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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please


I saw this in the "7 new things" thread, but thought it deserved it's own. Plus nobody looks there. I don't know about you guys, but I find her credible for some reason. Maybe it's because many things have come true, iduno.

Twenty-five more things.

1) The Gears of War trilogy will be finished on the Xbox 360.
2) IO-Interactive's next Hitman game, tentatively slated for release next summer, is coming to the Wii.
3) The Far Cry franchise is coming to the PS3 courtesy of Ubisoft Montreal.
4) Even though the forthcoming Prince of Persia 4 will probably not be coming to the Wii, the system will receive an "alternate title" in the Prince of Persia franchise,
5) That Resistance: Fall of Man 2 starts in Iceland and ends in Mexico.
6) NBA Ballers 3 (not the final title) will be slam dunking on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in April.
7) Sony Bend is working on a PS3 Syphon Filter title slated for release sometime in 2009.
8) Neither of n-Space's two Wii titles stars a ghost. However, they are even more ambitious than that ghost game and far better. One features a temple level that looks like it was swiped out of Red Steel and the other more ambitious title features an alien reptilian creature who bares quite a resemblance to Ganondorf. I'd be surprised if either sees release before March 2009.
9) Ubisoft will be publishing Soma, the Human Head/Mark Ecko collaboration coming to PS3 and 360 sometime before two years from now, and which I guarantee is way cooler than the overrated Prey.
10) After great success Athens 2004, Eurocom is developing sequel 2008 Beijing Olympics for Sega.
11) That non-Metroid game Retro Studios is working on is a new IP that is not an FPS.
12) Zoonami has a few titles that will be available through WiiWare next year.
13) Q Entertainment is working on WiiWare title or two for release for next year.
14) Space Michael won't be in Space Channel 5 Part 3.
15) ChuChu Rocket! comeback for DS and/or Wii.
16) EA's next-gen snowboarding title that may or may not have SSX in the title is coming next fall, at the same time frame as "the best snowboarding game ever" (or so I'm told numerous times) Shaun White Snowboarding (which is also shredding next-gen systems).
17) Red Steel 2 not before May, with multiplayer and co-op.
18) LEGO Indiana Jones is coming out after or at the same time as Indiana Jones (working title).
19) Yet another Super Monkey Ball game is in the works.
20) Fight Night 2008 is coming to the Wii.
21) Fuse Games + that pink round guy that floats = their next DS title.
22) Super Punch-Out! is coming to Virtual Console next year.
23) Monster Games is developing another game for Nintendo, that is not an Excite Truck sequel.
24) Wii Motor Sports Airplane is a WiiWare title.
25) Mario Superstar Baseball Wii is sliding to home base in the summer.

Bolded those important to me, just cause.

Update about Ubisoft

Disaster: Day of Ubisoft's Wii Problems

Ubisoft Montreuil (not Montreal, it's a place in France where UbiHQ is located) was working on Red Steel 2 for a fall 2007 release date and had the majority of the game finished, until marketing and executive types declared the game to be crap. Because of the declaration, development was transferred to Ubisoft Paris, who has been forced to start work on the title from scratch (for a fall 2008 release), having to redo pretty much everything, and there has been a number of "layoffs." Development on the title has been described as a "not fun."

Also, Nintendo really did not want Rayman Raving Rabbits 2 to come at the same time as Super Mario Galaxy, since their game had a stratosphere of buzz and the limbless guy's popular party might disrupt sales of SMG, Nintendo tried anything they could do to refuse to give their approval; for example, in one instance, they said that one of the clouds in the game was shaped like Pikachu.

November 1, 2007 Update

November first things.

1) Nintendo's new handheld will see release in late 2009.
Although someone emailed me today saying "dudes i gotta a hot scoops on the new nintendo handheld system, it comes out 10/10/2010 and does not have a screen and is codenamed revolution." I'm glad I can get such hot scoops.
2) Something from J.J. Abrams that is not Lost is getting the game treatment.
I'm crossing my fingers for the Felicity MMORPG.
3) Ubisoft Montpelier is working on Beyond Good & Evil 2, Frédérick Raynal's new game (creepy), and an MMO. One of those will see release next year and the other two in 2009.
4) That Red Steel 2 features online play.

