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Survey Shows Germans Sceptical about Muslims and Islam + bonus euro bigotry

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Germany being Germany again. The country will never learn from their mistakes.

Also how disrespectful against those millions of hard working Turks. Who actually feel more German than Turkish (new generation).


BananaBomb said:
America has a huge Jewish population comparable to that of Israel itself and Europe has shown itself to be less than trustworthy when it comes to not gassing millions of people. Also, America doesn't have a huge population of poor, uneducated muslims contributing to antisemitism. Most muslims in America are actually among the upper classes, I think.
Nazi Germany =/= Europe

I mean, most of Europe fought the nazis during WWII but don't let that get in the way of your ignorance.


Deku said:
Again, the failure is to provide a nuanced view of this.

Muslims are not all incompatible or unwilling to integrate. Most are not terrorists. Islam as a relgion, was capable of great enlightened thinking.

But people like arguing over each other. The right, enjoying their newfound public support feel safe and make lame general arguments. The left, like always, enjoy sitting on their high horse and preach tolerance, citing historical facts about how Islam was a great religion. They are also very quick to use the race card in silencing critics, though these days, conservatives are less intimidated by it and it just tends to derail the discussion entirely into tit for tat accusations.

Both also tend to ignore the humiliation many practitioners of the religions has felt after the collapse of the Ottoman caliphate, and the very conservative yearning for a glorious past, that tends to taint, radicalize and further push some Muslims in some conservative countries further to fanaticism.

Both are wrong in their own way. The failure of the discussion to distinguish for example between different types of Muslim immigrants, country of origin etc. is troubling.

The ones that the Daily Mail crowd likes to rage on the most are economic immigrants from impoverished 3rd world Muslim countries with very conservative social views. The right is correct in painting these types of immigrants as unwilling to integrate. Because they really do not wish to do so.

The guardian crowd on the otherhand tend to point out the well to do immigrants from North Africa, well educated exiles from secular classes in Iran and Iraq or Muslims from moderate countries like Turkey as proof positive that Muslims integrate well. But the bar is so ridiculously low, when the right is making fallacious arguments that essentially amount to saying All As are Bs.

This is why discussions tend to go in circles.

To be quite honest, I think some of the politicians have the right idea. Restrict immigration from conservative Muslim countries, and include a disclaimer that immigration to a new land requires adhering to new laws, and social norms.

And that some assimilation is required to function in their adoptive society.

yes, i agree 100%

i dont think people are hating on islam itself, it is more the backwards traditions and norms that people from the poorest and most conservative countries on the planet bring with them.
Woah. This is shocking because I always thought of 21st century Europe as some sort of enlightened utopia of acceptance and progressive thought.
BananaBomb said:
Europe has shown itself to be less than trustworthy when it comes to not gassing millions of people.

Seriously? With those arguments, you can state that African Americans should leave the US because it has a bad history of slavery.

Get out of here with stupid statements like those.


The not enough contact with Muslims is a bunch of bull, the Germans have a massive Turkish population.

All the Muslims I know, I view them as positive influences on society. Though that doesn't change my belief that their religion is corrosive to secular society at large. That is a view I hold of all religions.


ClosingADoor said:
Seriously? With those arguments, you can state that black people should leave the US because it has a bad history of slavery.

Get out of there with stupid statements like those.
Pretty much.
ClosingADoor said:
Seriously? With those arguments, you can state that African Americans should leave the US because it has a bad history of slavery.

Get out of there with stupid statements like those.

But how do we know the U.S. won't amend the constitution again to legalize slavery

but this time anyone can be a slave just like in Ancient Greece. You know that actually sounds like a cool idea for a short story.


Will Eat Your Children
Half of Netherlands views Muslims as bad people?

Damn, I need to start visiting some villages and see how much of that is true


Does not represent my views and my experiences at all.

samus i am said:
Yep, I dated a German girl for 2 years. She definitely did not like them for no apparent reason. She also didn't like Turkish people.... and Austrians... and people from India. Germans are pretty xenophobic.

Worst post of the day.
milanbaros said:
That site says that only 367 women in France wear the burqa out of 3 million muslim women. That may be true but here in the UK the figure is much much higher. I live in Birmingham and see women in full burqa everday, many of them.

This has no real relevence. Just found that figure really really low.

Can't see their faces, so might be the same few women stalking you...
shaft said:
Germany being Germany again. The country will never learn from their mistakes.

