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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please

Am I the only one who thinks Surfergirl or Skaterboi are simply tools from publisher's publisists?

Just like the 360 stuff that was most definetly leaked on purpose before the reveal?

I'm just saying this can't be one guy or girl working for a company started to leak stuff just for kicks and giggles.


The Bookerman said:
Am I the only one who thinks Surfergirl or Skaterboi are simply tools from publisher's publisists?

Just like the 360 stuff that was most definetly leaked on purpose before the reveal?

I'm just saying this can't be one guy or girl working for a company started to leak stuff just for kicks and giggles.

Maybe, but she has been pretty harsh talking about Ubisoft's management and lack of innovation. She seems to know a lot about all of the first parties, and she'll comment on info from any publisher. For every post that is useful to publishers, there's probably 20 that they wouldn't want the public to know about.



SurferGirl said:
1) Next year's Star Wars MMO, not being developed by BioWare or Sony Online Entertainment, will launch simultaneously for PC and consoles alongside the debut of the first Star Wars TV series in fall 2009, of which the storylines of the game will tie into. Those Artistic Lucases already have a second online title planned that I've heard has nothing to do with Star Wars.
2) Road to Sunday - football + Grand Theft Auto = one bizarre game called This Is Vegas
3) Yeah, Boom Blox is not only as amazing as it looks, but is this year's best third-party Wii game. If you have a Wii and like puzzle games, Mark Mothersbaugh, and/or content sharing, I recommend playing this.
4) That Shrek game is a music game, an absurd music game.

Meh. I suppose every post can't be a winner.


BelligerentOC said:
Duck, what about rumors in the comments too?
The thing is, it'd take forever and be a sincere pain in the ass to compile everything. Not to mention most of the answers to questions/rumors are silly things like "is Halo Wars going to be at GDC" (she said "yes") and "is KH3 on NP's cover" (answer's "no"). And even then you have to differentiate between things that could serve as hard rumors and things which can't and won't be verifiable. Things like "Is ____ coming to 360" and "Any news if ____ is coming to PS3" with the answers being "possibly" and "no" respectively can't be proven wrong or right. The few things that can be proven right or wrong are rumors like "(paraphrased:) Twisted Metal PS3 is on PSN in 2009," which is rather obvious.

So long story short: I'm not sure I want to undertake such an endeavor. I know you guys usually read the comments and pluck out the juiciest rumors, so whenever that happens I'll add it to the OP... but for now, I'm probably not going to mess with it.


Duck said:
So long story short: I'm not sure I want to undertake such an endeavor. I know you guys usually read the comments and pluck out the juiciest rumors, so whenever that happens I'll add it to the OP... but for now, I'm probably not going to mess with it.

Without being melodramatic, such a thing would drive you mad. It's probably easier to concentrate on the larger stuff. Some of her more controversial posts such as Far Cry2 on consoles looking like crap and Killzone2 can probably be confirmed or denied pretty easily as the year progesses and we learn more about these titles.

And with GDC around the corner, we're probably going to see half of these insider fall by the wayside anyway.


butthurt Heat fan
SolidSnakex said:
Why is anyone surprised by this? Did people forget that they actually made a game out of Napoleon Dynamite?
I'm suprised some people purchased that game! :kittonwyindifferent.jpg:


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
pswii60 said:
I want the Old Skool Piano House edition. Let me see those pianos in the air!

I'd buy that in a heartbeat...

:starts humming the riff from Manix - 88 to Piano


I think this Indiana Dunes guy reads GAF

Note to forumites. This is a rumor blog. Obviously. That doesn't mean I spend my time on this blog trying to reverse-engineer faeces and extract the micturation out of you fellow visitors. I work in the game industry, and just like many insiders in any industry, I have industry friends, colleagues, ex colleagues and acquaintances. These are obviously my sources. Some of these work directly within certain developers or publishers, some work in the media. Often I get news and info directly from the horse's mouth, sometimes it's from a source of a source. However, I will only post stuff if its from a reliable source, or a reliable source of a reliable source. The more you know and all that. Just enjoy the fact that I bother and make the effort to share this info with you.
1. Microsoft has been planning several new internal games development studios. Don Mattrick is using his 25+ years experience in the industry (and EA) to literally start a staple of studios from scratch. Think Turn10 multiplied. A good time for graduates and talented individuals looking for jobs in the industry.
2. On a completely related note, EA Tiburon's corporately-frustrated David Ortiz has left to work for MS with Don.
Why the hell would MS want to start studios from scratch!? Bullshit.


pswii60 said:
Why the hell would MS want to start studios from scratch!? Bullshit.

