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Supernatural - Season 14 Ending (Spoilers)


Anyone here watch it yet?

Looks like Supernatural will be going all out next season as they now have to fight God.

For those curious and not planning on watching it, it ended with God (who’s known as a writer) being called out for all the shit he’s put them through and God claims they are his favourite show.

Sam shoots God with a gun God made and it pisses him off to the point he is going to end the show. So he literally raises hell.

Next season is going to be a lot of fun.
I hope they bring back anyone who is everyone for the finale as the gates are now opened.


I'm so behind on supernatural! I am about half way through season 13 still but it is my mission to catch up in the next couple weeks!


Unconfirmed Member
I lost track at the end of the season with Frankenstein.
I really need to get back into it.


Maybe I need to go back to Supernatural.

I really enjoyed it up until the whole deal with Lucifer was over. The 2 seasons that followed were rather bad and it mostly felt like a show that should have ended but continued because it was popular. The formula also became too repetitive with the whole "one brother is hiding a secret from the other" thing

But it sounds like it really picks up late ron
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Gold Member
they basically scrapped these last 2 seasons and played them off as filler and now finally the end begins. with zombies and pretty much everything sam and dean has killed since ep1.


Anyone catch the first episode of this season?

I’m not on board with the current writers and crew for the last few seasons, like at all, nor the retconiest retcon of all retcons with Chuck being evil, but it was a lot of fun, with some great moments, and a surprising new character that’s hilarious.

Also some puzzling direction/writing choices, like that laughable ghost chase scene, but that’s the deal at this point. These people aren’t generally good at their jobs.

That said, I think I’m on board for this season. I love the boys, I love this show, probably more than any other ever, and I want on this last roller coaster ride.
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My wife and I used to watch the show religiously (pun intended) during the early seasons. We gave up when the power level creep got too crazy. It's unfortunate that the show couldn't stick to a much smaller number of better episodes, and have a much tighter story. It really was a great show at one point. :lollipop_horns:


Used to be a great show indeed, guess i also dropped at 8th season. Should i go back?

For what it’s worth, I found 8, 9, 10, and 11, especially 11, under showrunner Jeremy Carver, to be some of the best Supernatural since the perfect original 5 season run. It’s not at that level of amazing, of course, and sometimes there’s some real dud ideas, but a lot of my favorite moments from the show are contained in that Carver run. They really got what Supernatural is.
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I thought after season 11 God was alright. Sucks they made him a villian by the end. I liked it more that he just didn't really give a shit about his creations
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I thought after season 11 God was alright. Sucks they made him a villian by the end. I liked it more that he just didn't really give a shit about his creations

Yeah, this whole thing feels like fan-fic to me. Really interesting fan-fic on multiple levels, and actually a cool way to close out the show, but it's just completely at odds with 15 years of themes and character development.

Season 11 was the best, and only explanation this character needed -- a deity that intensely cared, but needed his creations to stand on their own two feet and mature, instead of playing Daddy all the time, who also deeply valued free will and creation's right to chart its own course.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
He's not so much a villain as an irresponsible, mercurial, megalomaniac. He's a writer in short. :D

From the beginning the setup has always been that one day God just got bored with everything and just bailed, that's been his MO consistently. This is just more of the same and its quite elegantly laid out in the season 15 premiere.


Anyone catch the first episode of this season?

I’m not on board with the current writers and crew for the last few seasons, like at all, nor the retconiest retcon of all retcons with Chuck being evil, but it was a lot of fun, with some great moments, and a surprising new character that’s hilarious.

Also some puzzling direction/writing choices, like that laughable ghost chase scene, but that’s the deal at this point. These people aren’t generally good at their jobs.

That said, I think I’m on board for this season. I love the boys, I love this show, probably more than any other ever, and I want on this last roller coaster ride.
I've never missed an episode, including the premier this season. One of my favorite shows of all time. But this, presumably final overarching story line, is very off putting to me. The notion of Sam and Dean fighting God is horrible. I say that with a nod towards my religious views primarily, but from a story line perspective I view it Supernatural's way of jumping the shark. I plan to finish the show because I'm 14 years invested, but if they keep going down this rabbit hole it might become too much and become time to let it go earlier than expected. I like the way they are making some old stories fresh again with raising hell and all, but I really do want to see redemption from the Winchesters. Shooting God is just not the Winchesters I spent 14 years watching.


Sounds super edgelord retarded to me, and to think I liked this show before.

Yeah, pretty much. I’m agnostic, and even I don’t like it. The way God was portrayed in this show before was perfect, uplifting, and beautiful. Why the current jackasses in charge of the show would throw all that under the bus...