Also how disrespectful against those millions of hard working Turks. Who actually feel more German than Turkish (new generation).

With such idiotic statements you show that you are the biggest hypocrit in this thread so far.
You complain about what you perceive as prejudices and xenophobia by adding a bit of your own to the mix.
WorriedCitizen said:
With such idiotic statements you show that you are the biggest hypocrit in this thread so far.
You complain about what you perceive as prejudices and xenophobia by adding a bit of your own to the mix.

I think the poll says it all, no? And let's look at the history of the country the poll is taken. What is not right about my sentence?
theignoramus said:
Read the most thumbed up comment below the video.:lol
(which conveniently ends with the immigrant thugs posturing and getting the last word)
Read the latest comments :D

Also I haven't really expressed my opinions on this subject except what I noticed from my german/other european friends and what, amongst things they expirience in real life, influences their negative views toward Islam, so don't hate :p
milanbaros said:
That site says that only 367 women in France wear the burqa out of 3 million muslim women. That may be true but here in the UK the figure is much much higher. I live in Birmingham and see women in full burqa everday, many of them.

This has no real relevence. Just found that figure really really low.
That was the point. Few of them go full burqa, few go hijab while few others wear nothing on their heads. Its wrong to mis-characterize all Muslim women as burqa wearing subservient chickens.

Zefah said:
Yes... because so many people think about whether or not the "founding fathers" would have approved of Muslims or not...

I take it you're not really well versed on the state of American discourse these days.
samus i am said:
Yep, I dated a German girl for 2 years. She definitely did not like them for no apparent reason. She also didn't like Turkish people.... and Austrians... and people from India. Germans are pretty xenophobic.

the hell?


Teetris said:
Half of Netherlands views Muslims as bad people?

Damn, I need to start visiting some villages and see how much of that is true

No, 44% of Netherlands does not have a positive view of Islam/Muslims.


44% =/= half
Not a positive view =/= think they are bad people


Gold Member
It's by and large amusing that since I'm traveling in an Islamic country right now I can't actually post a comment. Turned out my Dad himself got in trouble with the internal security agency for his political comments on Facebook, so I don't think I should be posting anything too unacceptable whilst actually within said country.

Suffice it to say, whilst most of the distaste is by and large related to general xenophobia, it doesn't change the fact that one does not need to accept or like a certain ideology, especially if said ideology in its current form is not concurrent with human progress and well-being.

The last thing that's needed after trying to overcome Christian regressionism is an even more regressive ideology.
Survey is quite questionable in its methodology, we'd need more info to judge it properly. Multiculturalism in Germany has failed though, no questions about that.


The survey provides strong empirical evidence of a wide disconnect between ordinary German voters and Germany's political class over Muslim immigration and the role of Islam in the country.
Like pretty much every single other European country. No wonder tempers are fraying.

lightless_shado said:
Woah. This is shocking because I always thought of 21st century Europe as some sort of enlightened utopia of acceptance and progressive thought.
We are, that's why some of us aren't happy about a demographic change skewing toward the religious conservatives.
That cracked article was mindblowing. Seriously.
Most of the Muslim Population is in Asia? :lol :lol :lol Oh man, that's fucking brilliant.


TacticalFox88 said:
That cracked article was mindblowing. Seriously.
Most of the Muslim Population is in Asia? :lol :lol :lol Oh man, that's fucking brilliant.

The only thing that is mindblowing is that you didn't know the majority of muslims live in Asia. Appearantly that article was written for you.

(btw, you did know all the Arab states are also in Asia right?)
Germans get a bad rap on the racism. I had a German neighbor, looked like a valkyrie. She was way into black dudes. Got a German buddy who loves latina chicks. They are also pretty laidback when it comes to other people's business. Food is good, too.
TacticalFox88 said:
That cracked article was mindblowing. Seriously.
Most of the Muslim Population is in Asia? :lol :lol :lol Oh man, that's fucking brilliant.

uuuhhhh.....you do know that southeast-asian country Indonesia has the world's largest muslim population?
There live around 230 million muslims (out of ~240 million citizens)

edit: yea, sorta beaten by Tence


shaft said:
I think the poll says it all, no? And let's look at the history of the country the poll is taken. What is not right about my sentence?

Are you fucking kidding me. Have you ever been to my country? Well, one thing is certain, you would have made a great Nazi follower back then.