Why wouldn't they?

Doesn't mean it would have rookies in them...Would be exciting to see, at last, some changes in MS shitty philosophy of quick sand.
1. Microsoft has been planning several new internal games development studios. Don Mattrick is using his 25+ years experience in the industry (and EA) to literally start a staple of studios from scratch. Think Turn10 multiplied. A good time for graduates and talented individuals looking for jobs in the industry.
2. On a completely related note, EA Tiburon's corporately-frustrated David Ortiz has left to work for MS with Don.

The first one is an excellent idea, gives them no pressure to produce and hopefully they'll make something good. Its a great thing for MS to do. As someone who loved the Xbox and loves the Xbox 360, its something I definately want to see from them, I mean buying loads of devs is a good idea too but they need to keep making money and this is the best way to make that happen.

And I really wouldn't be surprised by that either. "Corpotately-frustrated" ...Microsoft... a bit weird but Microsoft like EA (or ex-EA) employees so... :p


WrikaWrek said:
Why wouldn't they?

Doesn't mean it would have rookies in them...Would be exciting to see, at last, some changes in MS shitty philosophy of quick sand.

Because it would make more sense for them to acquire smaller studios than start from scratch. Turn 10, for example, wasn't completely starting from scratch as much of the team had already worked on PGR2 with Bizarre.


pswii60 said:
Why the hell would MS want to start studios from scratch!? Bullshit.

In a way, it makes sense. They get to make a network of studios that will be able to deliver the content that they need for the 360. Starting the studios from scratch means they will have total control over what they the studios will be and what they will develop. Much in way Turn10 was created and specializes in driving games.

I have no doubt that people want MS to have a first party set up with the scope and variety of output and talent to rival Sony's (and Nintendo as well I suppose, but frankly, considering it took Sony ten years plus to put together their stable of studios. I really don't see MS or the 360 audience having the patience to wait that long.

I have no doubt Mattrick talks a good game, but it's clear for all to see that MS, despite their wealth and resource, aren't that interested in first party gaming apart from a core set of titles and studios.
pswii60 said:
Because it would make more sense for them to acquire smaller studios than start from scratch. Turn 10, for example, wasn't completely starting from scratch as much of the team had already worked on PGR2 with Bizarre.

There are distinct advantages to starting something from scratch as opposed to aquiring a company. You get to fine tune the structure of the company before letting them loose to do their thing.

When you acquire a company you often get some undesirable baggage(ie shitty people to work with), which you have to suck up because you can never be sure that the company will continue to work if you trim it out. It's not always the best choice.


wayward archer said:
There are distinct advantages to starting something from scratch as opposed to aquiring a company. You get to fine tune the structure of the company before letting them loose to do their thing.

When you acquire a company you often get some undesirable baggage(ie shitty people to work with), which you have to suck up because you can never be sure that the company will continue to work if you trim it out. It's not always the best choice.

Yep, always good to get rid of dead wood.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Looks like Indiana Dunes blog just closed. I saw it collapse in front of my own eyes a minute ago.

It started with post dated April 1, which said something to the effect of "HAAHAHAHA, I made all this up, I laugh at all of you believing this crap spouted on my blog as well as surfer, skater, dancer, etc blogs"

Then I refreshed again, and now there's nothing posted anymore:


Marconelly said:
Looks like Indiana Dunes blog just closed. I saw it collapse in front of my own eyes a minute ago.

It started with post dated April 1, which said something to the effect of "HAAHAHAHA, I made all this up, I laugh at all of you believing this crap spouted on my blog as well as surfer, skater, dancer, etc..."

I refreshed again, and now there's nothing posted anymore:

I was about to post the very same thing. I think with GDC around the corner we're going to see alot of these blogs going the way of flesh.

Interestingly, the last rumour he posted was the post about Don Mattrick going to start a whole raft of new studios for MS.


pswii60 said:
Because it would make more sense for them to acquire smaller studios than start from scratch. Turn 10, for example, wasn't completely starting from scratch as much of the team had already worked on PGR2 with Bizarre.

Acquire who? There's no one left :lol

MS pushed themselfs into a corner. Now they are in the shit zone. :lol


Domino Theory said:
Remedy, Realtime Worlds, and the Offset team, to name a few.

I'm surprised they haven't acquired PopCap, to help towards Internet presence and XBLA (and future Zune games?)

Marconelly said:
Looks like Indiana Dunes blog just closed. I saw it collapse in front of my own eyes a minute ago.

