Again, the failure is to provide a nuanced view of this.
Muslims are not all incompatible or unwilling to integrate. Most are not terrorists. Islam as a relgion, was capable of great enlightened thinking.
But people like arguing over each other. The right, enjoying their newfound public support feel safe and make lame general arguments. The left, like always, enjoy sitting on their high horse and preach tolerance, citing historical facts about how Islam was a great religion. They are also very quick to use the race card in silencing critics, though these days, conservatives are less intimidated by it and it just tends to derail the discussion entirely into tit for tat accusations.
Both also tend to ignore the humiliation many practitioners of the religions has felt after the collapse of the Ottoman caliphate, and the very conservative yearning for a glorious past, that tends to taint, radicalize and further push some Muslims in some conservative countries further to fanaticism.
Both are wrong in their own way. The failure of the discussion to distinguish for example between different types of Muslim immigrants, country of origin etc. is troubling.
The ones that the Daily Mail crowd likes to rage on the most are economic immigrants from impoverished 3rd world Muslim countries with very conservative social views. The right is correct in painting these types of immigrants as unwilling to integrate. Because they really do not wish to do so.
The guardian crowd on the otherhand tend to point out the well to do immigrants from North Africa, well educated exiles from secular classes in Iran and Iraq or Muslims from moderate countries like Turkey as proof positive that Muslims integrate well. But the bar is so ridiculously low, when the right is making fallacious arguments that essentially amount to saying All As are Bs.
This is why discussions tend to go in circles.
To be quite honest, I think some of the politicians have the right idea. Restrict immigration from conservative Muslim countries, and include a disclaimer that immigration to a new land requires adhering to new laws, and social norms.
And that some assimilation is required to function in their adoptive society.