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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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Barry better watch out his damn friendzone title in the DC TV Universe, that it is on danger.

I think at this point Wynn is the walking friendzone vortex, at least people acknowledge Barry exist.

I'm happy Livewire worked in this adaptation, mostly due to her happiness as a villain and her cheesy but fun personality.
It seems the big continuity misses because of the swap were 1) we got Thanksgiving a week early - Thanksgiving is actually next week, 2) Kara apparently formally met rival-for-Jimmy's-love-whose-name-I've-already-forgotten in the episode we're now going to see after this one, and 3) we're going to have to wait an extra week to advance the Henshaw plot.


Good episode...so they switched them though...? my DVR info was for next week's episode lol...I hate when they do that,I hope its just a one time thing,not like they did for Almost Human,it completly messed up the show.
Good episode...so they switched them though...? my DVR info was for next week's episode lol...I hate when they do that,I hope its just a one time thing,not like they did for Almost Human,it completly messed up the show.

They only switched them because of the Paris attacks, as episode 4 deals with terrorist bombings in National City.


This was the best episode yet for me.

Real family drama, great guest stars, mostly on-point acting, love trapezoid present but minimized, character arcs everywhere, and an on-going mystery element that the show has been lacking.

Brit Morgan and Calista Flockhart feel like they're in another more campy universe, but everyone else reels in back into a notch below daytime soap and it's good. I was totally surprised at how dialed in Helen Slater was given how vacant her Supergirl performance and how off stunt-casting guest stars can be. Cat is no longer just a caricature (though she says "Kira" twice by accident), Kara is finally sensing something from Wynn, we get more family bonding, the Danver sisters are wary of Henshaw... everything is moving at a solid clip.

I even prepared to complain about alien tech deus ex machina... and Supergirl proceeds to win without it!

It's an episode that gets so many little things right that it all adds up.


Subete no aware
I don't get the morality of this show. Supergirl fucks up this woman's life and basically causes her to be imprisoned forever. And that's considered heroic?
I don't get the morality of this show. Supergirl fucks up this woman's life and basically causes her to be imprisoned forever. And that's considered heroic?

See did it trying to save her life. She's only been a hero for a short time. You have imagine she's going to have her failures which would shape the true hero she'll become.


Subete no aware
See did it trying to save her life. She's only been a hero for a short time. You have imagine she's going to have her failures which would shape the true hero she'll become.
Yeah, but the episode is like "Well, that's done and over with, now stop playing around and let's go back to our real work".

Hell, you don't even get the impression she cares about ruining this woman's life and making her a prisoner forever. I assume that comes back to bite her in the ass at some point, like she wakes up and breaks free or something, but it just ended with a whimper.
Yeah, but the episode is like "Well, that's done and over with, now stop playing around and let's go back to our real work".

Hell, you don't even get the impression she cares about ruining this woman's life and making her a prisoner forever. I assume that comes back to bite her in the ass at some point, like she wakes up and breaks free or something, but it just ended with a whimper.
What do you suggest she do with her instead? Livewire attempted murder (nevermind all the property damage) and no jail or courthouse in the world would hold her. For the time being, she has to be put away for the safety of the city and the DEO are the only ones capable of holding her.


I don't get the morality of this show. Supergirl fucks up this woman's life ...

Hell, you don't even get the impression she cares about ruining this woman's life ...
That's sick-minded blame-shifting.

I don't think you appreciate agency or free will at all.

Supergirl saved her from dying. So if you're as batty as the people who drove away the Incredibles she "ruined her death." Which resulted in the awful consequences of an all-expenses-paid one-night coma and god-like super-powers.

Nothing forces Livewire to be a homicidal villain with those powers. Superman and Supergirl already set the precedent that meta-powered people can coexist in this world. She wears a hat or a wig and she's free to live a normal life. Supergirl's first face to face words to her was to let her help.

Livewire chose to do evil and Cat took responsibility for allowing her character to spiral like that, but didn't- and shouldn't- take responsibility for her evil and she explained why Supergirl shouldn't either.

