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Super Monday Night Combat |OT| Time to let loose with the juice!


Well, that was painful.

Also - actually lot's of people on my friendslist playing this, but noone want't to team-up.

Depressed. Timeout...
Any tips for veteran? It would seem he is all about the grapples... and the claw is hard as shit to land. currently I'm maxing his E and defense first... but I don't know why... E is the only thing I've successfully been able to land during a match.

troll with veteran, he is designed to be a troll like wascot is and it works heh


Yea I had a bad night last night as well. Derfeef and burning nads are gonna be gaming in a few (15ish minuteS?)

Card Boy

TF2 Promo coming soon. They added two hidden achievements that remain unactivated. But they're coming soon.

I am sort of thinking 'desperation' and this is not a troll, hear me out.

I have noticed the numbers have gone from 6000 concurrent people peak daily to just over 3000 people daily and it will keep going down. I told these developers in their forums during closed beta, put in a classic MNC mode (with original MNC damage). They need to stop shitting on their original fanbase. No one wants the game to be like DOTA, no one. The proof is in the numbers and in 6 months time the game will have 500 people playing. Also insult to injury it has weekly over 1 gig patches.

Being a F2P game you need all the people you can get to invest money into your game.


They said there will be classic MNC mode as well, but I guess they ran out of time or whatevever. I hope it comes.

Also - remove Assassin from the game :p

Card Boy

They said there will be classic MNC mode as well, but I guess they ran out of time or whatevever. I hope it comes.

Link? I thats the only mode i will play. Fuck this DOTA nonsense. I used to able to solo a whole team as a tank in the original MNC with skill alone. No grinding and wearing people down over several minutes.

With a classic mode you have an OPTION to play both modes. At the moment people who enjoyed the original game do not.


Despite MNC being my most played shooter this gen on XBL, I hadn't gotten around to playing SMNC until tonight. And after a short re-learning curve,
I'm thoroughly enjoying it, though not quiet as much as MNC. Perhaps that'll change with time (why are bots so hard to kill? Why are there so many fucking fast moving Jackbots?). I play Tank exclusively, the other classes are all ass and fodder for me to feed upon.

The shield ability is a POS for the Tank though. As is the whirlwind attack, something which was absolutely devastating in MNC is just powder puffery against bots this time around. I mean sure, it takes out the weakest bots and it is always good to follow up a charge with the spin, but it's not nearly as amazing as it was before. I'm still adjusting to that.

In any event, my upgrade path is product grenade and offence upgrade to 4 ASAP, then points into charge UNLESS there are some pros on the other team who are getting up in my grill too often. Then I'll upgrade charge ahead of offence to lower the cooldown. But product grenade, the meanest of weapons in MNC, is even more bitey this time around, especially at level 4 where I can own a bot lane and some pros on my own just with it.

The menus are horrible; too many clicks and swipes to get to endorsements and products etc. I just found the entire thing a bit messy. In game everything is fine though.

It seems that this time around the changes made to the annihilation have made it über-important. Some tasty battles have been fought over that little button!

Also, who is the pro that shoots a zappy gun, with rainbowish projectiles? Has a fast rate of fire, seemingly ridiculous accuracy and does way too much damage over distance? Fuck that pro. It's the only one that gave me grief tonight. Though if I see one more fucking kittie...

Anyway, steam name is my forum name and I'm keen as to play some competitive SMNC. I live in Australia though, so that may prohibit any decent GAF matching?

Link? I thats the only mode i will play. Fuck this DOTA nonsense. I used to able to solo a whole team as a tank in the original MNC with skill alone. No grinding and wearing people down over several minutes.

God I miss that. I understand that a lot of MNC games went to OT for people, and then cheesed the moneyball to win, but man, I won so many games in the first few minutes with my Tank after running through the other team without dieing, getting juiced and then just wrecking shit along one bot lane into their base. Sogood.gif


Maybe I should leave as long as I having some seconds of fun... assasins and co. are ruining my fun of the game (again). It would feel much better to me without them, and be more enjoyable.

NH Apache

Maybe I should leave as long as I having some seconds of fun... assasins and co. are ruining my fun of the game (again). It would feel much better to me without them, and be more enjoyable.

I feel like I can hear them when they are around. Am I nuts or don't they make sounds when they are cloaked?

It is really hard it seems to add friends in this game. I'm not even quite sure how to do it.

Loving Leo so far. he may be he first character I buy. The entire process of playing with his laser feels like no scoping with a sniper. I can't really explain it, but he just plays crazy fun for me.

Upgrade priorities: Turrent, Attack damage, Health and speed, Bot bomb thing, then AoE boost.

Also, gliding from the upper level down is awesome. I would like to record some video, too. What would be the best way to do this? Fraps?


