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Super Monday Night Combat |OT| Time to let loose with the juice!


Awesome Post!

Thanks Wthermans, that's the kind of info this thread needs! Great advice too, I never thought about skipping an upgrade to use it next level. Assault is my favorite and I go:

1. Bomb
2. Offense
3. HP
4. Bomb
5. Offense
6. HP
7. Fly

But I guess I could skip Fly and then max Bomb +Offense together at 8. I was also wondering if you had any thoughts on Assault's charge? I find it useless for actually charging people, and use it more for escaping or closing the gap for a grapple.

I can't wait to try Veteran out, hopefully he'll be unlocked when they rotate pros tomorrow (it is tomorrow right?)


Thanks Wthermans, that's the kind of info this thread needs! Great advice too, I never thought about skipping an upgrade to use it next level. Assault is my favorite and I go:

1. Bomb
2. Offense
3. HP
4. Bomb
5. Offense
6. HP
7. Fly

I do the same build, but I usually throw in a charge after 2 flys.
Can someone help me get better at this game? My last match I got 0 kills and 17 deaths and someone made fun of me...lol. :/

I was playing as Captain Spark that time.


I don't mean to brag... scratch that, actually I do. I just got 22 kills and zero deaths with Captain Spark, best game EVER :D

Can someone help me get better at this game? My last match I got 0 kills and 17 deaths and someone made fun of me...lol. :/

I was playing as Captain Spark that time.

Read this: http://mondaynightcombat.wikia.com/wiki/Captain_Spark

It gives you a very good oversight of what all of Spark's abilities does. In general you want to use your teleport to get into the 'jungle' as quick as possible (the upper level were the neutral bots are). Stick around up there for a while and farm the neutral bots for a bit, you can easily just run backwards and shoot them with your ray gun, and they give A LOT of experience, you'll usually reach level 2 after killing only a couple of them.

While you're in the jungle, you want to keep on the lookout for players on the other team that are easy to ambush (either they're low on health/already being attacked by your team or are close to the edge of the map so that you can just jump down and throw them out with your Flip Switch throw).

In general focus on leveling your teleport (remember, it can go through walls/ceilings/floors if they're thin enough, making it the perfect tool for escape/chasing down enemy players) and damage first, but make sure you're not neglecting the health power up. Get good at judging the roll distance from 'reloading' your sword, it is a very key part of your general mobility, especially because you can roll up to people and quickly throw them with the Flip Switch.

To be honest, I won't recommend you start using Spark until you've learned the layout of the maps, since getting around and behind enemy lines so that you can ambush the enemy team is a key part of his strategy. I would stick to either a support class or the enforcers and focussing on pushing the bot lanes when learning the game.

And finally: Don't die! The hardest part of this game is learning when to push your luck and go for the kill, or to just get out of the way and run back to the spawn room to heal/buying some regenitol.

Edit: Also, make sure you set up your endorsements, and if you've got the CC for it, buy the Death Dodger product (products are like perks from CoD). If you survive on low health for a bit, it will teleport you back to the spawn room.
headcrab got nurfed :( guess some people were too good with it.

Assassin's headbox size normalized, yesssssss my sniper is ready.

wow gunner armour buff up from 1sec to 0.75, solid wall confirmed.


SMNC Patch said:




buzz is only $4.49 too, buy it!

Yeah I might have to grab all his new stuff! That rainbow Voltage Spike is just fabulous.

Just figured I'd group the patch notes here for easy access.

New Rules
Added Training Camp mode. Training Camp is found through the "Play" menu. You will just be placed in a server where you can try out all the gameplay elements of Super Monday Night Combat.
Added dialog in Custom Games to prevent players from breaking their lobbies after hitting Start Game.
Pros you cannot use are now shown grayed out in the Character Picker.
Increased mouse sensitivity slider range.
GG Stack & Chip Valvano: Character Specific call outs added.
GG Stack & Chip Valvano: Streak VO changes.
GG Stack & Chip Valvano: More Commercial VO added.
Added blue-yellow nameplate option for those who have troubles seeing red-green.
Locker Room customize menu redesigned for clarity and grouping customize slots under their associated Pros.
Improved wording on Play menu buttons.
Updated MP landing menu: separated out Super Crossfire options from Training options.
First Blood, Multikills, Kill Streaks, now send a message to everyone.
Annihilator Ready message now sent to everyone.
Respawn times now increase after the 30 minute mark.
Increased Post-Game Prize drop rate of Uniform parts.
Updated resolution options adding 1366x768 and 1360x768.
Improved descriptions for Pros.
Improved the camera while dead. Especially when the taunter dies while they are taunting you.
Juice Boxes now give 1/5 of the juice back rather than 1/4.

Bug Fixes
Fixed store taunts not updating correctly.
Fixed uniforms in the "Featured Items" area not being displayed correctly when first selected.
Fixed reselecting a Pro in the store not displaying the Pro's details in the bottom pane.
Fixed accepting an invite not always cancelling previous Match Making attempts.
Fixed light shaft on item pick ups sometimes lingering.
Fixed Play button being on some screens where it wasn't needed.
Fixed some older Uniforms not previewing properly in the inventory screen.
Fixed Chickey's egg effect from not always playing.
Fixed rare issue with both Moneyballs being destroyed at the exact same time.

