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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please

Doc Evils

ram said:
so much bullshit now - with surfergirl it was one (who has yet to be proven 100% correct), but now with all the other fakes...ugh...maybe this thread should be closed for good.

Surfergirl is the worset thing to happen to gaming.


If the fighting game is real, isn't that what people have been talking about for years now? The concept of a realistic fighter along the lines of that I mean. It could be great if it is pulled off right.


Stormbringer said:
Well, first there was...

and this...

...and now some people are already like "OH NOES" or "OH YES"...So I thought that they had a kind of pseudo-confirmation from a random source that started this rumour. Not that I intended to propagate or even believe this rumour anyway. Simple curiosity.

Zeitgeister -> Yup, that's what I thought.

Oh sorry, I wasn't serious when I made the Wii edit. ^.^

WrikaWrek said:
I heard about this game...shhhhh, goddamnit keep it quiet.

I'll tell you all about it...once it gets announced.

Are you teasing or... I liked some of the ideas though it seemed more like a person's brainfart about a game he'd like to make.

With ´Tekken and such it would be neat if a fighter actually tried to go "next" gen for once.

WrikaWrek said:
"The exclusive that you are dying to know has been on the PS3 for ages, nope I ain't talking about MGS4 here, the game has been in development since like forever and was showcased as a genre defining on PS3 title at one point, but Sony seems to have completely forgotten to provide sufficient dev support, so the company knocked on Microsoft's doors who are pretty impressed with the project and are trying to bail them out of the mess Sony created..."

From Skaterboy blog in the comments section

"its something like "the crossing" or in better words something very similar to the agency being developed on the PS3, the thing is that after NCsoft got onto the PS3 bandwagon Sony completely forgot about the studio which was one of the teams working on the online front, so now MS is pumping in the money to bring on this game onto their platform...."

I have no freaking idea what game this is.

Little Big Planet? oO I can't think of any genre defining PS3 titles, especially not MMO like, which SCE has showcased (in public).
Has SCE even dealt with MMOs? Apart from Home I've only heard about MMOs from SE, SOE and NCsoft.

Could also be a title looking for a publisher and never managed to get picked up by SCE (dev support = $$?).
charlequin said:

So every time someone finds a rumor on these blogs that they think could be true, they start a new thread "omg omg megaton!"? It's better to keep all this shit in one thread, people who like reading this can read it, others can learn the difficult skill of not clicking the thread.


The Orange said:
So every time someone finds a rumor on these blogs that they think could be true, they start a new thread "omg omg megaton!"? It's better to keep all this shit in one thread, people who like reading this can read it, others can learn the difficult skill of not clicking the thread.

Exactly, in here we know what we are getting - Rumors!
If you cant handle rumors and don't have a big pack of salt perhaps this thread isn't for you...


The Orange said:
So every time someone finds a rumor on these blogs that they think could be true, they start a new thread "omg omg megaton!"? It's better to keep all this shit in one thread, people who like reading this can read it, others can learn the difficult skill of not clicking the thread.

Whether you like it or not, she has gotten several things right. I'd love to see any one of you reveal the entire Resistance 2 plot months before the game is even announced.

I really don't get the hate for him/her – it's like a daily Quartermann. Sure, (s)he might get some things wrong, but (s)he's also gotten more than enough things right to prove (s)he's legit. You don't like this thread? Stay out of it.
Johnas said:
I missed this one before. I loved Mark of Kri, Rise of the Kasai not so much. I bet this would look really nice as a next-gen title.

It'd be strange if they made it since while Sony San Diego did create it, the people that made it left and formed Bottlerocket where they made Rise of the Kasai.


SolidSnakex said:
It'd be strange if they made it since while Sony San Diego did create it, the people that made it left and formed Bottlerocket where they made Rise of the Kasai.

So the same company still owns the IP, but the game design would be by a completely new set of designers? That could work if they keep a close eye on the original game while developing. I'd previously assumed this franchise was completely dead.


The Orange said:
So every time someone finds a rumor on these blogs that they think could be true, they start a new thread "omg omg megaton!"? It's better to keep all this shit in one thread, people who like reading this can read it, others can learn the difficult skill of not clicking the thread.

Totally agree. This thread is a necessary evil. Considering that we now have blogs from...





and many, many more.... it really is better to contain all the crazy in one thread.


