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Sure gay people can get married in Canada, but...

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It's not an issue of forgetting, it's just that until a gay couple tries to get divorced and challenges the wording of the old Act there's really no reason to. The laws regarding divorce are seperate from the ones about marraige.

And speaking of Canadian divorce if my wife fubars 2 of my bittorrent downloads while trying to check her email and accidentally restarts a 80% done 2 gig 'software file' as she did last night lawyers *will* get involved. :|


Frankly I hope they stay married...they go through all this nonsense to get hitched, then decide to seperate six days later? Fuck 'em. They wanna make a farce out of things, then let 'em stay locked forever.
Shinobi said:
Frankly I hope they stay married...they go through all this nonsense to get hitched, then decide to seperate six days later? Fuck 'em. They wanna make a farce out of things, then let 'em stay locked forever.

Kind of like straight couples right?
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