That said, I don’t consider it a knock on the rest of the show. Season 1-11 is Supernatural. A lot of stuff after can be written off as fan-fiction jackassery, by a creative team that shouldn’t be in charge of anything, let alone a loved, often brilliant cult TV institution like this.

I've never missed an episode, including the premier this season. One of my favorite shows of all time. But this, presumably final overarching story line, is very off putting to me. The notion of Sam and Dean fighting God is horrible. I say that with a nod towards my religious views primarily, but from a story line perspective I view it Supernatural's way of jumping the shark. I plan to finish the show because I'm 14 years invested, but if they keep going down this rabbit hole it might become too much and become time to let it go earlier than expected. I like the way they are making some old stories fresh again with raising hell and all, but I really do want to see redemption from the Winchesters. Shooting God is just not the Winchesters I spent 14 years watching.

Yep. It violates so many themes of the show, from established character development, to the whole point of the story of the first five seasons.


Watching the latest episode. Or trying to. Unlike the first episode, which I enjoyed enough, and had its moments, despite my feelings on the direction of this story, I’m struggling not to tap out.

Some terrible, non-sensical retcons, a forced romance which is 100% cringe, and continuing bad direction and writing.

A town full of day-walking ghosts, roaring up from hell by the second, stronger than ever, should be terrifying and exciting. Instead, it’s like 9 badly costumed ghosts, that walk everywhere, with their only acting expertise being from porn movies or something. Spoooooky.

What in the world is up with ghosts coming up from Hell, anyway? Isn’t it well established that souls are sent down there, tortured for centuries (which passes in the blink of an eye compared to the regular world’s time), until their souls are pitch black and nothing but malice? Really cool worldbuilding, thrown aside because the current showrunners want to make a few nostalgic references to ghosts the brothers fought before.

I hope the next episode picks up again. I want to at least enjoy my filmed fan-fiction.


I stopped watching this show a lifetime ago but checked out the ending clip of season 14. It's still Supernatural but the choice of song was pretty good:

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Can’t agree on Supernatural in general being a bad thing, but that song choice was so, so good.

It’s stuff like that, and the things in the first episode this season (btw, Famous Final Scene is another perfect choice) that give me hope that even though I’m not quite on board with this season’s concept, I could still really enjoy it. There’s a lot of potential here.


Fuck Demon Blood Sam, I'd rather have High Blood Alcohol level Jared for season 15

Too soon.

So far, this season has been on point. Rob is giving me chills as God this season. I love the whole calm, cool, collected, sympathetic character one moment, then angry, child like behavior the next.

The Dean and Castiel exchange broke my heart and hit so close to home too. I am curious how that will all come together.


Too soon.

So far, this season has been on point. Rob is giving me chills as God this season. I love the whole calm, cool, collected, sympathetic character one moment, then angry, child like behavior the next.

The Dean and Castiel exchange broke my heart and hit so close to home too. I am curious how that will all come together.

It's never too soon to fight off demons inside a nightclub hopped up on bloody marys.

Regardless, I'll agree this episode was the best so far this season. Loved the beginning with Jensen's John Wick Homage. Really well done.

What I didn't like is what I feel is what the writers confirming through chuck's dialog about, "Supernatural: The End. And the cover is just a gravestone that says ‘Winchester" that this will not have a happy ending for the main characters. Considering what's been said at a convention that the ending will have a real sense of finality, Sam and Dean will definitely meet their end in the last episode. And no... I as a Fan is not gonna love that at all.


Anyone else think this?




Just finished season 14. How they made god a villian was ittle better than I thought it would be. Still hate what they did to jack though.


What I didn't like is what I feel is what the writers confirming through chuck's dialog about, "Supernatural: The End. And the cover is just a gravestone that says ‘Winchester" that this will not have a happy ending for the main characters. Considering what's been said at a convention that the ending will have a real sense of finality, Sam and Dean will definitely meet their end in the last episode. And no... I as a Fan is not gonna love that at all.

I think they are putting a lot of emphasis on killing one, or both the brothers. Granted we've seen Sam and Dean die countless times so their death won't honestly mean much. Especially with Billy running around the Empty, she can resurrect anyone she chooses too, and will she reap the Winchesters knowing damn well God is out of control and can destroy everything?

Either I see the boys dying and going to heaven, castiel going back to heaven too, Jack overseas it, or in a cold world, the boys go to the empty where there is nothing or are sent to hell. Personally I dont want a really happy happy ending per-say, but I want it to be satisfying.. Like them dying means nothing just because we've seen it so many times. Unless one brother rules heaven, and one rules hell.