It's more like those classes defeat the purpose of the moba gameplay. I would totally be okay with it if it was PVP centric, but it is not. A high skill class which can carry the whole game because it can eliminate the whole team in a short amount of time has no place in this game. That's my opinion at least, and people will jump on me with "learn to play" like the SMNC community and their devs too, but the game would be so much more fun without those high hitting classes.


I told some of y'all about this on mumble, but this guys channel has some pretty pro SMNC gameplay with commentary:

His Assassin Video
Gunslinger Video

Some interesting things in there for sure. For one thing, he plays every character like a commando, and he talks a bit about how important that first jungle bot is.



My last four matches; really liking the game so far, although I just started playing two-three days ago.

The only negative aspect I can think of is that there's a lot of leavers and that the matchmaking is kind of iffy.
I haven't left any games so far and I don't intend to, but are there any penalties for leaving the game before the match is over?
i've stopped playing for now, matchmaking always sticks me in such uneven matches I have no idea what is going on, either because I am level 61 after 2 weeks or my skill has to be balanced out by giving me noobs, no idea what the hell is going on but right now it's broken for me unless I play with a team of at least 3-4 people to help the matchmaking rates.

If anyone in europe or east coast wants to play let me know, but not tonight had too much pain already.


Unconfirmed Member
I told some of y'all about this on mumble, but this guys channel has some pretty pro SMNC gameplay with commentary:

His Assassin Video
Gunslinger Video

Some interesting things in there for sure. For one thing, he plays every character like a commando, and he talks a bit about how important that first jungle bot is.

Oh cool

Two classes I was most interested in as well
I need help getting better at the game. I've played as a lot of pros and I'm terrible with every single one of them. My main problem is that I get way too many deaths and barely any kills.

Anyone have good suggestions on how to get better at the game? I would also like some sources to guides that are helpful, thanks.


I need help getting better at the game. I've played as a lot of pros and I'm terrible with every single one of them. My main problem is that I get way too many deaths and barely any kills.

Anyone have good suggestions on how to get better at the game? I would also like some sources to guides that are helpful, thanks.

- Pick and choose your fights. Run away when out numbered and out gunned.
- Always kill the robots. The more you kill the faster you level.
- Know the role your pro is suitable for.

Just some basics.


I need help getting better at the game. I've played as a lot of pros and I'm terrible with every single one of them. My main problem is that I get way too many deaths and barely any kills.

Anyone have good suggestions on how to get better at the game? I would also like some sources to guides that are helpful, thanks.

just take the time to learn the abilities of your pro. i see some people not even using the secondary fire on their guns. stick with one pro until you kind of figure it out before moving on.


I can't believe in this past week I just finally learned about Spark's alt-fire. Crazy. Can anyone give me some details on it? I've been using it more but I'm still not exactly sure on what it does. Is it just an extra attack? Anyone know the range on it?


So just curious. What was the original MNC like?

Fast paced. Assassin killed pretty much everything with a single grapple save the big guys (tank and gunner). It wasn't this heavy on levels and the rpg systems. It was alot more skill based (not to say skill isn't involved here), and less about feeding/gaining levels up on people. Dying dind't have such a negative impact towards your team.


I wonder if the roll-over-jump-pad thing is intentional or not. On Loco Moco I love rolling on the jump-pads that launch you to the anni because they are a quick way to fly over the whole damn map!


Been playing Assassin the last couple days and having a blast. I had a few crappy matches but the majority of games go 15+/5-/**, the 25 kills 1 death games are the most satisfying. I need to get better, though.


So, here's a few caps from recent games, typical of how the scoreboard looks (lol):

Moreover, this last game I came up against far and away the best SMNC player yet, Jagger, cocky prick too but I heartily enjoyed our duels, which I lost. His skills were solid (great use of OC and AI adoration) - super shot with that damn laser, but more importantly perhaps, his placement of the fucking turret was super annoying and uncounterable with our team makeup. However, his great solo play wasn't enough to win, as we finally killed him, then rolled down the rightmost botlane (which we had been pressuring for awhile) into their base and it was quickly over after that:

Lastly, I wish I wish Uber would fix the matchmaking system, and I ain't even talking about wait times. Simply, 3v4, 3v5 and 4v5 games fucking suck. Please add something where I can join a game in progress. As long as neither moneyball has been damaged, just throw me in on the short team, level me equal to their lowest and let me at it. I'm gonna start moaning on their forums I think. I haven't haunted there since I quit XBL.

Start penalising leavers. Give them a 30 minute lockout too.


I always thought an interesting punishment for leavers would be to matchmake them on the wrong side of a team stack. Like for every 1 match you leave you get at 3 matches where you're pretty much garaunteed to loose... after a while all the leavers will just be stuck on teams full of other leavers.
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