New Bundle: Triple Threat: Commando Style - On sale for the first week!
New Bundle: Action Heroes

All Magnet: Range 768 -> 640
Massive Air: Minimum level 6 -> 1
Massive Air: Air Control: 1 -> 0.8

Downtown Spunky Arena

Continued art improvements.
Moved Fuji and Scrambler bot spawn buttons location closer to the player spawner.
Modified bot spawner collision to prevent Spark from getting stuck inside.
Fixed some collision issues on the Icemen's side.

Fuji Bots: Now, once again, drops 2 juice boxes instead of 1 juice and 1 churro.
Fuji Bots: Now drop an additional armor pick up.
Jackbot XL: Projectiles now do knockback and turn off Assault's Fly.
Jackbot XL: Speed 350 -> 400
Black Jacks: No longer appear as turrets in the overhead camera.
Jackbots: Post - 25 minute mark: Only spawn once 60 seconds instead of once every 40 seconds.
Jackbots: Post - 25 minute mark: Now swap lanes every 5 minutes.
Jackbots: Post - 25 minute mark: Now additionally spawn on the opposite lane when the Moneyball is down.
Fuji Bots: Post - 25 minute mark: Now spawn more Fujis in between Jackbot spawns.

Smoke Bomb: Bot Stun Duration: 4 -> 3
Leap: 75% of the effect of a slow debuff is now applied to jump velocity.
Normalized headshot detection radius with all other Pros.

Assault Bomb: Headcrab bonus 250 -> 50

Captain Spark
New Uniform: Captain Buzz
New Uniform: Captain Sparkle
New Weapon: Sparkle Voltage Spike
Arc Flash: 75% of the effect of a slow debuff is now applied to Arc Flash distance.
Voltage Spike: Alt fire: Now only gains charges from Voltage Spike hits.
Voltage Spike: Alt fire: Damage: 50 -> 45
Voltage Spike: Fixed selecting a Pro other than Captain Spark, then switching to Captain Spark breaking his Voltage Spike alt-fire skill.
Normalized headshot detection radius with all other Pros.

Bananas Monihan: Fixed typo in the description.

Taunts: You may now choose a taunt for Dual Miniguns separate from the Minigun.
Deploy: Armor Pulse Time: 1 -> 0.75

Mr. Destructoid: Fixed a typo in his description.
Short Circuit: Projectile Speed: 1000/2000/2500/3072 -> 3072/3072/3072/3072

New Taunt: I Invented That Kick
Mona Laser: Range: Full Damage/Min Damage 1536/2560 -> 2560/3072
Venice Defense: Recall button now becomes active only after Venice Defense is fully deployed and teleport button charges.
Venice Defense: Recall can no longer be used after Venice Defense is destroyed.

Shoot the Moon: Cooldown: 40/27/20/15 -> 20/14/10/7.5
Shoot the Moon: No longer starts cooldown until skill finishes.
Shoot the Moon: Jump Velocity: 1024 -> 1300

Trap: Upgrade level 4 no longer locks out skills for its victims.
Trap: Max: 1/1/2/2 -> 1/1/1/2
Trap: Freeze & Slow Duration: 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5 -> 1/1/1.5/1.5
Trap: No longer able to be destroyed by friendly damage.
Trap: Fixed sometimes being partially embedded in the ground.
Normalized headshot detection radius with all other Pros.

Healing: money 0.1 -> 0.05
Air Strike: Now does bonus damage when attached to players (Ground Zero), even under cover: 50

Alt Fire Slam: Slow Duration 3 -> 1.5
Alt Fire Slam: Fixed slam not affecting Jackbots
Ka-Klaw: Targets can now use air control when grabbed, allowing them to 'struggle' against it. Air control for the target is reduced as the Ka-Klaw is upgraded.

Coin Launcher: Coins now damage himself.
Coin Launcher: Coins are now team colored only for allied players.
Normalized headshot detection radius with all other Pros.
Shifty Shuffle: Now ends upon a successful counter-grapple.


Re: Headcrab nerf

Scathis said:
As for the Assault, the head crab damage changed drastically because it became a non-skill shot. It's too easy to head crab during a grapple and always get a huge damage multiplier. It was straight up overpowered.


No combat girl nerfs? Oh okay.

What do you feel needs to be nerfed? She's fairly lacking compared to Support IMO.

They actually kinda buffed Megabeth's escape haha, awesome. Patch goes live tomorrow? or tonight?

Should be tonight. Might be tomorrow though. I might actually pick up Megabeth again with her STM buff. Popping STM every 7 seconds at level 4 means I can Spin to Win with dervish all day long.
I don't mean to brag... scratch that, actually I do. I just got 22 kills and zero deaths with Captain Spark, best game EVER :D

Read this: http://mondaynightcombat.wikia.com/wiki/Captain_Spark

It gives you a very good oversight of what all of Spark's abilities does. In general you want to use your teleport to get into the 'jungle' as quick as possible (the upper level were the neutral bots are). Stick around up there for a while and farm the neutral bots for a bit, you can easily just run backwards and shoot them with your ray gun, and they give A LOT of experience, you'll usually reach level 2 after killing only a couple of them.

