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Support for Donald Trump's impeachment is higher than his approval ratings


I would take pence for the remainder of the term if it meant we all get to watch cheeto be escorted out of the white house. I can hear him throwing a tantrum now lol. Not to mention watching the trump cult crumble would be deeply satisfying to me. Could watch my racist co workers/family cry "but Hillary" !!!!

I don't think he would be able to do anymore harm then trump is doing. He would probably do less cause he wouldn't constantly insult and dehumanize entire groups of people on a nearly daily basis.


Texas Pride

If you look above I agreed with the fact trump probably shouldn't be impeached coming from the Repubs. I am allowed to state this thread isn't much about the polls while still ensuring people understand who conducted the polls. I am more interested in your ideas about a possible impeachment but if you read above, three people posted in a short time upset about this being a CNN poll. I'm positive we wouldnt see this much dissent from the same posters if the polls were from a right leaning news source.

You're not positive of anything of the sort. It's tales from your ass if we're being honest. You don't really know these people certainly not enough to make assumptions. To answer your question. Trump was elected to his position fairly. Anyone who claims to value Democracy wouldn't want a duly elected president impeached unless he did something illegal. What people don't understand is if you go this route there's nothing stopping the other side from doing it to your candidate. Someone being an asshole isn't enough justification. People come off as petty and juvenile always bitching about Trump and it gets old. A lot of people didn't like Obama but they dealt with it. People need to move on and stop hoping for an outcome that's unrealistic. The results are final there's no going back and it's time people come to terms with it.
You're not positive of anything of the sort. It's tales from your ass if we're being honest. You don't really know these people certainly not enough to make assumptions. To answer your question. Trump was elected to his position fairly. Anyone who claims to value Democracy wouldn't want a duly elected president impeached unless he did something illegal. What people don't understand is if you go this route there's nothing stopping the other side from doing it to your candidate. Someone being an asshole isn't enough justification. People come off as petty and juvenile always bitching about Trump and it gets old. A lot of people didn't like Obama but they dealt with it. People need to move on and stop hoping for an outcome that's unrealistic. The results are final there's no going back and it's time people come to terms with it.

Nope, I stick with my statement . I'm positive the same people outraged in this thread, wouldn't mind if this poll was from Fox News stating Trump had the best numbers ever. I don't think he should be impeached, for the third time in this thread. If he did something Illegal, surely , but he hasn't done anything of the sort yet. People can voice their opinions any which way they want, you don't control that buddy. I did laugh at the part about people being petty and juvenile bitching about trump but state that people just dealt with Obama in the same breath. As if Obama wasn't critisized for tan suits , honey Dijon mustard and cigarette smoking. Speak about petty , Call a spade a spade, not when it only fits your agenda.


If Trump is impeached the person Trump picked to take over for him is who gets to take over? Is that serious? That doesn't sound right.


If you look above I agreed with the fact trump probably shouldn't be impeached coming from the Repubs. I am allowed to state this thread isn't much about the polls while still ensuring people understand who conducted the polls. I am more interested in your ideas about a possible impeachment but if you read above, three people posted in a short time upset about this being a CNN poll. I'm positive we wouldnt see this much dissent from the same posters if the polls were from a right leaning news source.
"I'm allowed..."

Oh god shut up. You been reported a few times now for your shit post. Either discuss the topic or leave. Don't attack me personally cause your upset


I find it interesting that modern liberals find it so difficult to deal with a loss. Perhaps giving everyone trophies for existing was a poor idea.


What happened to Mueller dragging him to jail becyase of the sneaky Russians? Is this the new leftist wet dream?
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I find it interesting that modern liberals find it so difficult to deal with a loss. Perhaps giving everyone trophies for existing was a poor idea.
But it's not just any old loss. The pussy-grabbing orange devil has been unleashed upon them by his uneducated racist acolytes. And it's not just the participation trophy generation spazzing out. Look at the 40-60-somethings in the media going apeshit and falling all over each other to make up the best slander.


But it's not just any old loss. The pussy-grabbing orange devil has been unleashed upon them by his uneducated racist acolytes. And it's not just the participation trophy generation spazzing out. Look at the 40-60-somethings in the media going apeshit and falling all over each other to make up the best slander.

That’s the generation that invented participation trophies.
it really is the same argument over and over. trump supporters are these racist nazi loving crackers. yeah good ol obama and his drone strikes that killed more civilians than actual terrorists. what a success obamacare is. and good ol hilary clinton with her love of hot sauce and this doofus saying this classic line

at least trump is funny
Honestly these polls are just a waste of everybody's time.