UPDATE #1: Howdy again, Ubisoft.

She has those "Update: hi *insert company*"! I'm wondering if that means they contacted her or something after seeing the rumor come up? If so, it almost proves thats its true.

November 3, 2007 Update

For the various people who do not read comments.

There has been quite a few questions asked and I have answered those questions, and those questions get asked again.

1) EA is not working on a console nor is there any plans for such a thing to happen, EA is purely a software company.
2) Lost: The Game is as good, original, and inspired as the Alias game. Super interactive success for Jeffrey Abrams yet again.
3) Rumored new Zelda title for Wii? It's happening. Multiple titles. But the new big, epic Zelda for Wii is probably about two years away.
4) Nintendo is working on 30+ WiiWare titles, including some based off franchises such as Zelda (two games) and Mario.
5) Michael Bay is not directing the Prince of Persia film, though he may serve as producer.
6) The PS3 Far Cry title I discussed is not a port of Far Cry 2.
7) I heard something back in March or April about a Shenmue title for Wii, but I have not heard anything since about it and doubt that there is any truth to that. Despite announcements to the contrary, I've heard from quite a few people that Shenmue III has never actually entered production. To my knowledge, Shenmue Online is the only Shenmue title currently in development.

Some anonymous commenters have said some interesting things as well.
1) Based of my previous experiences with Rudy [Giuliani], the drug allegations are not too far off.
2) WiiWare titles based on DK [and] Metroid are in the works.

There are various other pieces of information in the comments as well that I have not been asked about multiple times after answering.

November 4, 2007 Update

November fourth things.

1) Eden Games is currently working on a new Test Drive title for a release late next year/early 2009 on PS3/360/PC, the game will use the open-world gameplay and online features seen in last year's Test Drive Unlimited.
2) Afrika is a "nonviolent game" with "positive social themes." Something certain to appease those who have always wanted to spell doom to fictional poachers without violence.
3) Three Wario games are in development.
4) Itadaki Street DS will see a release in the states sometime next year.

Also today, I found the greatest game trailer ever.

November 6, 2007 Update

Hot scoops that I have been emailed.

Only edited for capitalization and period placement and they do not have any credibility behind them, but they amused me.
1) A game, not Taxi Driver, based off a Martin Scorsese film is in development. It is based of a film from 1999s.
2) Bob Ross Incorporated is still looking for a development for Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting for the Wii, which has accumulated interest from major publishers such as Sony and Microsoft.
3) A game about ice cream is coming to Wii from Majesco Nintendo.
4) The top-selling game of 2002, Frogger Beyond, is getting a Wii sequel. Also, Columbia is making a game based off Mr. Driller that is written and directed by Academy Award-winner Paul Haggis.
5) I own a day spa in Ohio and I enjoy video games and your blog, I will give a complimentary day pass to my spa. It is critically-acclaimed.

November 7, 2007 Update

Disaster: Days of Ubisoft's Many Problems II

At Ubisoft, all about the editorials. Thing with them is, it is the same people in charge of everything, with power of life or death over any project, overseeing everything as 15 years ago when there was probably five projects going on worldwide. But now there is five times that, and its the same people, stretched thin, so they swoop down every couple of months to see the games and tell the designers to change everything over and over.

Martin Tremblay, former Chief Executive Officer of Ubisoft Montreal (and currently, President of Worldwide Studios at Sierra), did not leave Ubisoft on amicable terms; rather, he was fired or "asked to resign." Most say that he was doing an excellent job; however, Yannis Mallet, at the time a senior producer of the Prince of Persia franchise and it's for-a-time spin-off Assassin's Creed, could not stand Tremblay. Mallet, is [a pretentious and pompous kind and modest] French [man] (an entitlement for better treatment when working for Ubisoft) and his girlfriend at the time was the sister in the Guillemot family. Prior to this, Mallet managed to convince the brother of his girlfriend that he could not work under Tremblay and thus the Ubikings granted him the wish of his own studio in Montreal, which would have been independent from the existing Montreal studio and been directly under Ubisoft Paris. Everyone was told to keep their lips shut about the plan, but somehow word got out about the new studio and shortly after Tremblay resigned.