While you're in the jungle, you want to keep on the lookout for players on the other team that are easy to ambush (either they're low on health/already being attacked by your team or are close to the edge of the map so that you can just jump down and throw them out with your Flip Switch throw).

In general focus on leveling your teleport (remember, it can go through walls/ceilings/floors if they're thin enough, making it the perfect tool for escape/chasing down enemy players) and damage first, but make sure you're not neglecting the health power up. Get good at judging the roll distance from 'reloading' your sword, it is a very key part of your general mobility, especially because you can roll up to people and quickly throw them with the Flip Switch.

To be honest, I won't recommend you start using Spark until you've learned the layout of the maps, since getting around and behind enemy lines so that you can ambush the enemy team is a key part of his strategy. I would stick to either a support class or the enforcers and focussing on pushing the bot lanes when learning the game.

And finally: Don't die! The hardest part of this game is learning when to push your luck and go for the kill, or to just get out of the way and run back to the spawn room to heal/buying some regenitol.

Edit: Also, make sure you set up your endorsements, and if you've got the CC for it, buy the Death Dodger product (products are like perks from CoD). If you survive on low health for a bit, it will teleport you back to the spawn room.
Can you tell me how to use endorsements? I have them equipped but never knew how to activate them.


Does this game put you against better players once you reach a certain level? I went from really enjoying it and being "okay" to having a miserable time and being god-awful once I hit 20.


Can you tell me how to use endorsements? I have them equipped but never knew how to activate them.

They're passive buffs to your stats.

Edit: I guess this would an opportune time to ask what kind of endorsements people are using? I'm mainly just focussing on getting more health.


Holy crap QisTopTier, you should teach me how to get 17 kills without a single death. That is pretty awesome.

Don't be afraid to retreat and heal, put sentry away from bot paths like on the walls derp, always use the sentrys buff skill when a foe walks in range, dont try to be tricky with it just fucking use it. Always spam that fucking lazer beam. Level offensive last but before sentry gun number 4 you only need 3. Whip out her gun it's not weak at all, on and grab the shit out of anyone dumb enough to get in range of the sentries if you are near them.

Build order priority is

Sentry to 3
sentry buff


You don't play her like support

Yes, she's a much more offensive Defender. That still doesn't answer my question as to what you feel needs to be nerfed on her. :p

Her kitties are so weak, I can outheal their DPS as Support and destroy them with 2 seconds of Hurtgun. Fortify is rather lacking since it's the only skill in the game that relies on another skill to use.


Does this game put you against better players once you reach a certain level? I went from really enjoying it and being "okay" to having a miserable time and being god-awful once I hit 20.

Yeah, I'm level 21 and have been getting destroyed 7 games in a row now. It definitely SEEMS it's matching me against similar or higher level players now.


Yeah, I'm level 21 and have been getting destroyed 7 games in a row now. It definitely SEEMS it's matching me against similar or higher level players now.
Good to know it isn't just me. I had about 8 more wins than losses when i hit level 20, now ever since, I'm down by 13. Something is out of whack cause my team always sucks ass and the other team seems to be more experienced in general.


Good to know it isn't just me. I had about 8 more wins than losses when i hit level 20, now ever since, I'm down by 13. Something is out of whack cause my team always sucks ass and the other team seems to be more experienced in general.

I think its because we're running into full parties, who are co-ordinating.


Any tips for veteran? It would seem he is all about the grapples... and the claw is hard as shit to land. currently I'm maxing his E and defense first... but I don't know why... E is the only thing I've successfully been able to land during a match.


Yes, she's a much more offensive Defender. That still doesn't answer my question as to what you feel needs to be nerfed on her. :p

Her kitties are so weak, I can outheal their DPS as Support and destroy them with 2 seconds of Hurtgun. Fortify is rather lacking since it's the only skill in the game that relies on another skill to use.

Fortify also only has like a 8 second cooldown, just cause one thing relies on another doesn't mean it's not strong, she's just based on the synergy between her two skills.

And how would i nerf her? I would make her late game nail gun a little weaker and her lazer shot a little slower.


Any tips for veteran? It would seem he is all about the grapples... and the claw is hard as shit to land. currently I'm maxing his E and defense first... but I don't know why... E is the only thing I've successfully been able to land during a match.

Get effective with the grab, but don't spam it. It has an audio cue so most great players will listen for it and be mindful where they are in relation to you. Your best pulls will usually come when they're distracted/preoccupied. Don't forget you have melee weapon! It's extremely powerful and you wanting to be leading with it's grab if you don't think you can get a ring out with your Q move. Your ranged shots are pretty potent as well and have a bit of homing so try to be a little accurate with them too (especially since you have to reload often).

Also, your melee weapon gives you a great escape/pursuit tool with that lunge.
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