I was at Shadowloo Showdown, basically my first time playing local and on 360 :lol
Let it be known I've never played so bad in my life.
Had to wake up extremely early just to get there in time for the registrations, but unfortunately couldn't sleep. 1hr total of sleep. I get there, feeling so-so, then freeze to death. I got sick on the day :lol
I used the PS2 pad along with the 360 converter that was there, bad choice as my hands were completely stiff. But i figured since I've lately been using pad, much more than stick in SSFIV, maybe i wouldn't be capable enough if i were to use the sticks there.
I was wrong :lol I regretted that the first match i had on the day despite going there early, was my actual first game in pools!
Failed miserably xD, in all my matches, i created several opportunities to punish but never followed through. Failed simple cancels into specials, in block strings with Bison i even slipped up and finished with MK and even HK scissors... -_- I usually have crisp inputs and don't really fail such things, but i even messed up hitting certain normals to AA. I was just....slow. Very slow.
Went so bad, later in the day, i tore it up in casuals though with stick. At the end of the day, i had fun being there and actually seeing what the community was like. I attended the event to see how things were, support the community in AUS somewhat, how little that may be, and to also see if i enjoy myself at such gatherings.
Was a good day, but i won't be attending day 2 as I'm not feeling too well. Might watch the stream if its up however