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Supreme Court dismisses Pledge of Allegiance case

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Mumbles said:
Well, no, I'm disagreeing with your premise that God is "the greatest being that can be conceived of". Actually, I'd say that most descriptions of God I've heard aren't even coherent (eg. he's desperate for you to love him but doesn't want to contact you, he's "outside the universe" or "above logic", he loves people but will condemn them to eternal torment, and so forth), so I'm accusing you (well, Anselm) of playing with words in order to get the conclusion he wants.

You can't argue definitions. This is how Anselm defined god. If you'd rather have it called something else, it can be. And all it proves is that the greatest possible being exists. It only proves that the thing that is defined is the case, nothing else. There's nothing about hell or heaven or Jesus or Muhamed or any other specific aspect of any religion.
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