Just finished season 14. How they made god a villian was ittle better than I thought it would be. Still hate what they did to jack though.

I called them making Chuck the villian, It worked well for how they did it. He just seemed off compared to him verses Amara. Overall Rob is nailing it and i'm loving the depth of the character.

I think its the only way to bring Jack back into the mix with his soul(assuming Billy can restore it in the empty). A soulless Jack running around could have worked but with him being unhinged, I think it wouldn't of worked since he would of eventually went darksided.

I'm surprised we haven't revisited the empty since the finale. I'm curious to whats going down. Is BIllie resurrecting demons and angels to help Jack fight GOD himself? or is it a deal they're making?


I gotta say that second ending vision Sam has this episode was a very nice touch. You could even go so far as to say that is how Chuck originally considered S10. episode 03 Soul Survivor to end. But Chuck changed his mind, scrapped it and rewrote it to have Cas show up to restrain demon Dean from killing Sam in the Bunker. He is a writer after all.


The show has been a lot better these past three episodes.

For all the controversy of what they did with Chuck, at least they’ve been executing on it really well recently. The whole trapped-in—a-meta-nightmare, and up against the ‘writer’ thing, feels interesting, clever, and a bit hopeless. How do you even begin to fight that?

I really like that we have a villain this crazy overpowered, and one with links to the entire series, even if I don’t like how we got there. It feels like a super-appropriate final challenge for the Winchesters.
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We don’t really seem to have a thread, and I’m not sure it’s popular enough to warrant one.

Feels weird to be done after all these years.

There is one episode left yes, but it’s an epilogue. Everything really ended tonight. There’s no more crazy fights. No more epic stories. The characters are living their lives freely. It’s done, and complete.

I’m not a fan at all of these last four years. To be honest, they won’t exist to me on rewatches. Nonetheless, it is an ending, and it’s kind of crazy to be here, to finally be done. The montage of all these years at the end literally brought me to tears, because how could it not?

I won’t even know what to do with a life that doesn’t have Supernatural every week, after the next episode. That’s half a joke, and half serious. When something’s been around so long, it becomes this source of comfort and familiarity, and it’s hard to imagine life without it. Particularly in these times, where some familiarity and comfort would go a long way.

It was for the best for it to end, though. Another four years of this would brought the show’s legacy to Simpson’s levels. One day though, I hope it comes back for another run, with much more talented writers.



1-5: My favorite television story and characters ever.
6-7: At least it’s still really funny and has some cool ideas, even if this lead writer is missing the mark by a huge berth.
8-11: Ranging from amazing to a bit meh. So many wonderful moments and elements that shouldn’t be missed, tho.
12-15: Please just let this canon-destroying, awfully written, unfunny, unexciting, lower and lower budgeted monstrosity end. Jack’s story was really cool, though, and it had some very nice moments, but they aren’t worth the rest.


So this was it, huh? All that talk about being omniscient and you didn't foresee that happening to you? A lot of questions from this episode alone. But I'm rather glad this series can finally be put to rest for good.


So this was it, huh? All that talk about being omniscient and you didn't foresee that happening to you? A lot of questions from this episode alone. But I'm rather glad this series can finally be put to rest for good.

Yeah. I’m more appreciating the series coming to an end at the moment, but as predicted, they just didn’t have the talent to pull this, or the season at large, off.

Canonically flawed concept or not, it’s fascinating for characters to be fighting a writer/something this all-powerful, and there were so many missed opportunities.

They didn’t horrifically trip over the finish line or anything, and raised their game a little (the empty world was really cool), but it was all so underwhelming when it was said and done.



1-5: My favorite television story and characters ever.
6-7: At least it’s still really funny and has some cool ideas, even if this lead writer is missing the mark by a huge berth.
8-11: Ranging from amazing to a bit meh. So many wonderful moments and elements that shouldn’t be missed, tho.
12-15: Please just let this canon-destroying, awfully written, unfunny, unexciting, lower and lower budgeted monstrosity end. Jack’s story was really cool, though, and it had some very nice moments, but they aren’t worth the rest.

at least season's 12-15 gave us the scooby doo crossover.


Yeah. I’m more appreciating the series coming to an end at the moment, but as predicted, they just didn’t have the talent to pull this, or the season at large, off.

Canonically flawed concept or not, it’s fascinating for characters to be fighting a writer/something this all-powerful, and there were so many missed opportunities.

They didn’t horrifically trip over the finish line or anything, and raised their game a little (the empty world was really cool), but it was all so underwhelming when it was said and done.
If they only had 20 episodes, they could've gotten rid of the wood nymph, church shelter, or the Baba Yaga episodes.