Johnas said:
So the same company still owns the IP, but the game design would be by a completely new set of designers? That could work if they keep a close eye on the original game while developing. I'd previously assumed this franchise was completely dead.
Weird I thought the franchise flopped so hard that it was left for dead, let's hope they'll work with Don Bluth's (DP?) studios again because graphics were among the best seen on last gen consoles.


Busty said:
Totally agree. This thread is a necessary evil. Considering that we now have blogs from...





and many, many more.... it really is better to contain all the crazy in one thread.

but none of the last 3 have any credibility. at least surfergirl has a track record you can judge by (don't bother with the "bu..bu...but anyone could have made those guesses" schtick. it's just exaggeration, she's posted plenty of stuff that makes her more trustworthy than every Quartermann out there). I don't care if she's vouched for any of those new blogs, that's a stretch too far.

there's a reason no one pays attention to all the sites spewing out bullshit like "MGS4 for 360. Confirmed by Kojima!" and threads like that have been subsequently locked after 3 posts. The only difference here is that surfergirl has been right many times.
ram said:
so much bullshit now - with surfergirl it was one (who has yet to be proven 100% correct), but now with all the other fakes...ugh...maybe this thread should be closed for good.



Zenith said:
but none of the last 3 have any credibility. at least surfergirl has a track record you can judge by (don't bother with the "bu..bu...but anyone could have made those guesses" schtick. it's just exaggeration, she's posted plenty of stuff that makes her more trustworthy than every Quartermann out there). I don't care if she's vouched for any of those new blogs, that's a stretch too far.

there's a reason no one pays attention to all the sites spewing out bullshit like "MGS4 for 360. Confirmed by Kojima!" and threads like that have been subsequently locked after 3 posts. The only difference here is that surfergirl has been right many times.

I've never claimed that SurferGirl is making things up. I do believe that SurferGirl is indeed in contact with several people within the video games industry. However, and this is something I've said before, she does accept alot of e-mail tips and stories and I think that this is where the wheels start to come off with her blog.

I've no doubt that everyone else is simply rehashing and padding out old rumours. Though, in saying that, I think that Indiana Dunes and Skaterboi (sp?) are probably the least offensive in terms of out and out bullshit.

But the big point is, Quarterman in EGM at least clearly signals that he presents rumours. Surfergirl and her peers present all their offerings as fact. Frankly, after GDC, I think they are all going to have egg on their face to one degree or another.


SolidSnakex said:
It'd be strange if they made it since while Sony San Diego did create it, the people that made it left and formed Bottlerocket where they made Rise of the Kasai.

Does Bottlerocket even exist anymore?

EDIT: They do exist and are working on a "next-gen" game, but they're still looking for a programming lead, like wtf.


New IndianaDunes stuff

Contribution to Society

Without further ado..

1) Pringles adver-game coming to XBLA in the US
2) Relentless (creators of Buzz!) due to unveil brand new IP at GDC. And it ain't what you think.
3) If Boom Blox wasn't what you were hoping for, EA also has a PC/PS3/360 project in the works with Splorgenberg
4) Paramount and Universal joining Warner on Europe's 360 movie marketplace before the end of February.
5) Madden 09 already running at 60fps on PS3
6) New slim 360 in the works for 2009 with integrated unreplaceable HD
That is too stupid to be true.


Kittonwy said:
Does Bottlerocket even exist anymore?

Yup and they announced to be working on a new game back in November.


November 9th, 2007

BottleRocket entertainment is developing a triple-A,next-generation action game for a major publisher. This means we have opportunities for outstanding artists, programmers, and designers to join our team and make great games right now!
We want to work with seasoned professionals and talented young developers alike. We look forward to hearing from you!

Whether you like it or not, she has gotten several things right. I'd love to see any one of you reveal the entire Resistance 2 plot months before the game is even announced.

Well, she does work at Sony.

And for lots of things that she's right on, there are "rumors" that I know for a fact are wrong.

Whenever she made the remarks about Infinity Ward already working on CoD6 was the most recent bit of news that I know wasn't true.

Now, IW could eventually begin work on CoD6, but no such headway had been made at the time.


SolidSnakex said:
Yes, later last year they updated their webpage saying they'c ucrrently working on a game for a major publisher.