Also, in late 2005, Ubisoft thought they had a massive hit on their hands with King Kong. The geniuses at the editorial team absolutely loved the lack of HUD in that game and literally shouted "immersion." So they ordered then-unannounced AAA title to be a HUDless FPS. But when Mallet, he personally flew out to Paris to meet with editorial and convince them that they were out of their minds. Mallet was victorious in his campaign to make sure that the then-unannounced AAA title did not inherently suck and make people throw up.

Later in 2006, Ubisoft was the location of mass occurrences of freaking out because a little game called Assassin's Creed was lacking. The game was scheduled for released in March and all they had was a big city where you assassinate nine guys, there was no side quests, no mini games, absolutely nothing else except a complex control scheme that innovated virtual climbing and a ton of animations. Thus lead persons from the team working on a game that was seen to be doing quite well had to be brought in to "make a full game." They game would be delayed for eight months while improvements were done. Next week, for some reason, you will explore some dude's genetic memory using a machine like you never have before. This dude has a bunch of other ancestors that were assassins, expect to virtually experience them as well in a bunch of sequels trilogy.

Most of the design of Red Steel was the result of editorial orders. Editorial, literally, would not let the project out of their sight for a minute. At the end of production, editorial pat itself on the back at the thought that a team finally listened to them.

Tom Clancy has never set foot in Ubisoft's Montreal studio, despite the fact they've made seven or so games that bare his name. The extent the man has to do with the video games that bare his name is putting his name on them and receiving monies, he has no involvement at all in the creative process. In fact, Tom Clancy's name was nowhere to be found early on in the development of Splinter Cell Conviction. That game was delayed because Ubisoft is concerned it is too much like Assassin's Creed in the way it uses "dynamic crowds" and daylight stealth.

Ubiland is devoid of normal productions, rather they are described as trainwrecks and/or nightmares in some capacity.

November 10, 2007 Update

November tenth things.

Now I speak in riddles. Solutions come Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday.

I) Chinese mythology plus steampunk equals sequel from Albertan cubicles.
II) Man, this quest seems to be everlasting, now we are on this third station of play.
III) Deity straight from Timonium loves we.
IV) The one who drives at night, the one who drops explosives in deep valleys in between cliffs, and the defensive structure made from quartz are alive again for this new mode of transport.
V) Before a year hence, sowing knees shall to respond what we wear and the exes and ayes.

Also, go see No Country for Old Men, absolutely amazing film. (I agree)

For those who don't read comments, Vol. II

1) The Jet Moto series is alive in the same way a rock is. Twisted Metal has a future on that new console that ends with a 3.
2) An Animal Crossing MMO would not see release outside of Japan, NoA and NoE are obstinate in only wanting limited online functionality in the title.
3) F-Zero is coming to Wii and possibly, but probably not, being developed by Monster Games (according to someone with a rather legimate email address).
4) A new Skies of Arcadia for the Wii seems to be a yes.
5) No Wave Race, Luigi's Mansion's 2, Excitebike (it's called Nitrobike) or 1080 for Wii. Punch-Out for Wii, if it has gone beyond the prototype that was made last year, is a remake of the original NES title.
6) KHIII, if it is coming out. is definitely coming to the Wii, they need the game's demographics (which lean a bit younger than your average SquareEnix fanboy) to purchase the title. They are Disney, who is co-publishing the title outside of Japan.
7) Sega does not want to bring back Shenmue. If I wanted to see the story conclude, I wouldn't be pushing for a game that probably is not going to happen, I'd be pushing for a graphic novel version (which is far more feasible than another extremely expensive game that would probably not break even).
8) Microsoft is not dropping Rare.
9) Heavy Rain an "adventure game" that features a number of things I've never seen before in a game and it has been in production for at least two years by now..
10) No Wario World sequel.
11) The next KOTOR is being worked on at BioWare, pre-production and some early production has been done internally at LucasArts, though.
12) Nintendo is most likely co-publishing Itadaki Street DS here stateside and the game is almost certainly to get a new name (and I have been told it was Nintendo's idea to release the game outside of Japan). If the game does well, Itadaki Street PSP may be released stateside. It's a Wonderful World is coming stateside next year as well.
13) Next year, I'm looking forward to Brutal Legend, Blocks, LMNO, Alive, Hail to the Chimp, Alan Wake, Prince of Persia, Heavy Rain, fl0wer, Getaway, Duke Nukem Forever (not that I cared for the previous games, but you have to wonder what was done with ten years of development), Max Payne 3, thatgamecompany's third PS3 game, The Outsider, Lego Batman, No More Heroes, Mushroom Men, Spore, as well as I few others I have forgotten.
14) Capcom character could happen in SSBB (I'd say Mega Man, who has his own Wii-exclusive coming next year), but a Square character seems highly unlikely.
15) Ghostbusters game is coming 2009, likely not being developed by ZootFly, and is coming to PS360 and possibly Wii. CONFIRMED
16) Street Fighter IV is 2d/3d/cell-shaded on the PS360.
17) A new PSP is three or four years away
18) BG&E2 is coming is PS360Wii.
19) Activision has a title that supports the Wii Zapper coming in the near future.
20) Factor 5 would like to develop for Wii, but there are not any concrete plans for a title.
I think that covers all of the questions I've been asked too often.