Public opinion polls don't mean much. I could believe 42% want Trump impeached. Since I would bet 95% of democrats want it. But it doesn't matter. I've seen polls where only 30% of the public could correctly identify the vice president. The average man on the street is politically ignorant. Just because 42% want impeachent, that doesn't mean there is a 42% chance of it happening. Even if they get control of the house, Democrat leadership are smart enough to realize there would be a huge blowback if they impeached him. And unless they have the votes to remove him from office, which they're not even close, it's pointless. And only will antagonize their opposition. As Alan Dershowitz has said, it's very dangerous to criminalize political differences. If you hate Trump, try and vote him out. Wishing for impeachment and a Mike Pence presidency is just deluded wishful thinking. It's never going to happen.


If Trump is ever found to have done something worthy of impeachment, then I hope the impeachment process starts.

A random poll that questions random people doesn't really qualify as something substantial to me. Who did they ask? How were the questions framed? I went to the SRSS website and couldn't find that kind of information. It just has a very small explanation of a couple results and then links to the CNN article.

The point is that polls can be accurate or they can be inaccurate. I just can't base major opinions off of what essentially amounts to questionnaires sent to random people with random biases and then letting the results be extrapolated mathematically to apply to the entire population.


If Trump is ever found to have done something worthy of impeachment, then I hope the impeachment process starts.

A random poll that questions random people doesn't really qualify as something substantial to me. Who did they ask? How were the questions framed? I went to the SRSS website and couldn't find that kind of information. It just has a very small explanation of a couple results and then links to the CNN article.

The point is that polls can be accurate or they can be inaccurate. I just can't base major opinions off of what essentially amounts to questionnaires sent to random people with random biases and then letting the results be extrapolated mathematically to apply to the entire population.
Depends who does it and where you do it. If you do it on an site like CNN and ask visitors you will get a totally different result than doing this on a Fox site. And even then in the case of trump people were pretty fed up with the bashing and did not tell anyone who they voted for or even lied. The biggest reason why these polls with Hillary and Trump did not work was because of the media bashing IMO.


The point of the thread was less about the poll and who conducted it than it's about if impeachment is looking more likely especially given the criticism he's received over past few weeks.

It is not "more likely" than it was back in 2016 when people screamed about impeachment when he was elected. To impeach you need majority in congress and senate. Democrats currently don't control either one of them and by looks of current situation they are about to lose even more seats.

Then naturally course of dispute would be that "some republican members" would go with democrats on impeachment. Problem here is that even "never Trump" republicans don't believe in any Russia trump collusion.
And it is more likely that democracts will not vote as one against Trump. So situation would be reversed.

Only way for Trump to be impeached is when Muller investigation finds clear hard evidence that he worked with Russians intelligence in conspiracy. Not some "someone heard of something" or "inside source" says someone bought hotel from Trump. It would require direct evidence in vein of documents, letters, emails showing that Trump operated with Russians knowingly.

And this is why people use "collusion" and not "conspiracy". They shuffle words to not sound crazy.
Because trying to say Trump conspired with Russians in light of everything about his life/campaign is simply RETARDED and you can just as well wear tin foil hat.

Russians trying to help Trump isn't any evidence. They would try to help anyone who think it would be in their interests. Clinton was warhawk Trump said that he would leave middle east. That alone is enough reason for them to support him, much like various other nations support candidatures of different people because it fits their interests (including US)

Finally Russians helping Trump is completely not logical as pre-planned campaign. People seem to have short memory but Trump from start was treated as JOKE. People didn't expect at all Trump to win republican nomination. Then no one expected at all for him to win Presidential campaign.

Even IF russians helped him (assuming it was even effective) it was clear it had to be ad-hoc something they came on the spot not some conspiracy like some people claim.

Finally there is scale of "help" so far we have seen basically few thousands twitter bots and some Facebook ads. That is it. And those "thousands" of twitter bots sound huge but in fact it is not because of how Twitter works, you need to follow those bots first to receive their tweets. Facebook ads would be much more effective but so far it was proven that those were worth at most couple thousands of dollars which is virtually nothing.

Clinton spent $1BLN+ while Trump around $350MLN on campaign and russian help didn't account for even $50k going by astrosurfers rates they get (bot farms are not that expensive).
It is clear that Clinton didn't lose because of Russians not Russians "help" was effective in any way shape or form.
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thanks for the ones who came in to debate with rational thought and well thought out points. There are definitely a few who's only arguments boil down to "I'm a republican and so I will support trump no matter what, bah"
Seperating fanboys from the thinkers

Dr. Claus

thanks for the ones who came in to debate with rational thought and well thought out points. There are definitely a few who's only arguments boil down to "I'm a republican and so I will support trump no matter what, bah"
Seperating fanboys from the thinkers

...Do you not get the irony in your statement?
...Do you not get the irony in your statement?