I wonder who that publisher is. Rise of Kasai didn't really do all that well, both in terms of sales and critical acclaim, there were just studios with design philosophies that I wasn't comfortable with, Bottlerocket was one of them, I don't know why studios can't all have design sensibilities of a Naughty Dog/Insomniac/R* North/Nintendo EAD, things like x for jump and ability to jump and climb on geometry instead of being restricted by invisible wall even for low objects, ability to rotate the camera with the right stick, aim automatically where the center of where the camera is pointing, integration of platforming and puzzles into games, I just didn't like the whole assigning buttons to enemies.


kassatsu said:

Cheers. I must have missed that. :D

If true, and Bottlerocket are indeed the studio behind it, I think that this game could be a PSN title rather than a 'AAA' Blu Ray release.

But then again, Ninja Theory weren't exactly well known (if at all) before they started work on Heavenly Sword.


Contribution to Society

Without further ado..

1) Pringles adver-game coming to XBLA in the US
2) Relentless (creators of Buzz!) due to unveil brand new IP at GDC. And it ain't what you think.
3) If Boom Blox wasn't what you were hoping for, EA also has a PC/PS3/360 project in the works with Splorgenberg
4) Paramount and Universal joining Warner on Europe's 360 movie marketplace before the end of February.
5) Madden 09 already running at 60fps on PS3
6) New slim 360 in the works for 2009 with integrated unreplaceable HD

3) If Boom Blox wasn't what you were hoping for, EA also has a PC/PS3/360 project in the works with Splorgenberg



Is this a real dev name?!

Edit: I just realized he probably meant Spielberg. This is probably great evidence of a GAF reader though, no?


Kittonwy said:
I don't know why studios can't all have design sensibilities of a Naughty Dog/Insomniac/R* North/Nintendo EAD, things like x for jump and ability to jump and climb on geometry instead of being restricted by invisible wall even for low objects, ability to rotate the camera with the right stick, aim automatically where the center of where the camera is pointing, integration of platforming and puzzles into games, I just didn't like the whole assigning buttons to enemies.

Insomniac is actually quite stingy with the "jump on anything" ability (as was Naughty Dog with the Jak series). All the R&C games seem to have invisible walls in really irrational places.


batbeg said:
Edit: I just realized he probably meant Spielberg. This is probably great evidence of a GAF reader though, no?

It seems that both SurferGirl and this IndianaDunes character are people who do happen to pass through these parts from time to time.

SurferGirl admitted to have a GAF account (IIRC) but said that 'she' only posted a few times and hasn't logged in for months.

So the equation seems to be GAF-----Interweb------GAF.


Busty said:
But the big point is, Quarterman in EGM at least clearly signals that he presents rumours. Surfergirl and her peers present all their offerings as fact. Frankly, after GDC, I think they are all going to have egg on their face to one degree or another.
If you cant personally decide that information coming from an anonymous blog should be considered rumor, please leave the internet. now.


kyle (in stereo) said:
Well, she does work at Sony.

And for lots of things that she's right on, there are "rumors" that I know for a fact are wrong.

Whenever she made the remarks about Infinity Ward already working on CoD6 was the most recent bit of news that I know wasn't true.

Now, IW could eventually begin work on CoD6, but no such headway had been made at the time.

Anyway, I think I'll go ahead and start on copy/pasting whatever rumors she's posted up (and if they're true or not) to a word doc.
Duck said:

Anyway, I think I'll go ahead and start on typing up copy/pasting whatever rumors she's posted up (and if they're true) or not to a word doc.

make a better thread than this and keep the OP updated?


Duck said:

Anyway, I think I'll go ahead and start on typing up copy/pasting whatever rumors she's posted up (and if they're true) or not to a word doc.

I knew I picked the best candidate. :D


Duck said:

Anyway, I think I'll go ahead and start on typing up copy/pasting whatever rumors she's posted up (and if they're true) or not to a word doc.

About time, too bad that you can't get the edits she has made though.

Perhaps it should just be from here on and out. ^.^
SOoooooo I was wondering... since I'm sure I'm not the only one who's kind of lttp on this whole surfergirl thing, I was wondering if the IP could just add a little somethin' somthin' that explains this whole mess.

I tried to read some pages, but all I got was pain.


bridegur said:
Insomniac is actually quite stingy with the "jump on anything" ability (as was Naughty Dog with the Jak series). All the R&C games seem to have invisible walls in really irrational places.

