Ok, yeah I played through stage 5 of both opening routes so far and I can confirm the hit rate stuff. It's ridiculously bad.
For instance in the Ground route stage 4, you have Compat Kaiser and Soul Saber vs a bunch of grunts. Kaiser has ok hit percentage in the 80%, Soul Saber is lol somewhere around 30-40% so once his SP runs out in 2 turns he can't hit anyone. Also he takes every hit and will die after a half-dozen combats. Then some REAL ROBOTS show up, and it's like "ok, now I will have decent hit percentages" but nope, Arad has like 27-45% hit percentage on his highest accuracy attack and he doesn't even have accuracy or concentrate SP to boost hit rate lol
And I forget her name, but silver haired rifle girl even with freaking concentrate +30% SP her accuracy is only like 75-80%
Basically once you run out of SP (and at the start no one has much SP or many SP commands) your hit percentages are well below <50% already 5 stages in.
Stage 5 on the ground route has Kaiser vs a SUPER ROBOT. Should be 100% since he's hitting a big bulky super, right? Nope, it's like 40-60% without SP boost. The other characters percentages are pretty much as bad. Basically rely on SP or get lucky.
Ok now about the game itself, here's my observations so far:
+Lots and lots of new music, been a while since we got a bunch of new BGMs in a OGs game. Not just battle, but stage BGMs and visual novel part BGMs too. Most of it is pretty good so far.
+Graphics are awesome. Returning sprites look fantastic on PS4, they must have touched them up because I don't remember them being this sharp on PS3. Animation is the same good stuff, but the sprites just look sharper and even nicer. Also new lighting effects like when you're fighting in space with the earth in the background the light from the earth shines on the units. All the new animations are great too and remind me of the OGs/Z2 era animations when SRW still had good animation before Z3/UX/BX.
+Story seems fun so far. It's great seeing the old cast back because by the end 2nd OGs, the OGs cast is pretty amazing and I'm fairly ok with just playing as them again + new entries. Although I really wish they gave you the original Exbein because it still looks 200% cooler than Exexbein. Worst upgrade in 2nd OGs. Luckily they give you the old units for lots of other stuff. Just no Exbein ;_;
+/- Some weird stage design. There's been a couple of stages where you only fight 1 unit and then the map is over. Not really used to SRW "boss" stages where you just fight 1 unit.
-Since there's not a lot of grunts at the start, the difficulty is basically having no way to get ki/morale up and almost no SP commands or much SP and shitty hit/evade rates. I'm ok with everything except the hit/evade rates. I'm actually gonna bail on hard and play on normal this entry just to hopefully have a little more bearable hit/dodge rates because 12% hit rate when your SP runs out is not fun.
-OK, SO THERE'S BEEN TWO MAPS SO FAR WHERE YOU CAN'T KILL ENEMIES AND IT IS AWFUL. The Ground route one is ok, the space route map is one of the most awful awful unfun SRW maps. You know how sometimes in SRW there's an occasional map where an enemy or two you have to get below <2000HP but not kill for story reasons? (or for an SRW point). Now imagine maps with 20+ grunt units and you can't kill ANY OF THEM but have to get them below 2000HP. And this is at the start, so no tekagen/holding back SP or map attacks. I have a bad bad feeling one of the subplots of the game is going to make this happen on a bunch of maps and they're all going to be really bad. Nothing like getting a critical and killing an enemy on a counter attack to instant game over!
So yeah, the game looks and sounds nice and story is fun, but the gameplay design is really not.good so far. My main concern is that since this is the first English language SRW release in forever, and the first really HQ console one, this will be many people's first SRW and the difficulty/balance may turn them off and make them skip V and future entries. Also this game really isn't a great game to just "jump into" for OGs as there is so much backstory at this point. In fact the game tries to address it and like half the dialogue in the game so far is every returning character explaining who they are and what happened in OG1/2/Gaiden/2ndOGs to the new entry characters, which is kind of boring if you've played all those.
Idk, I've gotten all the SR points so far (a couple after a lot of tries), but I'm purposely gonna sink my SR points for the next few maps and get back to normal and see if the game is more enjoyable to actually play on normal, ignoring SR points. I'm assuming the hit/evade % is different on normal vs hard?