prop Hop
14. Defense
15. Prop Hop

I find Gunner to be one of the toughest Pros to play since he's so dependent on heals and he has no escape options or mobility. Unless you're running a pocket Support, Gunners are pretty much Commando/Sharpshooter fodder IMO. Also, while the speed of his rocket was nerfed at low skill levels, it's actually been buffed compared to the early iterations of it. The turn radius used to be horrible and the speed was slower than the current level 4 version, but faster than the current level 1/2 versions. Uber changed the rocket so it has higher speed than it used to at level 3/4, but it also has a much tighter turning radius so it can chase down targets much, much better. Also, the rocket got a knockback buff 2 patches ago (RC2 IIRC) which has enabled him to knock people off the Anni at range and score random ringouts. Only downside to that "buff" is that good players will use the knockback to escape from the gunner.

Also, IMO, leveling rocket last as a Gunner is terrible. Rocket is a huge part of Gunner's DPS and neglecting that is only hurting yourself. Deploy should always be the last skill to level up. The only use it currently has is for a quick 250 armor and to increase reload speed. If you sit in Deploy for more than that, you're just making yourself an easy target for Commandos or anyone with no-falloff weapons. Ex: As Spark, I can switch to my Blaster and destroy 1/3 to 1/2 of a Gunner's health in the time it takes him to Deploy/Undeploy.

Keep your range against him. He should never come within Jetgun range. If he does, Disk him and Shoot the Moon (or Rocket Jump) away. If you have trouble making long-range rockets connect, use the alt-fire on Rocket Ma'am.

It got muddled thanks to the bracket but I was saying that I level his deploy stance last, not the rocket. I always focus dmg/rocket when i roll gunner. Trust me, Gunner is not a class I have problems playing effectively =P

Commandos on the other hand...
Installed the game today and joined the group. Steam ID is Psychoward.

Having/had a blast with MNC, hope this is just as good.
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