All games have invisible walls, I think Insomniac and Naughty Dog games are alot more open than games from most other developers, outside of GTASA there isn't really many games where you can literally go everywhere but compared to let's say a game like Primal or Heavenly Sword, games like Jak 3, Uncharted and Ratcht and Clank FTOD simply feel alot bigger.


BelligerentOC said:
make a better thread than this and keep the OP updated?
I might.

I'm definitely not going to cover the spin-off blogs, nor am I sure I want to trudge through the comments and pair "is ____ coming to Wii and is ____ in the works" and "anonymous, 1 yes. 2 no.", with quotations and everything. Maybe after I cover everything in the main blog posts.

This will take a while...



Double Fine is likely developing a game called Brutal Legend. The owner of brutallegend.com is the now-defunct Circus Freak Studios and Caroline Esmurdoc, founder and CEO of Circus Freak, is now Executive Producer and COO at Double Fine.

Max Payne 3 will see release in either summer or fall of next year for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3

The believed-to-be-canceled game that was at development alongside the previously-believed-to-be-canceled Manhunt 2 at the now-defunct Rockstar Vienna has not been canceled and is currently being developed by an unknown Rockstar studio. Take-Two plans on having one major sequel release from Rockstar each season of next year, with MC:LA for winter, GTAIV for spring, MP3 in either summer or fall....and DNF (Duke Nukem Forever for those who do not like acronyms) in either summer or fall (whichever one that MP3 does not come out in).

Also, Take-Two plans on introducing Bioshock swag, starting with various items featuring the recently-trademarked "Every Man Has a Choice, I Chose the Impossible."

A source close to the title has informed me that Max Payne 3 is being developed for PS3 as well. And another source tells me that the game is being developed in Vancouver.


How's that for a start?


Finally I'm done. It seems like there's more political crap than game rumors so it went faster than I thought.

So here's the deal – I'll probably make a new thread and spread all this info out over multiple posts (since I doubt it'd fit in a single one by itself) with some blank ones for future rumors. The thing is, I'm not sure what to name the thread for whatever reason and I have a gut feeling it could turn into another Surfer Girl discussion thread like this and I'm not all that sure the mods want two rumor threads floating around.

So, advice for thread title names and proceeding with posting such a thing is welcome.


SolidSnakex said:
Yeah but is it locked or is it bouncing all over the place?

locked. it was a pretty big focus at tiburon from what i hear, and sony sent some of their techs over a couple times so far to help tiburon's graphics guys get up to speed.
Zenith said:
but none of the last 3 have any credibility. at least surfergirl has a track record you can judge by (don't bother with the "bu..bu...but anyone could have made those guesses" schtick. it's just exaggeration, she's posted plenty of stuff that makes her more trustworthy than every Quartermann out there). I don't care if she's vouched for any of those new blogs, that's a stretch too far.

there's a reason no one pays attention to all the sites spewing out bullshit like "MGS4 for 360. Confirmed by Kojima!" and threads like that have been subsequently locked after 3 posts. The only difference here is that surfergirl has been right many times.

Actually Surfergirl has said Skaterboy knows what he's talking about. (if that counts for anything)


Duck said:
Finally I'm done. It seems like there's more political crap than game rumors so it went faster than I thought.

So here's the deal – I'll probably make a new thread and spread all this info out over multiple posts (since I doubt it'd fit in a single one by itself) with some blank ones for future rumors. The thing is, I'm not sure what to name the thread for whatever reason and I have a gut feeling it could turn into another Surfer Girl discussion thread like this and I'm not all that sure the mods want two rumor threads floating around.

So, advice for thread title names and proceeding with posting such a thing is welcome.

thank you i like rumors at all - but its getting way over board with all these spawns. your new formating will make thins easier to read and hopefully help to decide wether these guys/girls are credible or not.


kiruyama said:
Actually Surfergirl has said Skaterboy knows what he's talking about. (if that counts for anything)

"I don't care if she's vouched for any of those new blogs, that's a stretch too far."

Right in the post you quoted. and I go on to say that I only believe in Surfergirl because she's been right more often then not, not because I place some unconditional trust in random faceless blogs.


Well she got the Nintendo characters in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance part true.

There are pics of Link on the artists homesite.

I'm now a 100% SurferGirl believer.
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