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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please


Incredibly Naive
MirageDwarf said:

Cmon read my post below, she was wrong about sony's presence at GDC AND microsofts, at least so far. Also if you read back a bit she sways, saying dead rising is multiplat then later to say it's exclusive. She also says no matter what people say there is NO juno game... wasn't there one recently announced?


:lol :lol :lol

Jocchan said:

If only there were another kill bill though
msdstc said:
Cmon read my post below, she was wrong about sony's presence at GDC AND microsofts, at least so far. Also if you read back a bit she sways, saying dead rising is multiplat then later to say it's exclusive. She also says no matter what people say there is NO juno game... wasn't there one recently announced?
I'm reading her rumors just for fun. I don't take everything seriously.

Regarding Juno, there is no Juno game. It was error in reporting. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3166099


What's interesting is that, unless I'm a clueless dolt and have missed some announcements, the only GDC-related rumors she was right about was the EA Tiburon DS title and Gears of War 2.

Can anyone post up what she said in the comments section a while ago about the games that'd be at GDC (both unedited and edited)? I might go ahead and add that to my thread when I update it in a few days after GDC is over.
MidnightScott said:
She's posts so much junk, has anyone actually compiled a list of what she has said that came true?

I have.


If you let me throw out about 40 random predictions about the Gaming Industry, I could be right on about 5-10 of them. That would make me more accurate than Surfer Girl. Now you all can call me Little Surfer Boy!

Honestly, I think she/he may know someone in the industry that gives him/her a few tips, but most if it seems like speculation since it has turned out false.
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