Tence said:
The only thing that is mindblowing is that you didn't know the majority of muslims live in Asia. Appearantly that article was written for you.

(btw, you did know all the Arab states are also in Asia right?)

I think he's laughing at these revalatory stats. The article is written for morons.


RustyNails said:
That was the point. Few of them go full burqa, few go hijab while few others wear nothing on their heads. Its wrong to mis-characterize all Muslim women as burqa wearing subservient chickens.

:D I know what the point was. I was merely pointing out that the figure seems much higher where I live than 1 in 10,000 considering I see a few everyday.

Burqa wearing = subservient chickens? I know people who started wearing the full burqa at university because they felt like they would finally be accepted for wearing what they wanted.

Bloody hell, there is some shite being spouted in this thread.


Meteorain said:
Do you mean the first 2 points or the priority points #1 and #2?
eh the second

#1 and #2, the #1 is presented in a very stupid way, and presents a very strange argument with "the renasaince wouldn't be necesarry" which completaly ignores the fact that the islamic golden age was already comming to an end in the time the renasaince started due to political infighthing and also due to more fundamentalist reading of the quran. To say that point 2 wouldn't hapen and that there would be no infighthing despite having a much bigger hostile territory if they conquered all of europe is compleatly absurd

there is also the "look american muslims like evolution that means all muslims everywhere like evolution and they are totaly better than americans" is the biggest bullshit I read in quite a while and compleatly ignores the status of muslim immigrants in the US and the background they come from

#2 is actualy fucking offensive since it gnores all the muslim atrocities commited in the middle ages and tries to whitewash them
It's a cracked article, not a Times news piece.

It's not going to go into massive detail and deeply analyse each point with pros and cons, it's talking generally, and does a good job of getting it's point across.
shaft said:
I think the poll says it all, no? And let's look at the history of the country the poll is taken. What is not right about my sentence?

Are you really that dense? You equal todays German population with the nazi regime, some of the worst criminals the world has ever seen. How is that different from someone who says "Muslim=terrorist"?
It's actualy a even worse comparison for two reasons: a) no muslim terrorist ever murdered people in such staggering numbers b) the correlation you make is not even by being member of the same cult but simply by geographical location.
And why should someone born in the 70's or 80's in Cologne have learned a bigger lesson from ww2 then someone born in Eindhoven or Zürich or wherever? You my friend are a fucking racist and yet you have the nerve to accuse others of it.

The next thing is that in the first place making a leap from a poll like this to industrialized mass murder is huge. You are just simply full of shit to equal these things, no you are downright offensive to anyone who was a victim of the nazi regime and you are offensive to anyone who believes in freedom of opinion and democracy.

On top of that you mix in your wild assumptions as "facts". There are no "millions of hard working Turks" in Germany. There are 1.6 million Turks and almost 450.000 live of welfare, who also get health insurance paid for their families back in Turkey.
And if you would follow the opinions more closely you would realise that nobody complains about immigrants who feel German but about immigrants who feel something else and dont speak the language properly even in the third generation.

But yea keep on playing that nazi card. It will surely help to solve problems with bad integration.
Chairman Yang said:
It's good to be skeptical of Islam as an ideology, but let's face it, the majority of these people are basing their dislike of Islam on xenophobia, not rationality.

I am Xenuphobic


@worried citicen:
thank you, that is the truth


Maleficence said:
It's a cracked article, not a Times news piece.

It's not going to go into massive detail and deeply analyse each point with pros and cons, it's talking generally, and does a good job of getting it's point across.
No the list is utter shit.

One example:

during which they fucking invented algebra

Utter lie. Algebra precedes Islam - and Christianity for that matter. What happened was that Europe adobted the arab word Algebra thats all.


shaft said:
Go to Limburg. And be ashamed of being dutch. I sure am.

Ah the good old self-hate. A part of the population is racist (news for you: All countries have racists/xenophobes)


DennisK4 said:
No the list is utter shit.
Come on, admit it, prior to reading that list you thought all muslims wore veils. Males & females, young & old, you thought they all wore the veil.

Yeah, the list is shit. Having said that, the founding fathers bit makes me think it was made for a small subset of the American population, not general consumption. Perhaps the American audience are considerably more ignorant of Islam?
They may not have invented algebra, but they certainly did progress it a lot, that same phrase applies to a lot of the sciences.
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