It started with post dated April 1, which said something to the effect of "HAAHAHAHA, I made all this up, I laugh at all of you believing this crap spouted on my blog as well as surfer, skater, dancer, etc blogs"

Then I refreshed again, and now there's nothing posted anymore:

Wierd, seems to have turned in to Surfer Girl now.
Skater Boy just put up a long post re: KH III

I'd like to address the uproar I've seen in a few different places over my comments regarding Kingdom Hearts III. This hasn't come up amongst my comments much, so this isn't so much directed there, as much as it is at a few forums where I've seen discussion about my statements.

Now certainly, I do not at all object to people questioning or disbelieving or even completely disregarding my statements. I don't expect to be believed unquestioningly by all because indeed, I am merely a humble blogger sharing info that I cannot rightly prove to be true. I rather encourage all of my readers to think for themselves, and to only believe me if they personally choose to do so. So, this not me being upset at people who don't believe my info. This is just a follow-up to and expansion of my original story, for those who want more info.

Let me begin by saying that what I was told about the plans for the game, I was told a number of months ago. Things may have changed since then, certainly. This game is a long ways off; it's only in the planning stages at the moment. Any and everything about it could change between now and the time it enters actual production. So could market conditions.

But I maintain that what I said is true. I was told, by an involved party, that the current target platform for Kingdom Hearts III (as in "III," and not a spin-off) is the Nintendo Wii. This is due to one thing, predominantly: demographics. Yes, Kingdom Hearts has most certainly attracted a considerable following of those who can't count their age on all of their digits combined. Yes, Disney and Square-Enix know this. But the fact is, this is still a franchise targeted most squarely at 9-to-14-year-olds. And at this moment, the Wii is far and away the top performer among this age group.

Disney (whose interest and investment in the property is at an all-time high) wants this game marketed to and targeted at the largest audience possible, while keeping it on one of the three new systems, and they've decided that the Wii is the system to do this on. Disney feels absolutely no loyalty whatsoever to Sony (or anyone else) or the PlayStation family. They know they've got a hot property here, and they are not letting anything stand in the way of taking it as far as possible. As of right now, they don't think that the PlayStation 3 is the platform that will facilitate this.

That so many found this such an outrageous idea really surprises me. This isn't about personal preference, or what system you personally think is the best, and most certainly, none of this story has anything at all to do with me or my feelings. This is about demographics and marketing, and what Disney feels will allow this series to go as far as it can. So, I repeat: I have been told that Disney wants Kingdom Hearts III on the Nintendo Wii.

Anyways, enough of this. We now return to our irregularly scheduled program...

- This all reminds me that plans for an animated Kingdom Hearts project are not necessarily permanently scrapped, just way on the back burner for now.

- For the few people out there who are wondering and looking for closure, it seems as though the long-dormant plans for a North American release of Nintendo's bit Generations series have completely disintegrated. Pity.

- Capcom does have plans for a North American release of Kabu Trader Shun; expect it to be branded as "Ace Stock Trader.

Definitely interested in Ace Stock Trader :)


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου


Domino Theory said:
Remedy, Realtime Worlds, and the Offset team, to name a few.

Remedy? Somehow i doubt Remedy would let. Realtime worlds was formed just recently, i doubt they want to be bought already.

The offset team, what's the difference between buying them or making a new team from scratch.

Just because you make team from scratch doesn't mean you're gonna get rookies, get some talent from other studios.

I hope it happens, Mattrick knows his shit, and 1st party MS should be divided by categories.

They already have RARE, Lionhead, Turn10, Ensemble, Wingnut interactive. Now they should form studios to work on new high profile ips for MS, and also XBLA.


Microsoft's current strategy of buying exclusivity for 3rd party developed games is superior to outright buying the codehouses. When you buy a studio you are purchasing their IP's and technologies, not the staff, ...and more often than not when a company does get bought out people start looking for other jobs. If you're not buying the talent, what's the point?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
New DQ post:

Obama Dances Through Weekend Primaries
1) Sonic, who definitely cannot dance, has a hit on his hands with his Bioware RPG. It's really shaping up and is quite impressive. I've also heard that classic stages from various Sonic games might make an appearance as minigame stages...those potential minigames might have some interesting twists applied.
2) Square-Enix is getting ready to show off DQIX by the middle of this year, possibly at E3. There have been massive changes since the last time we saw it, but its rocky development is coming together at last.
3) One title we should be seeing an announcement for quite soon is Jade Cocoon 3, which Genki have been working on quietly for several years now. The title was originally slated to be a PS2 title, but Genki has several other platforms in mind now.
4) Ninja Gaiden II development is coming along well. Itagaki was personally offended by people suggesting the game looked too similar to NG1. Some levels that have yet to be revealed to the public are absolutely gorgeous...and there is a new weapon that will really blow your mind.
5)"I've heard from some sources that SSBB's network performance has been very well received at Nintendo, and the netcode team is now working hard on Animal Crossing Wii.