Also, NeoGAFers, excellent job paraphrasing that which I did not say, a hypothetical is by no means a definite statement.

November 11, 2007 Update

November eleventh things.

Solutions to yesterday's things.
I) Jade Empire II is a mix between steampunk and Chinese mythology
II) Everquest is coming to PS3
III) Big Huge Games Wii title is God the Game
IV) Night Driver, Canyon Bomber, and Crystal Castles are coming back as downloadable titles
V) In the next year, Sony will announce and make available its answer to XNA and WiiWare.

1) The game counterpart of the 2009 Tom Hanks/Steven Spielberg HBO miniseries The Pacific (the follow-up to 2001's Band of Brothers) is being developed by Delirious Games, who has not even announced a game prior to landing this license and I had never heard until yesterday, for PC/PS3/360. It is a third-person shooter with "innovative features." Concept art for the title can be found at the developer's site.
2) थे लेवेल्स इन ********** **, इन आर्डर व्हिच थे ओक्कुर, अरे: आइसलैंड (फेअतुरेस मच बॉस बत्तले), उ.एस. शोरेलिने*, उ.एस. देफेंसेस* (बॉस बत्तले इन व्हिच यू देफेंद बिग बेर्त्हस), सं फ्रांसिस्को (तकेस प्लेस अत अ कॉलेज, बॉस बत्तले अगेंस्ट अ लॉट ऑफ़ तितंस), रेद्वूड्स* (बॉस बत्तले अगेंस्ट अ बुंच ऑफ़ स्ताल्केर्स), लॉगिंग कैंप*, फर्म्तोवं उ.एस.अ., बद्लान्ड्स* (बॉस बत्तले अगेंस्ट अ बुंच ऑफ़ गोलिअथ्स), चिकागो* (बॉस बत्तले अगेंस्ट अ लेविअथान), लुइसियाना ऎंड मेक्सिको* (चिमेरण फ्लीट कवर थे युकातन). थे लास्ट लीन इन थे गेम इस "ओह, सहित..." अस्तेरिस्क्स इन्दिकाते मुल्तिप्लायेर मप्स।

November 12, 2007 Update

..snip..took out a bunch of parody junk

Also, below is the English version of the text found in Hindi in yesterday's post:
Spoiler warning for Resistance II (the ending ruined):
The levels in Resistance II, in order which they occur, are: Iceland (features Mech boss battle), U.S. Shoreline*, U.S. Defenses* (boss battle in which you defend Big Berthas), San Francisco (takes place at a college, boss battle against a lot of Titans), Redwoods* (boss battle against a bunch of stalkers), Logging Camp*, Farmtown U.S.A., Badlands* (boss battle against a bunch of Goliaths), Chicago* (boss battle against a Leviathan), Louisiana and Mexico* (Chimeran fleet cover the Yucatan). The game ends with the portal opening through which the "true chimera" arrive and the last line in the game is "oh, shit..." Asterisks indicate multiplayer maps.