Care to point it out genius? I didn't vote for a liberal or a republican. So you tell me who I'm supporting ....also, don't act like you aren't one of the usual suspects lmao. Your specific opinion means nothing to me.
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Dr. Claus

Care to point it out genius? I didn't vote for a liberal or a republican. So you tell me who I'm supporting ....also, don't act like you aren't one of the usual suspects lmao. Didn't you just tell someone to get out of the country if they didn't like certain things in the u.s
Your specific opinion means nothing to me.

Are you really going to stoop down to such childish methods here?

thanks for the ones who came in to debate with rational thought and well thought out points. There are definitely a few who's only arguments boil down to "I'm a republican and so I will support trump no matter what, bah"
Seperating fanboys from the thinkers

It doesn't take a lot of thought power to see that this is exactly what you are doing, except from a different side. You hate Trump, we get it. Everyone gets it. I don't like him either. However, trying to suggest that you are somehow coming up with rational thought in this debate and those who disagree with you are not is silly. You have been acting with childish retorts and shutting down differing opinions as "lol they republican fanboys".

As for the last part, where did I tell someone to leave the country? I honestly do not remember saying that at all.
Are you really going to stoop down to such childish methods here?

It doesn't take a lot of thought power to see that this is exactly what you are doing, except from a different side. You hate Trump, we get it. Everyone gets it. I don't like him either. However, trying to suggest that you are somehow coming up with rational thought in this debate and those who disagree with you are not is silly. You have been acting with childish retorts and shutting down differing opinions as "lol they republican fanboys".

As for the last part, where did I tell someone to leave the country? I honestly do not remember saying that at all.

I don't hate Trump, I just don't support him blindly. I for the fourth time have to repeat myself that I don't think impeaching him is a good idea. I don't like Hillary either, actually thought and still do think she would be worse than Trump. So who's side am I on? Look at the posts I liked, I didn't count, but I think maybe I agreed with more people stating he shouldn't be impeached than he should. Did I call them fanboys? Or did I call the ones who come in here and blame liberals for some reason the fanboys?

Maybe make some better sense before you start accusing me of anything.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I’m saying that you’re acting on emotion and without critical thought if you believe a poll conducted by CNN given their recent polling history. If it’s all you’ve heard online this week, you’ve likely confined yourself to echo chambers.

CNN actually does a good job on polls. And so does FoxNews.
I'll add this. Is anyone really surprised the ones who attack me in this thread ALL have very strong opinionated threads and posts on defending Trump, Roseanne, harsh immigration views, and race issues.
Shocking. Usual suspects , missing a few though. Ofcourse the moment I say I would've voted for Trump rather Hillary, most of the name calling and debates devolve into nothingness.


This whole discussion about impeachment is so stupid and juvenile. You're literally asking "Do you want Trump impeached?" I mean, who the fuck cares about the law, right? It wouldn't have mattered if only 2% of the American public wanted Nixon impeached, or 99%. The only thing that mattered was that he clearly broke the laws and he was going to be impeached by congress, period, so he stepped down to avoid the disgrace.

So far, there is no proof that Trump has done anything impeachable. Period. If such proof ever sees the light of day. then we can start talking about it.


I'll add this. Is anyone really surprised the ones who attack me in this thread ALL have very strong opinionated threads and posts on defending Trump, Roseanne, harsh immigration views, and race issues.
Shocking. Usual suspects , missing a few though. Ofcourse the moment I say I would've voted for Trump rather Hillary, most of the name calling and debates devolve into nothingness.

People are attacking you because your question comes from a place of either malicious bias or at best a very clear ignorance about what impeachment is. Get over yourself.
People are attacking you because your question comes from a place of either malicious bias or at best a very clear ignorance about what impeachment is. Get over yourself.

Right because a poll conducted on behalf of CNN is my fault. I stated twice I didn't want him impeached. Try and read next time. If you don't like the poll, state so, don't be all teary eyed and upset with me.

Just checked and Lmao, ofcourse, your posts are filled with strong republican views on race relations, trump defending and name calling liberal posts.

Thanks for being my example.
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Don't insult other members of this forum.
Right because a poll conducted on behalf of CNN is my fault. I stated twice I didn't want him impeached. Try and read next time. If you don't like the poll, state so, don't be all teary eyed and upset with me.

Just checked and Lmao, ofcourse, your posts are filled with strong race relations, trump defending and name calling liberal posts.

