I like how the shot lingered on the bat after they left. Ackles and JDM had some fun with it last month on Twitter. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.LOL.. Dad would love this....
I like how the shot lingered on the bat after they left. Ackles and JDM had some fun with it last month on Twitter. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.LOL.. Dad would love this....
Interesting episode. I think we're heading is what other people are saying. That the good monsters are going to push the issue. Especially with Sam being one of those monsters. If I recall that even mentioned the fact that he still had some Demon blood in him earlier in the season.
Also where the fuck is Castiel. I have a feeling he's also going to be one of the quote unquote monsters that they want to eliminate. Which is not going to go good.
Yeah, you bring up a good point that Same technically still has demon blood in him and might even still have some ability, only it's dulled out since he stopped juicing on demon blood.
I seem to recall the last time he talked about it he said 'and I have powers too'
And we all saw him hold the door against Lucifer's powers during the concert when no one else could. Not even Castiel could do that, one would imagine.
Another fantastic episode. Davy Perez is quickly becoming my new favorite writer on the show.
Question is as someone on the step where I have to gather the 4 tokens should I even bother with the Animus weapon quest?
Question is as someone on the step where I have to gather the 4 tokens should I even bother with the Animus weapon quest?
Question is as someone on the step where I have to gather the 4 tokens should I even bother with the Animus weapon quest?
Supernatural has hit a series low. That being said, all CW shows are down this year. Also with Riverdale being a bomb and being paired with Supernatural probably didn't help.
Hopefully ratings will pick back up if not this year then during season 13.
Wow Sam and Dean actually.... thanked Crowley?
I have been waiting for this moment for a very very very long time.
My only remaining gripes with the show now are that Dean still gets pretty much all of the beefy plot points, and now we have more characters that are invincible because they're series regulars.
Not digging how nerfed Lucifer is, either.
The people in charge or use to be in charge didn't want JMD on the show for years since his in show death due to how popular he got despite him suppose to be a shit head dad, a fact they extremely pushed after.
This is completely untrue and I'm pretty sure you just randomly made it up.
There is absolutely zero evidence that they didn't "want him on the show" out of bitterness that he became popular.
They killed him off because keeping the character around wouldn't have worked with the show. They didn't bring him back because the actor kept busy and they didn't have the appropriate story to do it. The producers have said this before.
JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN: I [recently] was in London with Jensen [Ackles] and Jared [Padalecki]. I absolutely would love to go back. I haven't been on the show for 10 years, and I get asked about it in every interview and every time I leave my house. I went and did a Supernatural convention, which I've always said no to. I went to Las Vegas and talked to 5,000 crazy-ass fans. The show has been on the air for 10 years now, and I haven't done it for 10 years. They want me back. I do this so that I can make people happy somehow. We do it for our fans, and that's got such a great fan base that, of course, I want to go back. And I would love to have some resolution for that character and his sons.
More importantly, Jensen, especially, is like a brother to me. I know he's my son on the show, but we've become very, very good friends. Jared, too, but Jensen is like the godfather of my son. Not officially, but he introduced me to Hilarie [Burton] and is a big part of my family, and Hilarie is best friends with his wife (Danneel Harris). So, we're together whether we want to be or not. For me, I think it would be so cool to go back and have him direct me. That would be great. I'm proud of them. They're my sons, and I do look at them in a fatherly way, even though Jensen is like my brother. I'm very proud of who they are as men. I think they've grown up unaffected by fame and this business, which can turn people into freaks and assholes. They're so well-grounded, and they're both family men, and they're honest and true. All the crap that we want out of people, those two guys are.
So, I'm proud of them and I would love to go back and work with them again, if the opportunity comes. But in saying that, I don't want it to be a forced deal. I want it to be natural, and I want it to make sense for the story. I would love for John Winchester to have some way to say goodbye, not only to his sons, but to the fan base who seems to be clamoring for him to come back. We'll see, but I hope. I can't say, ”I'll do the last year," because I don't see an end in sight. But I love them and I'd love to go do a good, solid arc. I don't want to just do a hit-and-run. I want to go back and do three, and really get into that world again. It would be great.
Well that escalated quickly.
Wall of Crazy Shit
I feel like people missed something important these past couple weeks. This week, it may have been because it happened during the Walking Dead shout out.
Look at the opening credits.
For the first time in the series, Mark Pellegrino was listed as main cast.
In fact, he appeared before Misha Collins.
That would be awesome if they are intending to bring Lucifer back in a big way. I mean you I doubt Crowley is going to be able to hold him for long...
I want Spike and Cordelia back goddamit. Theyre still around right? They need to come back and show Rowena real witchcraft
I feel like people missed something important these past couple weeks. This week, it may have been because it happened during the Walking Dead shout out.
Look at the opening credits.
For the first time in the series, Mark Pellegrino was listed as main cast.
In fact, he appeared before Misha Collins.
I want Charlie back and I am aware that is minority opinion![]()
It actually isn't a minority opinion. Charlie was great and, in my opinion, the worst decision ever made by the writers.
She doesn't get a lot of love here on GAF but Charlie is one of the most popular characters on the show. Hell, she was the first character after Sam, Dean and Cas to get a Funko Pop, even before Bobby.
Also, watch how incredibly awkward the SDCC panel was when a fan asked about her death.
However they did in-fact kill her character off because her episodes always saw major rating drops. Every time and it always disappointed me.
Um... got data to back that up ?
I've closely followed the show's ratings until last year and I don't remember such a pattern.
Also I don't remember anyone on cast/crew confirming or even hinting at this.
Her death was one of the most embarrassing moments ever on the show. Just trash television.