Too bad I don't have the screens I saw from a very early version of the game from back in May, made those screens from an early version of the next PoP look like the Final Fantasy film.

November 13, 2007 Update

November thirteenth things.

1) Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer continues two things from Fahrenheit, the player plays as multiple characters and levels and areas players
have access are incredibly small, thus the game looks amazing and much effort is made to highlight even the finest details.
2) Tigon Games [Vin Diesel's "game production company"] has announced six games, but only three games have come to light, do the other games exist?
Beyond concept art and a prototype, no. Tigon only handles the creative side of things and outsources development to other studios. The Wheelman is, at earliest, nine months away, it has been pushed back from early next year for "expansion" (which I'm fairly certain is a codeword for "avoiding making a pretty version of DRIV3R").
3) Indiana Jones has "a brand new development team on board" and is "back on track." I now understand why someone who was working on the title was a bit nervous when I talked about it with them a few months back.
4) Rent-A-Hero No. 1 will be available on XBLA (on Microsoft's Xbox 1 game download service) next year. I recommend picking that one up.

UPDATE: Some guy at some website I never heard of throws a whinefest about how he never gets anything exclusive, how he cannot comprehend sarcasm, and how I am an evil, no good Satanist, all in the name of ad revenue or puppies and sunflower seeds or something. He is super credible man who submits the articles he writes to Digg. Fallacious, logically (and factually) erroneous beings go party tonight at the mansion. I'm officially amused.

Also, also, why do I find Super Mario Sunshine more innovative than Super Mario Galaxy?

November 15, 2007 Update

Disaster Ubisoft with a Vengeance: Give Assassin's Creed Amazing Reviews or Die Hard

From an email I received today:

Here's how Ubisoft deals with criticism:

A certain British gaming website had praised Assassin's Creed since it was announced. They'd run previews, interviews, did a lot to hype the game. When they played the final built, they finally realized it wasn't that great, so it got a 7/10. But instead of acknowledging AC's mistakes, Ubisoft got furious, pulled all ads from the site and cancelled all placed orders (mid five figures) indefinitely. A planned live interview with Jade Raymond isn't going to happen either. According to Ubisoft everything would have been fine though, if the site had just put an 8 instead of a 7 under the same text.
I wonder how they'll score Ubisoft's next game...

From a comment today by Kirolos that contained an email that the he received:

I got this information from a freelancer, but it is so obvious.

Two Belgian and one Dutch magazine who gives it fucking high scores and are on the covers of the game. You know like this: "This is truly next gen - OPM".

The magazine I have a problem with is Official Playstation Magazine Benelux.

They could make as one of the first magazines a review of it and are on the cover of the game.

The game gets an avarage score on gamerankings of 84% how is this possible? When the same magazine gives COD 93% Why did they give less than Assasin? Because Ubisoft would be mad then.

Say to her that I will trust her if she knows information about it! THiS HAS TO STOP. AND I DON'T CARE if a magazine from my country will be shown so bad like this on the internet because this HAS TO STOP.

Oh man I am mad.

You are right in your anger, there should be ethics in video game journalism.
Gears 2/3 on 360 ftw!

Good to hear the next Hitman is soon, such an amazing series.

And i'll bite on anything Far Cry, I hope that 2 comes to PC/360 (rumoured from some shops release list) and the PS3 gets some old-skool Far Cry love with the jungle setting (not that either shouldn't be on all 3 platforms)

Chu Chu Rocket! NEEDS to be on XBLA as well, that would be so amazing.