Supergirl literally gave Leslie the gift of a second chance at life, but Livewire squandered it. There's absolutely no reason she should feel guilty about that. Especially when Livewire had every intention of and whole-heartedly attempted-to kill Supergirl. It's ridiculous to believe you'd have a guilt complex over someone who was seconds from stopping your heart maliciously.

Seriously. That's like psychopath empathy siding with Livewire.


We know we're getting Red Tornado... a sentient android. We know they've got M.I.B. level alien tech laying around. We know Jeremiah Danvers is, more or less, the DEO anti-Superman protocol given his knowledge and research on Supes. We know he disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

It's not impossible.

The father-daughter angle also runs parallel to The New 52 Cyborg Superman / Supergirl story arc.


Subete no aware
What do you suggest she do with her instead? Livewire attempted murder (nevermind all the property damage) and no jail or courthouse in the world would hold her. For the time being, she has to be put away for the safety of the city and the DEO are the only ones capable of holding her.
Seriously. That's like psychopath empathy siding with Livewire.
When the last thing you see of Livewire is her unconscious lying in a containment tube being shipped off to whatever version of supervillain Guantanamo exists in the DC universe, I just find it hard not to sympathize. She doesn't even get any form of due process, which any other kind of criminal would get - she's just locked up for good.
When the last thing you see of Livewire is her unconscious lying in a containment tube being shipped off to whatever version of supervillain Guantanamo exists in the DC universe, I just find it hard not to sympathize. She doesn't even get any form of due process, which any other kind of criminal would get - she's just locked up for good.
There is literally nothing in the show that suggests that is what is going to happen. She is contained; no one says for how long.

Would you rather she have been outright killed off? That was the only practical alternative.


She doesn't even get any form of due process, which any other kind of criminal would get - she's just locked up for good.
You're inserting a lot of wild assumptions and biases into the analysis which aren't even remotely reasonable. First, unseen doesn't mean nonexistent. The DEO is the government. If you accept Due Process as legal right and entitlement and that the DEO as existing under the penumbra of authority which legally exists, then those under their jurisdiction are afforded exactly those rights which they are entitled, which is Due Process.

Second, due process is hardly a universal or even an aspirational absolute. American Law descends from English Common Law, which does not adhere to due process in the same religious sense we do. America is an exception in that regard which is, in part, why we're so litigious but some consider it an Indulgence which we use to absolve our high rate of incarceration. The DEO is literally operating with other-worldly threats who lived with no expectation of American Due Process. While the same can't be said for Leslie, the holy ideal of Due Process comes from Natural Law, and when you defy the Laws of Nature, expect Justice to adapt to accommodate (for example, Due Process would be absurd if everyone were suddenly gifted omniscience) and the concept of Due Process to bend accordingly.

Hiding behind procedural justice is made a mockery of if you deny actual justice. Livewire is in fact guilty. She's actually wrong. In the superhero genre that's sufficient to allow for justice and ignoring that is living under a rock. Giving her a day in court to escape, kill Cat, and run amok is laughable, not sympathetic, and a psychopathic adherence to lip-service and mere form of order rather than actual order.
When the last thing you see of Livewire is her unconscious lying in a containment tube being shipped off to whatever version of supervillain Guantanamo exists in the DC universe, I just find it hard not to sympathize. She doesn't even get any form of due process, which any other kind of criminal would get - she's just locked up for good.

Yeah, for all they know the powers could be messing with her brain, shutting off the parts that stops us all from punching every person that annoys us.


Subete no aware
Maybe it's because I'm watching this right after Gotham, but I just find it silly that Barbara Gordon gets better treatment than Live Wire considering the scale of Barbara's crimes. She gets a hospital stay and is shipped back to Arkham, where at least theoretically she gets treatment. We don't really have any idea what will happen to Live Wire. Or at least I don't since I don't know anything about the DCU.
Maybe it's because I'm watching this right after Gotham, but I just find it silly that Barbara Gordon gets better treatment than Live Wire considering the scale of Barbara's crimes. She gets a hospital stay and is shipped back to Arkham, where at least theoretically she gets treatment. We don't really have any idea what will happen to Live Wire. Or at least I don't since I don't know anything about the DCU.