Thanks for being my example.

You literally asked "Does impeachment look more like a realistic scenario than ever or is it a wash?" based on a CNN poll that found that a similar percentage of the polled individuals want Trump impeached as wanted Nixon impeached. You're an idiot. I don't need to go look through your previous post history to figure that out. The only thing that matters for impeachment is whether the president broke a law, not what a bunch of random people want.
You literally asked "Does impeachment look more like a realistic scenario than ever or is it a wash?" based on a CNN poll that found that a similar percentage of the polled individuals want Trump impeached as wanted Nixon impeached. You're an idiot. I don't need to go look through your previous post history to figure that out. The only thing that matters for impeachment is whether the president broke a law, not what a bunch of random people want.

Blah blah I'm a mad extreme republican. Keep calling me names, you're clearly outraged.
Multiple people in power have called for his impeachment , they are all idiots as well right?

If you want to get this mad crybaby maybe join an alt right site where everyone can echo your beliefs.

"Two Republican Representatives, Justin Amash(R-MI) and Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), have called for impeachment on the grounds that obstruction of justice charges against Trump were proven true.[28]"

Again your post history proves you're a mad extreme republican. Your silly argument means nothing coming from someone like you.
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Good lord, after the 2016 election it is a very sad reflection on our schools if people are putting much stock in polls that ask questions about whether you want Trump impeached of if you would vote for him. Polls remain useful, but on these two issues they are worth less than the toilet paper I just flushed. Putting aside how easily you can manipulate such a poll based on the selection of subjects, thanks to the current state of affairs and control over media / social media, you cannot expect that any poll will be accurate if the questioner is asking if the subject supports him. There is simply no way to quantifiably measure the margin of error when anyone who is inclined to express support is wondering if they will suffer for doing so. And people do worry about that, as they should. Its at the point where a member of congress is calling for harassing anyone who works for the guy.


Blah blah I'm a mad extreme republican. Keep calling me names, you're clearly outraged.
Multiple people in power have called for his impeachment , they are all idiots as well right?

If you want to get this mad crybaby maybe join an alt right site where everyone can echo your beliefs.

"Two Republican Representatives, Justin Amash(R-MI) and Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), have called for impeachment on the grounds that obstruction of justice charges against Trump were proven true.[28]"

Again your post history proves you're a mad extreme republican. Your silly argument means nothing coming from someone like you.

Nothing you just said changes the fact that you're asking if we're getting closer to the impeachment of Trump based on a poll of random American citizens saying they want him impeached. As I said, you're an idiot. Your best hope here is ignorance, but your replies are making it clear that's not the case.
Good lord, after the 2016 election it is a very sad reflection on our schools if people are putting much stock in polls that ask questions about whether you want Trump impeached of if you would vote for him. Polls remain useful, but on these two issues they are worth less than the toilet paper I just flushed. Putting aside how easily you can manipulate such a poll based on the selection of subjects, thanks to the current state of affairs and control over media / social media, you cannot expect that any poll will be accurate if the questioner is asking if the subject supports him. There is simply no way to quantifiably measure the margin of error when anyone who is inclined to express support is wondering if they will suffer for doing so. And people do worry about that, as they should. Its at the point where a member of congress is calling for harassing anyone who works for the guy.

For what it counts Maxine Walters is a dolt.
Nothing you just said changes the fact that you're asking if we're getting closer to the impeachment of Trump based on a poll of random American citizens saying they want him impeached. As I said, you're an idiot. Your best hope here is ignorance, but your replies are making it clear that's not the case.

You calling me an idiot means nothing , you are bigoted and have posts hurling names at anyone who's liberal.

Also, smooth breezing over the quote about republicans who called for his impeachment too. Lmao.


You calling me an idiot means nothing , you are bigoted and have posts hurling names at anyone who's liberal.

Also, smooth breezing over the quote about republicans who called for his impeachment too. Lmao.

I didn't breeze over it, if you had made a topic about that instead of a CNN poll of random citizens I'd have just kept my mouth shut and stayed out of it. The intent of your original post is clear, and everything you've said since then backs me up.

Edit: Listening to a moderator.
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Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
You all know better than to be throwing around personal attacks and insults. The next one takes a break from GAF.
I didn't breeze over it, if you had made a topic about that instead of a CNN poll of random citizens I'd have just kept my mouth shut and stayed out of it. The intent of your original post is clear, and everything you've said since then backs it up: You're an idiot. I don't call people idiots unless they act like one.

Yep cause anyone takes you seriously on this forum as a level headed member who isn't biased at all...