Why would MS want GoW 3 on the 360? Are they getting out of the console game? You'd think they would do something similar to what they did with Halo and use part three to boost sales of their next console.
4) Even though the forthcoming Prince of Persia 4 will probably not be coming to the Wii, the system will receive an "alternate title" in the Prince of Persia franchise,
8) Neither of n-Space's two Wii titles stars a ghost. However, they are even more ambitious than that ghost game and far better. One features a temple level that looks like it was swiped out of Red Steel and the other more ambitious title features an alien reptilian creature who bares quite a resemblance to Ganondorf. I'd be surprised if either sees release before March 2009.
17) Red Steel 2 not before May, with multiplayer and co-op.
18) LEGO Indiana Jones is coming out after or at the same time as Indiana Jones (working title).
19) Yet another Super Monkey Ball game is in the works.
20) Fight Night 2008 is coming to the Wii.
23) Monster Games is developing another game for Nintendo, that is not an Excite Truck sequel.
24) Wii Motor Sports Airplane is a WiiWare title.
25) Mario Superstar Baseball Wii is sliding to home base in the summer.

wow. I hope so. >_>


bcn-ron said:
Why not use the correct name for the sequel, "Resistance: Rise Of Man"?

According to Surfer Girl's old posting:
Insomniac Games is indeed developing Resistance: Fall of Man 2 (no, not Rise of Man, as some people have created) tentatively scheduled for release next November. Aside from the first and last level, the game takes place entirely in the United States, where someone who may or may not be Sgt. Nathan Hale (who plays a role in the story) has to deal with the Chimeran invasion of the US in nine locales such as San Francisco and Chicago. And there is a cliffhanger ending that sets up for a third title. Vehicles will be included in multiplayer this time around, one will be able to take to the sky with three new vehicles or boogie it down on the ground with the three vehicles from the first game's Campaign.

UPDATE #1: Note the word tentatively. Also, hello Insomniac Games.

UPDATE #2: As I told GameSpot, "I don't want to ruin a title a year before it comes out." GameSpot, I did not say that any levels took place in England, although, the first level takes place on a country on the same continent and the last level takes place in a country on the same continent as the United States.

MrTroubleMaker said:
probably, and doesn't surf either..

I cant wait to here official info on RFOM2 :)

Another old post says:
1) What differentiates you from that Bryce dude at rumorreporter.com?
Many, many things. He is guy, he does not surf (probably). He is obviously not "in the know" and obviously is not an industry insider. He does not know what he is talking about very often. His source is the NeoGAF forums.


Jamesfrom818 said:
Its a First Person Adventure!


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
6) NBA Ballers 3 (not the final title) will be slam dunking on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in April.
25) Mario Superstar Baseball Wii is sliding to home base in the summer.

trying. too. hard.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I really can't see Sega greenlighting Space Channel 5 Part 3, despite their current nostalgia trip. That's A LOT of development, for very little return.

I can't even seen them, or even Mizuguchi, being able to assemble a team to do it these days.
Nash said:
I really can't see Sega greenlighting Space Channel 5 Part 3, despite their current nostalgia trip. That's A LOT of development, for very little return.

I can't even seen them, or even Mizuguchi, being able to assemble a team to do it these days.

They got Seaman 2 out the door. Space Channel 5 Part 3 could happen.


titiklabingapat said:
StarCraft two. I will buy a PS3 if they release starcraft 2 with mouse and keyboard support.

yea hell yea :D

but i was reffering to resistance having starship trooper battles and gore...but i wouldn't mind a starship troopers game on ps3 :O


Jealous Bastard
new retro ip should be interesting, if true. i wonder if it'll be straight from fresh, new gameplay concepts, or if it'll be a new ip in the vein of bioware's transition from kotor --> mass effect, i.e., obvious connections between the two games


6) NBA Ballers 3 (not the final title) will be slam dunking on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in April.
Hopefully it's a step forward for the gameplay engine, unlike the second game which was a step back. Oh, and they need on fire music that doesn't suck.

9) Ubisoft will be publishing Soma, the Human Head/Mark Ecko collaboration coming to PS3 and 360 sometime before two years from now, and which I guarantee is way cooler than the overrated Prey.

Hopefully Marc Ecko has a light touch on that one.

13) Q Entertainment is working on WiiWare title or two for release for next year.

That could be interesting.

20) Fight Night 2008 is coming to the Wii.
No surprise there. Boxing is up there with light sabers on the "Duh, this obviously could make an awesome Wii game" scale. Speaking of which...

22) Super Punch-Out! is coming to Virtual Console next year.