The Berlantiverse is all about locking baddies away in a cell then completely forgetting about them. Just look at Flash with their criminals, or Arrow dumping so many people on the island.


Really happy to see a well done live-action version of Livewire. She was always one of my favourite villains from Superman TAS.


Subete no aware
The Berlantiverse is all about locking baddies away in a cell then completely forgetting about them. Just look at Flash with their criminals, or Arrow dumping so many people on the island.
I stopped watching Flash after a few episodes... but I guess this is just standard procedure?
Well, unless they need you for a crossover event, then they bring you back? lol


Maybe it's because I'm watching this right after Gotham, but I just find it silly that Barbara Gordon gets better treatment than Live Wire considering the scale of Barbara's crimes. She gets a hospital stay and is shipped back to Arkham, where at least theoretically she gets treatment. We don't really have any idea what will happen to Live Wire.
I find it silly that you keep making that assumption.

Barb is a human in a world without metas. Livewire is a person who can turn into intangible elemental energy in a world with alien prisons, artificial intelligence, holograms, and ghost-buster traps.

You literally do not know what they are going to do with Livewire.

For all you know she gets a full tribunal, for all you know she gets alien treatment to mitigate or remove her powers, for all you know she gets holographic rehab so she can reenter society (which, by the way, is the handwave they use on The Flash, that every prisoner is on track for rehabilitation... at least until killed by untimely events).

You're not basing your critique on facts, proof, or evidence but pure speculation and judgment without substance (like the idea that Kara should be somehow traumatized by the incarceration of would be murderer; or the comical idea that cuffs or bail would work on an energy elemental).

There's not a single iota of evidence that her carted away state is her perpetual state, that's on you finding fault.
That was the first episode that I actually 100% liked.

I hope the trend continues in the coming weeks.

absolutely. first time I could get through most of it without really feeling bored by it.

calista flockhart is really starting to gel in the mentor role. and that livewire girl's powers were fantastic. among the best of any of these comic book shows.


Subete no aware
There's not a single iota of evidence that her carted away state is her perpetual state, that's on you finding fault.
I can only see what they show on screen. I'm not in the job of writing fan fiction or imaging what happens to the criminals in this world. Certainly this is the first instance where it at least seemed more ambiguous as to what should happen to the villain after the standard beat down.

And I find it strange that they take the time to show the characters expressing remorse or guilt for creating Live Wire but don't take any time to even briefly mention what they might do to try to rehabilitate her.

Maybe she becomes a recurring villain or something, I have no idea. But I'm just going by what the writers/directors/producers chose to show me and the way it ended was unnecessarily ambiguous.


I can only see what they show on screen. I'm not in the job of writing fan fiction or imaging what happens to the criminals in this world.
I'm sorry, but based on that logic you imagine all they do with the lizard prisoner from the beginning of the episode is walk her around in halls in circles in restraints. They didn't show you anything else so I guess you can't imagine anything else.

Please, you're being a hypocrite. Your entire critique of "Guantanamo Bay" was fan-fiction you imagined. You don't lack imagination, you just intentionally pervert it for a non-point.

The characters are shown to have a sense of justice, compassion, awareness, and character. So rather than use reason to suspect treatment consistent with that character, you just assume they're either ignorant of prisoner treatment or callous to it? That's poor logic and depraved imagination. You literally raised it as an issue of morality when it came from your mind not the show.

Sadly that kind of mentality forces the show to pedantically spoon feed people who, in the absence of common sense, need the exposition provided like baby formula.

So what's more likely: The same character that offered help initially, who felt concern about the origins of the villain, and who doesn't hesitate to rebel against authority... suddenly agrees that someone should be comatose for life without hope... or, you're just being unreasonably foolish for assuming that?
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