It's disgusting what lengths people will go to to attack Trump. Members of that gang are vile pieces of human trash that I would put below animals, at least animals have a reason when they torture/kill. Anyone who is saying "Yeah but no human is an animal" really needs to go and read about what this specific group has done. Think long and hard about who you're willing to defend just to be "on the right side".
Also, smooth breezing over the quote about republicans who called for his impeachment too. Lmao.

Like that's not political ? Rep Amash was against Trump before he even got elected. He called for him to drop out of the race.
So we're supposed to take his advice as impartial when he says Trump should be impeached ?

How did he obstruct justice ? By firing Comey ? Did you even read anything in the DOJ inspector general's report ?
Comey deserved to be fired, unquestionably. Comey himself admitted right after he was fired, that it was Trump's right to do it, because he is the president. Alan Dershowitz, who is probably one of the best constitutional experts in the country said you cannot legally prosecute a president for exercising his expressed powers in the constitution.


Yep cause anyone takes you seriously on this forum as a level headed member who isn't biased at all...

lol, I love the example you chose as me being someone who's biased. Did you even try understand the context of that post? Or were you just trolling through my activity feed looking for the best gotcha you could find? I stand by that statement 10,000%. Please troll again!

I'd wager if I created a silly poll asking who people "take more seriously" between the two of us, I'd win. You see, my posts always come from a place of genuine earnestness in discussing a topic. I don't say things flippantly and even the insults I've used is an extremely recent thing. I never post to try and get a rise out of someone or to try and score internet points. Can you say the same?
lol, I love the example you chose as me being someone who's biased. Did you even try understand the context of that post? Or were you just trolling through my activity feed looking for the best gotcha you could find? I stand by that statement 10,000%. Please troll again!

I'd wager if I created a silly poll asking who people "take more seriously" between the two of us, I'd win. You see, my posts always come from a place of genuine earnestness in discussing a topic. I don't say things flippantly and even the insults I've used is an extremely recent thing. I never post to try and get a rise out of someone or to try and score internet points. Can you say the same?

Do you not have multiple posts downtalking liberals and praising trumps every move? Yes or no?

Also, referring to a recent thread someone has made, its obvious the crazy leftists have left this forum along with a ton of moderate ones. Gaf has turned into a extreme right/right wing haven. So your poll about who takes me or you more seriously is moot , you can see the lack of critical thinking in this thread by multiple posters . Gaf nowadays dont resemble any other forums in terms of an accurate left/right political middle ground. Fox News and Trump love is rarely questioned while the opposite is judged by a haven of his supporters. Which other forum has a semblance of this taking place ? R/the_donald
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Do you not have multiple posts downtalking liberals and praising trumps every move? Yes or no?

Also, referring to a recent thread someone has made, its obvious the crazy leftists have left this forum along with a ton of moderate ones. Gaf has turned into a extreme right/right wing haven. So your poll about who takes me or you more seriously is moot , you can see the lack of critical thinking in this thread by multiple posters . Gaf nowadays dont resemble any other forums in terms of an accurate left/right political middle ground. Fox News and Trump love is rarely questioned while the opposite is judged by a haven of his supporters. Which other forum has a semblance of this taking place ? R/the_donald

Careful, you're dropping your "objective and unbiased, I just want to discuss the issues" facade really quickly. I don't think there's much more to gain out of our exchanges. I'm not going to go back through my own post history because I don't really care. I dislike current-day political liberals slightly more than I dislike Trump, and I'd say the majority of my thoughts are really more against them than pro him. I'm officially bowing out of our little back and forth to try and let this discussion get back on track. Enjoy your last word!
Careful, you're dropping your "objective and unbiased, I just want to discuss the issues" facade really quickly. I don't think there's much more to gain out of our exchanges. I'm not going to go back through my own post history because I don't really care. I dislike current-day political liberals slightly more than I dislike Trump, and I'd say the majority of my thoughts are really more against them than pro him. I'm officially bowing out of our little back and forth to try and let this discussion get back on track. Enjoy your last word!

I will. Funny the moment I call out the hypocrisy you want to bow out. I agreed with more republicans in stating he shouldn't be impeached, but I will happily defend myself when attacked . And it's always the same ones who defend him and his policies in every other thread. I am not a trump or Hillary supporter nor have voted for either . I didn't vote for Bernie either . I voted third party for someone who barely got 2 percent of the vote . The silly dichotomy of "if you're not with us you're against us" mentality needs to stop. Most of you can NOT get past this two party mentality .


Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
Funny the moment I call out the hypocrisy you want to bow out.

It wasn't because of you, but because they were wise enough not to escalate this further after being warned. You were not. Please reflect on that.
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