...this is great and all, but come on Nintendo, where's my new Punch-Out?

24) Wii Motor Sports Airplane is a WiiWare title.
I was just wondering what came of this last week.


The Amiga Brotherhood
19) Yet another Super Monkey Ball game is in the works.

Hopefully this will be "Super Monkey Ball: Sorry For Completely Fucking Up The Multiplayer Games This Time We'll Do It In-House Edition"


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I also believe the blog is credible, but it seems so unlikely that one person could know so many corp. secrets about so many different companies.

Maybe a member of the press?
Disaster: Day of Ubisoft's Wii Problems

Ubisoft Montreuil was working on Red Steel 2 for a fall 2007 release date and had the majority of the game finished, until marketing and executive types declared the game to be crap. Because of the declaration, development was transferred to Ubisoft Paris, who has been forced to start work on the title from scratch (for a fall 2008 release), having to redo pretty much everything, and there has been a number of "layoffs." Development on the title has been described as a "not fun."

Also, Nintendo really did not want Rayman Raving Rabbits 2 to come at the same time as Super Mario Galaxy, since their game had a stratosphere of buzz and the limbless guy's popular party might disrupt sales of SMG, Nintendo tried anything they could do to refuse to give their approval; for example, in one instance, they said that one of the clouds in the game was shaped like Pikachu.


shagg_187 said:
Disaster: Day of Ubisoft's Wii Problems

Ubisoft Montreal was working on Red Steel 2 for a fall 2007 release date and had the majority of the game finished, until marketing and executive types declared the game to be crap. Because of the declaration, development was transferred to Ubisoft Paris, who has been forced to start work on the title from scratch (for a fall 2008 release), having to redo pretty much everything, and there has been a number of "layoffs." Development on the title has been described as a "not fun."

Also, Nintendo really did not want Rayman Raving Rabbits 2 to come at the same time as Super Mario Galaxy, since their game had a stratosphere of buzz and the limbless guy's popular party might disrupt sales of SMG, Nintendo tried anything they could do to refuse to give their approval; for example, in one instance, they said that one of the clouds in the game was shaped like Pikachu.

wtf is this? she just took away a piece of my trust. Pikachu cloud? OP updated.

Also, so much detail on Ubisoft...Surfer Girl = Jade Raymond confirmed.


The Amiga Brotherhood
shagg_187 said:
Disaster: Day of Ubisoft's Wii Problems

Ubisoft Montreal was working on Red Steel 2 for a fall 2007 release date and had the majority of the game finished, until marketing and executive types declared the game to be crap. Because of the declaration, development was transferred to Ubisoft Paris, who has been forced to start work on the title from scratch (for a fall 2008 release), having to redo pretty much everything, and there has been a number of "layoffs." Development on the title has been described as a "not fun."

Also, Nintendo really did not want Rayman Raving Rabbits 2 to come at the same time as Super Mario Galaxy, since their game had a stratosphere of buzz and the limbless guy's popular party might disrupt sales of SMG, Nintendo tried anything they could do to refuse to give their approval; for example, in one instance, they said that one of the clouds in the game was shaped like Pikachu.

I find it hard to believe Nintendo would be worried about Raving Rabbits 2, especially where SMG is concerned. Let alone try and deliberately hold back it's release.

Red Steel 2 being shit though is quite easy to believe ;)
I e-mailed Surfer Girl about Sega doing Daytona USA 3, and she said that she heard nothing. However, she did say that Sega Racing Studio is doing two projects: another Sega Rally game, and something that she called "stylish": I'm assuming that the latter is a street racer of some sort...


ferrarimanf355 said:
I e-mailed Surfer Girl about Sega doing Daytona USA 3, and she said that she heard nothing. However, she did say that Sega Racing Studio is doing two projects: another Sega Rally game, and something that she called "stylish": I'm assuming that the latter is a street racer of some sort...
Email her about Initial D as well. I love Sega to death, but some of their decisions are really WTF? Out of all their racing titles, they resurrect Sega Rally. Why couldn't they have brought Initial D next gen + online or Daytona + online? Those two games would rape. I would love an arcade perfect version of either of those two racers.
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