You keep on dancing....

btw skater boi's kh3 babble reads like a sales-age post mixed with some dreaming. The wii is the top performer in like every group, forget just the KH demographic.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Y2Kev said:
btw skater boi's kh3 babble reads like a sales-age post mixed with some dreaming. The wii is the top performer in like every group, forget just the KH demographic.

suferboy strikes me as the most obvious fraud out of the 3.


More shit from the made up crazy bitch.

1) Despite few signs of the first game being near completion, Microsoft is so confident about Too Human that they gave Silicon Knights the greenlight to commence work on Two Human (not the real title) last fall. Microsoft expects Two Human to go into full production by fall. Apparently, Microsoft is crazy enough to believe Dyack will have this baby ready in 2010.
2) Dyack's scary baby with Sega named The Crucible: Evil Within or something, scheduled for birth next year, could not be anymore dissimilar to Too Human and is more akin to their perpetual gloom simulator.
3) Someone informs "a certain 80s rocker wants to approach Activision about hosting a Guitar Hero TV show, and has talked to a big name for help." All signs point to that certain 80s rocker being Bret Michaels and apparently this big name turned him down.
4) Iron Lore's new title, originally scheduled for release in the first few months of 2009, has been dropped by THQ, leaving the Maynard-based studio to search for a new home. A neoteric informant describes it "Titan Quest meets God of War meets Oblivion" and calls it "fantastic."


Also, Far Cry 2 is the first-person shooter of the year (sorry, Resistance 2)...sorry about that person doubting you. The console versions are definitely not Far Cry 2 Instincts, there is very little compromise in anything other than graphics. Better than Crysis and the first Far Cry, best first-person title since BioShock (sorry, Clint), best thing to come out of Ubi Montreal since Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time. Trailer should be coming very, very soon. More on this some other time, perhaps.



Jealous Bastard
that's a bold statement. i mean, not that she has to stand behind it being anonymous and everything, but my fingers are crossed that it's 100% true. particularly piqued my interest with that sands of time comment.


evlcookie said:
Wasnt far cry 2 up shit creek not too long ago and now its the best fps of the year...
According to her rumors, it was the Far Cry 2 Instincts that was a mess, which was scrapped in favor of a direct port of the PC version, though only ubi people would know how true that is.


yoopoo said:
2) Dyack's scary baby with Sega named The Crucible: Evil Within or something, scheduled for birth next year, could not be anymore dissimilar to Too Human and is more akin to their perpetual gloom simulator.
Oh God I hope so.


MirageDwarf said:
She/he is going to GDC. More spicy rumors incoming...

GDC nullifies Surfergirl and Co - by no means does it make them more exciting for me. Unambiguous and authoritative information about *insert game* handily beats endlessly repeated slivers of hopefulness and microns of very dubious info about *insert game*.


Aaron said:
According to her rumors, it was the Far Cry 2 Instincts that was a mess, which was scrapped in favor of a direct port of the PC version, though only ubi people would know how true that is.

Again. Stuff she hears from friends and associates is probably sound. Anything that she gets e-mailled to her from her 'sources' and you can take it as a 50% hit rate at best.

Surfer Girl's average 'hit rate' for accurate rumours is plumeting with every update of her blog. This is reflected in the popularity of this very thread. It hasn't been touched in weeks.

Now begins SG's journey to Internet obscurity.


theBishop said:
Maybe, but she has been pretty harsh talking about Ubisoft's management and lack of innovation. She seems to know a lot about all of the first parties, and she'll comment on info from any publisher. For every post that is useful to publishers, there's probably 20 that they wouldn't want the public to know about.

telling bad things about ubi doesn't mean she's not from eanother publisher.


Shinblade said:
So.... If Surfer girl is so hooked up... why not a single mention of anything happening at GDC?
Maybe there is nothing happening right now? She called the the EA Tiburon DS game that was just announced, by the way.


Incredibly Naive
Shinblade said:
So.... If Surfer girl is so hooked up... why not a single mention of anything happening at GDC?

She just spread a whole BUNCH of shit, that just has yet to come true so far. She claimed infamous, motorstorm 2, killzone 2, resistance 2, LBP, and more were guaranteed to be there. She also claimed alan wake, halo wars, and too human which was supposed to be the most impressive according to her.
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