The biggest disappointment for me was that all season they were trying to capture Chuck to kill him and when Amara finally has him and the time has finally come, he makes this speech about how he planned it all: "What about omniscience do you not understand?" But then they win in the end, by not just tricking Michael, but Chuck too. And their trick was based on something that Michael and Chuck should easily have known (only Death can read the book).

I would have liked Gabriel and Raphael to be in this episode as well. It would have made sense to have four archangels battling God in the end just like they did Amara. Also would have made the Empty more part of the plot. I mean, it's a cosmic being, it should have been explained more.

Also, Eileen, Charlie and Bobby presumably got brought back along with everyone else. It's weird that the boys didn't rush to check on any of them, even just via phone call, but compared to them not asking about Cas once that's nothing.


If they only had 20 episodes, they could've gotten rid of the wood nymph, church shelter, or the Baba Yaga episodes.

The biggest disappointment for me was that all season they were trying to capture Chuck to kill him and when Amara finally has him and the time has finally come, he makes this speech about how he planned it all: "What about omniscience do you not understand?" But then they win in the end, by not just tricking Michael, but Chuck too. And their trick was based on something that Michael and Chuck should easily have known (only Death can read the book).

I would have liked Gabriel and Raphael to be in this episode as well. It would have made sense to have four archangels battling God in the end just like they did Amara. Also would have made the Empty more part of the plot. I mean, it's a cosmic being, it should have been explained more.

Also, Eileen, Charlie and Bobby presumably got brought back along with everyone else. It's weird that the boys didn't rush to check on any of them, even just via phone call, but compared to them not asking about Cas once that's nothing.

Yeah, that was something that really struck me too. I just don’t know what the thought process was there. It makes sense to have one-off episodes, because that’s what Supernatural has always been, but cramming almost all of the conflict into three final episodes? Really more like two, when you consider what the power-up Jack episode was.

It just contributes to this season feeling nothing like the challenge it was supposed to be. When SHTF last season, it was terrifying. It looked like a season of epic, like we’ve never seen before from Supernatural. Perfect for an ending. Instead, it was wrapped up in a couple of episodes, with most of the rest of the season spent spinning wheels. We finally get stakes again, in the last episode.

That isn’t how storytelling or pacing works. Your other examples too. But you might as well explain college courses to a Kindergartner than writing to this staff, for all the expertise/interest they have in it.

I will say that I would keep the Wood Nymph episode. Along with the Scooby-Doo one, it’s one of only two episodes in this entire four season run, to feel like the quality of the show as it used to be. I had a smile on my face throughout both.


Kinda got bored by it. All these different power levels and rules... And some entities so powerful (like, dunno, God?) that feel like they are forcing self inflicted rules on purpose just to make things look interesting to the viewer or so they are not bored because they could just do anything by just thinking about it.

And you have those two mortals epxploiting these rules and it feels like those entities let them do so because the show needs some tension.


-Lucifer brought back for absolutely no reason but okay.

-New Death first seems a scared Reaper grabbed by Lucifer, then when she becomes Death suddenly she's all smug "Uh uh you guys are slow" only to Pikachu Face when Lucifer betrays her. What the fuck was that?

-Michael and Lucifer's fight being basically a mystical water balloon fight that ends with THE USUAL BACKSTAB COME ON GUYS IT HAPPENS LIKE 5 TIMES AN EPISODE, YOU COULD LEARN TO WRITE SOMETHING ELSE. Also guys could you invest in antitelekinesis charms or something? Like that too happens too much per episode.

-Michael, who supposedly was ready for the Apocalypse (in which the World was supposed to end) and fought with Lucifer in the Cage is winded after a cheap light show because "He hadn't fought like this in years." Right.

-God is Almighty. Except when he isn't? He didn't know the guys lied to him or whatever because yes? Alrighty.

-Michael saw the possibility of him being the only Archangel with a somewhat decent character development and went like "Why would I do that?"

-The Plan is so stupid. I thought Jack was completing the spell (OR BACKSTABBING GOD WHO KNOWS SINCE THE SHOW LOVES IT SO MUCH) instead nope. He siphoned God Power from punches because that's been established before. Right?

-I always thought Jack would become God, but I always thought he would be relinquishing his powers to stay with his family. Instead, he peaces out of existence. Without bringing his mother or his adoptive father back.


-I LOVE how the super important bond between Amara and Dean paid off in the end, man I wasn't sure it would get to such a beautiful resolution but I knew I should've trusted the writers from the beginning.

-The Empty was this super duper ultra important entity that ultimately did nothing except take Castiel, who like dies once every 3 seasons. Wow.

:cool: :messenger_ok:
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